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模块语法聚焦七,模块语法聚焦七,语法点击,并列复合句 并列复合句是指由并列连词_, _,_ 等把两个或两个以上的简单句连在一起而构成的句子。 1并列复合句的构成 并列复合句的基本结构:简单句_简单句。例如: I help him and he helps me. 我帮助他,他也帮助我。,and,but,or,并列连词,2并列连词前后的简单句之间的关系 (1)并列关系,常见连词是and。例如: They are watching TV, and the others are listening to the radio. 他们在看电视,其他人在听广播。 (2)选择关系,常见连词是or。例如: The children can go with us, or they can stay at home. 孩子们可以跟我们走,也可以待在家里。 (3)转折关系,常见连词是but。例如: She was tired, but she did not stop working. 她累了,但她没有停止工作。,模块语法聚焦七,3. 由并列连词词组连接成的并列复合句。常用词组有not onlybut also, eitheror, neithernor, notbut, bothand等。例如: Not only one but also all of us were invited. 不只是一个人,而是我们全体都被邀请了。 Either you do it, or I ask somebody else to do it. 要么你来做,要么我请其他人来做。 Neither Tom nor Jack has finished the homework. 汤姆和杰克都没有完成作业。,模块语法聚焦七,4使用并列复合句要注意的几种情况 (1)并列复合句有时可不用连词,而是用分号隔开(前后句之间的关系须相当紧密)。例如: We fished all day; we did not catch a single fish. 我们钓了一整天鱼,但一条鱼都没有钓到。 (2)并列连词后面的简单句如果与前面的简单句有相同的部分,则相同的部分可省略。例如: Snoopy lives in his own world and (Snoopy) finds real life hard to understand. 史努比生活在自己的世界里,觉得现实生活难以理解。,模块语法聚焦七,实战演练,单项填空 ()1. 2014陕西 Dont run in the classroom, _ you may hurt yourself. A. and B. or C. but D. so ()2.2015安徽Going to the movies is good, _ I really only like listening to music. Aand B. but Cso Dor,答案 1B2.B,模块语法聚焦七,()3.Nearly every kid hates exams, _ they are necessary. They help to check if you have learned the specific knowledge. A. and Bor C. so Dbut ()4.To achieve a bright future,we should _ study hard_ keep in good health. I agree with you. Anot; but Bnot only; but also Cneither; norDeither; or,答案 3.D4.B,模块语法聚焦七,()5.2015南充Although hes over 70,_ he is full of energy. Abut Band Cso D/,解析 D句意:虽然他70多岁了,但他精力充沛。although引导让步状语从句,不能与but同时用在一个句子中。故选D。,模块语法聚焦七,()6.Were going to Suzhou Amusement Park in Lindas car. You can come with us _ you can meet us there later. A. or B. but C. and D. then ()7.There will be more people in the library. Come earlier, _ you wont have a seat. A. but B. and C. or D. then ()8.Dont be crazy about computer games, _ your parents will be worried. A. and B. or C. but D. so,答案 6A7.C8.B,模块语法聚焦七,()9.2015济宁Practise more,_ youll learn English better. Aor Bso Cand Dbut ()10.Cars make our life easier, _ they bring environmental problems. A. as B. or C. but Dand,答案 9.C10.C,模块语法聚焦七,


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