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Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry课文重难点详解Section A1. Id rather go to Blue Ocean because I like to listen to quiet music while Im eating. 我宁愿去蓝色海洋餐馆,因为吃饭时我喜欢听点舒缓的音乐。( 1c )【解析】d rather 是would rather 的缩写形式,“宁愿;宁可;更喜欢”,后跟动词原形 常用来表示选择的意愿。没有人称和数的变化,其中would 常缩写成d 形式【肯定句:would rather do sth. =prefer to do sth. I would rather stay at home because its cold outside.【2014四川达州】32. Walking more is good for our health. Youre right. So Id rather _ an hours walk to work than consider _ a car. A. take; driving B. take; drive C. take; to drive D. to take; driving【2014江苏淮安】他过去常常整夜玩电脑游戏,但现在他宁愿把时间花在功课上也不上网了。He _ play computer games all night, but now he _ spend his time on his lessons than on the Internet. 答案: usedto , would rather【否定句:would rather not do sth 宁愿不做某事( ) He would rather _ to jazz. A. not listen B. not to listen C. not listening D. listen not【疑问句:将would 提到句首 Would you rather stay at home or play tennis with us?【拓展】would rather do sth than do sth (than 所连接的词语必须与前面的词语在词性和结构上保持一致 I would rather _(watch) TV at home than_(go) out for a walk.【2014湖北襄阳3】 Driving less, walking more is good for our health. So Id rather an hours walk to work than consider a car. A. take, driveB. take, to driveC. take, driving D. taking, driving =would do sth rahte than do sth =prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. 宁愿做某事而不愿做某事 (表示在两者之间进行选择)【2014湖北孝感2】 What a heavy rain! So it is. I prefer_ rather than _ on such a rainy day. A. to go out; stay at home B. to stay at home; go out C. going out; stay at home D. staying at home ; go out2. But that music makes me sleepy. 但是那种音乐会让我昏昏欲睡。( 1c ) 【解析1】主语+make sb. +adj.意为“使某人感到; 使处于某种状态” 。 The color red makes me nervous. 红色会使我紧张。【拓展1】:make (made,made)的用法 As for our next meeting, lets make it the day after tomorrow.【make 构成的短语】make tea 泡茶 make faces 做鬼脸 make sure 查明,弄清make kites 制作风筝 make the bed 整理床铺 make sentences 造句 make a noise 制作噪音 make mistakes 犯错 make money 赚钱 make progress 取得进步 make friends with 与交朋友make a telephone 打电话 make fun of 取笑 make ones at home 随便,不拘束 make a milk shake 制作一份奶昔make a living谋生 make up 组成,编造be made up of 由组 make a plan 制定计划 make ones plan 制定某人的计划 make a decision 做决定make ones mind 下定决心 make ones bed 整理床铺 make tea 沏茶 【拓展2】make 构成的词组 (1) be made of +材料(看得出原材料) “被用制成” ,The table is made of wood. ( ) In the old days, Dai people usually lived in the traditional buildings. This kind of buildings were _bamboo and wood. A. made in B .made of C. made out D. made from(2) be made from+材料 (看不出原材料) “被用制成” ,The bread is made from wheat.(3) be made in +产地 “在某地制造” This watch is made in China(4) be made up of =consist of“被 构成” Our class is made up of/consists of 28 boys and 26 girls.【拓展3】make 构成的句型(1) make sb/sth + 形容词 “让某人或某物” make you happy可用到的形容词有:happy,pleased,surprised,angry,annoyed,sad,upset,unhappy,worried,anxious, excited,relaxed,stressed out,tense,calm,scared,comfortable,sick Mr. Liu usually makes his lesson interesting so that we all like to listen to him in class.