医学博士英语统考写作教程 因果关系

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表达因果关系:这一基本功能意念,是任何写作的最基本的任务之一。要掌握以下基本表达方式:名词及词组:cause for / reason for / factor for / explanation of / result of / consequence of / effect on / influence on副词及词组:so / thus / therefore / as a result / as a consequence / accordingly / consequently / because of / due to / owing to连接词:because / as / since / so that / so动词及词组:make sb do sth / make sth happen / result in / result from / lead to / cause sb to do / cause sth to happen / affect / have an effect on / have an influence on / have an impact on / I. 表达产生、引起、造成、使得:例句:1 自然化学反应造成食物软化或变色。Natural chemical reactions cause foods to become soft or discolored.Natural chemical reactions make foods (become) soft or discolored.2 这种化学物质引起的健康问题一般不严重。The health problems caused by this chemical usually are not severe.The health problems resulting from this chemical usually are not severe.This chemical does not cause serious health problems.3 锻炼似乎可以减少体内雌激素(estrogen)的产生。Exercise seems to reduce the bodys production of the hormone estrogen.Exercise seems to make the body produce less of the hormone estrogen.Exercise seems to result in lead to the bodys less production of the hormone estrogen.Exercise seems to reduce estrogen in the body.4 该病常常造成患者死亡。This disease often causes its victims to die.This disease often makes its victims die.This disease often results in lead to the death of its victims. This disease often kills its victims.5 这是因为它产生的症状与其它疾病相似。This is because it produces causes / brings about / result in signs like many other sicknesses.II. 表达影响:例句:1. 他们研究该蛋白如何影响动物。They study how the protein affects animals.They study what effects impacts the protein has on animals.2. 心理的不正常严重影响了大学生的生活、学习。Mental problems have already interfered with the normal life and work of college students.Mental problems have already had a negative effect impact / influence on the normal life and work of college students.Mental problems have already affected the normal life and work of college students.3. 不良生活方式和行为受社会心理因素影响,要靠全科医学服务才能很好地解决。Since unhealthy living styles and behaviours are influenced affected by social and mental factors, they can be dealt with corrected only by general medical services.Since unhealthy life styles and behaviours are under the influence of social and mental factors, they can be treated only by general medical services.Since unhealthy life styles and behaviours are linked to social and mental factors, they can be corrected only by general medical services.4. 其实早餐对人体健康、学习和工作效率有着直接的影响。In fact, breakfast has a direct effect impact / influence on ones health and the efficiency of ones learning and working.In fact, breakfast can directly affect ones health and the efficiency of ones learning and working.5. 公立医院的服务问题,一直影响着医患关系实现正常化。The service problems in public hospitals have always had a harmful impact effect / influence on the normal relationship between doctors and patients.The service problems in public hospitals have always been doing harm to the normal relationship between doctors and patients.6. 忽视人的心理社会背景,影响了医疗服务的质量。If a doctor overlooks the social and mental background of his patient, his medical service can be weakened.Ignorance of the social and mental background of a patient can have a negative effect on the outcome of the medical service.Neglect of the social and mental background of a patient can harm the medical service.If a doctor does not pay attention to the social and mental background of a patient, he can not provide good medical services.III. 表达广义的因果关系:除了上面两组有明显的文字表示的因果关系以外,大部分的汉语中的因果关系都是没有用明显的文字表示的,是暗含在上下文中的,而且可以用多种的英语的表达方式来表达,学生们要注意同一意念的多种表达方式及语法要点。中国学生写英语,一个常见的毛病是句子很散,没有连接词语将有逻辑联系的句子连接起来。现在就从学习因果关系的表达开始,学习把句子用连接词语连接起来吧。例句:1. 管理不善,问题很多。Those problems resulted from were caused by the poor management. (注意!使用result in 和result from,前后的主语及宾语都必须用名词或者名词词组。)