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开放英语3按字母次序排序!一、交际用语Afternoon, sir. Where to?- Please get me to the airport?Ami, I want this report typed today.-itll be ready in the afternoon, sir.Are you feeling better today, Mrs. Silver?-Yes, thanks, doctor. but I still feel dizzy.Are you sure about that?- Oh, yes. Im absolutely positive.Can I help you to ge it down?-Thanks , its so nice of you.Can I take your order now?-Just a moment. Two friends are coming.Can you tell me how much a radio like this costs?-about eighty-five dollars.Can you turn down the radio, please?-Im sorry, I didnt realize it was that loudCould I borrow your CD of english songs?-Im sorry, its not at hand now.Could you tell me where Mr. Lake is?-At the officeDavid, youve been losing your temper over nothing lately. -Im sorry. I shouldnt have blown up like that.Do you know if the Andersons are still living there?-Yes, they are.Do you know where I can repair my motorcar?-Around the street corner. Do you know who telephoned me?-I hared it was Sally.Do you like watching football matches? -Football? No. Its a waste of time.Do you think the exam will be put off?- Not likely.Dont takee too long at the coffee shop. Its 14:15.-I see. We have 30 minutes left.Ed said that this boy fell of a tree.-Oh, dear. I hope he wasnt hurt.Everyone knows where the shop is, but whos the owner?-Steve.Excuse me , how can I get to she nearest supermarket?-Sorry,sir.Im a stranger here myself. Excuse me , how far is the airport from here?-Its about thirty miles.Excuse me, does this bus go to the bookstore?-No, youd better change at the next stop.Excuse me, I didnt mean to bother you.-Thats quite all right.Excuse me, is this table taken?-Yeah, Im savingthesesaets for friends.Excuse me, when is the next flight from London due to arrive?-In half an hour.Excuse me, which is the express tranto Tokyo?-On your right. Itll leave in 5 minutes.Excuse me, would you lend me your calculator?-Certainly. Here you areGo that way and take a seat.-Thanks, but Id rather stand.Have you got a table for four, waiter?-Yes, sure. This way, please.Hello, can I get a seat on the 8 pm flight to Detroit?-Im sorry, but its completely booked.Hello, could I speak to Don please?- Whos speaking.Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now? -sorry, he is busy at the momentHello, Sally. Hows everything? - Just so-soHelp yourself to the steak, maggie. -Thank you, Helen.Hey, babara. You look so pale.-Im just getting over the flu.How do I get to Cairo?- You shuld catch the 9:30 flight and change at Paris.How long have you lived in london?-my whole life.Hows the movie? Interesting?- Far from. I should have stayed home watching TVHurry up. The lecture begins at 2:00.-Dont worry. Weve got 20 minutes.I dont like the spots programs on Sundays.- Neither do II dont think Im late. Excuse me, whats the time?-It says 8:00. But its 5 minutes slow.I have an appointment with Dr. Johnson.-Please wait for minute. He is busy now.I havent seen Belly for 10 years.- Neither have I.I heard your motorcar was stolen.- Mine wasnt, but Bills was.I think the Internet is very helpful.- Yes, so do I.I wonder if Henrrywill come to the party at 8:00 sharp as hes promised.-Dot worry, he always keeps his words.I wonder if Tim could control the situation.-Well, if he can control it, no one can.I wonder if you could help me. -Of course.Id like to know something about your life in Paris.