【2011鄂州】 Im very tired these days because of the senior high school entrance examination(中考). Why not_music? It can make you _. A. listen to; relaxed B. to listen to; relaxed C. listen to; relaxD. to listen to; to relax 【2014山东东营】28. Overseas experience may help make our life _. So why not try to study abroad? A.usual B. useful C. successfulD. traditional (2) make sb./sth do sth “使某人/物做某事” make me laugh. ( ) Colors can change our moods and make us _ happy or sad, energetic or sleep. A. to feel B. feeling C. felt D. Feel【2014江苏盐城】68. Scientists are working hard to make the dream _(come) true. 【2014四川遂宁】 You look so tired. My mother makes me _ playing the piano for 2 hours every day.A. practice B. to practice C. Practicing【2014贵州六盘水】37. The teacher spoke loudly in order to make the students _ her. A. hear B. hearing C. heard D. to hear(3)be made to do sth “被让去做某事”【2014四川内江】The students in this school are made _ school uniforms on Monday. A. to wear B. wearing C. wear D. worn 【2014浙江杭州】Many fast food restaurants paint their walls red,play loud music and have hard seats_ customers eat quickly and leave. A. make B.to make C.made D.making【2014山东烟台】30.Would you mind not _ noise? Alice is sleeping. Sorry, I didnt know. I _ she was awake. A.make ; think B.making; thought C.making; think D.make ; thought【2014山东东营】28. Overseas experience may help make our life _. So why not try to study abroad? A.usual B. useful C. successful D. traditional【2014苏州中考3】Shall we go fishing at six oclock tomorrow morning? _.Will seven oclock be OK?A.Sure, its up to you B. Sure, no problem C.Sorry, I cant make it D. Sorry, Im not available【2014江苏盐城1】Shall we ask more friends to help raise money for charity? Good idea. As an old saying goes, _. A. many hands make light work B. too many cooks spoil the broth C. dont put all your eggs in one basket D. it is better to be safe than sorry【2014福建厦门】- It shouldnt take long to clear up after the get-together if we all volunteer to help. - I quite agree with you _. A. Practice makes perfect B. Many hands make light work C. Better late than never 【拓展3】make it 习惯用语,及时赶到,到达目的地 make it 办成功,做到,赶到 I think well just make it. 及时到达;赶上 The train leaves in five minutes, well never make it! 约定(时间) 【2014江苏淮安】20. 吃太多的巧克力会令我们更容易发胖吗?Does eating too much chocolate _ easier _ to get fat? ( 答案:makeit , for us)【2014山东菏泽】2.We decide to make _ a rule for us room-mates to turn off the lights at 10:30pm. A. that B.this C.it D.one3. Waiting for Amy drove Tina mad. 等待艾美令缇娜有点抓狂。( 2b )【解析1】动名词做主语,谓语动词用第三人称单数 wait for 等待 _ (say) is easy, _(do) is difficult. 说起来容易,做起来难【2014四川内江】Our English teacher often says to us, “ _English well is very important”. A. Learn B. Learning C. Learned D. To learning【解析2】 drive drovedriven v 驾驶 v迫使 driver n 司机 drive to (开车去) go for a drive 开车兜风(for 表示目的) drive v. 迫使 drive sb.+adj.使某人怎样 (1)drive sb. crazy/mad =make sb. crazy使某人发疯/发狂 That thing almost drive me crazy.那件事几乎要使我发狂了。 (2)drive sb. to do sth 驱使某人做某事 ( ) Hunger drove him _. A.steal B.stealing C.to steal D.steals4. The movie was so sad that it made Tina and Amy _ . ( 2b ) 电影如此的悲伤以至于它让缇娜和艾美感到。【解析】“主语+谓语+so +adj./adv. +that +句子”引导结果状语从句,“如此以至于”。【2014四川泸州】8. The movie is wonderful I want to see it again A. too; to B. so; that C. as; as D. so; as【辨析】so that /so that(1)so形容词或副词that .引导的肯定的结果状语从句“如此以至于”I studied so hard that I got the first place. 