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United 1A1.任何年满18岁的人都有资格投票1.Anyone over the age of 18 is eligible to vote.2. 每学期开学前,这些奖学金的申请表格就会由学校发给每一个学生。2.A form to apply for these scholarships is sent by the university to each student before the start of each semester.3. 遵照医生的建议,我决定戒烟。3.On the advice of my doctor, I decided to give up smoking.4.公园位于县城的正中央。4.The park is located right in the center of town.5.这所大学提供了我们所需的所有材料和设备。5.The university provides all the materials and facilities we desire.B1.鲁迅是中国最伟大的作家,同时也是世界杰出文人之一。1.Lu Xun is one of the greatest writer in China and one of the worlds outstanding men of letters.2.大部分研究生选择了文学作为其研究领域,其余的选择了语言学。2.Most graduate students chose literature as their field of study, and the rest made linguistics their choice.3.人们购买什么样的户型居住是根据各自的特殊需要和有关专家的建议。3.People buy what kind of houses to live in on the basis of their special needs and on the advice of relevant experts.4.这些虚拟教学设施能使亚非学生在一个真实的情景中学习外语至少 3 个月。4.These virtual teaching facilities enable overseas students from Asia and Africa to learn a foreign language in a real-life situation for a minimum of three months.5.学生在做出决定前应该认真核查他们是否有资格加入这一俱乐部,因为他们每个人只有一次选择机会。5.Students should check carefully that they are eligible to join this club before making their decision, as each of them is restricted to only one choice.United 2A1. 警察们正忙着填写关于这场事故的各种表格。1.The policemen are busy filling out forms about the accident.2.我想在还车之前把油箱(fuel tank)加满。2.I want to fill up the fuel tank before returning the car.3.如果你要投诉,最好遵循正确的程序。3.If you want to make a complaint, youd better follow the correct procedure.4.要不是约翰帮忙,我们绝不会这么快就完成实验。4.We couldnt have finished the experiment so soon without Johns help.5.暴风雨之后,岸边的人们焦急地搜索湖面以期发现小船的踪迹。5.After the storm, the people on the shore anxiously scanned the lake for any sign of the boat.B1.那时他刚刚被提升为公司副总裁不久,所以他并没有期待六个月内还会有升职。1. He had just been promoted to vice president of the company and wasnt expecting another promotion in six months2.大学毕业不久他就找到了一份满意的工作。2 .Shortly after he graduated from school, he jumped to a satisfactory job.3.绝大多数大学都有自己的主页,可以让申请者搜索他们需要的资料。3. Most colleges and universities have their homepages, enabling applicants to scan for the information available about the university they want to apply to.4.她轻轻地点击了一下鼠标,就把作业上交给了导师,并很快得到了回音。4.With a click of her mouse, she submitted her assignment to the tutor and soon got the reply.5.通过进入她将就读的大学的网站,她看到这所大学的许多彩色照片,还包括一幅详细的校园地图。5.By accessing the website of the university she was going to study in, she saw color photos of the university, including a detailed map of the university campus.United 3A1.我们需要通过减少道路上的车辆以降低燃料消耗。1.We need to cut down on our fuel consumption by having fewer cars on the road.2. 电费上涨增加了我们的负担。2.The rise in power costs has added to our burden.3. 你应该自己判断行事,别总是跟在你哥哥的后面。3.You should judge by yourself, and not always follow your brothers lead.4.那种发型今年很流行,但是我想明年就会过时。4.That hairstyle is in fashion this year, but I am afraid it will be out of fashion next year.5.在追求真理的过程中,我们注定要遭受失败的痛苦。5.We are fated to suffer from many failures in our quest for truth.B1.我从来没有停止考虑过我是否适合成为父母要我去做的人,虽然我一直听从父母的意愿1.Ive never stopped to question whether Im fit to be what my parents want me to be though Ive always been listening to my parents.2.一个人所做的所有事情都受到他的习惯、个性或生活方式的影响,是他的习惯、个性或生活方式告诉他需要这样做。2.All the things one has done are influenced by what his habits, his personality, or his way of life tell him he needs to do so. 3.