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学校 班级 学号 姓名 装订线新沂河实验学校英语六年级(6B)期中测试听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词,将序号填在题前的括号内。(8分)( ) 1. A. shout B. short C. shirt ( ) 2. A. long B. along C. longer( ) 3. A. beautiful B. wonderful C. careful( ) 4. A. animal B. cinema C. small( ) 5. A. fast B. farther C. faster( ) 6. A. house B. horse C. how( ) 7. A. train station B. history museum C. shopping center ( ) 8. A. stop B. stops C. stopped二、根据所听问题,选择正确的答句。(6分)( ) 1. A. Im tall. B. My father is taller than me. C. No, my father is taller than me. D. Im taller.( ) 2. A. Yes, we do. B. Yes, I am. C. We look the same. D. No, we arent.( ) 3. A. Yours is, I think. B. Su Hais ruler is longer. C. Its hers. D. Yes, it is.( ) 4. A. He swims faster than Gao Shan. B. Yes, they do. C. No, he doesnt. He swims faster than Gao Shan. D. Yes, he is.( ) 5. A. Its on the desk. B. Its in front of the Museum. C. You cant miss it. D. No, it isnt ( ) 6. A. Its about two centimeters away. B. Its about a kilometre away. C. Its three. D. Its on your left.三、听录音,判断下列句子正误,对的用“T”表示,错的用“F”表示6分 ( ) 1. Andy is older than Ben. ( ) 2. Ben is taller than Andy. ( ) 3. They study in a middle school. ( ) 4. Andy does well in Art. ( ) 5. Andy sings better than Ben.( ) 6. Ben jumps higher than Andy.四、听录音,完成对话。(10分)A: Excuse me, is there a near here?B: No. But one near the Bank of China.A: I get there?B: Its far from here. Youd better bus No.3 to go there.A: But wheres the bus stop?B: Go this_, and then _ _ at the first crossingYou can see it.笔试部分(70分)一、判断下列划线部分的读音是否相同,相同的打“ ”,不同的打“ ”。(6分) 1. forty word ( ) 2. shirt girl ( ) 3. read head ( ) 4. dear bear ( ) 5. first worker ( ) 6. blouse touch ( )二、词组互译。(10分)1.与一样重 2.every ten minutes 3.体育学得好 _ _ 4.at the second crossing 5.上车 _ 6.do more exercise 7.飞得更高 _ 8.have a chat _ 9.向右转 _ 10.five kilometers 三、选择填空。(10分)( )1. Mr Smith is in Nanjing now. A. live in B. lived C. living D. living in( )2. You can get off the second stop. A. of B. at C. in D. on( )3. I to buy an interesting book last Sunday afternoon. A. want B. like C. wanted D. likes( )4. David jumps than Gao Shan. A. father B. fast C. far D. farther( )5. Hes walking this street A. along B. on C. in D. at( )6. Yang Ling than all the other students. A. read better B. reads good C. reads better D. read good( )7. Whose pencil is longer, ? A. you or she B. your or hers C. yours or hers D. you and her( )8. Do more exercise, youll be . A. smaller B. bigger C. fatter D. stronger.( )9. The school is your left. You miss it. A. on, cant B. cant, on C. in, can D. on, can( )10. We America. A. from B. be from C. comes from D. are from四、按要求写句子。(5分)1. Mary is taller than Lily. (改为同义句)Lily _ _ than Mary.2. There are three stops. (对划线部分提问)_ _ stops are there ?3. Mike does well in English. (改为否定句)Mike _ _ well in English.4. Su Hai and Su Yang look the same. (改为一般疑问句) Su Hai and Su Yang _ the same?5. Gao Shan is heavier than David. (对划线部分提问)_ _ Heavier than David?五、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. Do more exercise. Well get (strong).2. Nancy is good at music. She can sing and dance (beautiful).3. I _ (meet) Mr. Smith on Zhongshan Road last Sunday afternoon.4. Who _(jump) farther than _ (he)?5. We can read the new words (well). Helen can read then (well) than all of us.6. Turn right at the _(two) crossing, please.7. _(my) school bag is heavier than _ (your).六、改错。