The poor management resulted in caused / led to many problems. (注意!result in 和result from 的前后的因果关系正好相反。)Because of Due to the poor management, they had many problems.Because the management was very poor, they faced many problems. The management was so poor that they met with many problems. (注意!so that 常常分开用。)The management was very poor, so they had many problems.The management was very poor. As a result, they had many problems.(注意!as a result 是副词性词组,不能连接两个分句,前面要用句号。)2. 这个问题(情况)很严重,我们不得不制定相关法律来解决。The problem (situation) is so serious that we have to make some laws to deal with it.The problem (situation) is very serious so that we have to make some laws to deal with it.Because this problem is very serious, we must make laws to deal with it.The serious problem results in the necessity of making some laws to deal with it.The serious problem resulted in the laws that we had to make to deal with it.3. 现在许多农村人觉得看西医很贵,在大多数情况下他们更愿意去看中医。Many rural people think treatment of western medicine is so expensive that they prefer to see a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in most cases.Many rural people think treatment of western medicine is too expensive so that they prefer to see a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in most cases.Because many rural people think treatment of western medicine is very expensive, they prefer to see a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in most cases.Expensive treatment of western medicine resulted in the preference of rural people to see a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in most cases.The expensive treatment of western medicine resulted in the popularity of traditional Chinese medicine in most cases.The high expenses of western medicine treatment resulted in the popularity of traditional Chinese medicine among rural people in most cases.The worry about the high expenses of western medicine treatment of (among) the rural people resulted in their willingness (preference) to seek medical treatment of the traditional Chinese medicine in most cases.4. 艾滋病传播得很快,已成为对社会的重大威胁之一。AIDS spreads so quickly that it has become a dangerous threat to our society.AIDS spreads very quickly so that it has become a danger to our society.Since AIDS spreads very quickly, it has become a great threat to our society.5. 人人都应养成保持公共卫生的良好习惯,这样我们就能有一个干净整洁的生活、工作、游玩的环境。Every person should develop a good habit to maintain public sanitation so that we can have clean and comfortable surroundings in which we live, work, and play.Every person should keep a good habit to maintain public sanitation so that we can have a clean and tidy environment where we live, work, and play.If every person keeps a good habit to maintain public sanitation, we can have a clean and tidy environment where we live, work, and play.6. 卫生资源短缺使他们的处境很困难。The shortage of medical resources put them in a very difficult position.The shortage of medical resources made their conditions situation very difficult.The shortage of medical resources made them very difficult.The shortage of medical resources caused a great difficulty for them.The shortage of medical resources brought about led to / resulted in a great difficulty for them.The shortage of medical resources caused them to be in a difficult situation.7. 医生粗心大意,就容易犯错误。Carelessness of a doctor is likely to lead to cause / result in mistakes.When a doctor is careless, it is likely for him to make mistakes.A doctor may probably make mistakes just because of carelessness.8. 医院之间的竞争十分激烈,大家都为了留住病人,纷纷打起了技术、服务、环境、价格牌。As Because / Since the competition between hospitals grows increasingly fierce intense / stiff, hospitals are taking effective measures concerning technology, service, environment and price to attract more patients.The fierce competition causes hospitals to makes hospitals take effective measures concerning technology, service, environment and price to attract more patients.9. 