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大学英语3(专升本)阶段性作业3总分: 100.0分 考试时间:分钟单选题1. The Klondike was the _ of one of the biggest gold rushes the world has ever known.(2分)(A) location(B) view(C) event(D) landscape参考答案:A2. She has been the subject of _media coverage.(2分)(A) extensive(B) negative(C) expensive(D) active参考答案:A3. In a bullfight, it is the movement, not the color, of objects that _the bull.(2分)(A) confuses(B) excites(C) scares(D) satisfies参考答案:B4. We should never _ourselves with a little book knowledge only.(2分)(A) convince(B) satisfy(C) comfort(D) benefit参考答案:B5. The government is _the education laws.(2分)(A) discussing(B) defeating(C) delaying(D) declining参考答案:A6. The committee _five persons.(2分)(A) absorbs(B) concerns(C) excludes(D) involves参考答案:D7. The substance can be added to gasoline to _the speed of automobiles.(2分)(A) quicken(B) shorten(C) loosen(D) enlarge参考答案:A8. All the people _at Marys house.(2分)(A) collected(B) fixed(C) asserted(D) assist参考答案:A9. He made an _amount of money in business.(2分)(A) large(B) small(C) limited(D) little参考答案:A10. His health had _while he was in prison.(2分)(A) became better(B) became worse(C) became stronger(D) became weaker参考答案:B11. The sea was _and still.(2分)(A) quite(B) quiet(C) yet(D) rough参考答案:B12. _ give you this book today, but I forgot.(2分)(A) intended to(B) tended to(C) extended to(D) pretended to参考答案:A13. We should _the problem from all sides(2分)(A) deliberated(B) thought(C) described(D) designed参考答案:A14. _, I love soft music more than popular music.(2分)(A) basically(B) probably(C) actually(D) accurately参考答案:C15. The conference _ the possibility of closer trade links.(2分)(A) rejected(B) investigated(C) proposed(D) postponed参考答案:B阅读理解With the steady increase in the amount of leisure time that people enjoy today, the importance of businesses that deal with leisure products and services is also steadily increasing. Among them, tourist industry is one of the biggest industries of this kind. Providing transportation and accommodations for tourists and guides, brochures, souvenirs is one of the major industries in many countries. Since people are now having longer vacations and are more and more interested in seeing other parts of the world, this business will no doubt continue to grow. Another industry obviously devoted to leisure is entertainment. Movies, TV shows, concerts and plays are usually intended for our leisure. The same can be said of most books, except textbooks. Professional sports make money because people pay to watch them in their free time. This list could be greatly extended. But even among these industries, we have mentioned only part of the picture. The people who make the TV sets and build the theatres and tourist hotels are as much a part of the leisure industry as the singers or the hotel clerks.(17.5分)16). What makes leisure business important according to the passage?(3.5分)(A) Peoples leisure time is increasing.(B) More people are interested in seeing other parts of the world.(C) Improved transportation and accommodation conditions.(D) Longer vacations are offered than before.参考答案:A17). According to the passage, the reason that tourist industry will continue to develop is _.(3.5分)(A) transportation is more convenient(B) accommodation is more comfortable(C) guides are offering better services(D) people are more willing to travel参考答案:D18). What do we know about entertainment from the passage?(3.5分)(A) Entertainment is the largest leisure industry.(B) Movies, TV shows, concerts and books are usually intended for our leisure.(C) People are usually reluctant to pay to watch professional sports.(D) Making TV sets and building theatres are also part of entertainment industry.参考答案:B19). The list of entertainment industries in paragraph 2 _.(3.5分)(A) covers all the aspects of these industries(B) includes textbooks into entertainment(C) is not a complete picture of leisure industry(D) excludes those who work behind the scene of leisure industry参考答案:C20). Whats the main idea of this passage?(3.5分)(A) Now that people have more leisure time, tourist industry has become the largest industry in many countries.(B) Now that people have more leisure time, entertainment industry has become one of the major industries in many countries.(C) Now that people have more leisure time, leisure business is becoming more important in economic life.(D) Now that people have more leisure time, leisure business list is being extended.