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四级考试句子翻译,句子翻译题型介绍,翻译部分为汉译英,共5个句子,一句一题,句长15-20个单词。句中的一部分已用英文给出,要求考生根据全句意思将汉语部分译成英语。 翻译部分须符合英语的语法结构和表达习惯,要求用词准确。 考试时间:5分钟,所占分值:5%,87. in finding the way to the history museum. 88. In order to afford my education 89. we (should) hand in the research reports. 90. the more confused I get. 91. he was fired by the company,完成Test 5练习,总结考点 1. have trouble in doing sth. way 2. in order to afford 3. require从句用should虚拟 hand in 4. 句型:the+比较级, the+比较级 confused 5. 被动语态 fire 考点:语法、句型、词组、单词,句子翻译考点归类,一、数量的增减及表达 1、前者是后者的X倍 This substance reacts_ (那种物质反应速度的三倍) The annual output of this group company _(如今是三年前的三倍) X times+as+adj/adv原形+as X times+what从句,three times as fast as that one,is about three times what was three years ago,2. 后者比前者净涨X倍 The cotton output was _ (比1996年增长了4倍) X times+adj/adv比较级+than 3. (在宽度、长度、深度、大小、高度、价值方面)前者是后者的X倍 The earth is _ (月球的49倍大) X times +the width/length/depth/size/height/value of,four times larger than that of 1996,49 times the size of the moon,4. 前者比后者纯变化了X倍 The cost of mobile phones _(下降了30%) increase/speed up/go up/rise/grow/decrease/drop/fall/go down by X percent / times 5. 变化到 Workers under the coalmine _(已经减少到300人) since three years ago. decrease/increase/rise/reduce to X,has dropped by 30%,has reduced to 300,二、形容词和副词的比较级和最高级及特殊用法 1、tooto Jack was too proud of himself _ (他不会听同事的劝告) 2、be+adj+of sb to do sth (kind, polite, brave, silly, wise, generous, friendly) be+adj.+for sb to do sth (good, nice, difficult, impossible, advisable, unusual, reasonable, strange, essential) _(我真傻,我竟然相信他的话) even though I had thought I would not. It is difficult_ (这么年轻的人负责这个项目),to follow his colleagues advice,It was foolish of me to believe his words,for such a young man to be fully responsible for this project,3. asas one can / asas possible尽可能 We must _ (尽可能耐心地等他) 4. so+adj/adv as (not) to 如此以至于 Sometimes he was so busy as _ (饭都忘记吃了) 5. nothing is more +adj. +than 最 In that case _ (救人性命最要紧),be as patient as we can to wait him,to forget his meals,nothing was more urgent than saving ones life,三、主要助动词和情态动词的特殊用法 1、may/might as well+动词原形,不妨、最好 You _(最好把这事放在一边) for a while. 2. must be doing sth 一定在干什么 must have done sth 一定怎么了 might / may be doing sth might / may have done sth _ (机器一定出了故障). All the lights are off.,might as well put it aside,Something must have gone wrong with the machine.,3. cannot have done sth 不可能发生什么了 may/might not have done sth _(你不可能早就认识他). This is his first time to come here. 4. should/ought to have done sth 本应该干什么 _ (你们该完成作文了). You were told to do it two weeks ago. 5. neednt have done sth 本不必干什么 _ (他本不必那么辛苦地工作)he has a rich father.,You cannot have seen him,You should have finished your composition,He neednt have worked so hard,四、时态与语态 The Smith _ (在这儿住了六年) by the end of this spring. We _ (在吃午饭) when they came to a visit. It is the first/second/time (that) sb. has done sth,will have lived here for six years,were having lunch,五、非谓语动词 1、only to do sth 表结果 We hurried there _ (发现一个小孩在哭) 2. have difficulty/trouble/pleasure in doing sth We _ (很费了些周折才找到) the small town. 3. It is fun/no good/a waste of time doing sth It was no good _ (与他争辩) in that situation. 4. There is no telling/saying/hiding/denying that There is no denying _ (你在撒谎),only to find a crying child,had great difficulty in finding,arguing with him,that you are lying,5. It is of no use doing sth It is of no use _ (下雨天给菜浇水) 6. There is no use/sense/point/meaning in /of doing sth There is no sense _ (拐弯抹角) 7. It goes without saying that 不言而喻,watering vegetables in a rainy day,in beating the bush,六、独立主格 主语+分词/形容词/副词/不定式/介词短语 _ (考试结束了),we began our holiday. He came out of the library, _ (腋下夹着一本厚书) _ (如果天气允许),we are going to visit you tomorrow. He came into the room, _ (耳朵冻得通红) with+主语+分词/形容词/副词/不定式/介词短语 The murder was brought in, _ (双手捆在背后),The test over,a thick book under his arm,Weather permitting,his ears red with cold,with his hands tied behind his back,七、虚拟语气 (1)it is vital / necessary / urgent / important / imperative / desirable / advisable / natural / essential + that从句 (should+动词原形) It is vital that _ (考虑很多因素) in making a plan. (2) It is time / about time / high time + that 从句(谓语动词为一般过去时) It is time that _ (大家发言) (3)proposal / suggestion + that (同位语从句) (should+动词原形) The proposal that _ (会议推迟两天) was refused.,many factors be taken into consideration,everybody expressed himself,the meeting be delayed for two days,(4) 与以下动词相关的名词性从句用should+动词原形:advise, command, desire, insist, order, propose, recommend, request He insisted that _ (立刻去请医生) 八、从句 (1)定语从句 This is the mountain village _ (我去年呆过的) We depend on the land _ (我们获得食物),a doctor be sent for,where I stayed last year,from which we get our food,(2) 名词性从句:WH-,whether/if _ (这项任务如何去完成) is up to you. At the cocktail party you could drink _ (你想喝什么都可以) I have no idea _ (他什么时候回来) The closing ceremony depends on _ (该项目什么时候完成) It is not yet decided _ (谁做这项工作) The decision was _ (我们期待的) _ (这项计划是否可行) remains to be proved. (3)no matter WH- / WH-ever _ (无论你是谁),you must obey the rules. 九、倒装 Only after the accident _ (他才开始重视安全),How the task will be done,whatever you want,when he will be back,when the project is completed,who will do this job,what we were expecting,Whether the plan is feasible,No matter who you are,did he begin to attach great importance to safety,Test 5-8 考点汇总,词汇 afford5, fire5, adapt6, survive6, quit7, contact7, convenient7/8, 短语 in order to5, at a speed of6, take sth into consideration7, thanks to / due to / owing to / because of / as a result of8, a series of 8, be likely to do8 句型 have trouble in doing sth5 the 比较级, the 比较级5 whatever / no matter what8 语法 被动语态5/8, 比较级用法6/8, 虚拟语气6, 情态动词6, 定语从句7,过去时7, 条件状语从句7, 名词性从句8,Test 6 87. adapt oneself to life in different cultures 88. nothing is more attractive to me than reading 89. would have a chance to survive 90. might feel lonely when they are traveling / far from home 91. at a speech of 12 million per year,Test 7 take peoples sleep into account / consideration the areas in which we can cooperate / work together / collaborate decided to quit the match contact us at the following address if it is convenient / at your convenience,Test 8 Thanks to / Due to / Owing to / Because of / As a result of a series of new inventions I am more likely to get tired / I am more inclined to get tired / I get tired more easily whatever sacrifices I have to make / no matter what sacrifices I have to make it is more convenient and time-saving / it is more convenient and less time-consuming / it is more convenient and saves more time is measured / evaluated by how much they can borrow,


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