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英语中的动词用法1 作谓语的动词 谓语动词的主动和被动形式也即为谓语的主动语态和被动语态。谓语使用主动或被动语态取决于句子主语和谓语动作的关系,如果主语是谓语动作的发出者,则谓语使用主动语态;反之,如果主语是谓语动作的承受者,则用被动语态。但必须注意以下几点: 1) 由于受汉语语义的影响,很难辨别某些动词是否为及物动词。如:happen,occur,take place(发生),rise(上升),go up/down (上升/下降),come up(提出),break out(爆发), belong to(属于), run out(用光), remain(仍然是,留下)等均为不及物动词,没有被动语态。在去电影院的路上他们发生了一件不愉快的事。应译为: An unhappy thing happened to them on the way to the cinema. 在会议上提出了一个新的问题。: A new problem came up at the meeting. 又如: The prices of food have gone up. All of our food has run out. After the fire, very little remained of my house. 2)某些动词既可做系动词又可充当实义动词,作系动词时不用被动语态。如 :taste(品尝/品尝起来),smell(嗅/闻起来),prove(证明/证明是),turn out(使向外,关掉,结果是)等。类似的动词还有look,sound,feel,grow等。试比较以下例句: -Can it be tasted? -Sure. Does it taste delicious? It has been proved that this drug can cure cancer. It proves true/a true story. Make sure the gas-fire is turned out before you go to bed. Everything turned out well. 3)有些动词在使用时不强调动作的发出者或承受者,而是说明主语的性能和特征。作此用法的谓语动词不使用被动语态。如:contain, cost, fit, suit, have, lack, read, write, translate, record, lock, shut, open, wash, clean, wear, run, sell, break,catch, drive, let(出租)等以及诸如短语result from(缘于),belong to, consist of等只用主动语态。The book sells well. This kind of cloth washes very well. The door locks easily. Your composition reads well. 比较:The house would let easily. There is a house to be let. 4)当拟人手法中的谓语动词表示因缺乏力气主语(物体)不愿干时,用主动will/would not do表被动意义,意为不能。如:shut, move, run, open, stop等。 The door wont shut. Having been ill for a week, he felt very weak. He wanted to get up, but his leg wouldnt move. He tried to open the door, but the door wouldnt open. 试比较: The door wont lock. (指门本身有毛病,门锁不上) The door wont be locked. (指不会有人来锁门,门不会被锁上) 5)有些常接反身代词作宾语的谓语动词,常常用其被动形式表状态。如:prepare,dress,seat,devote等。I have prepared myself for the exam. -I am prepared for the exam. I dressed myself in red today. -I am dressed in red today. He devoted himself to his teaching work.He was devoted to his teaching work. 6)表示开始、结束的动词(begin, start, end, finish 等)及动词blame,常用不定式的主动形式表示被动意义。 The shop opens at 6 a.m. every day. How does the story end? Who is to blame for starting the fire? 7)另外有少数动词的进行时有时有被动意义,如:do, own, cook, bind, print等。The meat is cooking. The book is printing. 8)一些动词表度量衡时常用主动形式。如:rent, measure, weigh等。 The tree measures 15 metres tall. The stones each weigh three tons. The house rents at 50 a year. 9)It is said that+从句及其他类似句型。It is said/reported/believed/thought/hoped/well known/suggested that. 例:It is said that the boy has passed the national exam. (=The boy is said to have passed the national exam. ) 10)带同源宾语的及物动词不能用于被动语态:die, death, dream, live, life。She dreamed a bad dream last night. He died a heroic death. 2非谓语动词中的分词 分词的主动式和被动式通常分别由动词的现在分词和过去分词来表示。动词的分词在句法中通常充当定语、状语和补语。动词的分词形式由该动词与其逻辑名词的关系及时态决定。现在分词表示主动或进行;过去分词表示被动或完成。1)在使用充当定语的分词形式时,须考虑该动词与其所修饰的名词是主动关系还是被动关系,同时也要注意其语义上是表示进行还是完成。如:a broken glass(表被动,完成),a running train(表主动,进行),falling leaves(表进行),fallen leaves(表完成)。2)在使用充当状语的分词形式时,首先考虑该动词与主句主语的关系,然后要注意其语义上的时态。如: Seeing from the top of the hill, we can get a good view of the village. (表主动) Seen from the plane, the houses look like toys. (表被动) Having worked a whole day, he got very tired. (表主动,在之后) Having been showed to the library, they came to the meeting room. (表被动,在之后) 3)在使用充当主语补足语的分词形式时,我们要考虑该动词与主语的关系;同样,在使用充当宾语补足语的分词形式时,我们要考虑该动词与宾语的关系。如: The police found him lying on the floor, dead.(作宾补,表主动) After a long walk, they got home finally, tired and hungry.