2022年牛津译林版高中英语必修2 Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained-Welcome to the unit 教案

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2022年牛津译林版高中英语必修2 Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained-Welcome to the unit 教案_第1页
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2022年牛津译林版高中英语必修2 Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained-Welcome to the unit 教案_第2页
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2022年牛津译林版高中英语必修2 Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained-Welcome to the unit 教案_第3页
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2022年牛津译林版高中英语必修2 Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained-Welcome to the unit 教案l 设计思路本单元的学习内容主要是关于一些世间未解之谜。作为本单元的第一课时,主要是起热身作用,将鼓励学生充分发挥他们的想象力,同时还将充分利用网络、报纸、电视新闻等多种渠道的信息让学生对后面即将要学的内容有个粗略的了解,希望借此来激发学生对将学内容的兴趣,培养学生探索发现问题的能力和英语口语表达的能力,并将学习本节课教材中出现的一些重点词汇及句型。l Teaching aimsAfter learning this section, the students will know about some mysterious and unexplained phenomena in the world. Their ability to make full use of resources to search for the information they need and share the information they get with others will be encouraged. Meanwhile, students are expected to describe what they have known about the posters and what they are eager to know about the unexplained. Their interest in scientific mysteries should be stimulated and their ability to find solutions to problems should be cultivated. Students will be encouraged to municate with classmates so that not only can the information and their imaginative ideas be shared but also their oral English can be improved. Besides, some useful words and expressions in this part will be taught so that the students will know how to use them.l Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-in 1. Group discussion:In your opinion, what is the most beautiful thing one can experience? Why?2. Warm-up questions: What have you known about Albert Einstein? Why was he so great? (Einstein contributed more than any other scientist to the modern vision of physical reality. His special and general theories of relativity are still regarded as the most satisfactory model of the large-scale universe that we have. He solved lots of problems mysterious to us before) Do you want to know his opinion of the most beautiful thing one can experience? Introduce his saying about mysteries (The most beautiful thing one can experience is mysteries. They are truly the basis of all arts and sciences .PPT.6) and lead to the topic of this unit. (So you see,mysteries are of vital importance to the world. Thats why we shall begin to learn something about them. Bb: The topic of the unit. Then what kind of attitude should we adopt towards mysteries?Bb: show interest in; be curious about; trace the causes of; analyze; cooperate with; seek help from; work intelligently and independently; find solutions toBefore we take up the unit, I have two more questions for you.) Have you ever heard of something not only interesting and attractive but also unexplained at all even with the help of modern science and technology in the world? Show some pictures of them to help answer the question. (the great pyramids in Egypt; the Bermuda Triangle; the famous Mona Lisa painting; UFOs) Are you curious about the kind of things? (Yes. Good! You have the potential ability to be a scientist. Maybe youll bee another Einstein, but you need to have your potentials developed. I hope I can be of some help to you today. )Bb: potential设计说明(1) 以问题讨论开始,不仅可让学生发挥他们的想象力,还可激发他们的学习兴趣。(2) 以爱因斯坦以及他关于神秘事物的名言为例,引出本单元话题,同时旨在激发学生探索世间奥秘的兴趣。(3) 其中的板书设计旨在指导学生在探索发现问题和解决问题时需要具备哪些常见的基本条件,我认为这应该是本单元的学习目的之一,同时也希望能借此适当丰富一下学生的词汇。(3) 图片展示是为了帮助学生回答问题,最后一个问题是为活跃课堂气氛,也希望能帮助增强学生的自信心。Step 2 Posters1Pair work Please open your books and lets look at page one. Read the instructions and focus on the five pictures and illustrations first. Then work in pairs to find the answer to the following questions. (1) Do the five pictures have something in mon? If so, what is it?unexplained; no satisfactory answers; mysterious; no evidence to prove ; (2) Can scientists explain these phenomena? (3) How do you feel about them? Think of as many expressions as possible to answer the questions above. Try to make up some sentences and read them to the class. First I will offer you some examples.They are mysterious because no satisfactory answers have been offered to explain them so far. Though these mysteries have puzzled people for a long time, they still show great interest in them. People feel puzzled by the mysteries设计说明本环节旨在激发学生兴趣,培养观察分析问题能力,同时旨在鼓励开口,促进口语提高。