-Ill tell you.Im sorry to be late. Thank you for waiting.-Thats OK.Im sorry. Bobs not in his office.-Can you take a message for me?Im trying to call Marie, but theres no answer.- Really? Maybe shes outIn my opinion, youd better take a couple of days off.- Ill take your adviceIs the toileton the ground floor or 2nd floor?-On the Groun floor.Is there a drugstore near here?- Yes, there is a big one.Is there anything serios, doctor?-No, just stay in bed and drin more water.Is this the motel you mentioned?- Yes, its as quiet as we expectedIve ordered pizza and salad. What else do you want?-A beer is fine for me. Im not hungry yet.Jack, are you leaving, now? Its 7:20.- no, Ill set off in 30 minutes.Joe will come to the party at Jane Ians, wont he?- yeah, hell bring his cousin, Sandy.Lets take a walk.- Yes, lets.Linda, can you give me a lift after work?-No problom, we got the same direction.Look at the rainbow! What a view!-Yes, how beautiful it is.Look. 25% off. The $2500 camera is on sale today.-Yeah, a surprising bargain.May I give you a hand?-Thank you, you are so kind.May I have a look at your photo album?-Yes, of course.May I help you, madam?- Yes, Id like 2 kilos of orangesMay I know your address?- Sure. Here you areMust I do the washing-up tonight? -Leave it if youre exhausted.Must we hand in our home work now?-No,you needntNice weather,isnt it?-Yes,it isOh, sorry to bother you. - Thats okayOh, the box is too heavy.-Can I help you to carry it?Oh, you are back at work. How was your holiday?-We had rain every day and stayed at hotel.Thanks a lot. Youve gone to so much trouble. -Its no trouble at all.The lecture given by professsor Smith was really interesting.-I couldnt agree with you more.There is an hour to go. Could we sit somewhere to have a drink?-Sure.Theres a new cafeteria at the corner. How about going there for supper?-Fine, but its my trait this time.Wait here and Ill get my car and go there together.-Why bother? Its within walking station.Well, Mary, how are you?- Im fineWhat a beautiful dress in the window?-Yes, really. If I had the money, Id buy it.What about going for a walk?- Why not? A good ideaWhat do you find difficult in learning English? - Listening and speaking.What do you think about this story?-I like it very much.What if my computer doesnt work?- Ask Anne for helpWhat kind of TV program do you like best?- Its hard to say, actuallyWhat subjects are you studying?-Im studying philosophy.What would you like, tea or coffee?- Coffee, pleaseWhats the problem, Harry?- I cant remember where I left my glasses.Whats the weather like in you hometown?-Its cold in winter and hot in summer.When does the next bus leave for Glasgow?-They leave every hour.Where are you from?-Britain.Where to? Im so thirsty.-Why dont we enjoy some beer at that bar?Which langguage do you speak at home?-English, most of the time.Who has done your hair, Susan? -That hair stylist.Why are you so late? -I came across an old friend.Will you go on a picnic with us tomorrow?-Sorry,I have an appointment with Dr.BrownWill you have some dessert, Judy? -No, thank you. Im on a diet.Will you please turn down the TV?-Sorry, I havent realized youer sleeping.Would you like to have dinner with us this evening?- Sorry, but this evening I have to go to the airport to meet my parentsWould you like to order now?-Yes, Id like fish and the soup.Would you like to see the menu?