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(61) This is a true story which happened in the States. A man came out of his home to admire 31 _ new truck. To his puzzlement, his three-year-old son was 32_ (happy) hammering dents(凹痕) into the shiny paint of the truck. The man ran to his son, knocked him away, and hammered the little boys hands into pulp(果浆汁) 33 _ punishment. When the father calmed down, he rushed his son to the hospital.,his,happily,as,34_the doctor tried desperately to save the crushed bones, he finally had to cut the fingers from 35 _ the boys hands. When the boy woke up from the operation and saw his 36 _ (bandage) stubs(断肢), he innocently said, “Daddy, Im sorry about your truck.” Then he asked, “37_ when are my fingers going to grow back?” The father went home and committed suicide.,Although/Though,both,bandaged,but,Think about this story 38 _ next time someone steps on your feet or you wish to take revenge. Think first 39_you lose your patience with someone you love. Trucks can 40_ (repair). Broken bones and hurt feelings often cant. Too often we fail to recognize the difference between the person and the performance. We forget that forgiveness is greater than revenge.,the,before,be repaired,(62) Many years ago, when I worked as a volunteer at Stanford Hospital, I got to know a little girl named Lisa who was suffering from 31 _ rare and serious disease. Her only chance of recovery appeared to be a blood transfusion 32_her five-year-old brother, who had miraculously(奇迹般地) survived the same disease and had developed the antibodies(抗体) needed to fight the 33_ (ill).,a,from,illness,The doctor explained the situation to her little brother, and asked the boy if he 34 _ (be) willing to give his blood to his sister. I saw him hesitate for only a moment 35 _ taking a deep breath and saying, “Yes, Ill do it 36_it can save Lisa.”,would be,before,if,37_ the transfusion progressed, he lay in a bed next to his sister and smiled, as we all did, 38 _ (see) the color returning to her cheeks. Then his face grew pale and his smile faded. He looked up at the doctor and asked 39 _ a trembling voice, “Will I start to die right away?” Being young, the boy had misunderstood the doctor; he thought he was going to have to give her 40 _ his blood.,As,seeing,with,all,(63) Those who try hard to achieve things against all odds(劣势)are regarded as heroes. They are admired for their 31 _ (self), courage, high spirits and perseverance. No one better represents these qualities 32 _ Hee Ah-Lee, 33 _ 22-year-old Korean pianist, born with severe disabilities, 34 _ (include) only two fingers present on each hand, no legs below the kneecaps, and mild brain damage.,selflessness,than,a,including,When she was 7, her mother started her 35_ the piano to train her hands, 36 _ at the time couldnt even hold a pencil. It is not hard to imagine 37 _ diligent and persevered she had to be. Her efforts 38 _ (pay) off. She has played in many solo-concerts along with playing with many well-known artists successfully and has won many contests. She even released an album.,on,which,how,have paid,“Do not compare yourself to 39 _. Try hard to become whatever you want to be.” Hee Ah-Lee said. What an incredible girl she is - a living and wonderful example to the rest of us who may not be so physically challenged! It is because of her contribution through her very existence 40 _ our world has become a better place.,others,that,(64) Early last September, an eleven-year-old girl from Kamphaeng Phet, developed a high fever, a severe cough, and a sore throat. The family had fifteen chickens, which wandered freely beneath the plank floor, 31 _the young girl often played and slept. Then, at the end of August, the chickens died. Within days the girl was also sick and sixteen hours 32 _, she was dead.,where,later,Avian influenza is nothing new in Thailand, 33 _anywhere else where poultry are raised. Vets often refer to it as the fowl plague, 34 _ in one form or another the disease has killed millions of chickens, turkeys, and other birds over the years. But humans 35 _(rare)became infected with this type of virus. 36 _had happened fewer than a dozen times since 1959, and in each case the illness was mild.,or,because,rarely,It,37_, the strain 38_ (kill) the girl from Kamphaeng Phet is different; in the past two years, it 39 _ (cause) the deaths of hundreds of millions of animals in nearly a dozen Asian countries. 40 _ such virus has ever spread so quickly over such a wide geographical area.,However,killing,has caused,No,(65) Parents often believe that they have a good relationship with their teenagers. But last summer, Joanna and Henry 31_(notice) a change in their older son: suddenly he seemed to be talking far more to his friends 32_ to his parents. “The door 33_his room is always shut,” Joanna noted.,noticed,than,to,Before age 11, children appreciate 34_ (tell) their parents whats on their minds. This completely changes during the ten years. They talk to their friends first, 35_ maybe their teachers, and their parents last.,telling,then,Parents 36_ know whats going on in their teenagers lives are in the best position to help them. 37_(break) down the wall of silence, parents should create chances to understand what their children want to say, and try to find ways to talk and write to them. And they must give their children a mental break, for children also need 38_ (free), though young. 