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五年级下册知识点归纳第三模块一、单词hamburger 汉堡包 English 英国(式)的breakfast 早餐,早饭 lunch 午餐,午饭 sandwich 三明治 fish and chips 炸鱼加炸薯条 traditional 传统的dish 食品;菜肴 very much 很,非常gave(give 的过去式)给 tonight 今夜,今晚二、短语1.have got 拥有2.an e-mail from Lingling 一封来自玲玲的电子邮件3.about English food关于英国食物4.have an English breakfast 吃了一顿英式早餐5.have for lunch吃. 作为午餐6.a traditional English dinner 一顿传统的英式晚餐 7.very different 非常不同8.give to 把. 给.9.at school在学校10.cook Chinese food for Lingling为玲玲做中式食物11.be going to打算12.tell a story 讲故事三、句型1、描述吃过某些食物:主语 + had + 食物名称 + 其他 Yesterday she had an English breakfast.昨天她吃了一顿英式早餐。2 、 询 问 他 人 打 算 吃 / 喝 什 么 : What are you going to eat/drink?3、询问他人三餐吃了什么:What + did + 主语 + have + for breakfast / lunch / dinner ? A: What did she have for dinner?B: She had fish and chips.第四模块一、单词library 图书馆 student 学生 sent(send 的过去式)发送,寄 CD 激光唱片,光盘 idea 主意,想法 put 放,安放shelf 架子 heavy 重的,沉的 dictionary 词典;字典card 卡片 library card 图书卡,借书证 ask 邀请wrong 错误的 dear 哎呀 information 信息 e-book 电子书project 项目 guide 介绍,指南,手册 film 电影as well 又,还,也 way 方法,方式 on 关于 topic 话题 二、短语1. want to 想要2. make an e-card for Mum 为妈妈制作一张电子卡片3. be good at擅长4. go to the library去图书馆5. find a book about e-cards 找到一本关于电子卡片的书6. at the library在图书馆7. the book about computers关于电脑的书8. on Shelf C10. bring back在 C 架上 9. library card 借书卡 带回来11. in two weeks time在两周时间内12. use our computer使用我们的电脑13. be easy with用. 很简单 14. find out找到、找出15. in this dictionary16. on this CD-ROM17. in this newspaper在这本词典里 在这张光盘上 在这张报纸上18. at the zoo在动物园19. on TV在电视上三、句型询问某类书在何处的句型:1. Where are the books about + 名词+,please? A: Where are the books about sports?B: They are on Shelf C.2. Where can I find books about +名词?A: Where can I find books about science?B: You can find them on Shelf B.第五模块一、单词light 轻的 hard 困难的,费力的 broken 坏的,破的 department store 百货商店 pocket 口袋,兜 umbrella 雨伞 sales assistant 售货员,营业员 wheel 轮子 easy 容易的,不费力的take 选择要;选择购买 too 太,过于 try 试,尝试 lovely 美丽的,可爱的;令人愉快的二、短语1. take it to China 带它到中国2. buy you a new one给你买一个新的3. this black bag这个黑包4. two pockets 两个口袋5. big and light又大又轻6. be easy for you 对你来说很容易7. at the department store 在百货商店8. a panda on it有一个熊猫在上面9. be too.for .对. 来说太.10. take.to.把. 带到.三、句型1. 描述事物特征的句型: It s + 形容词.Its broken/big/small/heavy/light. 2. 它对某人做某事而言是 .Its + 形容词 + for +人称代词宾格( + to + 动词原形). Itll be easy for you to carry.Its too big for you.


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