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山东省青岛市2020-2021学年高一英语上学期选科测试试题注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如 需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写 在本试卷上无效。3.考试结束后,本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转 涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳 选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅 读一遍。1. When will the game start?A. At 18:00.B. At 19:00.C. At 22:00.2. Where will the girl have breakfast?A. At the school cafe.B. At the library.C. At home.3. What is the woman doing?A. Doing her homework.B. Taking exercise.C. Watching TV.4. What are the speakers doing?A. Playing a game.B. Planning a game.C. Watching a game.5. What does the man suggest the woman save money for?A. A purse.B. A watch.C. Warm clothes.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个 选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. How does the woman usually go to Jesss?A. By car.B. On foot.C. By bike.7. Why is the woman going to Jesss?A. To do homework.B. To eat dinner.C. To see a film.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. What did the woman like about Ireland?A. The local people.B. The cost of travel.C. The weather.9. Whats the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Family members.B. Good friends.C. Guide and tourist.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What does the man say about electric energy?A. Its cheaper.B. Its more convenient.C. It pollutes less.11. Which country uses the most electric cars according to the man?A. China.B. Germany.C. Japan.12. What does the man think will happen by 2050?A. Everyone will use public transport.B. There will be bicycles everywhere.C. Electric cars will replace gas cars. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. How many universities has the man attended?A. One.B. Two.C. Three.14. What are the mans talks about?A. Job hunting.B. College life.C. Teaching skills.15. What does the man advise the woman to study?A. Writing.B. Physics.C. Math.16. What is the woman worried about?A. Her grades.B. Her tuition fees.C. Her parents health.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What did Jack usually do while he walked?A. He looked up at the sky.B. He thought about something.C. He picked up trash.18. What did Jack find on the ground?A. A coin.B. Candy.C. A bug.19. What did Jack do in the end?A. He brought the object with him.B. He gave the object to someone.C. He left the object on the ground.20. Who would most likely discover the same thing as Jack?A. His teacher.B. His classmate.C. A homeless person.第二部分阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AReady to jump into gardening? It can be a little frightening at first, but gardening is an extremely rewarding hobby to get into. On this page, well introduce the basics of vegetable gardening and planning: how to pick the right site for your garden, how to create the right size garden, and how to select which vegetables to grow.PICK THE RIGHT LOCATIONPicking a good location for your garden is absolutely key. Here are a few tips for beginners to choose a good site: First, plant in a sunny location, because most vegetables need at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day. Secondly, plant in a place without too much water. Thirdly, find an environment that is not likely to change. Avoid places that receive strong winds, floods or too much foot traffic.CHOOSING A SMALL PIECE OF LANDRemember: Its better to be proud of a small garden than be frustrated by a big one! One of themost common errors that beginners make is planting too much or too soon. Plan your garden with care. Start small, and only grow what you know youll eat.CHOOSING VEGETABLESMany vegetables are common, productive plants that are relatively easy to grow. It would be wise to contact your states Cooperative Extension Service (CES) to find out what plants grow best in your area. Choose what you (and your family) like to eat. If no one likes Brussels sprouts, dont plant them! Be aware of how many vegetables your family will eat. Be careful not to overplant.21. Which is the right place for a vegetable garden?A. A small piece of sunny land.B. A lower place near a water pool.C. A location with strong winds.D. A place full of traffic.22. How can you choose the best plants to grow according to the text?A. By going online for information.B. By getting advice from CES.C. By surveying your neighbours.D. By experimenting with various vegetables.23. Who might be the intended readers of the text?A. Expert gardeners.B. Farmers.C. Gardening beginners.D. Housewives.BDonzella Washington, 80, graduated from Alabama A&M University on Dec.6 with a bachelors degree in social work. She made history as the oldest graduate of Alabama A&M in their 144-year history.In 2010, her mother died, followed by her sister and husbands death, which all happened in three years. Washington said that her motivation (动力)behind going back to school was her husband, Jeff; who was one of her biggest supporters.“My father supported everything she did, especially returning to school, her daughter, Kimberly Washington, said. “Although my father did not have a traditional college education, he knew the value of gaining one.”Before moving to Alabama, with her daughter in 2012, Washington and her husband lived on a farm in California, where they fostered (收养)about 30 children - including a group of six siblings in the 1970s so that they could stay together.