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晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,高端数据,2011年江苏卷,下面这幅照片展现了女儿为回家的妈妈拿包的情景。请根据你对这幅照片的理解用英语写一篇短文。你的短文应包含以下内容:,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,1.描述照片内容,如情景、人物、动作,等等;,2.结合自身实际,谈谈你的感想;,3.举例说明你能为家长减负做些什么。,注意:1.可参照图中文字及下面文章开头所给提示,作必要的发挥想象。2.词数150左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。3.作文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,佳作欣赏,The burden of students has been a hot topic for years, but the load of parents has received little attention, especially from their own chil-dren.,The picture shows us a touching moment when a little girl comes to greet her working mom. Realizing her mom must be very tired after a days work, the girl helps to remove the bag from her shoulder. In,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,response, the mom kneels down to show how happy and thankful she feels. (描述图片内容,引出谈论主题),All this reminds me of my mother who has been doing whatever she could to let me have the best. But, totally engaged in my own study, I seldom pay attention to what mother needs and feels, and always think studying well is the only thing I could do in return. Now I know I can do my bit to help with the everyday washing, bedroom cleaning, or at least prepare breakfast myself, so as to share mothers daily burden. (结合自身实际,讲述自己感想,和举出自己可以做的事情),The picture convinces me it is even more important to be a good,daughter than a “good” student.(总结得出观点),晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,必备佳句,Realizing her mom must be very tired after a days work, the girl helps to remove the bag from her shoulder.,must be + adj. 表示对现在的肯定猜测。,完成句子:,I believe that she interested in the new technology. 我相信她一定对这项新技术非常感兴趣。,【答案】must be,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,The picture convinces me it is even more important to be a good daughter than a “good” student.,It is + adj. + to do sth“做是的”,写作常用句型。,用 it结构完成句子:,for people to save water all the time.对人们来说一直以来节约用水十分必要。,【答案】It is necessary,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,1.Are you going to take part in the 18th Winter Olympic Games?,你打算参加第18届冬季奥运会吗?,2.As we all know, playing basketball is one form of physical exercise.,众所周知,打篮球是一种锻炼身体的形式。,3.It was foolish of you to take the sports test without preparation.,你没有准备好就去参加体育测试,真是太蠢了。,1.The road of life is like a large river, because of the power of the cur-,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,rents, river courses appear unexpectedly where there is no flowing wa-ter.(Tagore) 人生的道路就像一条大河,由于急流本身的冲击力,在从前没有水流的地方,冲刷出崭新的意料不到的河道。(泰戈尔),2.Dare and the world always yields. If it beats you sometimes, dare it again and again and it will succumb.你勇敢,世界就会让步。如果有时它战胜你,你要不断地勇敢再勇敢,它就会屈服。,3.Do not, for one repulse, forgo the purpose that you resolved to effort. (William Shakespeare) 不要只因一次挫败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。(威廉莎士比亚),4.Its never too late to mend. 知错能改,善莫大焉(亡羊补牢,犹未晚也)。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,1.vi. 竞争 n.竞争 adj.有竞争的,2.n.责任 adj.有责任的,3.v. 广告 n. 广告,4.adj. 愚蠢的v. 愚弄,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,5.adj.有希望的 v.希望,6.n.痛adj.痛的 adv. 痛地,7.adj.身体的n. 物理,8.v. 承认n.准许,1. 参加,2. 代表,3. 也,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,4. 负责;管理,5. 一个接一个,6. 每四年,7. 值得做某事,8. 被录取,9. 为竞争,10. 被取代,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,1.Theres as much competition among countries to host the Olympics as to win Olympic medals.,2.As Hippomenes watched he thought, “How can I run as fast as At-lanta?”,3.Its still all about being able to run faster, jump higher and throw fur-ther.,4.No other countries could join in, nor could slaves or women!,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,east of London.,一个新的运动员村和所有的体育场馆将在伦敦以东修建。,真题探究,(2011湖南)In the near future, more advances in the robot technology by scientists.,A.are making B.are made,C.will make D.will be made,1.A new village for the athletes and all the stadiums will be built to the,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,2.After that the 2012 Olympics will be held in London.,在那之后2012年奥运会将在伦敦举办。