我如此地努力以至于得了第一名( ) The camera is _expensive_ I cant afford it. A. so, that B. such, that C. so, as to D. enough, that ( ) _fine day it is today! Yes, the sunshine is_ beautiful that Id like to go swimming in the sea.A. How, such B. What a, very C. How, so D. What a, so so形容词或副词that .引导的否定的结果状语从句,“如此以致于不能”。( ) Miss Gao asked a question, but it was_ that nobody could answer it A. very difficult B. too difficult C. difficult enough D. so difficult(2)so that“以便;为了”,引导目的状语从句。 从句中常使用can /could /may /might /will /would /should等情态动词或助动词;I study hard so that I can have a good future. 我努力学习是为了能有美好的未来( ) She bought a digital camera online_ she would save a lot of time.A. so that B. as soon as C. no matter D. such that5.John: Did you have fun with Amy last night? 你昨晚和埃米玩的开心吗? Tina: Well . yes and no. She was really late. 嗯,既开心又不开心。( 2c )【解析1】have fun =have a good time/ great time = enjoy oneself 玩的开心 have fun with sb. 和某人玩的开心 have fun doing sth 很愉快做某事【2014嘉兴】Im really tired. I have to stop running. _, Jim. You can make it. A. Come on B. Take care C. Have fun D. Good luck【2014绍兴】Im sorry I have broken the chair. _. I can easily get it repaired. A. Thats true B. Youre welcome C. Never mind D. sounds fun【解析2】yes and no “既是又不是;不能说定”。表示对某一问题的两可回答, Were you surprised when you received something from Andy? 你收到安迪的东西时惊吗? Well, yes and no. I knew he would send me something. But I just wasnt sure what it would be. 嗯,既惊讶又不惊讶。我知道他会送我东 西,但是不知道他会送什么。6. Im not sure what to do about it. 关于这件事我不确信该做什么。(2d)【解析1】sure adj.确信的,确实的;一定的make sure 确保,核实,查收,弄清楚be sure to do sth 一定要做某事be sure not to do sth 千万不要做某事be sure +that 从句 相信;对.有把握be sure about /of+n/pron 确信., 对.有把握 ( ) you need to take notes at meeting so make sure _a pen and a piece of paper with you. A. bring B. bringing C. to bring D. Brought adv.当然;确实地;无疑地=Certainly = Of course Can I borrow these magazines?我能借这些杂志吗?Sure / Certainly / Of course. 当然可以。【解析2】what to do做什么 【辨析】what to do和how to do it的区别这两个短语都是特殊疑问词加不定式构成的,相当于宾语从句。what to do是完整的(what是do的宾语),表示做什么,故不定式后不可再加宾语I dont know what to do.(= I dont know whatI can do .)how to do是不完整的(how提问方式),必须加上do的宾语,表示如何做.一般情况do后必须加上宾语。how 是副词,强调方式方法, what是代词,充当do的宾语I dont know how to do it=I dont know what to do【2014四川雅安】Students should learn how problems. A. solve B. solving C. can solve D. to solve【2014山东青岛2】 Excuse me. Could you please tell me _ my car? Sure. Park it right here. Ill help you. A. how to stop B. where to park C. where to stop D. when to park【2014青海1】 I dont know _ next. Youd better finish your homework first. A. what to do B. how to do C. when to do【2014龙东地区】Excuse me .Could you please tell me _ my car? Sure. Park it right here. Ill help you. A. how to stop B. where to park C. when to park【2014山东济宁4】 I will go to Harbin for my summer vacation. What about you? I havent decided where _. A. go B. went C. going D. to go7. What happened? 发生了什么事( 2d ) 【解析】(1) happen v “发生” 不及物动词,没有被动语态 ,主语是物,强调某事发生的偶然性(1) “sth.+happen+地点/时间”,“某地/某时发生了某事” Whats happening outside? 外面发生什么事了?(2) sth. happen to sb. 某事发生在某人身上 A car accident happened to him yesterday. 昨天他发生了交通事故。 What happened to you?=What was wrong with him?(3) sb. happen to do sth. 某人碰巧做某事 She happened _(be) out when we called.【拓展】take place 发生,指事情有计划有安排地发生 The sports meeting took place in our school last week.