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班级:_ 姓名:_ 学号:_ 密 封 线 五年级英语双周练(七)一翻译下列词组。1 在晚上_ 2 stand in a line 3 上下跳 4 clean the library 5 6:30 6 值日_ 7 他的双脚 8 brush my teeth 9 左右转 10 put your feet together 11 give orders 12 follow the orders 13六点四十五_ 14 忙碌的一天 15 Lets hurry. _ 16 向右转_ 17 集邮 18 at once 19 谈论 20 stay in bed 21写一封电子邮件 22 lie on ones back 23 在周三早上 _24 jump high _25每天_ 二用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Listen! The children .(sing)2. We (not watch) TV on Monday.3. What they (do) on Saturdays?4. your parents (read) newspapers every day?5. The girl (teach) us English on Sundays.6. Mike (like) cooking.7. Liu Tao (do) not like PE.8.Who _ (want) _ (play) basketball with us? 9. Bens brothers want _(buy) some interesting picture books.10. Its time _ (have) lunch. Lets _ (go) now.11. I _(get ) up at 6:30 every day, but my sister_(get ) up at 7:40.12. Who _ (be) on duty today? Lucy and Lily _ (be). 13. Jims parents often _ (watch) TV on Sundays.14. Helen likes _ (make) clothes.15. The children _ (clean) the classroom now.16. The boy usually _ (catch) insects in the park.17. Lets do some _ (exercise).18. Jim can _ (skate) well.19. Yang Ling and I _ (be) from China.20. _ (be) there a dog and two cats under the tree?21. The girl in red dances _ (beautiful).三选择。( ) 1. Its nine oclock. Its time _ bed. A. for B. to C. for go to( ) 2. Miss Li is_. She has no time _rest.A. tired. for B. happy.of C. busy. to( ) 3. Sam _to bed at nine every evening. A. go B. going C. goes( ) 4. Yang Ling do exercise with . A. doesnt, us B. dont, we C. /, us( ) 5. Are you ready lunch, David? _ yet, Mum. A. to, No B. for, isnt C. for, Not( ) 6.We play football in the street. A. arent B. cant C. doesnt( )7. _ up your left leg and _ it with your right hand. A. Touch.lift B. Lift.touch C. Lift.put( )8. They ready class .A. do; for B. are; to C. are; for ( )9. Theres no time breakfast.A. to B. for C. of ( )10. I can take some bread _ me.A. forB. withC. to( )11. I need a model plane .A. make B. to make C. making( )12. Nancy play cards.A. wants to B. wants C. want to ( )13. I often get up half past five the morning .A. at; in B. at; on C. in; in ( )14. The boy is_on the mans shoulders. A. stand B. standing C. stands ( ) 15. Turn left and right . A. ten time B. at ten times C. ten times D. with ten times( ) 16. What Lily usually do on Saturday afternoon? A. do B. does C. is D. are( ) 17. How many _ does an ant have? A. foot B. feet C. foots( ) 18. Ben _a high fever.A. have got B. have get C. has got( ) 19. The boy is showing his teacher _ his stamps. A. / B. to C. for( ) 20. Look! Ben _ table tennis. A. plays B. playing C. is playing( ) 21. We can learn a lot _ the Internet. A. from B. for C. to( ) 22.Mr Brown likes chess.He wants to chess with me.Aplays;playBplaying;plays Cplaying;play( ) 23.The students are listening the teacher .Ato;carefully Bto;careful C/;carefully( ) 24. Do you have _ hobbies? Yes, I do.A. some B. any C. a( ) 25. I often play football _ the weekends.A. in B. on C. at ( )26. The girl can skate, _the boy cant. A. but B. and C. to( ) 27 I can play _football . My sister can play violin. A. the; the B. the; / C. / ; the( ) 28. David goes to school _Monday _Friday by bus. A. on; and B. from; to C. for; to( ) 29. Helen is a _ girl. She can dance _.A. beautiful, beautiful B. beautiful, beautifully C. beautifully, beautiful( ) 30. There _ a bird on the floor.It two legs. A. has;has B. is;has C.has;is四根据提示完成下列句子。1.孩子们正在操场上上体育课。The students are a PE in the playground.2.他们正在和马老师做一些运动。They are some exercise Mr Ma.3.用你的左手摸你的右腿。这样做十次。 your with your . Do this .4.-刘涛每天晚上通常做什么?-他做作业。- What LiuTao do every ?- He does homework.5.Nancy在8:58睡觉。Nancy to bed two to . 6.从早上八点到下午五点,Nancy忙得没时间休息。 eight the morning to five the afternoon, Nancy has _for rest.7. 你想制作船模吗? 是的。