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Summary,1,English Equivalents of Chinese,2,Creative Application of Typical Expressions,3,Further Application of Typical Patterns,短语活用,句型应用,English Equivalents of Chinese,随 笔,consciously or unconsciously,range from. to.,an encounter with a stranger,to “read” the other person,to make persuasive presentations,to hold the interest of others,to (be) base(d) sth. on,to follow all this advice,to drive sb. crazy,to do sth. with ones whole being,English Equivalents of Chinese,短语活用,句型应用,随 笔,to match ones words,to believe what one sees over what one hears,three words into the sentence,to break eye contact,to look straight at sb.,to lighten up,to become angry over tiny problems,to roar with laughter,to break the stress,to take a good hard look at,Paragraph Writing,Conclusion,Writing Pattern,写作实践,For more,Topic,A topic-based statement is supported by a list of things or examples (1, 2, 3, 4, 5,.),随 笔,Writing Pattern,Topic: The paragraph begins with a general statement about what is to be discussed in this paragraph.,A further topic-based statement, if necessary, is followed by another list of things or examples.,Conclusion:A conclusion is usually made from what is discussed in the paragraph.,A topic-based statement is supported by a list of things or examples.,For more,写作实践,随 笔,Example:The secret to making a good impression has been that you are the message. (Topic) Others will want to be with you and help you if you use your good qualities. (A topic-based statement) They include: physical appearance (Example 1), energy (Example 2), rate of speech (Example 3),For more,写作实践,随 笔,pitch and tone of voice (Example 4), gestures (Example 5), expression through the eyes (Example 6), and the ability to hold the interest of others (Example 7). Others form an impression about you based on these. (Conclusion),写作实践,随 笔,Writing Practice,写作模式,Detailed Outline:Topic: A Strong Enthusiasm for Sports on the Campus A Topic-based Statement: Many kinds of sports occur on our university grounds. List of Examples: football/basketball/racing/baseball/ tennis/swimming/high jumping,Directions: Look at the outline and the sample paragraph of a topic-based statement supported by a list of things.,For more,随 笔,Much to our delight, students enthusiasm for sports builds and builds. (Topic) Take a close look at their leisure activities in the afternoon and you will find more and more different sports occur on our university grounds. (A topic-based statement) Students are engaged in activities like football, (Example 1) basketball, (Example 2) racing, (Example 3),Sample Paragraph,写作模式,随 笔,For more,写作模式,随 笔,and even baseball. (Example 4) Many other students are enjoying sports such as tennis, (Example 5) swimming, (Example 6) and high jumping. (Example 7) In the long run, I am sure much improvement will be found in their health, thus making it possible for them to put more of their energy into studies. (Conclusion),Sample Paragraph,Directions: Write your own paragraph of a topic-based statement supported by a list of things on one of the following topics which have been given details that you can use.,For more,写作模式,随 笔,1. Detailed Outline:Topic: Body Language in our LifeA Topic-based Statement: Our life is rich with body language.List of Examples: election/family party/conference/ seminar,For more,写作模式,2. Detailed Outline:Topic: How to Improve your EnglishA Topic-based Statement: There are many ways to improve your English.List of Examples: read extensively/listen to English materials/read text aloud/practice oral English/ write English diary,随 笔,3. Detailed Outline:Topic: A Healthy Campus LifeA Topic-based Statement: The current campus life in China needs improving.List of Examples: a deep-rooted custom of cheating