-No, thanks. I already know what to order.Would you mind if I open the window for a better view?- Of course not二、词汇与构造(Above)allweshouldputthetheoryintopractice.(Until)youtoldme, Ihadheardnothingofwhathappened.(As a rule ),we keep records on all theexperimentssothatwemayhaveenoughdata.(Has ) the tree (been chopped) down?(spending)all your money in the first week is not a sensible strategy.(The)majorityofpeople agree with him.(The)majorityofpeoplearehighlyagainstthepollutioninthiscity(What)theyaredoinghasneverbeendonebefore.(What) I enjoy most is (that) I can have a holiday from work.A15-year-oldboywas(arrested)forstealing22charityboxesformlocalshops.Alecturehallis(one)wherestudents. attendlectures.After (winning) the bid, major construction began in Beijing.Afterstoppingforafewminutes. thebusmoved(on)toitsnextstop.Alltheteammemberstriedtheirbest. Welostthegame,(however)AlthoughIamagoodswimmer, Idontlike(swimming)inthesea.AnadvisersaidinChina(asandwich)courseshouldbedevelopedinsomeUniversitesAncientGreeceisthe(origin)ofwesterncivilizationAre trees(being planted)along the road right now?Atpresent, themostimportantthingisthatBritainneeds(todo)moretoimprovetheBeforeIgottothecinema, thefilm(hadbegun)Beforesheleftonthetrip,she(hadtrained)hard.Boggislittlesecretwasthatshewantedtoseeherselfthe(twelve-year-old)girl.Bushsfarm(lane)issaidtobeatbottomofthestateofTexasinnorthAmerica.Bynextyearhe(willhaveworked)inNewYorkforfiveyears.China is (in) the east of Asia.Could you please pay me (in) advance?Didyouhaveaneighborwhowasalways(gettingabove)yourbusiness?Doyoufeellike(havingsomethingtoeat)today?Doyouknowwhoare(conducting)thesurvey?Dontworry, yourwatch(isbeingrepaired)andyoucanhaveitinnotime.Dontyouthinkthesmalldonkeycanreallypulltheheavy(cart)Dr.Hoffman proposedthatwe(putoff)themeetinguntilnextweek.Edgarbegan(work)asanofficeboyyearsago.Everything(wouldhavebeendestroyed)ifAlberthadntcalledthefirebrigade.Frankplays(alotbetterthan)AlexGood-bye, MissLiu. Imverypleased(tohavemetyou).Hardly(hadIgot)homewhenitbegantorain.He (has been working) in the laboratory the whole morningHe asked me where (I came) from.He has (written) four successful books.He is very keen (on) football.He(adjusted)himselfquicklytothenewconditionofhiswork.He(treated)thechildrensobadlythattheywereterrifiedofhimHeisakind-heartedand(respectable)gentleman.Heisoverfifty, buthelooksasthoughhe(were)onlyinhisthirties.Heistheman(whose)dogbitme.Hekeeps(looking)athimselfinthemirror.Heseldomdoeshishomeworkatschoolonweekdays,(does)he?HespeakssoquicklythatIdidnt(catch)whathesaid.Hewas(engagedin)thepreparationofaninternationalconferencewhenIarrivedinBeijing.Hewas(overtheroom)abouthisnewjob.He, aswellasI,(is)astudent.Hisattitudetowardusseems(friendly)Historyisthestoryof(whatever)happenedtothepeoplebeforetoday.Howthefireinthedancehallstarted(remains)amystery.I (asked) her to marry me and she agreed.I (dont have to) finish my homework now. I can do it at the weekend.I have given (up) eating meat.I knowthisisthesecretbetweenyouandme, andIpromisenever to(mention)ittoanyoneelseI stopped (smoking) last year.Iampleasedtotake(thisopportunity)toexchangeviewswithyou.Iamverysurprisedthatevenanexpertonforeignaffairscanknowthe(Moreover)IbrokemylegwhenI(was)skiinginAmerica.Idontthinkhewillbebackinanhour,(willhe)?Idontthinkthiskindofmedicinehasany(effect)Idontwantyoutomakeanytrouble,(onthecontrary),Iurgeyoutosolvetheproblem.Ihavelivedhere(since)1997.Ihaventread(thewhole)book, butIreadhalfofit,AtleastIknowsomethingaboutthe.Ipreferclassicmusic(to)popmusic.Iprefertoliveinthecountryside. Countrylifehasalotof(advantages)overcitylife.Isawshewasinadifficultywithallthoseparcels, soIofferedmy (services)Ithoughtthatthiswouldbeafunnytrick(toplayon)Jim.Itried(finishing)thebookinafewdays, butactuallyIcouldnt, justbecauseoftoomuchIwasbusywithmypaperwhenIheardsomeone(movingabout)intheroomabove.Idliketoknowwhatyou(didwith)theplantsIgaveyou.Idratherstayathomethan(take)awalk.Im in Greece at the moment. I like the weather (there).If he was fitter, he (would) live longer.IfIgetthenewjob,I(will)buyabettercar.IfIhadmoremoney, I(would)travelaroundtheworld.Iftheman(isto)succeed, hemustworkashardashecan.IftherewerelifeonMars, suchlifeforms(wouldbe)unabletosurviveonearth.Ifyoudontpromisetohelpbuildmorehouses, ordinarypeople(willnotbenefit)IfyougotoAmerica,youwillfindthattherearebetter(communications)byroad.Ifyouhavemadeadicision, pleasestice (to)whatyouwant.Ifyouwanttolearnsomething, youhadbetterpay(attention)inclass55 .IfyouwanttovisitsomeoneinEngland, youdbettermakearrangement(inadvance).Im leaving for New York (in) three days timeInadditiontorice, weneedto(supplement)ourdietwithfish, meatandvegetable.InChina, children(havetostart)schoolatseven.Inthefiftieslastcunturymany, newcities(grewup)inthedesert.Inthisfactoryeachworkermustreceivea(two-month)trainingcourse.It was convenient (living) close to work.It(happened)thatImetoneofmyoldclassmatesonmywayhomeyesterday.Ithappen(on)awinternight.Itis(suchabigjob)thathehastoaskforhelp.Itisassumedthatstudentsatanintermediatelevelwillhaveagood(command)ofthebasicItishopedthattheweatherwill(stay)warmforthreemoredays.Itisveryconvenient(living)here.ItwaswellknowthatThomasEdison(invented)theelectriclampIts not safe (playing) in the street.Jack enjoys (listen to) Peking Opera.Jeancouldbeaveryattractivegirl, butshe(paysnoattention)toherclothes.John(used)tobeateacherbeforethewar, butnowheworksinahospital.JohnandMary(hadbeeninlove)foryearsbeforetheygotmarried.JohnPrestonwastired(of)livingineastLondon, inwhichhadmovedafterhiswifesdeathLastmonth, hepaidavisittothevillage(where)hehadonceworkedforfiveyears.LastweekIboughtaflat(whose)biggestroomfacedsouth.Letme(lookinto)thecasecarefullybeforeIdrawaconclusion.Lets go to the cinema, (shall we)?Letsnotwaitanylonger, hemightnot(turnup)atall.Markisaclerk(with)ajobinatopbookstrore.Maryforgot(towrite)alettertohermother,soshewrotetoherjustnow.MoreandmorepeopleinChinanow(drive)toworkregularly.Motherwasbusy, AlthoughshewasnotwatchingthebasketballonTV, she(waslisteningto)Mr.Liu, (whosewifeImet)atimoversotuomChangchun, worksatChanghouCompanynow.Mr.Smith(played)amostimportantpartinthedevelopmentofourcity.Mr.Smith, togetherwithhiswifeandchildren,(is)goingtothepartythisweekend.My father (would) take me to work with him is when I was a child.My teacher told me (to talk) to English people as much as I can to practise my English.MyaunthaslivedinNewYork(since)1995.Myparentsarenotinterestedinmodernmusic.Theyare(behind)thetimes.Next year, I (-不填) plan to go to ltaly.Noonecanpossiblyrecallanydetailaboutthemeeting.Itisatleastfiveyearssinceit (tookplace)Notalways(canpeopledowhat)theywant(to).Notuntilmostofthepeoplehadlefttheairport(didhesee)hissisterwasthereOfyouhavemadeadicision, pleasestick(A)whatyouwant.Onhisfirstsea(voyage),hewasstillquiteyoungbutshowdgreatcouragetofacethestorms.Oncehestartsajob, hewontstop(until)itisfinished.Onceyoureintobasketball, youllfind(it)greatfuntoplayasa