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It的用法总结及写作训练高考命题趋势综观全国各地高考试卷和模拟试题,不难发现的it用法在英语基础知识部分考查的比较多,出现的频率也很高,it的用法涉及到的考点不外乎以下几点:1It作代词的用法(包括人称代词和非人称代词),而尤以后者出现的形式多。2作形式主语3作形式宾语4用在固定搭配中5强调句(此种结构考查的次数最多,应该引起我们平时备考的足够重视) 强化记忆部分 一.it作人称代词1.it的最基本用法是作代词,主要指刚提到的事物,以避免重复:Ningbo isabeautifulcity, isntit?They watched the train until it disappeared in the distance.注意:区别it 和one 的用法2.也可以指动物或婴儿(未知性别的婴儿或孩子):Is this your dog?No, it isnt.3.也可指抽象事物:Itwas a great surprise to me when he did a thing like that-I want to stay. -Your father wont like it.二、.非人称代词itit有时并不指具体的东西,而泛指天气、时间、日期、距离、价值、度量、温度、环境等,称为非人称的it:1.指天气:It is a lovely day, isntit? It is a bit windy.2.指时间: It was nearly midnight when she came back. 3.指环境: It was very quiet inthecaf. 4.指距离:It is half an hourswalkto the city centre. 5指日期:Whats the date toda? Its the eleventh, October.6指季节:It is summer now.7指度量:It is about 20 pound/kg8.指价值:- Whats the cost of the dictionary?-It is sixty-three.9 Its 35 centigrade now. So I feel hot.三.it用在一些词组中,it 没有特别的意思 The last trains gone. Come on, well foot it. (来,咱们步行吧。)Make it! Get it Take it easy Forget it Its up to you 配套练习1. She heard a terrible noise, and_ brought her heart into her mouth.A. it B. which C. this D. that2.She heard a terrible noise, _brought her heart into her mouth.A. it B. which C. this D. that3.Toms mother kept telling him that he should work harder, but _didnt help. A. he B . which C. she D. it4.The weather turned out to be very good, and _was more than we had expected.A. what B. which C. that D. it5.In the United States, bus travel doesnt cost much as train travel, _?A. dont they B. does it C. do they D. doesnt it6.Someone is at the door, who is_ ?A. this B. that C. it D. he7.-It is raining cats and dogs.- _. .A. So it is B. So is it C. Neither it is D. Neither is it8.-Has the boy got his missing bicycle now?-Yes, the police gave_. .A. him to him B. it to it C. it to him D. him to it9-Has the boy got his missing bicycle now? - No, but his father _(又给他买了一辆新的) 能力提升部分1、作形式主语,替代不定式,ing 形式或主语从句作形式主语替代主语从句. It is clear ( obvious, true, possible, certain,uncertain.) that . 该句型中it 是形式主语,真正的主语是that 引导的主语从句,常译为清楚(显然,真的,肯定,不确定)是主语从句最常见的一种结构。 It is very clear that hes round and tall like a tree. = Thathes round and tall like a tree is very clear. It is important ( necessary, right, strange, natural.) that . 该句型和上一个同属一个句型;由于主句中的形容词不同,that 后的从句中要用虚拟语气(should + 动词原形),should 可以省去,建议记住该句型中的形容词。It is important that we (should) learn English well. It is necessary that he (should) remember these words. .It is a pity ( a shame /an honor/a good thing/a fact,/a surprise/a question. ) that . 该句型中,that后的从句一般用虚拟语气(should + 动词原形),should可省去表示出乎意料,常译为竟然。没有这种意义时,则不用虚拟语气。It is a pity that such a thing ( should ) happen in your class. 这种事竟然发生在你们班上,真是遗憾! It is a pity that he is ill. 他生病了,真遗憾!4It is said (reported/ learned/believed/thought/known/told/hoped.) that . 该句型中的it 仍是形式主语,真正主语是that 引导的主语从句;该结构常译为据说(据报道,据悉)。 It is said that he has come to Beijing. It is reported that another earth satellite has been put into orbit. It is suggested ( ordered /demanded/insisted/commanded. ) that . 该句型和上一个同属一个句型,主句中的过去分词是表示请求,建议,命令等词时,that后的从句要用虚拟语气(should + 动词原形),should 可以省;常译为据建议;有It is suggested that the meeting ( should ) be put off. It was ordered that we ( should ) arrive there in two hours.配套练习1._(据报道)that dozens of children died in the accident.2._(真遗憾)that he cant swim at his age.3._(很可能)that they will beat us tonight.4._(仍然是一个问题)when we shall have our sports meet.5._(还不确定)whether he can attend this conference or not. It is time ( about time ,high time ) that . 该句型中that 后的从句应该用虚拟语气,值得注意的是 常用过去时态表示虚拟 有时也用should + 动词原形,should 不能省,常译为是(正是)的 时侯 It is time that children should go to bed. = It is time that children went to bed. =Its time for children to go to bed.It is time you bought a new car.It is (high ) time you made up your mind. It is the first ( second . ) time that . 该句型要和上一个句型区别开来,该句型中的 that 从句不用虚拟语气,而用完成时态,。至于用什么完成时态,由主句的谓语动词的时态决定。如果是一般现在时,后面从句用现在完成时态;如果是一般过去时,后面从句则用过去完成时态,该结构中 that 可以省去;it有时用 this 替换常译为是第一(二)次。 It is the first time I have been here. = This is the first time I have been here. 注意区分 time 的不同含义1._(该 的时候了)she wrote a letter to her boyfriend.2._(这是第一次)that these Europeans have visited the Great Wall.3._(我们该)to go to school.作形式主语替代不定式1. . It is kind ( of sb. ) to do sth. 该句型中的不定式短语是真正主语,如果不定式的逻辑主语是由 of引起,主句中的形容词必须是能表示逻辑主语特征的形容词。 