牛津小学英语4B U4(second period)

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1Unit 4 Buying Unit 4 Buying fruitfruitGuangxin Primary School:Zhu XijuanPart B C D(The second period)Mar.242Enjoy a rhyme3Lets talkWhats this in English?Whats that?Is this a/your?I like Do you like?What would you like?4orangesbananaspeachespearsapplespineappleswatermelonsWhat would you like?5A riddle(谜语谜语)Theyre small round(圆形的)fruit.Theyre green and purple(紫色的).Theyre sour(酸的)and sweet.What are they?grapes葡萄葡萄greentape6Lets read以以s/es结尾的复数名词发音归类:结尾的复数名词发音归类:/z/applespearsbananaspens/s/grapestapestapsbikes/Iz/peachesorangesboxesbuses/dz/bedsbirdsfriendscards/ts/catshatskitesbaskets7Play a game(什么不见了?)8What are missing?_ran_eso g9What are missing?gr_p_sa e10What are missing?s e p a rpears11What are missing?p p a e l sapples12Whats this?Theyre watermelons.What are these?Lets guessWhat are these?Its a watermelon.Whats this?They are13What are these?What are those?Theyre s.What are those?What are these?Theyre pears.Lets guess14What are these?What are those?Theyre s.Theyre s.Lets guess15Lets chantThese,these,what are these?Pears,pears,theyre pears.Those,those,what are those?Grapes,grapes,theyre grapes.1617Theyre What are those?Theyre What are these?18What are these?Theyre What are those?Theyre 19What are these?Theyre What are those?Theyre 20What are these?Theyre What are those?Theyre 211._(This/These)is an apple.2._(This/These)apples are small.3.Whats _(that/those)over there?4.What are _(these/those)over there?Lets check!ThisThesethatthose22Welcome to my fruit shop!(记忆力游戏)23Ask and answerA:What would you like?B:Id like some A:How many kilos?B:kilo(s),please.2425Id like some,please.How many kilos?kilo(s),please.Here you are.26Id like some,please.How many kilos?kilo(s),please.Here you are.27Id like some,please.How many kilos?kilo(s),please.Here you are.28Id like some,please.How many kilos?kilo(s),please.Here you are.29A:Can I help you?B:Id like some,please.A:How many kilos?B:kilo(s),please.A:Here you are.B:How much are they?A:yuan,please.B:Heres the money.¥5/kg¥10/kg¥8/kg¥12/kg30A:Whats the _?B:Im thirsty.A:Lets _ some fruit.B:Sounds great.A:What _ you like?B:Id like some grapes.A:Excuse me.Wed like some _,please.C:How many _?A:A _,please.C:Here you are.A:_ _ are they?C:Five yuan,please.A:Thanks.Heres the money.(A-Mum B-son C-shop assistant)31A:Excuse me.Wed like some _,please.C:How many _?A:A _,please.C:Here you are.A:_ _ are they?C:Five yuan,please.A:Thanks.Heres the money.A:Whats the _?B:Im thirsty.A:Lets _ some fruit.B:Sounds great.A:What _ you like?B:Id like some grapes.matterbuywouldgrapeskilosHow muchkilo(A-Mum B-son C-shop assistant)32Enjoy a rhyme33Lets shareAn apple a day,keeps the doctor away.一日一苹果,医生远离我。一日一苹果,医生远离我。34Homework:1.Copy the words on exercise books.2.Write about Part C on English books.3.Make a dialogue with your partner.3536Lets learnthese 这些this ChineseWhat are these?这些是什么?e.g.these _s/es37Lets learnthose 那些thatnosee.g.those _What are those?那些是什么?s/es38kilo 公斤、千克 How many kilos?多少公斤?Lets learn2Two kilos.39Lets learnHow much are they?它们多少钱?它们多少钱?Heres the money.给你钱。给你钱。yuan.元钱。元钱。


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