in exams/a habit of indulging in dining and drinking/a blind pursuit of online pleasure/a trend of seeking a romantic life/a parade of individual wealth/a trend of looking down upon the poor students,写作模式,随 笔,For more,写作模式,随 笔,A Further Topic-based Statement: I feel an urge to promote a healthy campus life in China.List of Examples: everyone values study over anything else/no one cheats in exams/all the students seek for a life of good taste,写作模式,随 笔,Reference Paragraph,For more,Much evidence shows that a healthy campus life does a lot of good to students growth. (Topic) In this light, our current campus life in China needs improving. (A topic-based statement) Just think about some of our practices: a trend of looking down upon the poor students, (Example 1) a habit of indulging in dining and drinking, (Example 2) a,写作模式,随 笔,deep-rooted malpractice of cheating in exams, (Example 3) a parade of individual wealth, (Example 4) a blind pursuit of online pleasure. (Example 5) All of the above are far from expected, so I feel an urge to promote a healthy campus life. (A further topic-based statement) My favorite is the,Reference Paragraph,For more,End,写作模式,随 笔,kind in which everyone values study over anything else, (Example 1) no one cheats in exams, (Example 2) and all the students seek for a life of good taste. (Example 3) Once we have achieved this, our campus life will be full of truth, goodness and beauty. (Conclusion),Reference Paragraph,Back,Sample: In the first place, from the surprised or puzzled expression on the mans face, I am sure the mans impression about the woman is far from satisfactory or favorable. In the second, the mans tone, whether cold or critical, also gives away his feelings of dislike and even anger about the woman.,新视野 主 题 导 入,Sample: From my point of view/the factors for his impression can boil down to the following: To begin with, the man feels surprised at the first sight of the womans untidy hair and casual wearing.Second, the man feels uncomfortable about the way the woman speaks, for her wording is too far from good to match her status.,Back,For more,新视野 主 题 导 入,Third, the man feels upset about the womans table manners. As seen in the video, the woman makes a lot of noise while eating her meal. And she even cleans her teeth with her finger.Last, the man feels failed when teaching her how to walk, as she walks like a man, and without a single sign of grace.,Back,新视野 主 题 导 入,Sample: You begin to impress others the moment you get together with them, because nothing reveals faster what kind of person you are than the way you present yourself, namely the clothes you wear, the looks you have, the expression your face shows, the tone in which you speak, and the manners in which you behave. Now lets get down to the text to know more about the authors advice on the topic.,Back,新视野 主 题 导 入,新视野大学英语,如何给人留下好印象 Para. 1 有研究显示,我们对他人的判断是根据我们最初遇到他们的七秒钟里所进行的无声交流形成的。无论是有意识还是无意识,我们都会用我们的眼神、面部表情、形体动作和态度来表现我们的真实情感,从而使他人产生从舒适到害怕等一连串反应。,新视野大学英语,Para. 2 想想那些让你最为难忘的会面:被介绍给你未来的妻子或丈夫、一次求职面试、与陌生人的一次邂逅。将注意力集中在最初的七秒钟,你当时有何感想? 你是如何“解读”他人的? 你认为他又是如何解读你的?,新视野大学英语,Para. 3 你本人就是信息。25年来,我在工作中和数千个想要成功的人打过交道。我帮助他们,使他们所作的演讲有说服力,教他们如何回答不友好的提问,以及如何与人更有效地沟通。而所有这一切的秘诀都在于要懂得你本人就是信息。,新视野大学英语,Para. 4 如果你能利用你的优点,别人就会愿意跟你在一起,并且愿意帮助你。这些优点包括:外表、活力、语速、语音语调、手势、眼神,以及使他人对你保持兴趣的能力。别人对你的印象就是根据这些因素形成的。,新视野大学英语,Para. 5 想想有哪几次你确切知道你给人留下了好印象。你成功的原因又是什么? 那是因为你对你所谈论的事情非常投入,你当时完全沉浸其中,以至于完全没有了羞涩的感觉。Para. 6 保持自我。许多指导性的书籍会建议你大步走进一个房间,用你的优点给别人留下深刻印象。他们会教你以 “有力的握手”问候他人,并且告诉你要用双眼注视对方。可你如果遵循了所有这些建议,你会让所有的人都受不了包括你自己。,新视野大学英语,Para. 7 诀窍在于要始终如一地保持自我,保持最佳状态的自我。给人印象最深的那些人从不随着情境的变化而改变自己。无论是在与人交谈时,在园艺俱乐部上发表演说时,还是在求职面试中,他们的表现都是一样的。他们全身心地与人交流;他们的音调和手势与他们说的话保持着一致。,新视野大学英语,Para. 8 然而,演说家常常会传递一些混合不清的信息。我最喜欢用来作例子的一类演说家是那些边看自己的鞋子边说“女士们、先生们,我很高兴来到这里”的人。他们看上去并不高兴。他们看上去气愤、恐惧或沮丧。 