【2014四川泸州】7. Can you tell me what happened him just now? A. with B. for C. to D. at【2014山东菏泽】Look, so many people are running out of the station. I wonder what _. A. is happened B.was happening C.is happening D. had happened8.Well, the more I got to know Julie, the more Ive realized that we have a lot in common. 我越是了解朱莉,就越意识到我们是有多么的相似。( 2d )【解析】(1) “The+形容词或副词比较级(+句子), the+形容词或副词比较级(+句子)” “越越.”。表示一方的程度随着另一方的变化而变化,其中的两个the都是副词,而不是冠词。The harder you work, the greater progress you will make.你越用功,进步就越大。【2013黔西南3】 Remember this , children . _careful you are , _mistakes you will make . We know , Mr. Li . A.The more; the more B.The fewer; the more C. The more; the fewer D. The less; the less【2013茂名3】130. _ you hit the horse, _ it will go. A.hard; fast B.The hard; the fast C.The harder; the faster【2014达州4】My teachers often encourage me _ more friends but I find it difficult. Your teachers idea is right. The more friends you make, _ you will be.A. to make; the more happy B. to make; happierC. making; the happier D. to make; the happier【2014昆明4】Its smoggy these days. Thats terrible!Yes, I hope to plant trees. _ trees, _air pollution.A. The more; the fewer B. the less; the more C. The less; the fewer D. The more; the less 【2014湖南益阳】 As a student, we should study hard. Yes, _ we study, _ results well get. A.The hard; the good B.The harder; the best C.The harder; the better.【解析2】have in common “有共同点;相似”My sister and I have only one thing in common. 我和姐姐只有一个共同点。Cathy had very little _ _ (共同之处) with her sister.9.Umm . it makes Alice unhappy because she thinks Julie is now better friends with me than with her. 嗯.这使艾丽斯不开心,因为她认为朱莉现在比她和我的关系更好。【解析】friend n 朋友 friendly adj. 有好的 (反)unfriendly friendship n 友谊【记】We are good _. She is _ to others. I believe our _will last forever. (friend)【2014上海中考】I plan to enter for a summer camp with a friend of_. (me)(1) make friends 交朋友 (2) make friends with sb. 与某人交朋友(3)be friendly to 对.友好【2014十堰中考】 Its very friendly _ him to help me when Im in trouble. A. of B. withC. to D. in (4)be friends with sb是某人的朋友【2014山东枣庄】 Of all the teachers I love the ones who are _ because they treat students as their family members. A. the strongest B. the friendliest C. the most experienced D. the funniest【2014江苏扬州】My friend has achieved his goal after years of hard work. Great! _. A. One tree cant make a forestB. Where there is a will, there is a way C. Many hands make light work D. A friend in need is a friend indeed【2014河北中考】27. We must protect plants. They are friends of _. A. we B. usC. our D. ours 9. Mmm . why dont you ask Alice to join you each time you do something with Julie? 嗯每次你和朱莉在一起的时候,你何不邀请爱丽丝加入呢?( 2d )【解析1】Why dont +sb.+do sth.? =Why not + do sth.? 为何不? 用来提出建议或劝告。 Why dont you go with us? =Why not go with us?你为什么不和我们一起去呢? 【2014年丹东】40. Look! Its raining heavily! _ take a raincoat with you? Well, Ill take one right now. A. Why not B. Why dont C. Would you mind D. Would you like 【2014黑龙江龙东】 20.You look too tired. Why not _ a rest ? Sounds good.A. stop havingB. to stop having C. stop to have【2014四川乐山】I hear theres a good French restaurant nearby. Why not _ there for lunch? Yeah, lets go. A. go B. going C. to go【2014南京中考】15. We can invite our teachers to the farewell party next Saturday. - Yes, _? Ill call them at once. A. what for B. what C. why not D. Why【2014江西中考】34.