人口的数量迅速增加,恶化了城市的卫生条件。The rapid increase of city population resulted in led to / caused poorer sanitary conditions.Because the city population increased rapidly, the sanitary conditions in the city became worse and worse.As a result of rapidly increased population, the sanitary conditions in the city became poorer.10. 环境、教育不同,人的性格也不同。Different environments and educations result in lead to different personalities.Different personalities result from are caused by different environments and educations.Because of different environments and educations, people can develop different personalities.As Since / Because people live in different environments and receive different educations, their personalities are different. 11. 误诊是可怕的,往往会导致悲剧。A terrible misdiagnosis often results in leads to a tragedy.A misdiagnosis can be terrible, for it results in leads to a tragedy.A tragedy often results from is often caused by a terrible misdiagnosis.12. 疾病能给人类造成巨大损失。Illness can result in lead to a great damage loss to human beings.A great damage loss to human beings can result from be caused by fire.13. 据专家分析,城市空气污染70%以上是由汽车造成的。According to experts analysis, more than 70% of air pollution in cities results from is caused by autos.14. 洋快餐方便快捷、口味不同、环境舒适,所以在大城市很流行。The convenience, different taste and comfortable surroundings environment of the western fast food centers result in their popularity in big cities.The foreign fast food is served conveniently and quickly, and in a different taste and comfortable surroundings environment. Therefore, it is very popular in big cities.Because the foreign fast food is served conveniently and quickly, and in a different taste and comfortable surroundings environment, it is very popular in big cities.15. 体育锻炼不仅强身健体,还有助于心理愉快。Physical training results in lead to both a strong body and a happy mind.Physical training can make people strong and happy.16. 计算机使得我们的工作、生活、生产,乃至我们的整个社会发生了巨大变化。Computers have brought about great changes to our work, life and production, even to the whole society of ours. Computers have made our work, life and production, even our whole society, change greatly.Computers have resulted in caused / led to great changes in our work, life, production and even the whole society.练习:用英语表达以下意念:1 该病可以引起严重的心脏损伤。2 接种过实验性疫苗的实验室的猴子产生了抗艾滋病病毒的抗体。3 抗原使人体产生抗病的抗体。4. 农村卫生资源严重不足的问题,极大地影响了农村卫生事业。5. 医生与病人进行语言交流,能影响治疗效果。6. 人类平均寿命的延长给人类和自然界带来的影响需要相当长的时间才能显现出来。7. 禽流感给人们再次带来了恐慌,相关国家和地区一些行业的经济也受到影响。8. 最容易受到这种化学物品影响的,是那些患有哮喘呼吸疾病的人。9. 新的健康概念对整个现代医学产生了巨大影响。10. 现在,人们的消费能力提高了,也舍得为孩子买高价的营养品。11. 碳水化合物提供的热量不足,导致蛋白质和脂肪不能发挥它们的功能。12. 只有均衡营养素,才能维持小儿的正常发育和健康。13. 许多学生由于没有及时找医生进行心理治疗,使得心理问题发展为心理障碍,甚至成为心理疾病。14. 长期郁闷压抑,最终导致各种疾病症状出现。15. 肝痛是工作紧张引起的。16. 运动时应穿轻便的衣服,这样在运动中产热增加时,可以方便地脱掉。17. 在寒冷环境下运动,机体血管扩展,大大降低了身体对寒冷的抵抗能力。18. 身体内的能源物质消耗增多,维生素的需求也增加。19. 脂肪具有产热量多的特点,增加脂肪有助于机体御寒。20. 冬季遇大雾天,晨练最好在室内进行,一是雾天能见度低,容易发生交通事故;二是冬雾中含有对人体有害的污染物。21. 过度节食者难免精疲力尽。22. 实验表明吸人含有薄荷(mint)和百花香味 (fragrance)的气体能使计算机操作人员明显减少操作失误。23. 这类食物脂肪含量高,胃肠一般难以承受,容易出现消化不良,并易诱发胆、胰疾患,或使这类疾病复发、加重。24. 老年人还要少吃甜食,因为多余的糖在体内转化为脂肪,容易引起无机盐缺乏。25. 艾滋病病毒侵入人体后破坏人体免疫功能,使人体发生多种不可治愈的感染和肿瘤,最后导致被感染者死亡。26. 艾滋病威胁着每一个人和每一个家庭,预防艾滋病是全社会的责任。27. 共用注射器、吸毒是传播艾滋病的重要途径,因此要拒绝毒品,珍爱生命。28. 人类平均寿命无节制地延长,将会给人类带来很多伦理困惑。29. 许多头发问题源于一个人所吃的东西。30. 好奇心和想象力常常导致成功。31. 这个医生医术高明,看病认真负责,很受病人欢迎。32. 由于没有固定场所和必需的设备,这种社区健康教育服务最终未能坚持下去。33. 显然,热量的缺乏是导致这些小儿消瘦的主要原因。Reference keys:1 该病可以引起严重的心脏损伤。The sickness can lead to result in / cause / give rise to serious heart damage.2 接种过实验性疫苗的实验室的猴子产生了抗艾滋病病毒的抗体。The laboratory monkeys that got an experimental vaccine medicine developed produced antibodies against AIDS virus.3 抗原使人体产生抗病的抗体。Antigens cause the human body to produce develop antibodies that fight the disease.Antigens make the human body produce develop antibodies that fight the disease.4. 农村卫生资源严重不足的问题,极大地影响了农村卫生事业。Inadequate medical resources in the rural areas greatly affect the rural medical care.Severe shortage of rural medical resources has a harmful effect on the rural medical care.5. 