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产品的铭牌和说明书的要求A 产品的铭牌1 产品的名牌内容,至少必须包括以下的内容:-生产商/或代理商/或商标 -型号-额定电压或额定电压范围-电源的频率(50/60Hz)-额定输入功率-如是II类电器,II类符号-CE标志2符号的边长不应小于5MM,如由于产品体积的限制量最小不得小于3MM,字母不得小于2MM问题:电压标示120-240V和120/240V有什么区别?B产品上的其它指示标志1产品上的开关和调节器应有清晰的指示,可用数字,文字,符号等方式2如采用数字,“0”应代表断开的位置,数值大的数字表示高调节位3I类电器的接地端子上应有接地符号:4固定布线供电的产品,其专门用于连接零线的电源端子处,标示“N” 问题:1 产品上有很多接地连接处,接地符号应标识在哪里? C技术要求1铭牌和标记应安装在主件上,不应放在活动部件上,如:螺钉,装配连接缝2产品说明书和其他文字必须以该产品销往国的官方语言书写。3铭牌和标记的搽拭测试 -用浸过水的布檫拭标记部分15S,然后用浸过汽油的布檫拭15S -实验后,标志应清晰,铭牌不易脱落及不卷曲D产品说明书-标准中规定的安全警告语句及内容标准及产品安全警告语句及内容 IEC 60335-1家用电器的通用要求If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer,itsService agent or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazardIEC 60335-2-3烫斗专用要求-the iron must not be left unattended while it is connected to the supply mains;-the plug must be removed from the socket outlet before the water reservoir is filled with water压力蒸汽式烫斗-the filling aperture must not be opened during use. Instructions for the safe filling of the water reservoir shall be given无绳式烫斗-the iron must only be used with the stand provided旅行式烫斗-the iron is not intended for regular use.IEC 60335-2-13深油炸锅和电炒锅不适合浸在水中清洗的-do not immersed in water for washing带有电器插座且预定要部分或全部浸入水中清洗的,应说明:-the connector must be removed before the appliance is cleaned and that the appliance inlet must be dried before the appliance is used again与内有温控器的连接器结合使用的器具应说明:-only the appropriate connector must be used.IEC 60335-2-9多士炉,考箱,电炉,烧烤架,电磁炉等对于配有电源插座且预定要部分浸入水中清洗的器具,应说明;-The connector must be removed before the appliance is cleaned and that the appliance inlet must be dried before the appliance is used again.与内有温控器的连接器结合使用的器具应说明:-only the appropriate connector must be used对于室外使用的器具,应含有以下的内容:-the appliance is suitable for outdoor use;-the supply cord should be regularly examined for signs of damage, and if the cord is damaged , the appliance must not be used;-the appliance must be supplied through a residual current device (RCD)having a rated residual operating current not exceeding 30Ma;-the appliance is not be connected to a socket-outlet having an earthing contact烤箱-the door of the outer surface may get hot when the appliance is operating.多士炉-the bread may burn, therefore do not use the toaster near or below combustible material such as curtains.-如何清洁面包碎的方法烧烤架-WARNING:Charcoal or similar combustible fuels must not be used with this appliance用水的烧烤架-应注明产品可以注入的最大水量电炉有陶瓷或类似材料的工作面-WARNING:if the surface is cracked,switch off the appliance to avoid the possibility of electric shock.电磁炉-Metallic objects such as knives, forks, spoons and lids should not be placed on the hotplate since they can get hot面包机-应说明面粉或类似材料的最大使用量-the following recipes are for various bread sizes. We recommend you to use level I for a bread loaf of 750g and level II for a bread loaf between 750g and 1000gIEC60335-2-14 厨房用机器,入搅拌器榨汁机等-说明书应包括工作时间和速度设定挡位的说明:do not use the device for more than 5 minutes-如何清洁与食品有接触的表面的方法-不适合浸在水中清洗的:do not immersed in water for washing -switch off the appliance before changing accessories or approaching parts which move in use切肉机-this appliance must be used with the sliding feed table and the piece holder in position unless this is not possible due to the size or shape of the food食物处理器-care is needed when handling cutting blades, especially when removing the blade from the bowl emptying the bowl and during cleaning 榨汁机-do not use the appliance if the rotating sieves is damaged手动搅拌器-always disconnect the blender from the supply if it is left unattended and before assembling ,disassembling or cleaning;-do not allow children to use the blender without supervision.IEC 60335-2-15液体加热器具,包括水壶,电饭褒,咖啡壶,暖奶器不适合浸在水中清洗的-do not immersed in water for washing带有电器插座且预定部分或全部浸入水中清洗的,应说明:-the connector must be removed before the appliance is cleaned and that the appliance inlet must be dried before the appliance is used again.与内有温控器的连接器结合使用的器具应说明:-only the appropriate connector must be used-如何清洁与食品有接触的表面的方法无绳水壶-if the kettle is overfilled, boiling water may be ejected-the kettle is only to be used with the stand provided.-WARNING: Position the lid so that steam is directed away from the handle -WARNING: Do not remove the lid while the water is boiling-CAUTION: Insure that the kettle is switched off before removing it from its stand.