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英语单词记忆方法与技巧英语构词法知识,Word-formation 构词法,构 词 法 知 识,Derivation派生法,Compound 合成法,Conversion 转化法,掌握基本的构词法知识,对于正确 地识记单词,扩大词汇量,提高记忆 速度和记忆效果,培养自学能力,具 有非常重要的意义。,简略词,合成词,缩略词,Compound 合成法,把两个或两个以上的词合成一个新 词, 这种构词的方法叫做合成法,合 成 法,1. 直接写在一起。 2. 用连字符(-)连接。 3. 由两个分开的词构成。,方法,概念,方式,1. 复合形容词的构成 2. 复合名词的构成。 3. 其他复合词的构成。,复合形容词的构成,red-hot,bitter-sweet, dark-blue first-class, full-time, part-time, second-hand, bare-foot good-looking, free-thinking, hard-working ready-made good-tempered, middle-aged, cold-blooded iron-willed world-famous,snow-white, seasick, lifelong beauty-loving, freedom-loving, job-hunting, time-saving man-made, water-covered, snow-covered, hand-made ever-green, over-sensitive hard-working, far-seeing, far-reaching, well-meaning well-prepared, quickly-cured, well-known five-year, five-year-old, six-inch-tall four-legged, six-storied , two-faced, four-cornered,现成的 炽热 自由思维 铁的意志晕船 终身 美容爱好 求职 省时省力 水覆盖 常绿,过度敏感 远看到 意义深远 善意的充分准备 快速固化,两面,,复合名词的构成,horseback , newspaper, cell-phone back-yard, forehead, greenhouse, blackboard hiding-place, reading-room get-off, break-in, breakdown, breakup output, overflow pickpocket , overcoat, inland he-goat, she-wolf editor-in-chief, father-in-law,手机 温室, break-in中断 breakdown故障breakup解体 output,输出 overflow泛滥pickpocket扒手editor-in-chief,总编辑 father-in-law岳父,其他复合词的构成,day-dream,sun-bathe overcome, outgrow white-wash sideways headfirst meanwhile beforehand himself, ourselves everyone (everybody, everything), nobody (no one, nothing),outgrow长得比 . 快 sideways侧身 headfirst冒失地 beforehand预先,转化法 Conversion,转 化 法,概念,方式,英语中有些单词,词形不变, 词性 却可以由一种转化成另一种。 一个单词由某一种词类转用为另 一种词类, 这就是转化。 单词转换后的意义往往与未转换 前的意义有密切的联系。,1. 名词和动词之间的转化 2. 形容词转化为动词 3. 名词转化为形容词(副词) 4. 形容词转化为名词,转化法(Conversion),It has a good taste.,It taste very good.,record,n.记录,v. 记录,He broke the record.,He lies to record something while reading a book.,转化法例释,简略词,合成词,缩略词,examexamination plane aeroplane ad.advertisement maths mathematics,smoke + fog = smog motor +hotel=motel,TV television TOEFL Test of English As A Foreign Language PLA the peoples liberation Army of China,加前缀: happy - _happy 加后缀: develop - develop_ 既加前缀又加后缀: employ -_employ_,un,ment,un,ment,派生词(derivation),常见的否定前缀,中学英语课本中有许多单词带有否定前缀,如果能理解这些否定前缀的含义,使用和记忆单词是很有帮助的。否定前缀加在一个词的前面就完全改变或否定了这个词的原来意义。,unhappy, unnecessary, unexpected, unusual, , uncover, untie, unlock, undress incomplete, impossible. impolite, irregular, inability, dishonour,羞辱 dislike, disbelieve discharge,排出 dismiss解雇 mistake, misfortune,不幸 misunderstanding误解,表示时间和其他关系的前缀,表示人和物的名词后缀,后缀-er 构词能力,抽象名词和集合名词的后缀,后缀为-ion的名词,形容词后缀,形容词后缀,副词后缀,


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