医生与病人进行语言交流,能影响治疗效果。The verbal communication between doctors and patients can have an effect on the treatment outcomes.The spoken communication between doctors and patients can affect the treatment results.6. 人类平均寿命的延长给人类和自然界带来的影响需要相当长的时间才能显现出来。The effects influences / impacts that the prolonged average human lifetime will have on human beings and Nature will be shown in a long time.It will take a long time for the effects of prolonged lifespan to become apparent.7. 禽流感给人们再次带来了恐慌,相关国家和地区一些行业的经济也受到影响。The bird flu brought people another panic which had a great harmful effect impact on the economies in the countries and areas attacked by the disease.The bird flu made people scared once again. As a consequence, the economies in the countries and areas attacked by the disease were greatly affected damaged.8. 最容易受到这种化学物品影响的,是那些患有哮喘呼吸疾病的人。The people most likely to be affected by this chemical are those who suffer from the breathing disorder called asthma.People with breathing disorders are likely to be affected by the chemical.9. 新的健康概念对整个现代医学产生了巨大影响。The new concept of health has produced a great influence effect / impact on the modern medicine.10. 现在,人们的消费能力提高了,也舍得为孩子买高价的营养品。As Because people have more consumption power, they can afford to buy expensive nutritious food for their children.As Because people become rich, they can buy expensive nutritious food for their children.11. 碳水化合物提供的热量不足,导致蛋白质和脂肪不能发挥它们的功能。Because carbohydrates cannot supply enough calories, protein and fat cannot fulfill their normal functions.Due to Because of insufficient calories supplied by carbohydrates, protein and fat cannot function well.The problem that carbohydrates cannot supply enough calories makes protein and fat fail to perform their normal functions.12. 只有均衡营养素,才能维持小儿的正常发育和健康。Only balanced nutrition can maintain normal growth and health of children.Only balanced nutrition can result in lead to normal growth and health of children.Normal growth and health of children can only result from balanced nutrition.Only balanced nutrition can make children grow normally and healthily.13. 许多学生由于没有及时找医生进行心理治疗,使得心理问题发展为心理障碍,甚至成为心理疾病。Because many students failed to consult a psychological doctor in time, their mental problems developed into mental obstructions, or even mental illnesses.Many students failed to consult a psychological doctor in time so that their mental problems developed into mental obstructions, or even mental illnesses.Many students failed to consult a psychological doctor in time. Consequently As a result, their mental problems developed into mental obstructions, or even mental disorders.14. 长期郁闷压抑,最终导致各种疾病症状出现。Long-term depression can cause lead to / result in symptoms of a variety of diseases.15. 肝痛是工作紧张引起的。The liver pain resulted from was caused by intense work.Intense work was the cause of the liver pain.16. 运动时应穿轻便的衣服,这样在运动中产热增加时,可以方便地脱掉。To do exercises we should wear light and convenient clothes which can be easily taken off when we become very hot during exercises.We should wear light and convenient clothes when we take get exercise so that they can be easily taken off after we become very hot during exercise.We should wear light and convenient clothes when we take get exercise, because we can easily take them off after we become very hot during exercise.17. 在寒冷环境下运动,机体血管扩展,大大降低了身体对寒冷的抵抗能力。When we do exercises in cold environment, blood vessels of our body will become expanded. Consequently Therefore, our bodys ability to resist cold will be greatly reduced.Because blood vessels of our body will expand when we do exercises in cold whether, our bodys cold resistance will be greatly reduced.18. 身体内的能源物质消耗增多,维生素的需求也增加。The increased consumption of energy substances in our body results in leads to / causes an increased need for vitamins.Because more energy materials are used up in our body, we need more vitamins.19. 