- Why dont you join us for breakfast? - Sure! _ A. Good luck! B. Congratulations! C. What to do? D. Why not?【2014黔西南州】10. -Whats the weather like in your hometown? -_A. Yes, I like it. B. Its warm in winter. C. Why not? D. Yes, very much. 【2014江苏无锡】14. Are you willing to live on Mars one day? _. It sounds exciting. But it still worries me. A. Of course I am B. Im not sure C. Why not? D. Are you joking?【解析2】each time 名词词组, 充当连词引导时间状语从句, 意为“每一次”, 类似的词组还有every time, next time, last time, the first time等。You should take off your shoes first each time you enter the room. 每次你进入房间就应该先脱鞋。10. Then she wont feel left out. 然后她就不会觉得被忽略( 2d )【解析】leave out 不包括;不提及;忽略 to be /feel left out (感觉)被遗忘;(感觉)被忽略 No one speaks to him, he always feels left out. 没人跟他讲话,他总是觉得被人冷落。( ) He had been asked to the party and was feeling left _. A.behind B.out C.off D.over【拓展】leave (left;left)短语;leave out 搁置;不考虑 leave behind 忘带,留下 leave for 出发 leave off 停止做某事11. A long time ago, in a rich and peaceful country,there lived an unhappy king.( 3a ) 很久很久以前,在一个富饶而和平的国家,曾经居住着一个不快乐的国外。 【解析】there lived 曾经住着12.He slept badly and didnt feel like eating anything. 他睡眠不好,而且不想吃东西。( 3a )【解析1】feel like doing sth.=want to do sth. “想要做”, 此处like为介词,意为“相似;类似;像”。 I feel like going out for a walk . = I want to go out for a walk.我想出去散散步。【拓展】feel like 的其他用法(1) 表示“摸起来像” It feels like silk. 这东西摸起来像丝绸。(2) 表示“感觉像(是)” My legs feel like cotton wool. 我感觉两条腿软得像棉花一样。(3) 表示“有的感觉” Im surprised that he feels like that. 我奇怪他会有这种感觉。(4) 表示“给人的感觉(像)是” I was only there two days, but it felt like a week. 我只在那里呆了两天,但好像过了一个星 期似的。(5) 表示“想吃或喝” Do you feel like a drink? 你想喝点什么吗?【辨析】feel like / would like.feel like 与would like 意思很相近,但feel like 后面常跟名词;动名词。构成:feel like (doing) sth. would like 一般接名词;动词不定式。构成:would like (to do) sth.的句式。 I feel like (having) a drink. = I would like (to have) a drink. 我想喝一杯。 Do you feel like talking a walk. = Would you like to take a walk? 你要不要散步? I dont feel like eating. 我不想吃东西。.feel like 还表示:“觉得好像,摸起来像”。 It feels like silk. 它摸起来像绸缎。13.His face was always pale as chalk. 他总是面色 苍白。( 3a )【解析】(as) pale as chalk 是一种明喻修辞结构, chalk是一种白色的石灰岩,汉语描述不健康的人面部 颜色时常用“白”字,如“煞白;苍白;灰白”等等,英语常用pale来表达。 You look as pale as chalk today. Whats wrong with you? 今天你看着面色苍白,哪里不舒服吗?14.He often cried for no reason( 3a ) 他经常无缘无故的哭泣。( 3a )【解析】for no reason 没有理由的;无缘无故【2014谷城县】Sally is ill. Do you know whats the matter with her? Poor girl. Her illness is the_ of eating unhealthy food.A. cause B. reason C. result D. end15. One day, a doctor was called in to examine the king. 一天,一位医生被叫去为国王检查身体。( 3a ) 【解析1】call in 召来,叫来 Call in the doctor at once. 马上去请医生来。 (1) call sb. in “召来;叫来”。 I called the police in. 我叫来了警察。 (2) call sth. in “下令收回;要求退回”。 He only waited two minutes before he was called in. 他只等了两分钟就被叫了进去。 call短语归纳call back 唤回,叫回; _ 回电话,再打电话call up (给)打电话; _ 想起,回忆起call away 叫走,叫开 【解析2】examine v (仔细)检查,检验 n examination examine sb. On /in sth对某人进行.的考试( ) The students will be examined _ all subject at the end of the term. A.in B.at C.with D.for16. Neither medicine nor rest can help him. 无论是药物还是休息都帮不了他。( 3a )【解析】 neither.nor.“既不也 不; 和都不”, 其含义是否定的,可连接任意两个并 列的成份,谓语动词的单复数采取“就近原则”。 I have neither money nor time. 我既没有钱也没有时间。 Neither Tom nor his sisters were at home.汤姆和珍都不在家。【辨析1】both,


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