参考答案:CUrging Americans to take responsibility for their health,Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson on Tuesday launched a$15 million program to try to encourage communities to do more to prevent chronic diseases like heart disease,cancer and diabetes. The initiative highlights the cost of chronic diseases一the leading causes of death in the United Statesand outlines ways that people Can prevent them,including better diet and increased exercise“In the United States today,7 of 10 deaths and the vast majority of serious illness,disability and health care costs are caused by chronic diseases,the Health and Human Services Department said in a statementThe causes are often behavioralsmoking,poor eating habits and a lack of exercise“I am convinced that preventing disease by promoting better health is a smart policy choice for our future,”Thompson told a conference held to launch the initiatiative. “Our current health care system is not structured to deal with the escalating costs of treating diseases that are largely preventable through changes in our lifestyle choices. Thompson said heart disease and strokes will cost the country more than$351 billion in 2003“These leading causes of death for men and women are largely preventable,yet we as a nation are not taking the steps necessary for US to lead healthier, longer lives,”he saidThe $15 million is slated to go to communities to promote prevention,pushing for changes as simple as building sidewalks to encourage people to walk moreDaily exercise such as walking can prevent and even reverse heart disease and diabetes,and prevent cancer and strokesThe money will also go to community organizations,clinics and nutritionists who are being encouraged to work together to educate people at risk of diabetes about what they can do to prevent it and encourage more cancer screeningThe American Cancer Society estimates that half of all cancers can be caught by screening,including Pap tests for cervical cancer, mammograms for breast cancer, colonoscopies, and prostate checksIf such cancers were all caught by early screeningthe group estimates that the survival rate for cancer would rise to 95 percent(17.5分)21). Which of the following is not true of chronic diseases in the US?(3.5分)(A) They account for 70 of all deaths(B) They are responsible for most of the health care costs(C) They often result in unhealthy lifestyles(D) They are largely preventable参考答案:C22). The author mentions all the following as ways of disease prevention except _.(3.5分)(A) better diet(B) increased exercise(C) reduction on smoking(D) higher survival rate for cancer参考答案:D23). The article indicates that more money spent on disease prevention will mean_.(3.5分)(A) greater responsibility of the government(B) much less money needed for disease treatment(C) higher costs of health care(D) more 1ifestyle choices for people参考答案:B24). The $15 million program is aimed at _.(3.5分)(A) promoting disease prevention(B) building more sidewalks(C) helping needy communities(D) wiping out chronic diseases参考答案:A25). Early cancer screening can help reduce significantly _.(3.5分)(A) the death rates for all chronic diseases(B) the kinds of cancer attacking people(C) the cancer incidence rate(D) cancer death rate参考答案:DIn the past 10 years, Americas National Basketball Association (NBA) has grown increasingly dependent on the rest of the world to supply players.When Michael Jordan and Larry Bird won gold in Barcelona in 1992, the Americans were praised for teaching the world how to play basketball. This season, however, 20 percent of NBA rosters (花名册) will be filled by non-Americans. NBA commissioner David Stern happily embraces the trend. On a visit to Paris in October, Stern outlined his vision for the future, which is likely to see Europe hosting NBA games by 2010.The NBA is now planning to take China by storm.“Our experience in China has been that it is going to be explosive in its growth,” said Stern. The strategy in China is TV. “Weve made 14 deals in China with local and national networks on cable and satellite.” The success Chinese centre Yao Ming has paved the way for the NBA marketing blitz in China. The NBA, which is broadcasted in more than 200 countries in 42 languages, will put that to the test in October 2004 when the Houston Rockets play two pre-season games against the Sacramento Kings in Beijing market to compensate for tough times on home soil.“It doesnt matter where the players come from, all the NBA teams now know that they have to scout (寻找) internationally,” said Terry Lyons, the NBAs vice-president of international public relations. “It has increased the level of competition here.” As Frenchman Tony Parker and Argentine Emanuel Ginobili showed in winning championship rings with the San Antonio Spurs last season, many people can earn the respect of their America peers. Others, such as Houston Rockets Chinese centre Yao MingNo.1 draft pick in 2002and the Detroit Pistons 18-year-old Serb Darko Milicicnumber two overall in this years draftare icons (偶像) in waiting. It is the ultimate (根本的) revolutionthe rest of the world teaching the US how to play basketball.(17.5分)26). According to the report, _.(3.5分)(A) Michael Jordan is still playing a very important role in NBA(B) the part played by the foreign players in NBA will be great(C) NBA offers courses to the world about playing basketball(D) Paris will host the 2010 NBA games参考答案:B27). The underlined phrase “take China by storm” has the meaning of _.(3.5分)(A) NBA intends to make China its “marketing center”(B) NBA is planning to set up some training centers in China.