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Lecture 4: Diffusion: Ficks second lawTodays topics Learn how to deduce the Ficks second law, and understand the basic meaning, in comparison to the first law. Learn how to apply the second law in several practical cases, including homogenization, interdiffusion in carburization of steel, where diffusion plays dominant role.Continued from last lecture, we will learn how to deduce the Ficks second law, and understand the meanings when applied to some practical cases. Lets consider a case like this We can define the local concentration and diffusion flux (through a unit area) at position “x” as:So, Ficks first law can be considered as a specific (simplified) format of the second law when applied to a steady state. Now, lets consider two real practical cases, and see how to solve the Ficks second law in these specific cases.Case 1. Homogenization: (non-uniform uniform)Consider a composition profile as superimposed sinusoidal variation as shown below, where the solid line represents the initial concentration profile (at t=0), and the dashed line represents the profile after time .It is an exponential decay, the longer the wavelength (l), the longer the relaxation time (), then the slower decay. Short wavelength dies fast. Thats why shaking always helps speed up the dispersion, because it enables wide spreading (smaller l) of the stuff (like particles) you try to disperseCase 2. Interdiffusion (the carburization of steel):doping of steel with carbonSituation a): Doping with fixed amount of dopantConsider a thin layer of B deposited onto A, through annealing at high temperature, we willbe able to get the concentration profile at different times, from there then we can determine the diffusion coefficient, Das determined by this diffusion kinetics equation, the concentration profile of carbon as various times will be like this The above diffusion is one-direction (0 +). But if we extends it to two-way, from - to + (like a droplet dissolved into a solution) with dopant at x=0, then we haveSituation b): Doping with a fixed surface concentration (e.g. carburization of steel)Carbon concentration profile shown at different times,Carbonization thickness is defined as The solution of the Ficks second law can be obtained as follows, the surface is in contact with an infinite long reservoir of fixed concentration of , choose a coordinate system u. Interdiffusion is popular between two semi-infinite specimens of different compositions c1, c2, when they are joined together and annealed, or mixed in case of two solutions (liquids). Many examples in practice fall into the case interdiffusion, including two semiconductor interface, metal-semiconductor interface, etc.


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