暖奶器-the food should not be heated for too long;-如何食物温度的方法压力蒸煮器-the ducts in the pressure regulator allowing the escape of steam should be checked regularly to ensure that they are not blocked.-the container must not be opened until the pressure has decreased sufficiently蒸蛋器-产品的结构附带开蛋器装置的:-CAUTION:Avoid injuries from the egg pickerIEC 60335-23皮肤,头发护理器具-WARNING:Do not use this appliance near bathrooms, showers basins or other vessels container water.风筒-When the hairdryer is used in a bathroom, unplug it after use since the proximity of water presents a hazard even when the hairdryer is switched off.-for additional protection ,the installation of a residual current device(RCD) having a rated residual operating current not exceeding 30mA is advisable in the electrical circuit supplying the bathroom. Ask your installer for advice -IEC 60335-2-25微波炉-Important safety instructions read carefully and keep for future reference-WARNING: IT is hazardous for anyone other than a competent person to carry out any service or repair operation that involves the removal of a cover with gives protection against exposure to microwave energy;-WARNING: liquids and other foods must not be heated in sealed containers since they are liable to explode.-WARNING: Only allow children to use the oven without supervision when adequate instructions have been given so that the child is able to use the oven in a safe way and understands the hazards of improper use.-the minimum height of free space necessary above the top surface of the oven;-only use utensils that are suitable for use in microwave ovens-when heating food in plastic or paper containers, keep an eye on the oven due to the possibility of ignition;-if smoke is observed, switch off or unplug the appliance and keep the door closed in order to stifle any flames;-microwave heating of beverages can result in delayed eruptive boiling, therefore care must taken when handling the container-the contents of feeding bottles and baby food jars shall be stirred or shaken and the temperature checked before consumption, in order to avoid burns-eggs in their shell and whole gard-boiled eggs should not be heated in microwave ovens since they may explode ,even after microwave heating has ended-details for cleaning door seals, cavities and adjacent parts-failure to maintain the oven in a clean condition could lead to deterioration of surface that could adversely affect the life of the appliance and possibly result in a hazardous situation-only use the temperature probe recommended for this oven (for appliance having a facility to use a temperature-sensing probe)IEC 60335-2-29充电器-CAUTION: only allow children at least 8 years old to use the battery charge. Give sufficient instruction so that the child is able to use the battery in a safe way and explain that it is not a toy and must not be played with-instruct the child not to try and recharge non-rechargeable batteries because of the danger of eruption-examine the battery charger regularly for damage, especially the cord, plug and enclosure. If the battery charger is damaged. It must not be used until it has been repairedIEC 60335-2-30 充油电暖炉-the heater is filled with a precise quantity of special oil. Repairs requiring opening of the oil container are only to be made by the manufacturer or his service agent who should be contacted if there is an oil leak-when scrapping the heater, follow the regulations concerning the disposal of oilIEC 60335-2-30 房间取暖器-WARNING:in order to avoid overheating ,do not cover the heater .-the heater must not be located immediately below a socket-outlet.-对于发热元件与可触及的玻璃面板直接接触的发热器:-the heater must not be used if the glass is damaged-do not use this heater with a programmer; timer or any other deviced that switches the heater on automatically ,since a fire risk exists if the heater id cover or positioned incorrectly-do not use this heater in the immediate surroundings of a bath, a shower or a swimming pool.对可拆卸的防火保护罩的加热器应:-the fireguard of this heater is intended to prevent direct access to heating elements and must be in place when the heater is in use;-the fireguard does not give full protection for young children and for infirm persons.-如适用,应有清洁其反射器的说明IEC 60335-2-80风扇-如果防护装置需拆除清洗,说明说上应有以下内容-Ensure that the fan is switch off from the supply mains before removing the guard


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