,真题探究,(2009重庆)Professor Williams keeps telling his students that the future to the well-educated.,A.belongs B.is belonged,C.is belonging D.will be belonged,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,词汇拓展:,pete; competition;competitive2.responsibility;,responsible3.advertise; advertisement4.foolish;fool,5.hopeful; hope6.pain; painful; painfully7.physical; physics8.admit; admission,短语在线:,1.take part in2.stand for3.as well4.in charge5.one after anoth-er6.every four years7.deserve to do sth8.be admitted pete for10.be replaced with,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,教材链接:,1.【命题分析】考查一般将来时的被动语态。,【答案与解析】D从给出的时间状语“in the near future”可以看出,说的是将来的事情。又因此处应用被动语态,故选D项。,2.【命题分析】考查不及物动词无被动结构。,【答案与解析】A句意:威廉教授不断告诉学生们未来属于受过良好教育的人。教授所说的话是一个普遍的事实。动词短语belong to没有被动语态形式,也没有进行时态形式,故选A项。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,pete vi.比赛;竞争,用法拓展,compete with 与竞争,compete for 竞争以获得,compete with / against sb for sth 为得到某物与某人竞争,compete in (a game, a match) 参加;在中竞争,be in competition with sb和某人竞争,competition n.比赛;竞争competitor n.比赛者;竞争者 competitive adj.,竞争的;有竞争力的,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,词汇辨析,compete和contest,compete 表示为了争得名次、奖金、合同等而竞争,并不含有将对手征服的意思。,contest 所表示的竞赛可以是友谊赛,也可以是有敌意的竞赛,旨在比试技能、能力、力气、耐力等,此外还可以表示赢得选举。,More than 1,000 competitors took part in the competition to compete,for the first prize.,1000多名选手参加了争夺一等奖的比赛。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,经典例句,(1)He believed that nobody could him.,他认为没有人能和他竞争。,(2)Our athletes will some games, such as running and wrestling. They have the hope to get some gold medals.,我们的运动员将在一些比赛中竞争,例如跑步和摔跤。他们有希望获得一些金牌。,【答案】(1)compete with / against(2)compete in,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,即时训练,用compete相关短语的适当形式填空,Its difficult for small markets to big ones.,Will you the 100-metre race?,The two athletes will the gold medal.,【答案】compete with / againstcompete incompete for,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,2.admit vt. 承认,用法拓展,be admitted as. 被接受为,be admitted to / into被准许进入,admit (to) sth / doing sth 承认某事/做过某事,admit that 承认,admit sb / sth to be 承认是,It is / was admitted that普遍认为,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,经典例句,(1)He a member of the basketball team.,他被接受成为篮球队的一名队员。,(2)Only 200 children the school every year.,那时每年只有200名儿童获准入学。,【答案】(1)was admitted as(2)were admitted to / into,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,即时训练,完成句子,He the car without insurance.,他供认驾驶了这辆没有保险的车。,Luckily, he a key university last year.,幸运的是,去年他被一所名牌大学录取了。,【答案】admitted drivingwas admitted to / into,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,3.charge n. 费用;指控;指责;主管;掌管 v. 指控;收费;要价;承担责任;掌管;充电,用法拓展,at no extra charge 无需额外付费,be charged with 被控告犯罪,in / under the charge of 在某人照看(掌管)下,in charge of 负责;掌管,free of charge 免费,charge sb money for (doing) sth 为(做)某事向某人收取费用,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,经典例句,(1)He the farm after his fathers death.,父亲去世后,他掌管农场。,(2)The committee the devel-opment of sport.,委员会已经承担了体育运动发展的责任。,【答案】(1)took charge of(2)has been charged with,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,即时训练,完成句子,He told me that the factory was his brother.,他告诉我工厂由他哥哥在掌管。,【答案】in the charge of,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,4.marry v. (和某人)结婚;嫁;娶;把嫁给,用法拓展,marry sb 娶某人;嫁给某人(marry后不加介词),marry sb to sb 把某人嫁给某人,marry well 嫁个有钱人,get / be married (to sb) (与某人)结婚,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,marry, get married和be married,marry与get married强调动作,不能与表示时间段的状语连用; be married强调状态,可以与表示时间段的状语连用。可以说She mar-ried / got married two years ago或She has been married for two years或Its two years since she married / got married,但不可以说She has married / has got married for two years。,词汇辨析,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,经典例句,(1)He rich busi-nessmen.,他把两个女儿都嫁给了富商。,(2)The priest will,.,牧师将为这两位年轻人主婚。,【答案】(1)married both his daughters to(2)marry the two young people,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,即时训练,完成句子,How long have you been married? 你们结婚多久了?,We have for ten years.我们结婚10年了。