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考点规范练5 Unit 5 Nelson Mandelaa modern hero.阅读理解(2019广西桂林高三4月模考)When returning to south-western Germany,where my parents live,it is compulsory for me to go on a hike to connect with nature and reconnect with myself.So,that was exactly what I did the first sunny Sunday back in the beautiful Black Forest.The Huzenbacher See is a tarn in the middle of the northern Black Forest with abundant nature surrounding it.Approaching it after a good hours walk,I saw fascinating blue dragonflies in quantity that attracted us by the way they flew around.They didnt stand still for a photo,as they landed on leaves for a split second.We were also surprised at the yellow water lilies that can be seen floating on its surface between June and July.Sitting down at one of the benches surrounding the lake for a picnic was satisfying in two ways.I was aware of the worlds beauty that gave me the energy to continue up the mountain to reach the most amazing view looking over the lake.The other was to really fill myself up in order to continue the adventure adequately,full up on some snacks and refreshing water from the well.The hike up wasnt as hard as expected and a good path was provided with dirty rocks and slippery stones all under the shade of the tall trees.This took about an hour and a half until reaching the beautiful view of the lake and land below.Once we had taken in the astonishing views,the walk back down took another hour or so,making the hike a 3- to 4-hour round trip,which was well worth it!Simply being back in the Black Forest and having such pleasant hikes is definitely good for the soul and I highly recommend getting yourself outside,whether in the Black Forest or anywhere outdoors.Get your intake of vitamin D and,most importantly,take in the moments that nature has to offer.1.What does the underlined word “tarn” in paragraph 1 refer to?A.Tree.B.Tower.C.Lake.D.Village.2.How did the author feel when sitting on the bench?A.Tired.B.Content.C.Surprised.D.Excited.3.What did the author call on people to do?A.Take vitamin D pills.B.Love and protect nature.C.Save the soul and be yourself.D.Go outdoors and get close to nature.4.According to the author,being back in the Black Forest and having pleasant hikes does good to ones .A.healthB.spiritC.characterD.experience.完形填空I came across Taylor Swift when I was a 7th grader in 2007.Although she only had one album and two music videos out at the time,I was 1 by her music instantly.In 2009,she said,“.being fearless does not mean you are completely 2.Being fearless means living 3 those fears.”These words quickly became my 4 and I lived my life bravely.It was not until a year later that I 5 how much Taylor and her words would 6 my life.It was a cold December 7.My mother awoke me before school and whispered gently,“Do you 8 a beef sandwich for lunch?”My mother knew it was one of my 9 and she always made it for me.I tiredly 10.This simple exchange of words about a sandwich became the 11 conversation I had with my mom.Several minutes later,a heart attack took my moms 12.The weeks and months that followed were unbelievably 13.I missed my mom very much.It was during these times of heartache that Taylor kept my head 14.For me,it was not only listening to her 15,but also seeing the way she dealt with criticism in a positive way and used 16 situations as fuel for her music.The past six years have 17 that Taylor and her music have helped me a lot.18 I could go back in time,I would do 19 things.I would thank my 7th grade self for 20 the best possible role model in the world,and I would hug my mom a million times.1.A.attractedB.helpedC.advisedD.surprised2.A.unafraidB.unconcernedC.satisfiedD.confident3.A.in addition toB.in spite ofC.due toD.instead of4.A.memoryB.taskC.predictionD.motto5.A.rememberedB.noticedC.realizedD.accepted6.A.reflectB.improveC.protectD.influence7.A.morningB.noonC.afternoonD.evening8.A.prepareB.wantC.buyD.make9.A.habitsB.interestsC.choicesD.favourites10.A.triedB.wavedC.answeredD.admitted11.A.lastB.onlyC.shortestD.simplest12.A.timeB.lifeC.healthD.fortune13.A.slowB.disappointingC.painfulD.dull14.A.downB.upC.aroundD.back15.A.conversationsB.wordsC.songsD.stories16.A.differentB.currentC.realD.hard17.A.explainedB.decidedC.provenD.suggested18.A.UnlessB.UntilC.SinceD.If19.A.twoB.sevenC.severalD.many20.A.producingB.greetingC.invitingD.choosing.语篇填空When Jack was a small boy,he was once asked to give a speech about “A Big Challenge in My Life”.He was 1.(terrible) shy the moment he thought of so many eyes 2.(stare)at him.He had no other 3.(choose),though.First Jack was to draft the speech,which was just a piece of cake for him because he was a good writer.But the hard part 4.