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暑期专题辅导材料三牛津初一英语全册复习复习目标1掌握自我介绍 、 互相介绍与互相问候的日常交际用语。2掌握人称代词、物主代词、指示代词的运用。3掌握名词的复数形式和名词所有格,能够确认事物与人,描述物品。4掌握There be结构、一般现在时的用法。5掌握数词的运用: 数字与算术加法。6能熟练表达时间,掌握询问时间的日常交际用语。重难点知识回顾1当number/ grade/ class/row等与数词连用时,该词与数词的第一个字母都必须大写,如:Number Five五号,Class Three三班,Row One一排。2same总是与the连用,其后面的名词要用单数如:Theyre in the same school. 他们在同一所学校。3What常指物,无限定范围,which既可指人也指物,它指在一定的范围内选择某一个(些)。What 用法回顾 1用what问人的姓名,其句型为: Whats your name ?对其回答时常用My name is,也可用Its例如: Whats your name?你叫什么名字? My name is Li Lei我叫李雷。(Its Li Lei) 2询问某个事物是什么可用Whats?或What are?句型,对其回答时可用Its或Theyre例如: Whats this that?这(那)是什么? Its a computer这是一台电脑。 What are those in English ?那些用英语怎么说? They are bikes是自行车。 3询问某个算式的答案是多少时可用Whats?句型,注意be动词应用单数形式is,而不能用复数形式are。对该句作答时可用Its形式。例如: Whats five plus six?五加六等于几? Its eleven 等于十一。 4what可与名词grade,class,row,number等连用分别用来问年级、班级、排号、号码等。例如: What class are you in ?你们在哪个班? We re in Class Four我们在四班。 What number is your car?你的小汽车号码是多少? Its 890133是890133。 5询问“某地有什么”可用“Whats 介词短语?”句型,其中is一般不可改用are,但答语中的谓语动词的单、复数形式要根据句中主语的数来确定。例如: Whats on the wall?墙上有什么? There is a picture on it墙上有一幅画。 There are two kites on it墙上有两个风筝。 6what用来问年龄,句型为“Whats yourhisage?”句中的主语应为ag e,而不是“人”。例如: Whats your age ?你多大了? Its a secret!这是个秘密! 7询问某人怎么或某物有何毛病时,可用“Whats wrong with sbsth?”句型。例如: Whats wrong with your watch ?你的手表怎么了? Its broken 它坏了。 Whats wrong with Kate ?凯特怎么了? She has a cold她患感冒了。 8what用来询问具体的时间(几点几分),可用“Whats the time ?”或 What time is it?句式,回答时可用Its如: Whats the time ? Its half past six六点半。 What time is it now ?现在几点钟? Let me seeIts about five twenty 让我看看,大约五点二十分。 9what与名词colour连用可对“颜色”进行提问。如: What colour are the flowers?这些花是什么颜色的? Theyre red它们是红色的。 10what与名词day一起用来问星期,其句式为:What day(of the week)is(it)today ?其答语为Its或Today is例如: What day is it today tomorrow ?今天明天星期几? Its Sunday 星期天。 11询问价钱时,可用Whats the price of?其主语为price。介词o f后的名词不管是单数还是复数,谓语动词一律用is。例如: Whats the price of these apples?这些苹果多少钱? Its fifty yuan五十元。 12询问某人的职业时,可用 What dodoes 主语(人)do?或 What be 主语(人)?句型。例如: What does she do ?(What is she ?)她是干什么工作的? She is a doctor她是个医生。 【特别提醒】 1询问“某人(某物)怎样?”用What about?句型。例如: I want to have a cup of tea What about you?我想喝杯茶。你呢? What about something to eat?来点儿吃的东西怎么样? Some cakes,please 请来几块蛋糕。 2用来询问对某物的看法,表示“认为怎么样”,可用Whatthink of?这一固定句型。例如: What do you think of China?你认为中国怎么样? Shes great!她很伟大! 4clothes, trousers, shoes, gloves都是复数名词,不能与不定冠词、单数指示代词以及具体的数字连用,但可与the,these,those连用,当它们做主语时,谓语动词要用复数形式。如:My trousers are on the bed我的裤子在床上。5“s”有三种含义:名词所有格,如:Toms汤姆的 is(是)的缩略形式,如: hes(他是)us的缩略式,如Lets。6it指上文提到过的那个,如: 一Whats this? 一Its a bus 一这是什么?一它是一辆公共汽车。 one泛指同类东西中的任何“一个”,如: 一Do you have a ruler?Yes,I have a new one 一你有尺子吗?一是的,我有一把新的尺子。