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1主语从句;subject(谓语之前)2宾语从句;object(谓语之后)3表语从句;predicative(系动词之后)4同位语从句 appositive(名词之后)引导词:That,whether,if,who,what,where,when,why,how,whoever,whatever,.第1页/共27页1.Whether he will come or not is a question2.It is obvious that he will win the game.3.That he will go to London surprised us4.The fact is that she never liked him.5.I hope that you can pass the exam.6.He thought it strange that she passed the exam.7.The fact that he failed the exam shocked us.8.Who will go makes no difference.9.That is why he was late for school.第2页/共27页主语从句1.Whether he will come or not is a question2.That he will go to London surprised us3.It is obvious that he will win the game.That 在句首引导的主语从句他是最好的学生,这是很明显的it 做形式主语的主语从句it is+adj+引导词从句it is+n+引导词从句it is+Ved+引导词从句It is still a question whether/if he will come It is unknown which team will win the game.It is strange that he should like her.It turned out that/it is said/reported/believed that It doesnt matter whether It must be pointed out that 主语从句不能将if放句首第3页/共27页what 与与that 在引导主语从句时的区别在引导主语从句时的区别 what 引导主语从句时在从句中充当句子成分,引导主语从句时在从句中充当句子成分,如主语、宾语、表语,而如主语、宾语、表语,而that 则不然。则不然。What引导引导的主语从句一般不可改为含形式主语的句子。例的主语从句一般不可改为含形式主语的句子。例如:如:1)What you said yesterday is right.2)That she is still alive is certain.It is right what you said yesterday.It is certain that she is still alive.第4页/共27页._ I cant understand is why he has changed his mind._ the earth is round is known to us all.归纳:WhatThat连词连词_在从句中不作成在从句中不作成分,不 含 有 疑 问 意 义,而分,不 含 有 疑 问 意 义,而_在从句中作成分,在从句中作成分,thatwhat第5页/共27页1)_ you dont like him is none of my business.A.What B.Who C.That D.Whether 2)_ he said at the meeting astonished everybody present.A.What B.That C.The fact D.The matter高考题选萃第6页/共27页宾语从句1.I hope that you can pass the exam.2.He thought it strange that she passed the exam.it 做形式宾语的宾语从句我们把餐前洗手当成一个规则我们觉得很奇怪你竟然喜欢他,We make it a rule that we should wash our hands before meals.We think it strange that you should like him.第7页/共27页1.I hate _ when people talk with their mouths full A.it B.that C.these D.them 2.I feel _ strange that he should be so careless.A./B.it C.that D.how 3.It worried her a bit _ her hair was turning grey.Awhile B.that Cif DFor4._ need further discussion whether we will buy the house or not.A.That B.this C.it D.the thing.5.I will see to _ that all the lights are turned off.A.It B.this C./D.them.第8页/共27页表语从句The fact is that she never liked him.That is why he was late for school.表语从句中不用if,但可以用as if 引导He looks as if he was going to cry.第9页/共27页同位语从句同位语位于名词的后面,补充说明名词的内容,同位语与其前的词或短语表达的是同一事物。如:The fact that she is ill should be considered.第10页/共27页The news that our team has won the match is true.His delay is due to the fact that the car went wrong halfway.同位语从句同位语从句一般跟在名词同位语从句一般跟在名词fact,news,promise,truth,belief,thought,idea,answer,information,doubt,knowledge,hope,law,opinion,plan,suggestion后面后面,用以说明或解用以说明或解释前面的名词释前面的名词.第11页/共27页 The Differences Between The Differences Between Appositive clauses and Attributive ClausesAppositive clauses and Attributive Clauses 怎样区别同位语从句与定语从句第12页/共27页同位语从句与定语从句同位语从句与定语从句的的不同之处不同之处1 1、从句的作用不同:同位语从句用来进一步、从句的作用不同:同位语从句用来进一步 说明前面名词的内容;定语从句用来修饰、说明前面名词的内容;定语从句用来修饰、限定前面的名词。限定前面的名词。