(C) therell be a big storm when NBA comes to China to play against the Sacramento Kings(D) the NBAs live basketball games will be broadcasted on all the television channels in China参考答案:A28). What seems to be the biggest change that is happening to NBA?(3.5分)(A) NBA is getting more and more globalized.(B) Chinas rapid development in sports affects NBA.(C) Yao Ming has taken the place of Jordan.(D) NBA cannot maintain its high level of competition now参考答案:A29). When the writer talked of “home soil”, he was referring to _.(3.5分)(A) farms in the States(B) native Americans(C) the NBA training center(D) the USA参考答案:D30). Which of the following can be used as the best title for the passage?(3.5分)(A) The Non-American Basketball Players(B) NBA is Coming to China(C) The Foreign Ties that Bind the NBA(D) NBA is Making Big Progress参考答案:CThe British psychoanalyst John Bowlby maintains that separation from the parents during the sensitive“attachment” period from birth to three may scar a childs personality and I predispose to emotional problems in later lifeSome people have drawn the conclusion from Bowlbys work that children should not be subjected to day care before the age of three because of the parental separation it entails,and many people do believe this. But there are also arguments against such a strong conclusion Firstly,anthropologists point out that the insulated love affair between children and parents;found in modem societies does not usually exist in traditional societiesFor example,in some tribal societies,such as the Ngoni,the father and mother of a child did not rear their infant alonefar from itSecondly,common sense tells US that day care would not be so widespread today if parents care-takers found children had problems with itStatistical studies of this kind have not yet been carried out,and even if they were,the results would be certain to be complicated and controversialThirdlyin the last decade there have been a number of careful American studies of children in day care,and they have uniformly reported that day care had a neural or slightly positive effect on childrens developmentBut tests that have had to be used to measure this development are not widely enough accepted to settle the issue. But Bowlbys analysis raises the possibility that early day care has delayed effectsThe possibility that such care might lead to,say,more mental illness or crime 15 or 20 years later can only be explored by the use of statisticsWhatever the longterm effects,parents sometimes find the immediate effects difficult to deal with。Children under three are likely to protest at leaving their parents and show unhappinessAt the age of three or three and a half almost all children find the transition to nursery easy,and this is undoubtedly why more and more parents make use of child care at this timeThe matter,then,is far from clear-cuff,though experience and available evidence indicate that early care is reasonable for infants(17.5分)31). Which of the following statements would Bowlby support?(3.5分)(A) Statistical studies should be carried out to assess the positive effect of day carfor children at the age of three or older(B) Early day care can delay the occurrence of mental illness in children(C) The first three years of ones life is extremely important to the later development of personality(D) Children under three get used to the life at nursery schools more readily than children over three.参考答案:C32). Which of the following is derivable from Bowlbys work?(3.5分)(A) Mothers should not send their children to day care centers before the age of three(B) Day care nurseries have positive effects on a childs development(C) A child sent to a day care center before the age of three may have emotional problems in later life(D) Baby care would not be so popular if it has noticeable negative effects on a childs s personality参考答案:A33). It is suggested that modem societies differ from traditional societies in that(3.5分)(A) the parentschild relationship is more exclusive in modem societies(B) a child more often grows up with his(her brothers or sisters in traditional societies(C) mother brings up children with the help of her husband in traditional societies(D) children in modem societies are more likely to develop mental illness in later years参考答案:A34). Which of the following statements is NOT an argument against Bowlbys theory?(3.5分)(A) Many studies show that day care has a positive effect on childrens development(B) The fact that there are so many nursery schools today shows that day care is safe(C) The separation of young children from their parents is common in some traditionalsocieties(D) Parents find the immediate effects of early day care difficult to deal with参考答案:D35). Which of the following best expresses the writers attitude towards early day care?(3.5分)(A) Children under three should stay with their parents(B) Early day care has positive effects on childrens development(C) The issue is controversial and its settlement calls for the use of statistics(D) The effects of early day care on children are exaggerated and parents should ignore the issue参考答案:C


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