(作主补,表被动) 注意此类分词(如tired, exhausted, astonished, bored等)作原因状语的形式通常为being done, 如: Being tired and hungry, they decided to stop working and go home.(作原因状语) 特殊结构:make oneself heard / understood (使别人能听见/理解自己), get/have sth. done ( 请某人做某事,遭遇不幸)。如: The teacher spoke slowly so that she could have herself understood. I had my wallet stolen. Father had his car washed. 3 非谓语动词中动名词的主动与被动形式的用法 1)动名词的主动形式为:doing ;被动形式为:being done 当动名词作宾语时,其主动与被动形式通常由该动词与句子主语的关系决定。如: I like reading.(I 跟read是主动关系) Nobody likes being laughed at. (nobody 跟laugh at是被动关系) 2)注意有些动词(如)后面接的作宾语的动名词时,常常以动名词的主动形式表示被动。这些动词有want,require,need,be worth 等。Your hair wants cutting. These books are required reading. 试比较: My bike needs repairing. 相当于 My bike needs to be repaired. This book is well worth reading. 相当于 This book is very worthy to be read. 4 非谓语动词中动词不定式的主动与被动形式的用法 1)惯用句式: something/somebody + adj. + to do. be too+ adj. (for somebody)to do.(to do 用主动形式表示被动) 这些形容词有nice,easy,fit,hard,difficult,important,impossible,pleasant,interesting等。如 : He is easy to get along with. The room is very comfortable to live in. English is difficult for us to learn. This book is too expensive (for me) to buy. 2)注意表目的、结果等状语的不定式或动词be, appear, remain, seem, look等之后作表语的不定式,应在分析不定式动词与句子主语间的逻辑关系的基础上选择合适的时态、语态形式。如: Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood. Do let your mother know all the truth. She appears to have been told everything. All these gifts must be mailed immediately so as to be received in time for Christmas. Sarah, hurry up. I am afraid you cant have time to get changed before the party. 5不定式作后置定语 1) 不定式的语态通常取决于不定式动词和被它修饰的名词的逻辑关系,当不定式动作的发出者不是主语,宾语和说话者时,被动关系用被动。It was the first such project to be designed by Chinese engineers. The question to be discussed at the next meeting will be rather difficult. He had a lot of clothes to be washed. He often waited for his wife to wash them. 2) 当不定式动词与被修饰的名词构成动宾关系,但和该句主语、宾语或说话者构成主谓关系时,用不定式的主动形式表示被动意义。如: The waiter asked me Wo you have any clothes to wash?不定式动词与说话人是主动关系) Students nowadays have lots of homework to do. (不定式动词与主语是主动关系) The teacher assigned us two exercises to do at home. (不定式动词与宾语是主动关系) 3) 因为阐明说话者的看法,且没有必要强调动作的执行者,所以在this/that is +名词+不定式句型中,不定式用主动形式表示被动。如: This is a hard question to answer. That is a nice place to visit. 4) 在there be句型中,修饰主语的不定式用主动形式和被动形式都可以。There is a lot of work (for us)to do. There is a lot of work to be done. There is no time to lose(to be lost) 6 非谓语动词在某些复合结构和分词独立结构的用法 1)不定式的复合结构:for/of somebody to do 受逻辑主语的影响动词不定式用主动形式。There is a lot of work for me to do. It is very kind of you to help me. 2)动名词的复合结构:somebody(s) doing/being done 受逻辑主语的影响动名词有相应的主动或被动形式。Would you mind Tom(s) opening the door. He cares much about his family being disgraced. 3)with复合结构:with +n.+doing/done/to do 复合结构中的分词形式取决于with后的名词与该动词的逻辑关系,如表主动关系,则用doing;如果是被动关系,则用done,同时要注意不定式的形式不仅与with后名词有关,而且还受句子的主语的影响。如: He went to the cave with the candle burning.(表主动和进行) With a lot of problems settled, the president was very satisfied.(表被动和完成) With a lot of problems to settle, the president is having a hard time.(不定式动词与主语是主动关系,而且表将来) 4)分词独立结构:n./pron.+现在分词(v.-ing的各种时态或语态形式) 当分词短语有它自己的主语时,就构成了分词独立结构。现在分词的时态和语态由语义及其逻辑主语决定。The problem having been settled, we went home.(被动关系) The guests having left, they resumed their discussion.(主动关系) 以上都是中学生在使用动词形式时在语态方面值得注意的几个问题。在2005年的全国各地的英语高考试卷中,语态和非谓语动词所占的分数比值大(语态共计5分,非谓语动词共计30分),可见动词形式在高考中的重要性。中学生在辨别动词的主被动形式时,要理清该动词与其逻辑主语或相关的其它成分(句子主语或宾语等)的关系,同时要分析句子结构、领悟语义,才能正确的运用动词的主动和被动形式。


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