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HIV/AIDS and human rights issues:Civil society advocacy and research艾滋病和人权问题:公民社会倡导与研究,Beijing, China 中国北京 March 2007 2007年3月Joanne Csete 乔安 夏塔 Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network,About the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network关于加拿大艾滋病()法律网,The Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network (www.aidslaw.ca) promotes the human rights of people living with and vulnerable to HIV/AIDS, in Canada and internationally, through research, legal and policy analysis, education, and community mobilization. The Legal Network is Canadas leading advocacy organization working on the legal and human rights issues raised HIV/AIDS. 加拿大艾滋病法律网(www.aidslaw.ca) 通过科研、 法律与政策分析、教育和社会动员促进加拿大及世界爱滋病人及易感人群的人权该法律网站是加拿大的主要从法律和人权角度关注艾滋病的宣传组织,Issues问题,HIV/AIDS in prisons 监狱中的艾滋病病毒艾滋病 Access to methadone 美砂酮的获得 Access to sterile syringes 消毒针具的获得 Access to condoms and HIV information 安全套和艾滋病资讯的获得 No need for segregation by HIV status 不能因艾滋病患者的身份而被隔离 Criminal law and HIV/AIDS transmission or exposure 刑法与艾滋病病毒艾滋病的传播或暴光,Issues问题,Criminal law and HIV/AIDS transmission or exposure 刑法与艾滋病病毒艾滋病的传播或暴光 In many countries, HIV+ people are charged with criminal assault if they have sex without disclosing their HIV status 在一些国家,如果艾滋病患者不告知对方自己感染而与其发生性关系,将被处以刑罚。 Criminal law is a “blunt instrument” for changing sexual behaviour 刑法对于改变性行为来说是一种生硬的手段,Issues问题,HIV testing policy 艾滋病病毒检测政策 Informed consent, confidentiality, counselling are being questioned in WHO and national policy 知情同意、保密、咨询,正在被世界卫生组织和国家政策所质疑 Many countries choosing to test all pregnant women for HIV “opt-out” policies 许多国家正试图对所有怀孕的妇女做艾滋病病毒检测 Immigration policy and HIV/AIDS 移民政策与艾滋病病毒艾滋病 Drug policy and harm reduction, human rights of people who use illegal drugs 药品政策与损害缩减;使用非法药品人的人权,Issues问题,HIV/AIDS-related stigma and discrimination 与艾滋病病毒艾滋病有关的羞辱和歧视 Workplace, access to medical and dental services, schools 工作场所、医院和牙科诊所、学校 Many cannot afford to take cases to human rights tribunals 一些人无力将案件诉诸人权法院 Income security for people living with HIV/AIDS 艾滋病病毒艾滋病患者的收入安全 Privacy protection and the disclosure of health information 私人保护及健康信息的爆光 Intellectual property, international trade and access to medicines 知识产权,国际贸易和药品可及性,Issues问题,Womens human rights and HIV/AIDS 妇女人权和艾滋病病毒艾滋病 HIV/AIDS vaccines: legal and ethical issues 艾滋病病毒艾滋病疫苗:法律与道德问题 Criminal law, HIV/AIDS and the human rights of sex workers 刑法,艾滋病病毒艾滋病和性工作者的人权 Legal issues facing Aboriginal communities in relation to HIV/AIDS 土著居民在艾滋病病毒艾滋病上面临的法律问题 HIV/AIDS and human rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals need special work to keep them on the political agenda 有关艾滋病病毒/艾滋病的人权问题不是一个普遍性问题;这个问题需要专项工作使其提上政治日程 Place where the most marginalized persons with the weakest political voice can turn. 政治地位最弱的社会最边缘人员的境况能够逆转。,Some achievements (1)成果,Amendment of Canadian patent law to enable compulsory licensing of pharmaceuticals for export to eligible countries 修改专利法,使强制许可的药品能够出口到符合条件的国家 Technical assistance to a wide range of organizations in all parts of the world on AIDS and human rights issues 在世界艾滋病和人权问题上为广大组织提供技术援助,Some achievements (1)成果,Improvement of HIV/AIDS services in prisons (example: new agreement in Ukraine for methadone and needle exchange) 改善监狱内艾滋病病毒/艾滋病病服务(例如,乌克兰美沙酮和注射剂调换新协议) Helped to block Canadian criminal law provisions for compulsory HIV testing; related local efforts 有助于阻止加拿大刑法中有关强制HIV测试的规定;相关地方的努力 Assistance to Thai Drug Users Network that helped them get a Global Fund grant 为泰国药物使用者网站提供协助,帮其获得全球基金的授权,Some achievements (3)成果,Assisted in advocacy leading to opening of a safe injection site for injection drug users in Canada (with more to come) 在加拿大为药物注射者开放安全的注射场所提供辩护上的协助(更多的人参加进来) Main authors of the updated (2002) guideline on treatment access of UN Guidelines on AIDS and Human Rights (Revised Guideline 6) 联合国艾滋病和人权指南的治疗介入部分(2002)更新指引的主要作者 Inclusion of human rights commitments in 2001 UN Declaration of Commitment; related human rights resolutions 2001年联合国宣言包括人权宣言;相关的人权决议 UNAIDS prevention strategy, UNGASS 2006 political declaration: saving harm reduction UNAIDS预防策略, UNGASS 2006 政治宣言:救助损害缩减,Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network 1240 Bay Street, Suite 600 Toronto, Ontario Canada M5R 2A7 Telephone电话: +1 416 595-1666 ext. 232 Fax传真: +1 416 595-0094 E-mali: jcseteaidslaw.ca Website网址: www.aidslaw.ca,Contact 联系方式,


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