Para. 9 听众总是相信自己的亲眼所见胜过耳闻。他们会想,“他告诉我他很高兴,可他并不是这样。他并没有说实话。”,新视野大学英语,Para. 10 用你的眼睛。不管你是和一个人交谈,还是对一百个人发表讲话,始终记住你要看着他们。有些人在开始说话时会直视你,但一句话刚说了几个字,他就会中断与你目光的接触,把目光移向窗外。,新视野大学英语,Para. 11 当你走进房间时,目光从容地扫视;然后直视房间里的人,并对他们微笑。微笑是很重要的,它表明你很放松。有人认为走进一个有很多人的房间就像走进一个狮子笼。我不同意这种说法。就算我同意,我也肯定不会看着自己的脚或是天花板。我会注视那头狮子。,新视野大学英语,Para. 12 别太当真。一次在员工会议上,一位娱乐业最有影响的董事长由于一些微不足道的问题大发雷霆,责备每一位员工,为能使员工害怕自己而感到满足。当他走向我,对我喊道,“还有你,艾尔斯,你在忙些什么?”Para. 13 我说:“你是说现在?今晚? 还是在我的余生中?” 之后有片刻的沉默。接着董事长仰头放声大笑。其他人也跟着笑起来。幽默可以打破尴尬场合中的紧张气氛。,新视野大学英语,Para. 14 如果一定要我用几个字说出我的建议的话,那就是“别太当真”! 你总会发现有一些人对待自己太过认真。他们通常不是在沉思,就是在滔滔不绝地谈论自己。,新视野大学英语,Para. 15 仔细地观察一下你自己,你说“我”的次数是否过多? 你通常是否将注意力集中在你个人的问题上? 你是否经常抱怨? 对于上述问题,哪怕只有其中一个你给出的是肯定的回答,那么你就需要“别太当真”了。为了让别人感到自在,你自己先要表现得轻松。不必作出大的改变,只需要保持自我。你本身已具备了给人留下良好印象的能力,因为要保持你的自我,只有你自己才能做得好,谁也代替不了你。,Part OneIntroduction,Part Two consists of 13 paragraphs, from Para. 3 to Para. 15. This is the main body of the text, presenting and explaining in detail the four secrets to which we can resort to make a good impression on others.,Part One is made up of 2 paragraphs, Para. 1 and Para. 2. It introduces the topic by offering a research finding complete with a list of examples.,Back,新视野 结 构 分 析,How to Make a Good Impression,Part TwoSuggestion,Back,General Statement: Think about some of your most unforgettable meetings. (Para. 2) A List of Examples: 1) an introduction to your future spouse, 2) a job interview, 3) an encounter with a stranger.,Listing (列举法),新视野 结 构 分 析,For more,Back,Set a Scene: Focus on the first seven seconds. Question 1: What did you feel and think? Question 2: How did you “read” the other person? Question 3: How do you think he read you?,Questioning (设问法),新视野 结 构 分 析,Back,General Statement: Others will want to be with you and help you if you use your good qualities. Specific Listing: 1) physical appearance, 2) energy, 3) rate of speech, 4) pitch and tone of voice, 5) gestures, 6) expression through the eyes, 7) and the ability to hold the interest of others.,新视野 结 构 分 析,Listing (列举法),For more,For more,Exemplification (举例法),新视野 结 构 分 析,General Statement I: You are the message. (Para. 3) Example: For 25 years Ive worked with thousands who want to be successful. Ive helped them make persuasive presentations, answer unfriendly questions, communicate more effectively. The secret has always been you are the message. (Para. 3),General Statement II: Lighten up. (Para. 12) Example: Once in a staff meeting, one of the most powerful chairmen in the entertainment industry became very angry over tiny problems, scolded each worker and enjoyed making them fear him. When he got to me, he shouted, “And you, Ailes, what are you doing?” I said, “Do you mean now, this evening or for the rest of my life?” There was a moment of silence. Then the chairman threw back his head and roared with laughter. Others laughed too. Humor broke the stress of a very uncomfortable scene. (Para. 12-13),For more,Back,General Statement I : Be yourself. (Para. 6) Detailed Reasoning: Many how-to books advise you to stride into a room and impress others with your qualities. They instruct you to greet them with “power handshakes” and tell you to fix your eyes on the other person. Conclusion: If you follow all this advice, youll drive everyone crazyincluding yourself. (Para. 6),Further Statement: The trick is to be consistently you, at your best. (Para.7) Detailed Reasoning: The most effective people never change from one situation to another. Theyre the same whether theyre having a conversation, addressing their garden club or being interviewed for a job. Conclusion: They communicate with their whole being; the tones of their voices and their gestures match their words. (Para.7),Back,Deduction (演绎法),新视野 结 构 分 析,For more,


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