7当everyone作主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式,如:Is everyone here today?今天大家到齐了吗?8all“(三者或三者以上的人或物)都”,在陈述句中要放在系动词be之后。如: They are all at school他们都在学校。9look作连系动词时,表示“看起来”之意,其后接形容词作表语,如:They look young他们看起来年轻。下面短语中的look为实义动词,look at,look after,look the same,look like。10too“也”,通常用在肯定句中,多放于句末,其前用逗号隔开,如:He is an English teacher,too他也是一名英语教师。11put on“穿上、戴上”,是一个“动词+副词”型的短语,当其宾语是代词时,应放在动词与副词之间,如These are your trousers. Please put them on. 12动词give可接双宾语(一个指人,一个指物),其结构为“give+某人+某物”或“give+某物+to+某人”。但当指物的宾语是代词时,要用后一种结构。如:Give Tom the ruler, please./ Give the ruler to Tom, please. Give it to Mr. Green. 不能说:Give Mr. Green it. 13have“有”,表示某人有某物;There be句型则表示“某处有某物”,如:I have a watch. There is book and two rulers on the desk. 14在介词短语作定语时,通常要后置,如:The girl in the red coat is my sister穿红色外套的那个女孩是我的姐姐。15一般疑问句的回答通常用Yes或No表示肯定或否定,故其也称为“YesNo”问句。但对选择疑问句的回答要用陈述句的肯定句来回答。如:Is your friend a boy or a girl? He is a boy. 16welcome to欢迎到来,如:Welcome to Beijing! 欢迎到北京来!Welcome to our school! 欢迎到我们学校来!welcome后一般不用you. 17Its time to do sth(Its time for sth)是做某事的时候了。 Its time to+动词原形=Its time for +名词= Its time for + V-ing,这三种句式均可表达“是做某事的时候了”。例如:Its time to have lunchIt time for lunch Its time for having lunch. 吃午饭的时候到了。18There be + sbsth+地点状语。某地有某人或某物。这里的地点状语一般由介词短语来充当。be动词的形式依后面的主语而定。当主语是单数时用is,当主语是复数时用are,如果主语是多个时,则依靠在be后的主语的数而定。例如:There are two boxes in the room. 这个房间里有两个盒子。There is a desk and two chairs in Mr. Lis room李老师的房间里有一张课桌和两把椅子。19Let sbdo sth让某人做某事。let后的代词要用宾格形式,其后所跟的不定式要用动词原形。例如:Let me mend the kite for you让我为你修理风筝。这种句式的否定可以有两种变法:一是在do前加not,一是let前加Dont。如:Let him not clean the classroom. (=Dont let him clean the classroom.) 不要让他打扫教室。重点句型句式1句型give sth. to sb. (=give sb. sth.) 引导此句意为“把给”,后接双宾语,sb.为间接宾语,sth.为直接宾语。当双宾语同为名词时,一般人在前,物在后;若物在前,人在后时,则应在人前加介词to。2句型take sb. /sth. to 引导此句意为“把(送)带到”,to后常接地点名词。3句型let sb. do sth. 引导此句意为“让某人做某事”。其中sb.是代词时只能用宾格,不可用主格。另外,Lets与Let us意思不同,前者一般包含听者在内,后者则不包括听者在内。Let的否定形式为Let sb. not do,也可为:Dont let sb. do。4句型help sb.(to) do sth. (=help sb. with sth.) 引导此句意为“帮助某人做某事”,help sb.后接动词原形或to+动词原形。5句型like to do sth. (=like doing sth.) 引导此句是“喜欢做某事”的意思,动词like后可接动词的-ing形式,也可接to+动词原形。6句型Its time to do sth. (=Its time for sth.) 引导此句是“该做的时候了”。Its time后可接介词for加名词或代词,也可接to+动词原形结构。7句型ask sb. to do sth. 引导此句意为“请求某人做某事”。ask后接复合宾语,sb.为宾语,to do sth.为宾语补足语。8句型one is and one is 引导此句意为“一个是,另一个是”,强调“两(个)”,有时也可说成One is , the other is。9句型show sb. sth. (=show sth. to sb.) 引导此句意为“把某物给某人看”。其用法与give结构相同。10句型There be 引导此句是“在有”,表示存在的“有”,不是所有关系的“有”;句中there是引导词,be的形式(is, are) 取决于其后的名词。若be后接名词单数或不可数名词,应用is;如是复数,则用are。后接一系列东西时,第一个是单数时用is,是复数时用are。11句型What about? (=How about? ) 引导此句意为“怎么样(如何)?”是用来询问或征求对方的观点、看法、意见等。12句型I think 引导此句意为“我认为(觉得)。”是对某事或某物(人)的看法或态度。表否定时,常对I think进行否定,即:I dont think。13句型How many+名词(pl.)