2. Group discussion: Talk about the pictures one by one. (Divide the whole class into five groups and each group is assigned a topic. Give out five pieces of paper with topics on each piece. After the discussion, the students should choose one representative for their group to report their findings about their respective topic to the class. They should report like thisshow them an example: stands for Unidentified Flying Objects, that is, objects, apparently moving in the sky, which we cannot identify. There are lots of reports about UFOs. Some say they are aliens visiting us in their spacecraft, and some say they are military test aircraft, while others say they do not actually exist. Since we have never seen one with our own eyes and there is no definite scientific explanation for it, we are not certain whether UFOs really exist, but we believe everything will be clear in the future.)Topic 1: about UFOs: (1)What do the letters UFO stand for?(2)Are they really from another planet? Why or why not?(3) Do you believe in UFOs? Why or why not? What do you think might be the most acceptable explanation for UFOs?(4) Can you show us more information you get about it? Topic 2: about Yetis: (1) Where is the Himalayas? Whats the weather like there? (2) Why do some people make great efforts to climb them? (3) Have you ever heard of Yetis? What do Yetis look like?(4) Do you believe there are Yetis? Why or why not?(5) Do you think some climbers disappearances are connected with Yetis?(6) Show us more information you know about Yetis.Topic 3: about Lock Ness Monster: (1) Where is Lock Ness? Why is it famous?(2) What does the Loch Ness Monster look like? A sunken ship or a kind of dinosaur? (3) Do you believe there is such a monster? Do you believe there are monsters in the world? Why or why not?Topic 4: about Stonehenge: What is it? Where is it? Why is it famous?Topic 5: about pyramids: (1) Where were the famous Egyptian pyramids built, on the east coast of the Nile or on the westcoast? What are the reasons? (2) Do you think the Great Pyramid is a wonder in human history?(3) Can you tell us more about the pyramids? Report the answers to the class.设计说明通过小组活动,让学生学习合作,学会分享,学习语言材料的组织。做好本环节的前提是课前必须让学生做好准备,要让学生通过网络、报纸等多种信息渠道收集有关以上话题的信息。希望通过这个环节培养学生探索发现问题的一些能力。3. Sharing information: Show the information the teacher has got about the above topics with the students. Topic 1: about UFOs(1) What do the letters UFO stand for?Unidentified flying objects(2) Are they really from another planet? Why or why not?(3) Do you believe in UFOs? Why or why not? What do you think might be the most acceptable explanation for UFOs?aliens from space; military test aircraft; some UFOs are alien and some are test aircraft; UFOs are evidence of human space travel; UFOs are neither alien nor test aircraft;UFOs dont exist(4) Can you show us more information you get about it?The chances of seeing a UFO are greater for those people who live in small towns or in the country and are outside late at night. UFOs e in all shapes and sizes. Some are only small spots of light that move in strange patterns across the night sky. Some can be seen in the daytime. Theyre often said to be disk- or saucer-shaped.Topic 2: about Yetis(1) Where is the Himalayas? Whats the weather like there? the highest mountain range in the world / high winds, snowstorms, cold, wet(2) Why do some people make great efforts to climb them? hobby; dream; challenge themselves; overe difficulty; make discoveries(3) Have you ever heard of Yetis? What do Yetis look like? Abominable Snowman, half-man and half-beast; strong; hairy (4) Do you believe there are Yetis? Why or why not?(5) Do you think some climbers disappearances are connected with Yetis?(6) Show us more information you know about Yetis. he Yeti or Abominable Snowman, also called the “missing link” (推想中从类人猿发展到人类之间的过渡生物), is said to be a humanlike monster that is supposed to live in Himalayas, the highest mountain range in the world. Several sightings, mainly of footprints, have been reported by western explorers throughout the years. Yet none of them have been supported with evidence in any way.Topic 3: about Lock Ness Monster: (1) Where is Lock Ness? Why is it famous?A big lake in Scotland, one of Scotlands top tourist attractions, famous because of Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster.(2) What does the Loch Ness Monster look like? A sunken ship or a kind of dinosaur? (3) Do you believe there is such a monster? Do you believe there are monsters in the world? Why or why not?Topic 4:about StonehengeWhat is it? Where is it? Why is it famous? Prehistoric monument on Salisbury Plain, southern England, consisting of two concentric circles(同心圆) of large standing stones, the heaviest of them weighing probably about 45 tons, one of the most famous prehistoric sites in the world,added to the UNESCOs list of World Heritage Sites in 1986, built between 2800 and 1500 BC , thought to have been an astronomical calendar(天文历) or a temple to the sun.Topic 5:about pyramids(1) Where were the famous Egyptian pyramids built, on the east coast of the Nile or on the westcoast? What are the reasons? All Egyptian pyramids were built on the west bank of the Nile, as the site of the setting sun was associated with the world of the dead in Egyptian mythology.(2) Do you think the Great Pyramid is a wonder in human history?show one of them: theSphinxHalf human, half lion, the Sphinx is 240 feet long and 66 feet high. (3) Can you tell us more about the pyramids? The Great Pyramid: The Great Pyramid of Khufu is one of the seven wonders of the ancient(古代的) world. No one knows how people can put such big stones on without any machine. It is the greatest of the Egyptian pyramids. They are burial places(墓地) for the Pharaohs(法老). It is the symbol of Egypt. Some people say the pyramids are built by the aliens. 设计说明通过图片展示,以加深学生对这些神秘事物的印象,丰富相关知识,适当扩大学生词汇量。4. Group discussion: (Work in groups of four) (1) What other unexplained things do you know about?(2) If you saw a UFO or a monster some day, what would you do? 设计说明激发学生对未知世界的兴趣,培养学生的想象力。Step3 Language points1. Language points(1) tales of the unexplained: 常用“the+adj./v.-ing/v.-ed”来表示一类人或物,如the rich; the unknown; the living, the unemployed(2) talk about aliens and conduct an interview conduct=lead or guide 领导、指导、引导高小姐领着游客们参观了博物馆。Miss Gao conducted the visitors round the museum. conduct管理、主持、经营、指挥conduct business 经营生意 conduct a meeting 主持会议conduct a survey 进行一项调查他处理公事很粗心。He conducts his business affairs in a careless way.(3)full of mysteries unsolved充满难以解释的神秘 be full of;be filled with 无法解释的unexplained未知的unknown未完成的unfinishedHe died suddenly with his work unfinished.He went out to play, leaving his homework unfinished.(4) advanced science and technology advanced adj. 先进的、进步的、高级的advanced teaching methods 先进的教学方法 advanced ideas 先进的思想the advanced education高等教育advanced mathematics 高等数学 in advance adv. 预先、事先、提前预知未来的发生是不可能的。It is impossible to know in advance what will happen.(5) a sunken ship sink-sank-sunken sunken adj. 已经沉没了的 sinking adj. 正在下沉的比较:They tried in every way possible to rescue the sinking boat. They tried to bring the sunken ship out of the sea.又如:the rising sun the risen sun the falling leaves the fallen leavesLast night, his house was destroyed by a fallen (fall)tree.(6) You might run intoa Yeti. 偶然遇见=run across =e across=happen to meet =meet by chance撞跑进流入Guess whom I ran intotoday!遇见He ran into the back of another car the other day.撞We saw the boy run into the house.跑进The river runs into a lake.流入(7) Thats why 那就是为什么, 那就是的原因 Thats because 那是因为他今天不在,那是因为他病了.He is absent today. Thats because he is ill.I had neither a raincoat nor an umbrella. Thats why I got wet through.(8) reason: The reason for (doing) sth. /forreason/the reason why/thatThe reason for building the pyramids in Egypt is still unknown.=The reason why people built the pyramids in Egypt is still unknown.The reason why he was ill was drinking the polluted water.=The reason for his illness was drinking the polluted water.For what reason was he late again?=Why was he late again? reasonable adj.合理的 unreasonable adj.不合理的(9) believe in unexplained things believe in 信任,信仰believe相信某人的话We usually believe him, but this doesnt mean we always believe in him.(10) some day; 将来某一天one day过去或将来某一天10. Cant tell?tell from 区分 tell apart区分,分清tellsb (not) to do /tellsb that告诉Nobody can tell the future.断定,知道2. Practice: Translation of some phrases: 无法解释的传说,未解之谜 tales of the unexplained 充满神秘 be full of mysteries 先进的科技,高科技 advanced science and technology 偶遇 run into/e across/meet by chance 某天(将来的) some day 一艘沉船a sunken ship提前 in advance/ahead of time/ahead of schedule设计说明通过学习本节课教材中出现的重要词汇、短语及句型等,让学生学会运用。Step 4 Homework: (1) Surf the net and learn more about world mysteries. Prepare a short speech to introducesomething that interests you.(2) Translate the following sentences into English:1. 我不知道出于什么原因他没来参加我们的聚会。I dont know for what reason he didnt e to our party. 2. 他们看起来完全一样,你怎么认得出谁是谁啊?They look exactly the same. How can you tell which is which? 3. 你怎么知道要按这些中的哪一个?How do you tell which buttons to press? 4. 那个粗心大意的司机把汽车撞在一棵大树上。 The careless driver ran his car into a big tree.5. 他上周偶然碰见了他大学时的老师。He ran into a teacher who taught him when he was at university.


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