(lie) in his oral presentation,for it was not allowed to read from the paper.He had to give the speech 5. memory and in front of such a big audience!A real trial began when Jack stood on the platform with his legs trembling and his mind blank.How much time had passed by,he didnt know.His listeners were still waiting patiently and without any signs of laughing.Gradually he found himself back,6.(give) his speech without much difficulty.After what seemed to be a hundred years,he found the audience applauding.He made 7.!From then on,his fear of talking before an audience disappeared.Actually with his confidence 8.(build) up,Jack now turns out to be a great speaker.As we know,the greater difficulty we meet on our way to 9.(succeed),the 10. likely we will be to achieve our goals.短文改错(2019广西名校高三联考)In order to encourage the students take outdoor exercise,our school organized the mountain-climbing activity on April 10.Hundred of us took part in it.It was a nice day.At 8:00 am,we gathered at the foot of Daqing Mountain and sets out for the top in high spirits.All the way we were chatting,singing and laughing,enjoy the fresh air and the beautiful scenery.When some fell behind,others would come or offer help.About 2 hours later,we all reached the top.Bathed in sunshine,we jumped and cheered for joy.The activity benefited us a lot.Not only did it get us closely to nature and give us relaxation from heavy school work,it was also promoted the friendship among us.How a wonderful time!考点规范练5(必修1Unit5).【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者在美丽的黑森林里度过的第一个阳光明媚的星期天。作者因此号召人们多去户外,亲近自然。1.C词义猜测题。根据第一段最后一句“WewerealsosurprisedattheyellowwaterliliesthatcanbeseenfloatingonitssurfacebetweenJuneandJuly.”可知,六月至七月间,黄黄的睡莲浮在水面上,作者感到很惊奇。其中its指代TheHuzenbacherSee,由此可知TheHuzenbacherSee是一个湖泊,故画线部分tarn意思为“湖泊”。2.B细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“Sittingdownatoneofthebenchessurroundingthelakeforapicnicwassatisfyingintwoways.”可知,作者在湖边的长椅上坐下来野餐有两方面的满足感。故选B项。3.D细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“Ihighlyrecommendgettingyourselfoutside,whetherintheBlackForestoranywhereoutdoors.”可知,作者强烈建议到户外去,无论是在黑森林还是任何户外的地方,去亲近自然。4.B细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“SimplybeingbackintheBlackForestandhavingsuchpleasanthikesisdefinitelygoodforthesoul”可知,作者认为仅仅回到黑森林进行这样愉快的徒步旅行对心灵确实有好处。故选B项。.【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。泰勒斯威夫特是美国创作型女歌手,她的歌曲伴随作者度过丧母的伤痛。1.A根据本句开头Although的转折语气可知,尽管当时泰勒初出茅庐,并不出名,但是作者马上被她的音乐“吸引(attracted)”。2.A3.B根据本段中的fearless可知,这里指无所畏惧并不是说什么都“不害怕(unafraid)”,而是指“尽管(inspiteof)”心中害怕,但却仍然勇敢生活。4.D根据本空后的“.Ilivedmylifebravely.”可知,泰勒的话成了作者的“座右铭(motto)”,激励作者勇敢生活。5.C6.D根据第四段中的“ItwasduringthesetimesofheartachethatTaylor.forhermusic.”可以看出,一年后发生的事情让作者“意识到(realized)”泰勒及她说的话会极大地“影响(influence)”作者的生活。7.A根据下一句中的awokemebeforeschool可推测,这应该是12月一个寒冷的“早晨(morning)”。8.B9.D根据下文中的“.shealwaysmadeitforme.”可知,由于牛肉三明治是作者的“最爱(favourites)”之一,因此妈妈经常给作者做,并且这天早晨她问作者想不想“要(want)”牛肉三明治作为午餐。10.C根据下句中的exchangeofwords及conversation可推测,作者“回答了(answered)”妈妈的问题。11.A12.B根据下段中的“Imissedmymomverymuch.”可推测,心脏病突发夺走了妈妈的“生命(life)”,因此关于三明治的对话是作者和妈妈“最后的(last)”对话。13.C根据下文中的“Imissedmymomverymuch.”及thesetimesofheartache可知,妈妈去世后的那段时间作者很“痛苦(painful)”。14.B根据下句内容可推测,泰勒帮助作者度过了那段难熬的日子,让作者“昂(up)”首坚持。15.C泰勒是名歌手,因此作者听的应该是她的“歌曲(songs)”。16.D根据本空前的“.shedealtwithcriticisminapositiveway.”可推测,泰勒用积极的方式对待外界对自己的批评,并利用“困(hard)”境激发自己的音乐创作。17.C通过上文不难看出,过去的时光“证明了(proven)”泰勒和她的音乐对作者帮助很大。18.D19.A根据本段中的“Iwouldthank.andIwouldhugmymomamilliontimes.”可知,“假如(If)”作者可以回到过去,她想做“两件(two)”事情。20.D根据全文不难看出,作者很庆幸自己“选择了(choosing)”泰勒作为自己的偶像。.【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章描述了一个小男孩克服羞怯,鼓足勇气,在众人面前演讲的故事。1.terribly考查副词。修饰形容词shy应该用副词。2.staring考查非谓语动词。somanyeyes与stare之间有逻辑上的主谓关系,故用动词-ing形式。3.choice考查名词。分析句子结构可知此处需要名词做had的宾语。choose的名词是choice。4.lay考查动词的时态。整篇短文叙述过去的经历,用一般过去时。lie的过去式是lay。5.from考查介词。演讲时不许看稿,只好凭记忆去说了。frommemory意为“凭借记忆”。6.giving考查非谓语动词。由于he和give之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故用动词-ing形式做状语。7.it考查代词。根据“hefoundtheaudienceapplauding”可知杰克成功了。makeit意为“成功做到”。8.built考查非谓语动词。此处为with复合结构做状语,build与confidence之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,所以用过去分词做宾语补足语。9.success考查名词。此处需要名词做介词to的宾语,而且success为不可数名词。10.more考查形容词。分析句式结构可知此处为themore.themore.“越越”句式,所以填more。.Inordertoencouragethestudentstotake outdoor exercise,our school organized theamountain-climbing activity on April 10.HundredHundredsof us took part in it.It was a nice day.At 8:00 am,we gathered at the foot of Daqing Mountain and setssetout for the top in high spirits.All the way we were chatting,singing and laughing,enjoyenjoyingthe fresh air and the beautiful scenery.When some fell behind,others would come orandoffer help.About 2 hours later,we all reached the top.Bathed in sunshine,we jumped and cheered forwithjoy.The activity benefited us a lot.Not only did it get us closelycloseto nature and give us relaxation from heavy school work,it wasalso promoted the friendship among us.HowWhata wonderful time!


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