39_ thing parents should remember is that to be a friend, not a manager, with their children is a 40_ (good) way to know them,who/that,To break,freedom,another,better,(66) As long as humans have lived on the earth, they have made use of various forms of communication. Generally, this expression of thoughts and feelings 31_ (be) in the form of oral speech so far. When there is a language barrier, communication can be carried out 32_ sign language in 33_ motions stand for letters, words and ideas. Tourists and people 34_ (able) to hear or speak have often had to turn 35_ this form of expression.,has been,through,which,unable,to,Body language 36_ (send) ideas or thoughts is usually conducted by certain actions, 37_meaningfully or not. A wink (使眼色) can be a way of showing that the person is only joking. A nod means agreement, 38_ shaking the head indicates disagreement.,sending,either,while,Other forms of language can be found in Braillea reading system of raised dots read with the fingertips used by 39_ blind, signal flags, and smoke signals. Road maps and picture signs also guide and warn people. While language is the most common form of communication, 40_systems and techniques also express human thoughts and feelings.,the,other,(67) Do you always feel 31_a hard job to express yourself in daily lives? Sometimes we are so influenced by the deeply rooted culture of conservatism (保守主义)that means, we are too introvert (性格内向) to express our inner feelings. Even sometimes our heart has been so filled by 32_ certain emotion, we are still controlling 33_ as not to leak out our “secret” from heart.,it,a,ourselves,We spare no effort to do this just 34_ we are afraid of the “embarrassed moment”. 35_ after this “say I love you affair” I began to know that the “embarrassed moment”, which has become the 36_ (big) barricade (障碍) for most of us, is just our 37_ (imagine) enemy.,because,but,biggest,imaginary,38_ after you took this step can you realize what difference it can make. 39 _ (speak) out your inner feeling wont make you feel ashamed, on the contrary, it 40_ (show) your honesty and the feeling brought by open up communicating is really great. We need to pick up our courage to express our feelings. It doesnt really matter what it is, and even some brief words are enough to break ice and tear down walls.,Only,Speaking,shows,(68) In our life, we dont have to wait for anniversaries to thank the ones closest to usthe ones so easily overlooked. If I have learned anything about giving thanks, it is this: give it now! While your feeling of appreciation is alive and sincere, act on it. Saying thanks is such an easy way to add to the worlds happiness. It not only brightens someone elses world but brightens 31_.,yours,If youre feeling 32_(leave) out, unloved or unappreciated, try reaching out to 33_. It may be just the medicine that you need.,left,others,Of course, there are times 34_ you cant express gratitude immediately. In that case dont let embarrassment sink you into silence speak up the 35_ (one) time you have the chance. I wonder if we36_ (have) no words in our vocabulary for thank you, would we do a 37_(good) job of communicating our gratitude? Would we be more responsive, more sensitive, more caring?,when,first,had,better,38_ (thank) sets in motion a chain reaction that changes people all 39_ usincluding ourselves, for no one ever 40_ (understand) the melody of a grateful heart. Its message is universal; its lyrics transcend(超越) all earthly barriers; its music touches the heavens.,thankfulness,around,misunderstands,(69) We often focus on what we want instead of what we have. 31_doesnt seem to make 32_difference how much we have, and we just keep expanding our list of desires, which guarantees we will remain dissatisfied. The mind-set that says “Ill be happy” when this desire is fulfilled is 33_ same mind-set that will repeat itself once that desire 34_ (meet).,It,any,the,is met,We want this or that. 35_ we dont get what we want, we keep thinking about all 36_we dont have and we remain dissatisfied. If we 37_get what we want, we simply recreate the same thinking in our new circumstances. So, despite getting what we want, we still remain dissatisfied. Happiness cant be found when we are yearning 38_new desires.,If,that,do,for,Make a note of yourself to start thinking more about what you have 39_ what you want. If you do, your life will start appearing much better than before. For perhaps the first time in your life, youll know what it means to feel 40_ (satisfy).,than,satisfied,(70) Normally a student must attend a certain number of courses in order to graduate, and each course which he 31_ (attend) gives him a credit that he may count towards a degree. In many American universities the total work for a degree consists of thirty-six courses each 32_ (last) for one term. A typical course consists of three classes per week for fifteen weeks; 33_attending university a student will probably attend four or five courses during each term.,attends,lasting,while,Normally a student would expect to take four years attending two terms each year. 34_ is possible to spread the period of work for the degree over a longer period. It is also possible for a student to move 35_one university and another during his degree course, 36_this is not in fact done as a regular practice.,It,between,though,Any student who is thought 37_ (break) the rule, for example, by cheating, has to appear before a student court. With the large numbers of students, the 38_ (operate) of the system does involve a certain amount of activity. A student 39_ has held one of these positions of authority is much respected and it will be helpful 40_ him later in his job.,to have broken,operation,who,to,goodbye,


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