e.g.The news that our team has won the final match is encouraging.The news that you told us is really encouraging.(从句说明“消息”的内容:我们队取得了决赛胜利。)从句对“消息”加以限定:是你告诉我们的你告诉我们的,而非来自其他渠道。但消息是何内容却不得而知。)第13页/共27页2 2、引导从句的关联词、引导从句的关联词that的功能不同:的功能不同:that引导同位语从句时是一个纯连词,不充当任引导同位语从句时是一个纯连词,不充当任何成分;而引导定语从句的何成分;而引导定语从句的that是关系代词,是关系代词,既指代先行词又须在从句中充当成分。既指代先行词又须在从句中充当成分。e.g.1)Dad made a promise that he would buy me CD player if I passed the English test.2)Dad made a promise that excited all his children.(that 不充当任何成分不充当任何成分,从句是个完整句子)从句是个完整句子)(that指代指代promise,又在从句中充当主语。),又在从句中充当主语。)第14页/共27页3 3、thatthat引导同位语从句时是一个纯连词,故引导同位语从句时是一个纯连词,故不能用不能用whichwhich替换;而替换;而thatthat引导定语从句时是引导定语从句时是代词,常可以和另一关系代词代词,常可以和另一关系代词whichwhich替换。替换。e.g.The fact that he is from Canada is new to me.The fact that surprised me is that he is not Chinese.(that不可换为不可换为which)(第一个(第一个that可换为可换为which)第15页/共27页4 4、引导同位语从句的关联词,除、引导同位语从句的关联词,除thatthat外,还可外,还可以根据句义使用任何其它疑问代词或副词;以根据句义使用任何其它疑问代词或副词;而定语从句不可用而定语从句不可用what,how,whetherwhat,how,whether等引导。等引导。e.g.I had no idea at all what I should do next.There is no proof whether he was killed by others.第16页/共27页 Practice1.His proposal that we go there on foot is acceptable.2.Many teachers hold the view that teenagers should not spend too much time online.3.The first request that he made was to ask for freedom.4.Do you have any idea where we will be sent?5.Is this the company where your father works?6.This is the reason that he gave for his absence.7.He made an excuse that his car broke down on the way.第17页/共27页1.The news _ another power station will be built cheered all the villagers.A which B that C what D whatever2 The news _ he told us is exciting.Which of the following is wrong?A what B C which D thatExercisesBA第18页/共27页II.Choose the best answer1.They expressed the hope _they would come over to China.A.which B.that C.whom D.when2.The fact_ he didnt see Tom yesterday is true.A.that B.which C.when D.what3.I have no idea _he will come back.A.where B.when C.what D.thatBAB第19页/共27页4.The news _ surprised everybody yesterday now proves to be false.A.that B.when C.what D.how 5.One of the men held the view _ the book said was right.A.what that B.that which C.that what D.which that6.Word has come _ some American guests will come for a visit to our college next week.A.what B.whether C.that D.whichACC第20页/共27页 _ 等引导的名词性从句不含有疑问意义,相当于名词后加一个定语从句,而_等引导的名词性从句都含有疑问意义。Whoever,whateverWho,what What,who VS whatever,whoever第21页/共27页3.选择填空(what,whatever,who,whoever1._ was said here must be kept secret.2._we need is more time.3._ made the long distance call to him is not important.4._ breaks the law will be punished.WhateverWhatWhoWhoever第22页/共27页1._ has helped to save the drowning girl is worth praising.(s99)A.Who B.The one C.Anyone D.Whoever高考题选萃第23页/共27页2.Sarah hopes to become a friend of _ shares her interests.A.anyone B.whomever C.whoever D.no matter who 第24页/共27页3.These wild flowers are so special,I would do _ I can to save them.A.whatever B.that C.which D.whichever第25页/共27页 4.It is generally considered unwise to give a child _ he or she wants.(NMET97)A.however B.whatever C.whichever D.whenever 5._ leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights.(MET88)A.Anyone B.The person C.Whoever D.Who 第26页/共27页


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