+are there +介词短语 引导此句是特殊疑问句,意为“在某地有多少?”注意How many后只接名词的复数,不可接单数名词。知识要点问答1问:no和not的汉语意思都是“不”,它们各自用法是否也是相同的呢? 答:不相同。两者作副词用时,区别在于:no用来对一般疑问句作否定回答,与yes相对;not多与助动词连用构成否定式,试比较: aWe dont know your name我们不知道你的名字。 b“Is this a pen?Noit isnt”“这是一支钢笔吗?”“不,它不是。” no还可用作形容词修饰名词,而not不可以这样用。如: I have no(not a)book我没有书。2问:Is everyone here?大家都到齐了吗?everyone既然是“大家”,为什么用is呢?答:everyone是代词,意思是“每人、人人、大家”,强调“个体”,所以be动词必须用is而不用are。同时,everyone不能写成every one。3问:在打电话时“This is”可以说成“I am”吗? 答:不能。英美国家的人打电话与中国人打电话的用语有所不同。说“我是”时,要“This is + 人名”,“This is + 人名+speaking”或“人名+speaking”;若问对方是否是某人时,要说“Is that?而不说Are you?4问:教材中有这样两组对话: aSorry! You look the same Thats OK bGood! Thanks。 That s OK 两组对话中都含有Thats OK它们所表达的含义一样吗? 答:两组对话中的“Thats OK”意思大不一样。前者是对别人道歉的回答,意为“没关系”;而后者是对别人感谢的回答,相当于“Thats all right”意为“没关系,不用谢”。5问:一Who s that?Is it Kate? 在对话中it通常指代“无生命的东西”,但若表示说话人心目中的人或上文已提到过的人时,也可用it代替。如:Whos that girl?那个女孩是谁? Its Lily她是莉莉。 有时若提到的人性别不详或与性别无关紧要时,也可用it。如: Whos their Chinese teacher?谁是他们的语文老师? I think its Mr. Zhang我想是张先生。6问:在一次考试中有这样一道题:I can see some flowers(变为一般疑问句)我给的答案是:Can you see some flowers?结果错了,请解释这是为什么? 答:上题的正确答案应为:Can you see any flowers?原因是通常情况下some用于肯定句中,any用于否定句和疑问句中。但要注意:在表示请求或建议的疑问句中,习惯上用some 而不用any。如:May I ask you some questions?我可以问你一些问题吗?7问:Lesson 54里有这样一句:Put it on,please请问put it on能否改成put on it这种形式? 答:put on是由“动词+副词”构成的动词短语,该类短语后接名词作宾语时位于副词前或后均可,但如果接代词作宾语只可位于副词之前,故put it on不可改成put on it的形式。类似的短语还有take off(脱去),put away(收起来)等。如: You must take off your shoes You must take your shoes off“你必须脱去你的鞋。8问:Here are my father and mother. 这个句子顺序是不是有问题? 答:这是一个倒装句,正常的语序是:My father and mother are here英语中,以here,there等引出的句子,如果主语是名词,要用倒装语序,即将谓语动词放在主语之前;但如果主语是代词,则主语与谓语动词不倒装。如: Here comes Li Ming李明来了。(Li Ming是名词) Here he comes他来了。(he是代词,故主谓不倒装)9问:在Lesson 113中有这样一个句子:But you can buy one in the shop这里的one是什么意思?你能归纳一下它的用法吗? 答:one除了作基数词,意为“”,“一个”外,还可作替代词,常用于代替上文中已出现的可数名词。如上面提到的那个句子中的one就是代替上面问句中的ruler。同样下文还有一句:The one near the school此句中的one代替上句Which shop中的Shop。再看下面一个例句: There are a lot of apples hereDo you want onean apple)?这儿有许多苹果。你想要一个吗? 特别要指出的是,若代替可数名词复数形式,则用ones。如: I want to buy some bikesDo you have some new ones(bikes)? 我想买几辆自行车。你有一些新的吗?与How相关的考点练与析1.-How is Lucy? -_. A. She is fourteen B. Shes fine C. Shes here D. Shes a girl2.-How do you do? -_ A. How do you do? B. How are you? C. Nice to meet you. D. Hello.3.-_is he? -I dont know. I think hes about twenty. A. How B. How old C. What D. Who4.How many _can you see in the picture? A. box B. books C. man D. woman5. -How about some drinks?-_A. Yes, great! B. No, I cant. C. Yes, youve welcome D. Yes, please.按括号内的要求写出下列单词的相应形式。