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旅游英语,Practical English for Tourism,Focal points,Teaching objectives Grading scheme Basic Information,Teaching objectives,Help you engage in fluent and understandable oral English communication Compose practical writing assignments Do written translation and oral interpretation,Teaching objectives,Get some idea of the tourism development in and outside of China and cultural background information about the countries we are going to travel in class by watching relevant VCDs.,Grading scheme,1. Attendance and participation (15%) 2. Assignments(15%) 3. Final exam (70%),Basic Information,What is tourism? Why do people travel? What is a travel agency?,How to understand tourism,Home,Return,Reach,The other,Travel as circle Tourism as a phenomenon 3 elements,3 elements,Man Time Place,Man,Tourist Traveler Non-resident,Place,Home, usual or normal habitat Destination,Time,Temporary Permanent,Definition of tourism,the t_ movement of p_ to d_s away from their usual or normal h_, the activities entered upon during their stay in those destinations and the facilities developed to provide for their requirements/needs.,Classification of tourism,1. International tourism Inbound, Outbound, Cross-border 2. Internal tourism (domestic tourism),Why people travel,Tourism can be regarded as a form of leisure activity that takes place away from home and place of work. people can be away from home for reasons other than being on holiday,Purposes of travel,On business attend a conference Inspections Visit friends or relatives,Other personal business,All I want is that it is cheap and warm; the purpose is just to relax. Of course Id like to see the local sights if there are any. Travel for p_ and r_,Travel for c_ and n_,To get to a new place is always nice for a moment, even if the place was totally miserable. The fact that people act differently there from what they do here in the familiar environment is interesting There is always something new when the place changes. change , novelty,Travel for seeking knowledge,Want to see India because of the culture.,If you never go anywhere, your sphere of life is quiet limited.,Travel for e_and relief of t_,I got to get away and get her out of my mind. It did not matter where, as long as it was far away and I could leave right away.,2 divisions of tourism,1. B_ travel 2. Recreational travel Vacation and Leisure travel,The officially accepted definition is “ Tourism comprises the activities of persons traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes. 旅游是为了休闲度假,经商和其他目的,远离常规环境,到其他地区旅行,连续停留不超过一年的人的各种活动。,True or False?,Tourism has become one of the worlds biggest industries. Tourism can be viewed as a single industry. Tourism includes various other trades and other industries.,Nature of tourism,Tourism is , therefore, a social and cultural phenomenon . Tourism industry can be characterized by a mixture of different trades, organizations and activities.,tourism is the sum of the phenomena and relationships arising from the interaction of tourists, business suppliers, host governments and host communities in the process of attracting and hosting these tourists and other visitors.,Tourism-related industries,Food industries Food & Beverage: Not only provide basic sustenance for tourists but an important factor in the overall tourism experience.,Transportation,Stagecoach (1500 A.D.) Invented in Hungary. Railroads (1825)First passenger train was in England. Boats & Ships (early 400 B.C., but first ocean liner 1840) Automobile (1908) Henry Fords Model T Air Travel (1919),The hotel industry,Commercial hotels Luxury hotels Resort hotels In-city motels Budget motels,Upper-class tourists Students and budget travelers Business people or middle-class tourists Driving travelers who want to visit some central city attractions,Infrastructure,The basic services on which all tourism depends. These systems include water and sewer systems, communication networks, medical facilities, electricity, police and fire protection and roads.,Travel information,The traveler may gather information on prices, value, schedules, characteristics of the destination and available activities.,Questions,How can the traveler complete the trip arrangements easily? Internet Long-distance call Travel agency,Questions,What is a travel agency? How can we get useful information from a travel agency?,Useful expressions,I want to go to America for my vacation. Is there any tour group that I can go with? How long is the trip? How many places will be visited? And what are they? Whats the price for this trip?,Useful expressions,What kind of services do you offer? Ill think about it. Tour package Sign up (for) A super deluxe trip We give you a special deal.,Traveling by plane,At the customs A. can I see your passport ,please? B. here it is. A. What is the purpose of your visit? B. Im here for the tourism convention. A. Right. (he stamps the passport). Your visa is for one week only. Please go through customs.,Oral practice,早上好,先生。您这是第一次来纽约吗? 您打算在这儿呆多长时间? 您的来访目的是什么?我是来渡假的。 那这有你的亲戚吗?您打算住在哪儿? 你有回程的机票,是吗? 是的,在这。 Can you please fill in this form for immigration control at New York.,Keys:,Good morning, sir. Is this your first visit to New York City? How long are you going to stay here? Whats the purpose of your visit? Im on holiday Do you have any relatives over here? And where are you going to stay?,You do have a return ticket, dont you? Yes, here it is. 请填写这张纽约移民局的表格好吗?,


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