,【答案】been married,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,5.promise vt. 允诺;答应 vi.有希望;承诺;答应 n. 诺言;承诺;迹象;征兆,用法拓展,promise sth答应某事,promise sb sth / promise sth to sb答应某人某事,promise (sb) to do sth 答应(某人)做某事,promise (sb) that. 答应(某人),keep / carry out ones promise 信守诺言,break / go back on ones promise 违背诺言,make / give a promise 许诺/答应,promising adj. 有希望的;有前途的,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,经典例句,(1)She that she would come back.,她答应她妈妈会回来。,(2)This year another good one for har-vest.,今年看来又是个丰收年。,【答案】(1)promised her mother(2)promises to be,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,即时训练,完成句子,The girl (有望成为) a good dancer if she is well trained in an art school.,【答案】promises to be,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,1.stand for (指缩写或符号)代表;象征;支持;主张,用法拓展,stand by 袖手旁观;无动于衷,stand by sb 支持;帮助;站在一边,stand out (from / as) 显眼;突出,stand up 站起;站立;起立,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,经典例句,(1)Can you tell us what EU stands for? 你能告诉我们EU代表什么吗?,(2)Please tell us which group you .请告知我们你支持哪一组。,【答案】stand for,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,即时训练,(1)用stand相关短语的适当形式填空,The letters UN (代表) United Nations.,Dont just (袖手旁观).You can do something to help.,The letters (突出) well against the dark back-ground.,【答案】stand forstand bystand out,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,(2)单项填空,(2012南昌二中检测)I dont know what the signal “X” on the road. Could you tell me?,A.stands B.refers to,C.means D.stands for,【答案与解析】Dmean和refer to都有“代表”的意思,但是stand for一般是指“符号、手势、记号等”所代表的意义;refer to指某个意思的对象;mean表达前面的语言的意义。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,2.as well也;又;而且(意思等同于too和also,但as well只能置于句末),用法拓展,as well as意为“不仅而且;既又;除了之外(还有);和一样”。,as well as作介词用时,意思等同于besides,意为“除之外”,后跟动词时通常用v-ing形式。,as well as连接主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式取决于as well as前面主语的单复数形式。,may / might as well do意为“不妨;还是好”。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,经典例句,(1)His wife as well as his children was invited to the party.,不仅他的孩子,连同他妻子也被邀请参加了那次聚会。,(2)We ask him for some advice. 我们不妨向他征求一些建议。,【答案】may / might as well,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,即时训练,(1)用well相关短语的适当形式填空,Jack plays football , if not better than David.,The teacher some students was inter-ested in the question.,【答案】as wellas well as,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,(2)单项填空,(2012衡水中学模拟) E-mail, as well as telephones, an important part in daily communication.,A.is playing B.have played,C.are playing D.play,【答案与解析】A当as well as连接主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式取决于as well as前面的主语的单复数形式。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,3.every four years 每四年;每隔三年,用法拓展,every与基数词、序数词、other或few连用时,表示时间或空间的间隔,意为“每;每隔”。,every +基数词+复数名词,every +序数词+单数名词,every + other +单数可数名词,every four days 每四天;每隔三天,every third day 每三天,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,经典例句,(1)He comes to see his parents every three days. 他每三天来看望父母一次。,(2)We all know that the Olympic games are held . 我们都知道奥运会每四年举办一次。,【答案】every four years,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,即时训练,(1)用every或相关短语的适当形式填空,They looked up and gave a smile to each other few min-utes.,They planted a tree meter along the road.,【答案】everyevery other,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,(2)单项填空,(2012山东济南一中检测)“Where are we now?” few min-utes one of the children asked Miss Cornwall the same question.,A.Every B.Each,C.Another D.A,【答案与解析】Aevery few minutes“每几分钟”,符合句意。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,1.I lived in what you call “Ancient Greece” and I used to write about the Olympic Games a long time ago.我生活在你们所说的“古希腊”,我曾经写过关于很久以前的奥林匹克运动会的事情。,要点精讲,(1)what 引导宾语从句,并在从句中作call的宾语,“Ancient Greece”作宾补。what相当于the place that,因此what不能改为that,也不能改为where,因为where 只能作状语。,(2)used to do / be used to do / be used to doing,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,used to do过去常常(做);曾经,be used to do 被用来做(被动语态),be / get / become used to sth / doing = be / get / become accustomed to sth / doing 习惯于某事/做,句式仿写,(1)我曾经和祖母在农村生活过。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,(2)木头可以用来造纸。