1. China(形容词)_ 2. young(反义词)_3. are not(缩略式)_ 4. no(同音词)_5. they(名词性物主代词)_ 6. my(宾格)_7. teachers(所有格)_ 8. there(同音词)_9. class(复数)_ 10. black(反义词)_11. go(第三人称单数)_ 12. there are(缩略式)_13. them(主格)_ 14. big(反义词)_15. I (名词性物主代词)_ 16. child(复数)_17. work(名词)_ 18. let us(缩略式)_19. two(同音词)_ 20. family(复数)_B)根据英文解释,写出相应单词。1. g_ let sb have it 2. z_ the number o 3. y _ not old. 4. q _ fifteen minutes(分钟) 5. p_ father and mother 6. u _ the brother of your father or mother 7. b _ the colour of the sky 8. t _ this day 9. m _ many 10. b_ the first (第一) meal of the day C)用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Tom has three _ (pencil-box). 2. They have an _ (English) car. 3. _ (who) pens are those? Do you know? 4. These are your clothes. Put _ (they) on, please. 5. Two plus three _ (be) five. 6. Here are two _ (photo) of their family. 7. Look after these _ (boy) , please. 8. Whose sweaters are these? I think they are _ (them). 9. I have four _ (watch) at home. 10. Its the _ (teacher) desk .D)请把下列括号中的词组译成英语。1. Its seven oclock. Lets _ (去上学). 2. Lets _ (吃晚饭). 3. Its time to _ (回家)。 4. We _(睡觉)at nine fifty. 5. _(看) the picture, please. 6. We _ (做游戏) at half past five in the afternoon. 7. He _ (看起来像)his father. 8. Lily and Lucy _ (看起来很像). 9. Jims mother _(看起来年轻)in the photo. 10. _(听)me, please. 11. _ (有)a clock and two pictures_(在墙上). 12. Please _(穿上)your shoes. 13. Please _(脱下)your coat. 14. Its time to_(起床). 15. Lets _(看电视)at home. 16. Please _(坐下)。 17. Can I _ (看一看) your picture? 18. Please _ (站起来)19. _(进来), please. 20. Whats that _(用英语)21. Is Tom _ (在家) or _(在学校)?22. They are _ (在工作) now. 23. Whos _(值日)today?24. Can you count _ one _(从到)one hundred? 25. My bike is _ (在那边). 变为一般疑问句和否定句1. Im Li Lei. _ _ Li Lei? Im _ Li Lei. 2. Thats a green car. _ _ a green car? That _ a green car. 3. I can spell my name. _ _ spell your name? I _ spell my name. 4. There are some flowers under the tree. _ _ _ flowers under the tree? There _ _ flowers under the tree. 5. I know the name of the cat. Do _ know the name of the cat? I _ _ the name of the cat. 变为选择疑问句6. Is your friend a boy? (a girl) Is your friend a boy_ a girl? 7. We are students. (teachers) _ _ students _ teachers? 变为特殊疑问句8. This is a box. _ this? 9. Im fine. _ _ _? 10. Im in Row One. _ row are you in? 11. Theyre over there. _ _ they? 12. Han Mei is thirteen. _ _ is Han Mei? 13. Tom isnt here today. _ isnt here today? 14. The name of the bird is Polly. _ the name of the bird? 15. There are fifty students in our class. _ _ students _ _ in our class? 16. An oranges is orange. _ _ is an orange? 17. The black bag is mine. _ bag is yours?18. Thats my pen. _ pen is that? 19. The white shoes are mine. _ are the white shoes? 20. Im Number Three. _ your number? 21. Theres a map on the wall. _ on the wall? 22. I can see a clock on the wall. _ _ _ see on the wall? 23. Its half past four. _ _ is it? 