(5分)( ) _ 1. Jim is not as stronger as the other boys. A B C D ( ) _ 2. Is Yang Lings kite higher than Liu Tao? A B C D ( ) _ 3. Helen is doing well in PE than Nancy. A B C D ( ) _ 4. I want to buy some presents to my friends. A B C D ( ) _ 5. Your mother look younger than her mother. A B C D七、根据中文意思,完成句子。(10分)1. 谁的头发长,你的还是南希的? 南希的头发比我的长。_ hair is longer , yours _ Nancys? Nancys hair is longer _ _. 2. 女孩们比男孩们英语学得好,但是男孩们在体育方面比女孩们好。The girls _ _ at English than the boys, but the boys _ _ in PE than the girls. 3. 迈克跑得比吉姆快吗? 不。他和吉姆跑得一样快。 _ Mike _ faster than Jim? No, he _. He _ as fast as Jim. 4. 上星期天早上,我在公园里散步。 I _ _ _ _ in the park last Sunday morning.6. 我怎么去购物中心呢?你可以坐7路车。How can I _ _ the shopping centre?You can _ _ No.7.八、阅读理解。(14分)AMary: Hello, Lucy. This is my cousin, John. John, this is my classmate, Lucy.Lucy: Hello, John.John: Hello, Lucy.Mary: John is three months older than me.Lucy: Oh, but you look taller than John.Mary: Yes. Im 155 centimetres and John is 152 centimetres. But he is stronger than me. Hes good at PE.John: Yes, I like sports. I run faster than Mary. But Mary sings and draws better than me. She is good at Art.1.根据对话完成下列句子。(5分)John is Marys _. He is _ than Mary. Mary is 3 centimeters _than John. John _ sports. He _well in PE. 2.根据对话判断下列句子正误,对的用“T”表示,错的用“F”表示。(4分) ( ) Lucy is Marys classmate.( ) Mary is stronger than John. ( ) John is three months older than Lucy. ( ) John is not good at Art. B Last Saturday, a monkey, a tiger and an elephant had a race. The monkey said Lets run to that tall tree and see who gets there first. They started to run. It was a long way. At first the tiger ran faster than the elephant and the monkey. The elephant ran as fast as the monkey. But soon the elephant was tired. He asked the monkey to have a rest. The monkey said Its not very far. Its about one kilometre away. Come on, please. But suddenly the elephant got a bad cough. The tiger turned back and laughed at him. At last the monkey got first. The tiger could not laugh again. 根据短文选择正确答案。(5分) ( ) 1. There are _ animals in the story. A. one B. two C. three ( ) 2. They _ last Saturday. A. have a race B. had a running race. C. had a chat ( ) 3. _ ran faster than the other animals at first. A. The monkey B. The tiger C. The elephant ( ) 4. The elephant _. A. got a cold B. got a cough C. got a fever ( ) 5. _ got first at last. A. The monkey B. The tiger C. The elephant听力材料一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词,将序号填在题前的括号内。(读两遍)1. short 2. along 3.wonderful 4.animal 5.faster 6. horse 7. train station 8.stopped二、 根据所听问题,选择正确的答句。(读两遍)1. Are you taller than your father?2. Do you look the same?3. Whose ruler is longer, yours or Su Hais?4. Dose Ben swim as fast as Gao Shan?5. Where is the bus stop?6. How far is the shopping centre from here?三、听录音,判断下列句子正误,对的用“T”表示,错的用“F”表示。(读三遍) Andy and Ben are good friends. Andy is fourteen. Ben is one year younger than him. But Ben is taller and stronger than Andy. They study in a primary school. They are in the same class. Andy is good at Art. He sings better than everyone in his class. And Ben does well in PE. He runs very fast and he jumps higher and farther than Andy.四、听录音,完成对话。(读三遍)A: Excuse me, is there a post office near here?B: No. But theres one near the Bank of China.A: How can I get there ?B: Its far from here. Youd better take bus No.3 to go there.A: But wheres the bus stop?B: Go along this street , and then turn left at the first crossingYou can see it.


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