英美文学选读 John Donne

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英美文学选读 John Donne_第1页
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英美文学选读 John Donne_第3页
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Metaphysical Poetry(玄学派诗(玄学派诗歌)歌)Metaphysical Poets are a group of poets at the early part of the 17t h century.Its major members are John Donne,George Herbert,etc.The basic features of Metaphysical Poetry are its“wit”(才智)and“conceit”(奇喻)and the dexterous(灵巧的)use of colloquial speech.第1页/共11页Wit“Wit”here means being clever at yoking(连接)the most heterogeneous(多种多样的)ideas together by violence so as to impress people.第2页/共11页Conceit“Conceit”denotes a fantastic fancy(想象力,幻想)or w a y o f t h i n k i n g i n t h e f o r m o f p e c u l i a r(奇怪的),ingenious(灵巧的,新颖独特的),many-sided metaphor.第3页/共11页The Flea第4页/共11页Questions for consideration:1.Why does the poet say that“this cannot be said a sin,or shame,or loss of maidenhead”?2.What do you think the addressees parents attitude toward the poets wooing?3.Whats the real purpose of the poet to say that in killing the flea“thou”are actually killing three?4.Try to identify the rhyme scheme of this poem.第5页/共11页Three roles:A man(the speaker)A lady A flea第6页/共11页New Words 1.Mark:to give attention to;take notice of;notice 注意看 ex.Mark the change that has taken place 2.deniest:archaic past 2nd-person singular of DENY 3.loss of maidenhead:loss of virginity 失去贞操 4.woo:court,pursue,chase求爱,寻求.的赞同 5.nay:no;not only but also不仅如此,而且 6.And pampered swells with one blood made of two:Renaissance medical theory held that blood was mingled during sexual intercourse,leading to conception;thus the image of swelling suggests pregnancy.第7页/共11页 7.stay:stop;dont kill the flea 8.grudge:a feeling of ill will or resentment不满,怨恨 9.jet:black marble 黑色大理石(the“living walls of jet”here refer to the body of the flea.)10.use:custom,convention 习俗;社会风俗 11.sacrilege:the violation of anything sacred or held sacred 亵渎神圣(since the flea is a“marriage temple,”killing it would be sacrilege)12.hast:archaic past 2nd-person singular of HAVE 13.wherein:在哪里,在哪方面第8页/共11页 14.triumphst:archaic past 2nd-person singular of TRIUMPH 15.sayst:archaic past 2nd-person singular of SAY 16.findst:archaic past 2nd-person singular of FIND 17.yieldst:rchaic past 2nd-person singular of YIELD 第9页/共11页Discussion:Discussion:1.Do you think it is natural to connect love with a flea?2.Whats special about this poem?How is it different from that of other love poems?Make some comparisons if you can.第10页/共11页


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