单复数互变24. This is my book. _ _ my _. 25. Shes his friend. _ _ their _. 26. Is there an apple on the table? _ there _ _ on the table? 27. Those are my pens. _ _ my _. 28. Theyre oranges. _ _ _. 根据上句完成下句,使两句意思相同或相近,每空一词。1. How old are you?_ your_? 2. Whats her birds name? Whats the _ _ her bird?3. Is your father at home? Is your father _?4. Nice to meet you! _to meet you!5. Jim and I are in the same class. Jim is my _.6. Bill is English. Bill is _ _ boy. 7. The workers are working. The workers are _ _.8. Are we all there here today? _ _ here today? 9. I am Liu Mei. _ name _ Liu Mei.10. Whats three plus four? Whats three _ four? 11. Sit down, please! _ _ _, please!12. His parents are doctors. His _ and _ are doctors.13. Lucy and Lily look the same. Lucy _ _ Lily.14. These are my coats. These _ are _.15. Our school has twenty-four classes. _ _ twenty-four classes_ our school.16. He is in Grade 1. She is in Grade 1, too. _ are in the _ grade.17. Can I help your? _ can I _ _ you?18. Thats all right. Youre _.19. Is this an orange? Is this an apple? Is this an orange _ an apple?20. The woman is Mrs. Green. Shes in a red coat. The woman _ _ _ _ is Mrs. Green.21. They go to school at 6: 30 am. They go to school at 6:30 _ _ _. 22. Whats the time, please? What _ _ _, please?23. Its time to go to school. Its time_ _.24. Its eight forty-five now. Its a _ to _ now.25. These new books are Toms. These are _ _ _.26. Please give Mr. Lee the watch. Please give _ _ _ Mr. Lee.27. Lu Ming is my friend. Li Ming is a friend _ _.28. The man in the middle is my mothers brother. The man in the middle is my _.29. I teach English in No. 14 Middle School. Im _ _ _ of No. 14 Middle School. 30. Theres an eraser in my pencil-box. I _ _ _ in _ pencil-box.根据汉语提示,完成下列各句,每空一词。1我有两支钢笔,一支是新的,另一支是旧的。I _two pens. _ is new, _ _is old.2请你朋友猜一猜,盒子里面有什么。_your friend _ _what is in the box.3他们帮我找到了钱包。They _ me _ _my _.4让我帮助他学习英语。Let _ _him _his English.5请把这些书送到办公室去。Please _these books _the teachers office.6我母亲给我妹妹一个苹果。My mother _my sister an apple.7树上有多少只鸟儿?_ _birds _ _in the tree?8请把你的相片给我看看。Please _your _ _me.9你觉得你的英语老师如何?_ _your English teacher?10桌子上有些书,一支钢笔,一把尺子和一只铅笔盒。There _some books, a pen, a _and a _on the desk.11该上课了。Its _ _class. (Its _ _ _class.)12李磊和他的朋友喜欢在树屋里玩耍。Li Lei and his _like _ _in the _ _.13我觉得你是不对的。I _ _you _right.14桌上有两个苹果,一个是红的,一个是绿的。_ _two apples on the table. One is _, and _is green.15他请我回答这个问题。He _me _ _this question.易混词语选练1. a/ an/ one His mother is _ American teacher. I have only _ pen, and you have two pens. Is that _ book? 2. it is/ its / its Whats this in English?_ a kite. Is that a pencil? Yes, _. _name is Polly. 