脂肪具有产热量多的特点,增加脂肪有助于机体御寒。Because fat can produce more calories, to have more fat helps our body resist cold.It is helpful to our bodys cold resistance to have more fat because fat produces a lot of calories.20. 冬季遇大雾天,晨练最好在室内进行,一是雾天能见度低,容易发生交通事故;二是冬雾中含有对人体有害的污染物。In a heavy foggy day in winter, morning exercise should be done indoors. This is because a traffic accident is likely to happen in such weather and there are more harmful pollutants in the winter fog.In a heavy foggy day in winter, morning exercise should be done indoors. The reasons are that low visibility in the heavy fog is likely to cause a traffic accident and that winter fog contains harmful dirty substances.21. 过度节食者难免精疲力尽。Excessive dieting results inevitably in fatigue and exhaustion.Excessive dieting surely makes people feel extremely tired exhausted.Excessive dieting surely causes people to feel extremely tired exhausted.22. 实验表明吸人含有薄荷(mint)和百花香味 (fragrance)的气体能使计算机操作人员明显减少操作失误。Experiments showed that breathing in air with mint and fragrance could make computer operators greatly reduce operation errors.Experiments showed that breathing in air with mint and fragrance could cause computer operators to obviously reduce errors in operation.Experiments showed that breathing in air with mint and fragrance could result in much fewer operation errors by computer operators.23. 这类食物脂肪含量高,胃肠一般难以承受,容易出现消化不良,并易诱发胆、胰疾患,或使这类疾病复发、加重。Because this kind of food contains too much fat for stomach and intestines to bear, indigestion and disorders of gallbladder and pancreas are likely to happen, or such old disorders can recur or become worse.Too much fat in this kind of food is likely to cause lead to / result in digestive disorders or make old ones return or become worse.24. 老年人还要少吃甜食,因为多余的糖在体内转化为脂肪,容易引起无机盐缺乏。Old people should take less sweet food, because extra sugar will turn into fat in the body and consequently cause lead to / result in lack of inorganic salts.25. 艾滋病病毒侵入人体后破坏人体免疫功能,使人体发生多种不可治愈的感染和肿瘤,最后导致被感染者死亡。After AIDS viruses invade the human body and destroy the immune system, they cause the body to develop various incurable infections and tumors and finally cause the victim to die.AIDS viruses invade the human body and destroy the immune system so that various incurable infections and tumors will develop in the body and finally make the victim die.26. 艾滋病威胁着每一个人和每一个家庭,预防艾滋病是全社会的责任。Since AIDS is threatening every person and every family, it is a duty of the whole society to prevent the disease.AIDS is threatening every person and every family so that the whole society has a duty to prevent the disease.27. 共用注射器、吸毒是传播艾滋病的重要途径,因此要拒绝毒品,珍爱生命。As Because AIDS is chiefly spread through sharing a needle to inject drugs, we should reject refuse drugs and take good care of our life.Because sharing a needle to inject drugs is a chief way of spreading for AIDS, we should reject refuse drugs and cherish our life.28. 人类平均寿命无节制地延长,将会给人类带来很多伦理困惑。The unlimited prolonged average lifetime of human beings will cause lead to / result in many ethical problems.It will cause lead to / result in many ethical problems to prolong endlessly the average lifetime of human beings.Many ethical problems can result from be caused by the unlimited prolonged average lifetime of human beings.29. 许多头发问题源于一个人所吃的东西。Many hair problems result from are caused by what one eats.What one eats can result in cause / lead to many problems.30. 好奇心和想象力常常导致成功。Curiosity Interest and imagination often result in lead to success.Curiosity Interest and imagination can often make one succeed.31. 这个医生医术高明,看病认真负责,很受病人欢迎。The skillful treatment and responsibility of the doctor resulted in lead to his popularity among patients.Because the doctor was very skillful and responsible, he enjoyed a great popularity amon


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