大学是一个你可以与教授、学者一起工作的地方,因而你可以学习成为你想探索的任何领域的专门人才。3.College is a place where you can work with professors and scholars, so you can learn to be an expert in whatever field you want to be exploring.4.虽然我常翻阅杂志查看流行时尚,但仍然受到传统服装样式的影响。4.Although I look to magazines for fashion, I am still affected by the traditional dressing styles.5.因为人的本性让我们愿意打扮漂亮,所以我们往往跟着时尚模特的样子做。5.Because human nature makes us want to look nice, we follow the lead fashion models give us.United 4A1.她在公共汽车站一直等到末班车进站。1.She waited at the bus stop until the last bus came in.2.如果我们能帮得上忙,尽管和我们联系。2.If there is any way we can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.3.他需要多少船务人员才能使他的游艇(yacht)航行?3.How many crew does he need to sail his yacht?4.虽然她的新书没有上一本好,但是我还是喜欢它。4.I enjoyed her new book though its not quite as good as her last one.5.我从未遇到过如此善良的人。5.Never before have I met such a kind person.B1.在这个国家,以前从来没有这么多的人参加慢跑运动。1.Never before had so many people taken part in jogging in this country. 2.火箭升空的一刹那,所有的人都显得很激动。突然,火箭爆炸 ,燃成了一个火球。2.All the people appeared to be excited the moment the rocket reared up into the sky when it suddenly exploded into a ball of flames.3.4点30分,飞机被劫持开往邻国。3.It was 4:30 P.M. when the airplane was hijacked and directed to a neighbor country.4.包括9个在海外工作的,全班30个同学都回来参加了聚会。4.All 30 classmates came back for the reunion party, including nine alumni who are now working overseas.5.警察仔细搜寻了凶杀现场,只找到一个仍在黑暗中冒着轻烟的烟头。5.All that remained as the police combed through the scene of the murder was a cigarette end still smoking and flashing in the darkness.United 5A1.我们得把感情放在一边,从专业的(professional)角度来对待这件事.We have to put aside our emotions and take it from a professional standpoint.2.这部戏非常精彩,我很快就沉浸于激动人心的剧情之中。The play was so wonderful that I soon lost myself in the excitement of it.3. 她没有什么爱好 除非你把看电视也算是一种爱好。She hasnt got any hobbies unless you call watching TV a hobby.4.他说他是直接从市长本人那里得到这个信息的。Answer:He said that he had got the information first-hand from the Mayor himself.5.既然你不能回答这个问题,我们最好问问别人。Since you cant answer the question, perhaps wed better ask someone else5B1.我们要怎样才能找到一个合适的办法来引导残疾人士走向成功呢? 1.How can we find a proper way to steer disabled people toward success?2.不错,她是做过很可怕的事,但她已因此而受到了惩罚,而且现在她也愿意为此作出补偿。 2.Its true that she did something terrible before, but she was already punished for thatand shes willing to make it up for that. 3.上大学时我曾几度醉心于看侦探小说,但大学几年的大部分时间我还是读了各种有关大自然的书籍。 3.In college there were periods when I was highly focused on reading detective stories, but for most of my college years I read a wide range of books on nature.4.体操房并不是可以运动健身的惟一去处。4.The gym isnt the only place where you can exercise so as to keep energetic. 5.保持学习动力才会成功,除非你为你的职业生涯选择了一条死胡同。5.Staying motivated in your study can lead to successunless your choice ends up a dead end for your career.United 6A1.那件工作很难做,不过我想试试看。Answer:Its a difficult job, but Id like to have a shot.2.这是一本关于商务实践而非理论的书。Answer:This is a book about business practice as opposed to theory.3. 社会活动从未耽误她的学习。Answer:Social activities never get in the way of her studies.4. 直到1911年人们才发现第一种维生素 Answer:It was not until 1911 that the first of the vitamins was identified.5.很明显,自然灾害是造成这个国家经济危机的原因。Answer:Natural disasters have obviously contributed to the countrys economic crisis.6B1.从那一刻起,在哈利?波特系列影片中担任主角的11岁少年丹尼尔意识到自己的生活从此永远地改变了。1 From that moment on, 11-year-old Daniel who played the leading role in the “Harry Potter” movies recognized that his life would never be the same.2.