3. Whos/ Whose/ What/ Which _not here? _coat is this? _is that man? _one is your brother?4. look like/ look the same/ look after Lily _Lucy. You must _your clothes. The twins _.5. there be/ have _some books on the desk. Li Ming _a green bike. _a cat under the chair. I _a new sweater.6. good/nice/ fine /well _to meet you! How are you? Im _, thank you. Li Lei is a _ student. How are you? Very _, thank you. And you? 7. family / home/house/ room There is a _near the river.There are four _in the house. My watch is at_. This is a photo of my_.8. China/ Chinese This is a map of_. This is a _car.9. not / no / No. There is _cat here. Its _a red apple. Im an English teacher at _I Middle School.10. in the tree/on the tree The pears _are very big. The cat _is Kates.11. in the wall / on the wallThere are two maps_.There are four windows_.12. sorry / excuse me_. May I borrow your bike?_, Im late. 介词专练1. Whats this _ English? Its a ruler. 2. Whats seven _ eight? Its fifteen. 3. Is twelve _ seven five? Yes, it is. 4. Welcome _ my home, Lily and Lucy. 5. Whos _ duty today? Li Lei and Jim are. 6. Is everyone _ school today? No, Li Ming isnt. He is _home. 7. Jim, could you look _ my bag? I want to wash my hands. 8. We are _ the same class but _ different rows. 9. Can I have a look _ your picture? 10. Mr. Green is a teacher. He goes to work_ his bike. 11. Is the ruler_ the floor yours? No, I think it is Jims. 12. The boat _ the river looks _ a goose(鹅). 13. Listen _ the tape and answer the questions about it. 14. The ball is _ the door, so you cant see it. 15. There are four windows _the wall _ the classroom. 16. Where is Macao? It is_ Hong Kong. 17. There are some apples _ the tree, and there are birds _it, too. 18. How many kites are there _ the sky? There are thirteen. 19. My parents are _ work. 20. The woman _ the blue dress is our English teacher. 21. Whose are the sweaters _ Mrs. Greens clothes line? 22. These are new reading books. Please take them _ the classroom. 23. What _ playing games this afternoon? Thats a good idea(主意)!24. This is Jims watch. Please give it _ him. 25. I think its time _ you to go _ school now. 26. Whats a the time, please? Its half_ eight. 27. There are some coats _ the bed. 28. Whats the number _ eleven and thirteen? 29. Answer the questions and then fill_ the form. 30. The baby wants to play _ the toy car. 答案:1. in 2. plus 3. minus 4. to 5. on 6. at; at 7. after 8. in; in 9. at 10. on 11. on 12. on; like 13. to 14. behind 15. in; of 16. near 17. on; in 18. in 19. at 20. in 21. on 22. to 23. about 24. to 25. for; to 26. past 27. on 28. between 29. in 30. with用下面方框内所给代词填空。I me my we us our your them the


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