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What did you do last weekend?,go shopping go fishing go to the cinema go swimming go hiking play sports play chess play football play ping-pong play the piano play the violin play computer games have English class fly kites read a book do homework do housework do morning exercises do the dishes clean the room wash the windows sweep the floor watch TVcook the meals draw pictures climb mountains listen to music visit grandparents,Tree-planting Day,Womens Day,played football cleaned the room watched TV visited grandparents climbed mountain washed the clothes read a book went to a park went hiking went fishing went swimming went shopping flew kites did homework,What did you do last Womens Day?,play played,clean,cleaned,watch,watched,cook,cooked,dance,danced,study,studied,stop,stopped,动词加ed方法: 1、直接加ed。 2、e接尾的单词,直接加d。 3、辅音接尾,把y改成i加ed。 4、辅音+原音+辅音,末尾双写加ed。,played cleaned /d/ /d/ /d/, climbed learned /d/ /d/ /d/. watched washed /t/ /t/ /t/, cooked danced /t/ /t/ /t/. visited studied /id/ /id/ /id/.,do,did,go,went,fly,flew,swim,swam,read,read,flewwwwwwwwwww. visited,visited,visited,visited, read,read,read,read, read,read,read,read, swim,swam,swim,swam, swim,swam,swim,swam, get,got, get, got, get,got, get, got, take,took,take,took, take,took,take,took, went,went,went,went, went,went,went,went, saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw.,Last weekend I played football, What did you do? What did you do? Last weekend I went hiking, What did you do? What did you do? Last weekend I watched TV, What did you do? What did you do? Last weekend I cleaned the room, What did you do? What did you do? Last weekend I read a book, What did you do? What did you do? Last weekend I went to a park, What did you do? What did you do?,What did you do last weekend?,What did you do last ?,weekend,did,you,what,do,last,clean,did,you,room,your,visited,my,I,grandparents,连词成句:,What did you do last weekend?,Did you clean your room?,I visited my grandparents yesterday.,yesterday,泰山,March 15th , 2011 Sunny Last weekend, I visited my grandparents by plane. They lived in Taian. Saturday morning I climbed the mountain with my grandpa. There were many beautiful flowers and tall trees. The bird flew in the sky. The fish swam in the river. When I got(到达) to the top(顶) of the mountain, I was tired out. Sunday morning, we got up early to see the sunrise(日出). How beautiful it was! I was so excited. 1 Tick or cross (对的打“”,错的打“”) a. Zhang Peng visited my grandparents by car. ( ) b. The bird flew in the forest. ( ) c. Zhang Peng climbed the mountain with his grandpa on Sunday. ( ) 2 Answer the questions.(回答问题) a. How was Zhang Peng feeling when he got to the top of the mountain. b. How was Zhang Peng feeling when he saw the sunrise?,He was tired.,He was excited.,1 找出不同类的单词 a. ( ) A. together B. weekend C. yesterday D. today b. ( ) A. saw B. swam C. jump D. took c. ( ) A. sunny B. bike C. windy D. rainy d. ( ) A. went B. read C. washed D. study 2 用下列动词的正确形式,填写短文。 ( read go visit play watch ) Mike to a park by bus last Monday. He a book with his friends last Tuesday. He football last Wednesday. He his grandparents last Thursday. He TV last Friday. He was happy.,勇攀高峰,A,C,B,D,went,read,played,visited,watched,3 写一写妇女节一天的生活。,Last Womens Day, I got up at 7 oclock. I ate breakfast with my parents. I ,Thank you!,


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