waytorelax.OnedaywhileMr.Kingwasworking, hehadan(accident)andhisleftlegwasbadlyinjured.Oneofthebenefitsofthenewmodelisthatitiseasier(tooperate)thantheoldone.OurLabwasbeing(rebuilt)whenwevisitedtheuniversity.ParliamentdidntthinkthePrimeMinisterdidenoughintheimprovement(therefore)Peoplewanderinginthefairgroundorparkarea(donthaveto)wearauniform.Pleaseleavethekeyunderthedoor(incase)yougoout.Pleasestop(shouting),Itcannothelpthesituation.Sadam(wasmarried)for25years.She (keeps) talking when I am watching TV.She asked me whether (I was ) English.She come from (the) Peoples Republic of China.She has brought (up) two children by herselp.She likes to spend time (playing) with her grandchildren.She paid the builder (to repair) the gateShe(owes)hersuccesstohardworkandstrongwill.Shehasalways(lookedup)toherfather, althoughhedidnotgraduatefromafamousuniversity.Shewasconvicted(of)murder.Silk(hasbeenused)byChineseforthousandsofyearsnow.Smithdroveallthe(way)toLosAngelesandwasjustintimefor theopeningceremonyofSomeofthecitizenshavebeen(awarded)medalsforbravery.That place is (in) the south of the city.Thatsthe(very)gentlemeanIvebeentellingyouabout.The next train to Beijing (is due ) here at 3o clock.The(politician)isconcernedwithsuccessfulelection, whereasthestatesmanisTheactofspeakingwillalsohelptoimprovelisteningcomprehension(tosomeextent)Therearenationswhoselackofcontactwiththeoutsideworldhas(resultedin)poverty.Theancientletterwaswritten(with)apen.Thebedroomneeds(decorating)ThebeefIateattherestaurantyesterdayisdelicious. idliketohaveitagain(twiceasmuch)Thebigmanhasalwaysbeeneatingontthego,(so)hehasgotstomachache.Thedefinitionleaves(muchroom)fordisagreement.Thefarmercaughttheboys(stealing)hisapples.Theheavyrainstoppedus(fromarriving)atthestationontime.Theman(madefor)thegatewhenherealizedthatwehadspottedhim.Themistakewas(caused)bythecarelessnessoftheassistant.Thepatientactedonthedoctors(advice)andfinallyrecovered.Thepictureispleasant(tolookat)Thepopulationoftheearth(is; are)increasingfast. OnethirdofthepopulationhereThepresidentclaimedtheterroristsshouldbeheldresponsible(for)theexplosionsthatThepublictransportsysteminmanycitiesintheworld(isstillrun)bythelocalauthority.Therefrigeratoris(empty);wemustbuysomefood.Theroad(was) builtlastyear.Theroofofourhouseisbroken,soitneeds(repairing).Thesunheatstheearth,(which)isveryimportanttolivingthings.Theteacherspokesofastthatitwashardforthestudentsto(takein)whathewasstaying.There wasnt any paper in the box,( was there )?Thevolunteersstartedlookingafterotherchildren(whose)parentsdiedofAIDSlastyear.Thework(willhavebeendone)bythetimeyougetthere.Theseplantsareratherdifficult(tolookafter)They (have been driving) for hours.They all (asked for) the job.Theyare(suchdiligent)studentsthattheyallperformedwellinthenationwideexaminations.Theyhandedintheirepaper(intrun)Thisistheproblem(towhich)wehavenogoodsolutionasyet.Threepeople,(includingachild),wereinjuredintheaccident.We (have painted) the bathroom and plan (to paint) the bedroom this year.We need (to repair) the machine.We want to sit at the table near the window. Im sorry, but (it has been taken) already.Weadvisedhimtogiveupsmoking,(anddo)alotofexercise.Weare(confident)intehfutureofourmotherland.Wearetoldthatitis(where)wearebornthatdecidesournationality.Weconsider(isnecessarythat)theinstrumentbeadjustedeachtimeitisused.Wefailedino


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