,(3)我仍然不习惯早起。,【答案】 (1)I used to live in the countryside with my grandmother.,(2)Wood can be used to make paper.,(3)Im still not used to getting up early.,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,真题探究,(1)(2010安徽)In my opinion, life in the twenty-first century is much easier than .,A.that used to be B.it is used to,C.it was used to D.it used to be,【命题分析】考查used to do 和be used to do的区别。,【答案与解析】D表示“过去常常;曾经”用used to do,并且本题中动词原形be不能省略。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,(2)(2008上海)Quite a few people believe that disaster was sure to strike if a mirror was broken.,A.used to B.was used to,C.was to used D.wasnt used to,【命题分析】考查use相关词组的辨析。,【答案与解析】A句意:许多人过去常常相信:如果镜子破了,灾难必将发生。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,2.No other countries could join in, nor could slaves or women!,其他国家都不能参加,奴隶和妇女也不能参加!,要点精讲,句子结构为:nor / neither+系动词/助动词/情态动词+主语。此句型是一个倒装句,意为“也不”,用于否定陈述句之后,说明后者的情况与前者相同。,“否定词+助动词+主语”是常用的倒装句式,常用词有:not, never, no, nowhere, neither, nor, hardly, seldom, little, rarely等。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,用“so +助动词+主语”结构,表示肯定陈述句之后说明后者情况与前者相同。so it is with sb / It is the same with sb表示“某人也是这样”,该结构陈述两种或两种以上的情况,既可用于肯定,也可用于否定。,If you wont go, neither / nor will I. 如果你不去,我也不去。,句式仿写,(1)他不了解这件事,我也不了解。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,(2)他再也没去过,也没有写信道歉。,(3)他不喜欢这部电影,我也是。,【答案】 (1)He dont know about it. Nor do I.xxx,(2)He never went again, and nor did he write to apologize.,(3)He disliked the film, and so did I.,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,真题探究,(1)(2008辽宁) Bill wasnt happy about the delay of the report by Ja-son, and .,A.I was neither B.neither was I,C.I was either D.either was I,【命题分析】考查nor / neither+助动词/系动词/情态动词+主语 倒装,结构。,【答案与解析】B句意:Bill对Jason耽误了报告的事不高兴,我也是(我也不高兴)。表示“某人也不时”,应该用“neither / nor +助动词/系动词/情态动词+主语”结构。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,(2)(2007全国) If Joes wife wont go to the party,.,A.he will either B.neither will he,C.he neither will D.either he will,【命题分析】考查neither +助动词/系动词/情态动词+主语倒装结构。,【答案与解析】Bneither引导倒装句,表示前者不做某事,后者也不做。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,3.Women are not only allowed, but play a very important role in gym-nastics, athletics, team sports and.,妇女不仅被允许参加,她们还在体操、竞技和团队等比赛项目中起着非常重要的作用,要点精讲,not only.but (also). 意为“不仅而且”。当此结构连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词的单复数要和邻近的主语保持一致。若not only置于句首,其所在的分句需要采用部分倒装。,He not only said it, but also did it. 他不但说到了,而且也做到了。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,句式仿写,(1)不仅你而且他也要为此事负责任。,(2)他不但学习刻苦,而且很聪明。,【答案】(1)Not only you but also he is responsible for it.,(2)Not only does he work hard, but also he is very clever.,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,真题探究,(1)(2011新课标全国)Only when he reached the tea-house it was the same place hed been in last year.,A.he realized B.he did realize,C.realized he D.did he realize,【命题分析】考查部分倒装。,【答案与解析】D“only +状语”位于句首时主句要用部分倒装。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,(2)(2009海南) The computer was used in teaching. As a result, not only , but students became more interested in the lessons.,A.saved was teachers energy,B.was teachers energy saved,C.teachers energy was saved,D.was saved teachers energy,【命题分析】考查“not only.but also.” 放在句首时使用部分倒装。,【答案与解析】B 句意:计算机被应用于教学当中。结果,不仅教,师节省精力,而且学生对课程更感兴趣。“not only.but also.”放在句首作状语时,句子要使用部分倒装。前一部分倒装,后一部分不倒装。,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,将来时的被动语态,请将以下句子改成被动语态。,1.We will send him there tomorrow.,2.The rabbits will eat the carrots.,3.They will finish this project in five years.,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,4.They are going to encourage children to take more,exercise.,5.The students are going to clean the classroom after,school.,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,【答案】1.He will be sent there tomorrow.,2.The carrots will be eaten by the rabbits.,3.This project will be finished in five years.,4.Children are going to be encouraged to take more exercise.,5.The classroom is going to be cleaned by the students after school.,晨背精品,基础优化,知识盘点,


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