但是我正在浇花。 你今天真忙啊。 Do you _ to make a _ _ ? Yes, I do. But I _ _. Youre _ busy today.8.双脚并拢,上下跳三次。_your_together, and then_up and down three times.9.准备好吃午饭了吗? 还没有。 _you _for lunch? .10.我喜欢运动。周末我常去打篮球。 I like _. I often play basketball _ weekends.11.英语课在十点开始。现在David正在用英语和Miss Li交谈。 English class begins _ ten oclock. Davids _ _ Miss Li in English now.12今天星期几?星期三。 What _ is it today? Its _.13.用你的右手触摸你的左腿。 Touch your_ _with your _ _.五、情景匹配。( ) 1. What day is it? A. He usually makes model planes.( ) 2. Whats wrong with you? B. No, Im not.( ) 3. What does Jim usually do? C. No, he doesnt.( ) 4. Does Mike run fast? D. All right.( ) 5. Is Ben new here? E. Ive got a fever.( ) 6. Are you ready for supper? F. Not yet.( ) 7. How do you feel now? G. No, he isnt.( ) 8. Are you from England? H. I feel thirsty.( ) 9. Lift up your left leg. I. Yes, I do.( )10. Do you like listening to music? J. Its Friday.六句型转换。1. Its ten to seven. (对划线部分提问) _ _ is it? 2. I want to play cards. (改为同义句) Id _ _ play cards.3. I feel tired. (改为一般疑问句) _ _ feel tired?4.He usually listens to music in the evening.(对划线部分提问) _ _ he usually do in the evening?5. Sam has lunch at twenty to twelve. (改为一般疑问句) _ Sam _ lunch at twenty to twelve?6.I usually go to school at seven in the morning. (用he转换)He usually to at seven in the morning.7.David has some beautiful stamps. (否定)David beautiful stamps.8.Mike does his homework in his study. (对划线部分提问) Mike in his study?9.Lie on your back. (否定) on your back.10.What time is it?(同义句) ?11.Its time for school. (同义句)Its time .七、阅读理解。(A)阅读短文,判断句子的正误。正确的写(T),错误的写(F)。Do you know Toms family? They are British, but now they are in Shanghai. Toms father works in an office and his mother is a nurse. Tom has a sister, Ann. They go to school with their cousin, Jim. Jims parents are English teachers. Jim has a sister, too. Her name is Kate. Kate is only five. She does not go to school with Tom, Ann and Jim.( ) 1. Toms family are from Shanghai.( ) 2. Kate is Anns cousin.( ) 3. Toms aunt is a teacher.( ) 4. Kate, Ann, Jim and Tom are students.( ) 5. Jims parents are Toms uncle and aunt.(B)阅读短文,根据问题选择答案。 There is a basketball team(队) in our school. There are twenty-six girls in the team. They play basketball from one oclock to four oclock every Sunday afternoon. Miss Ma is their teacher. She is a good basketball player. The girls all like her very much. Today, Helen and her cousin Nancy are ill. They cannot play basketball, but the other girls are doing some exercise. Miss Ma is giving orders. The girls are trying to follow the orders.( ) 1. _ girls in the team play basketball today.A. Twenty-six B. Twenty-five C. Twenty-four( ) 2. How many hours(小时)do they play basketball every Sunday? A. Two hours. B. Three hours. C. Four hours.( ) 3. Nancy is _ now. A. playing basketball B. doing exercise C. having a lot of rest ( ) 4. Miss Ma is a _ teacher. A. PE B. Chinese C. English( ) 5.The school basketball team play basketball every Sunday _. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening(C)阅读短文,判断句子的正误。正确的写(T),错误的写(F)。Helen usually gets up very early in the morning. She often goes to school at about half past seven. She has her first lesson at eight o five. She doesnt go home at noon. She has lunch at a quarter to eleven at school. After lunch, she has a rest for half an hour. Then she plays games with her classmates. Classes are over at half past four. Helen goes home with her friends at about five. At six thirty, she has supper with her parents. She goes to bed at half past nine. Thats Helens day. ( ) 1. Helen usually gets up late in the morning.( ) 2. The first lesson begins at about half past seven. ( ) 3. Helen doesnt have lunch at home.( ) 4. Helen goes home with her classmates at about four.( ) 5. Helen goes to bed at nine thirty.


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