这个年轻人相信:不管前进途中有多少困难,他都会实现他的梦想。 2 He was a young man who believed that he will fulfill his dream no matter how many difficulties lie in the way.3.他的妻子在车祸中丧生之后,他才意识到妻子在他的生活中曾经有多么重要。 3 It wasnt until his wife was killed in the accident that he realized how important she had been in his life.4.手中拿着一本童话故事书时,我总是觉得我被领进了一个美丽而纯洁的世界。4 With fairy tale book in hand, I always felt I was ushered into a world of beauty and purity.5.正像运动员要达到完美的地步需要日复一日反复训练一套大的日常训练计划中的少数动作一样,一个好学生平日就应该不断努力充实自己。5 Just as an athlete achieves perfection by repeated training of a few actions of the larger routine day after day, a good student should make continuous efforts to improve himself on a regular basisUnited 71. 他并不后悔说过的话,只是觉得他完全可以不用这种方式表达。1.He did not regret what he had said but felt that he could have expressed it differently.2.我们最好等到12月14日。那时大卫已考完试,就能和我们一起去度假了。2.Answer: Wed better wait till 14 December. David will have had his exam by then, so hell be able to go on holiday with us.3. 他正在做一个新项目,年底前必须完成。3.Hes working on a new project which has to be finished by the end of the year.4.他们让我们使用他们的实验室,作为回报,我们则让他们分享研究成果.4.They are letting us use their lab, and in return, we are sharing with them the results of our research.5.诸如打电话,听电话一类的事情占用了这位秘书的大部分时间。5.Such things as making and answering telephone calls take up most of the secretarys time.B1.尽管他有病在身,他却是我们公司尤其是销售部的顶梁柱。1 Despite his illness, he is a pillar of strength for our company and especially for the sales department.2.她从不惧怕困难,因为她知道不管发生什么事,父母的关爱总会和她在一起。2 .She never feared difficulties, because she knew that no matter what, her parents concern and love would be there.3.汤姆决定辍学。像任何有责任心的老师那样,威尔逊先生极力劝阻他改变主意3.Tom decided to drop out of school, and Mr. Wilson tried to sway him from his decision, as any responsible teacher would.4.结果,中国女子排球队接着获得了一枚又一枚金牌,成为整个国家的一个令人激动的事件。4.As it turned out, the Chinese Womens Volleyball Team went on to win one gold medal after another, an exciting event for the whole country. 5.只要坚持下去,你的目标就一定能实现。5.Hang in there and your goal will certainly be achieved.United 81. 为了追求更为健康的饮食,人们现在比过去吃鱼多。1.In pursuit of a healthier diet, people are eating more fish than they used to.2.我们需要在坏天气到来之前叫人把屋顶修一修。2.We need to have the roof repaired before the bad weather sets in.3.这种疾病正在蔓延,所有儿童都有被传染的危险。3.The disease is spreading, and all young children are at risk.4.信息通过电话线从一台电脑传到另一台电脑。4.The information is transmitted from one computer to another through a telephone line.5.杰克是个相当好的赛跑运动员。他在大多数情况下都能获胜。5.Jack is a fairly good runner. He wins more often than not.1.听说这家高新技术公司实施了多种优惠政策以防止人才流失。1.It sounds like this high-tech company has put in place many favorable measures to protect against brain drains.2.如果造纸厂为了追求高额利润而置环境问题于不顾,就着实堪忧了2.The worry comes when paper-mills ignore the environmental pollution in pursuit of profits.3.参加托福考试前去上考前辅导班非常重要,但要想真正学好英语这却不是一劳永逸之策。3.Its vitally important that one attend a test-preparation class before taking a TOEFL test but this cannot be a one-off event if he really wants to have a good command of English.4.医生的潜意识里应该随时留意潜在的危险,而且一旦出现紧急情况必须立刻采取适当的措施。regulations4.The potential threat should always be in the back of a doctors mind and appropriate measures should be taken in no time once emergency arises.5.归根到底,科学和教育是一个国家兴旺发达的关键,而且应该坚持不懈。5.In the end, science and education are the keys to a prosperous country and this is a continual process.


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