2017-2018学年外研版八年级英语下册课件:Module 9 Unit 3 (共32.ppt)

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2017-2018学年外研版八年级英语下册课件:Module 9 Unit 3 (共32.ppt)_第1页
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用适当的连词完成下列句子。用适当的连词完成下列句子。1.Could you explain _ happened then?2.Can you tell me _ shes different?3.Could I ask _ youve mentioned this to her?howwhatif4.Do you know _ she treats you like that?5.I did not know _ she was.6.I asked her _ she smiled at me that day.whywhowhy1)I asked her 2)I do not remember 3)I cannot find out 4)I do not understand 5)I could not decide a)when I should call her.b)why he looks worried.c)if she would like to go with me.d)how long he would be away.e)where I met her for the first time.1.Match the two parts of the sentences.There may be more than one possibility.Jo:Hi,Anna.Did you get the invitation to the end-of-term concert?Anna:Yes,I did.Jo:Could you tell me(1)_ youre going to come?Anna:Yes,Id love to.if/whether2.Complete the conversation with if,what,when,whether,or why.Jo:Thats great.What about Tony?Do you know(2)_ hes coming?Anna:Yes,hes coming.Dont forget,hes in the school band.Jo:So do you know(3)_ the band will play at the concert?Anna:Of course!But I dont know(4)_ they will play?Jo:I think theyll play first.whatif/whetherwhenAnna:Do you know(5)_ Tony has written a new song for the concert?Jo:Yes,he told me that he had,but I think its a surprise.Anna:Ive heard that Arthur isnt going to play the piano at the concert.Do you know(6)_?Jo:Yes.Hes broken his arm.Anna:Oh dear,thats terrible!whyif/whether1)I do not remember who _.2)I do not understand why _.3)I cannot decide where _.4)I want to know when _ _.5)I asked him whether _ _.he ishe is not playing todayto put thisthe basketballmatch startsthe teacher wascoming today or not3.Complete the sentences so that they are true for you.A:Good morning.This is 23456789.(1)_B:Hello.May I speak to Jack?A:Jack?(2)_B:Oh,sorry.A:Thats OK.baa)Im afraid you have the wrong number.b)Can I help you?c)Ill call back later.d)Jack isnt here right now.e)Whos calling,please?B:Hello.May I speak to Jack,please?C:(3)_B:Its Sally.C:Just hold the line,please.(A moment later.)Sorry,(4)_ Can I take a message?B:No,thanks.(5)_edca)Im afraid you have the wrong number.b)Can I help you?c)Ill call back later.d)Jack isnt here right now.e)Whos calling,please?include lonely suggestion trust worriedA:Why are you so(1)_?B:Im new here and the students in my class dont(2)_ me.I feel so(3)_.Can you help me?worriedtrustlonelyA:I see.It takes some time before they(4)_ new students in their circle of friends.My(5)_ is:keep trying to make friends.B:OK.Ill try.includesuggestion include lonely suggestion trust worriedcircle of friends follow treasure stay in touch When my grandmother died,I felt my heart break.Many dark days(1)_,and I missed her so much.followed6.Complete the passage with the correct form of the words and expressions in the box.She was full of love for everyone in the family and every piece of advice she gave me was a(2)_.She had a wide(3)_ and they often came to see her.She(4)_ with them until her last days.treasurecircle of friendsstayed in touchcircle of friends follow treasure stay in toucha)My best friend has found a new best friend.b)My long-lasting friendship with someone is coming to an end.c)I have moved to a new school and Im lonely.d)My best friends parents dont like me.a)Talk about your feelings.b)Try to spend some time with your friend.Do something that is special to both of you.c)Forget about your friend.Nothing stays the same all the time.8.Work in pairs.Choose the best piece of advice in your opinion for the problem in Activity 7.Now listen and number the pieces of advice in the order you hear them.a)Talk about your feelings.b)Try to spend some time with your friend.Do something that is special to both of you.c)Forget about your friend.Nothing stays the same all the time.123Choose three of your friends,then read the questions and think about the answers.1.Describe your friend.How did your friendship start?2.What makes your friend so special?3.What do you do together to have fun?4.Do you think your friendship will stay the same in the future?Why or why not?Work in pairs.Please ask and answer the questions and talking about your three friends.Choose one of your three friends to write about,using your notes.Read the passage and make true or false.()1.Many people cant make friends by writing letters.()2.International Pen Friends is a Friendship Helpline.()3.People can find friends at different ages in International Pen Friends.()4.People can practise their foreign languages or share their hobbies by International Pen Friends.()5.Most people just enjoy making friends,but they dont invite their pen friends to visit them.Write at least four questions about pen pals to ask a partner.1.Have you ever had a pen pal?2.Would you like to meet pen pals or e-pals,or would you be worried you wouldnt get on in person?3.Do you know anyone who collects stamps or postcards?4.Is this a good way to collect stamps or postcards?Work in groups.Read the list.Discuss what is important about friendship.Make choices and give reasons why you choose them.always help each other be honest to each other be kind to each other go to school together share things with each otherI think is important about friendship because is also important,in my opinion,becauseI also think that is important becauseOn the other hand,I dont think that is very important becauseUseful sentences:Finish your poster about friendship.


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