常见的有: bad , brave , careless, clever , cruel , foolish , good (好心的), honest , horrible , kind , lazy , modest , naughty , nice(有教养的), polite, rude , silly , stupid , wise , wrong(错误的)等。 这个句型可以改写为:sb. is kind to do sth. 。 It is kind of you to say so. = You are kind to say so. . It is necessary ( for sb. ) to do sth. 该句型与上一个同属一个句型,如果不定式的逻辑主语是由for引起,主句中的形容词通常是表示重要性,紧迫性,频繁程度,难易,安全等情况的形容词。 常见的形容词有: important, necessary, natural easy , safe , common , normal , hard , difficult , dangerous , unusual, rare , impossible , pleasant等。 =在中的形容词作表语可以用从句改写, 如: It is important for her to come to the party. = It is important that she (should ) come to the party. 2.It takes sb. . to do sth. 该句型中的不定式是真正的主语,it是形式主语,句型中的直接宾语是时间,常译为做要花费某人。 It took thousands of people many years to build the Great Wall. 作形式主语替代ing形式It is no good (use ) doing sth. 该句型中的真正主语是动名词短语,主句中的表语可以是no good , ( not any good ) , no use , ( not any use )。 It is no good learning English without speaking English. Its useless trying to argue with Shylock.配套练习It is important _(我们学英语).2.It is kind _(你们帮助我).3.It took me five days _(解决这个问题).4.Its no use _(与她争论).、作形式宾语,代替不定式,ing形式,宾语从句。We think it important to learn a foreign language. 该句型中的it 作形式宾语,为了记忆方便我们可称该句型为6123结构。 6指主句中常用的动词:think, believe, make, find, consider, feel ; 1指的是形式宾语it;2指的是宾补的两种形式:形容词或名词; 3指的是真正宾语的三种形式:不定式短语,动名词短语或that引导的宾语从句。 We think it our duty to clean our classroom every day. He felt it important learning English well. They found it difficult that they would finish their work in two days.The Internet makes it easier for companies to keep in touch with customers.在某些不能直接接宾语从句的动词后必须加it,然后再接宾语从句,这类词通常是表示好恶的动词如enjoy, hate, appreciate, mind, see to count on 等,Eg:I will appreciate it if you can help 在其它句型中的应用. It is . since .。 该句型主要用作处理瞬间动词的完成时,又要和表示一段时间的时间状语连用的问题,主句中是时间作表语,其时态是现在时或完成时,since 引导的从句通常是一般过去时态,而且是瞬间动词。如果主句是一般过去时,从句则用过去完成时。 It is ( has been ) 5 years since his father died. It is years since I enjoyed myself so much. It is . when .。 该句型中的 when 引导的是一个时间状语从句,主句中的 it 指时间,表语由具体的时间充当,常译为当的时候,是 It was 5 oclock when he came here. . It be . before . 该句型主句中的 it 指时间, 主句中的时态常是将来一般时或过去时两种时态主句中的表语多是long, not long , 3 days , 2 weeks 等表示时间段的词或短语,常译为之后。 It was 3 days before he went to Beijing. It will be not long before he finishes his job. 练习1._(已经有三年了)since his father passed away.2._(不久)the police arrived.3._(已经八点了)when we got home. It doesnt matter whether ( if ) . 该句型中whether(if) 引导的从句是真正主语,该句型常译为不论(是否)没关系。It doesnt matter if they are old. . It looks ( seems ) as if . 该句型中it无意义, as if 引导一个状语从句。常译为,看起来好象如果与事实不相符合,则用虚拟语气。 It looks as if he is ill.(真的病了) It looks as if he were ill. (没有生病) It seemed as if he were dying. 高考真题1.I think it a great honor _ to visit your country.A. to invite B. inviting C. having invited D. to be invited2.Many people now make_ a rule to buy cards for their friends before Christmas.A. themselves B. it C. that D. this3Its the second time you _ late this week.A. arrive B. arrived C. have arrived D. had arrived4.It will not be_ we meet again.A. long before B. before longC. soon after D. shortly after5.I found _ impossible for _ to work out the math problem.A .it; he B. that; he C. that; him D. it; him6.I have made _ clear _I have nothing to do with the accident.A. it; who B. it; that C. this; who D. this; that 7. The fact that she was foreign made _difficult for her to get a job in that country. (2010高考英语辽宁卷,33)A. so B. much C. that D. it8. The doctor thought _ would be good for you to have a holiday. (2010高考英语大纲全国II卷,14)A. this B. that C. one D. it 9. I like this house with a beautiful garden in front, but I dont have enough money to buy_.(09四川,6)A. one B. it C. this D. that10. _ is our belief that improvements in health care will lead to a stronger, more prosperous economy. (2006年浙江卷,4)A. As B. That C. This D. It11. If I can help_, I dont like working late into the night. (2006年I,26)A. so B. that C. it D. them12. Why shouldnt I buy a new coat I havent bought _ for five years. A. it B. that C. one D. which13. _ is well known _ Hong Kong returned to China on July 1st, 1997.A. It, that B. As, / C. As, as D. It, which I leave _ to your own judgment whether you should do it.14. Why dont you bring _ to his attention that you are too busy to do it? A. this B. what C. that D. it 四,复习回顾,布置作业


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