“I have seen her work tirelessly to achieve this dream and to finally be there to see her was a very proud moment. The most challenging part has been comforting her when she was missing my father most. those moments when she cries and all I can do is hold her and love on her. Kimberly continued.Another one of the challenges Washington overcame was a stuttering (结巴)problem growing up. So she began taking speech classes. Then, years later, she picked up social work and business classes one by one at Lawson State Community College before transferring to Alabama A&M University.Now, Washington said shes not slowing down any time soon. She said that shes even considering going back to school to get her masters degree. In the meantime, she hopes to provide volunteer service wherever necessary.24. Why did Donzella Washington go back to school?A. To make a history.B. To find a better job.C. To set an example to her daughter.D. To meet her husbands wish.25. What difficulty did Donzella Washington have to overcome?A. The sadness over losing her loved ones.B. Her weakened memory.C. Challenge of taking speech classes.D. Slowing down in walking.26. Which words can best describe Donzella Washington?A. Determined and hardworking.B. Easy-going and sharp.C. Far-seeing and odd.D. Warm-hearted and polite.27. Which may be the best title for the text?A. Every road leads to Rome.B. Its never too late to achieve dreams.C. Doing is better than saying.D. A good beginning makes a good ending.CPeople have many different ways to relax during break time at work or school. Smartphones are probably the number one choice for a quick mental vacation. Although it might seem like a good time, the result is opposite, according to a recent psychological study from Rutgers University.For the study, more than 400 students were asked to finish a set of 20 word puzzles. Halfway though the task, the students were divided into three groups. One group was allowed to take a break and use cellphones to buy things online. The second group was asked to have a rest and buy things using a computer. The last group didnt take any break at all.Surprisingly, the group that used their cellphones during the break went back to work feeling the most tired and least motivated to continue. They also had the hardest time solving the remaining word puzzles.Terri Kurtzberg, co-author of the study, explained that they assumed looking at cellphones during a break would be no different from any other break - but instead, the phone may cause increasing levels of distraction (分心)that make it difficult to return focused attention to work tasks.“Cellphones may have this effect because even just seeing your phone activates (激起)thoughts of checking messages, connecting with people, and more, in ways that are different than how we use other screens like computers, and laptops, Kurtzberg said.This is echoed by a recent study from the US University of Chicago. It found that even if cellphones are turned off or turned face down, their mere presence reduces a persons cognitive capacity (认知能力).28. What can we learn from the study?A. The participants were divided into groups at the beginning.B. The last group had the hardest time solving the word puzzles.C. Computers and laptops cause more distraction.D. Cellphones may make people less focused on work.29. What does the underlined word “echoed” in the last paragraph mean?A. Agreed. B. Remembered.C. Overcome.D. Complained.30. What suggestion will the author give in the following paragraph ?A. Try putting your smartphone away during your next break.B. Using computers to shop online rather than cellphones.C. Stop checking messages and connecting with people by cellphone.D. Turning off your cellphone during work time.31. Whats the text mainly about?A. Ways to relax for students.B. The result from a word- puzzle game.C. A study on using smart-phones to relax.D. Effects brought by the smart-phone.DSingapores tradition of eating out in places called hawker centers is now recognized by the United Nations for its cultural importance.A hawker is a person who sells food or goods and advertises by shouting at people walking by on the street. Hawkers are an important part of Singaporean culture. Open-air eating areas where hawkers sell their goods are very popular. Famous chefs, such as Anthony Bourdain and Gordon Ramsay have praised them.On Wednesday, the United Nations, cultural agency, UNESCO, added the citys hawker culture, to its Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Singapore sought to have hawker culture added to the list about two years ago. Now that it has been recognized, Singapore must provide a report every six years to UNESCO. The report must show efforts the city-state has made to save and support its hawker culture.“These centers serve as community dining rooms, where people from diverse backgrounds gather and share the experience of dining over breakfast, lunch and dinner,“ UNESCO said.In the 1970s, Singapore cleaned up its streets so the city moved street hawkers to new eating centers. These areas were part of an effort to improve the island. Now, the centers offer many different low-cost meals for local people and provide a pleasing social setting. The 2018 film Crazy Rich Asians showed its stars enjoying meals at a famous night market. Some sellers even received Michelin stars from a famous restaurant rating system for their meals costing only a few dollars.But, now the average age of a hawker in Singapore is 60 years old. Younger Singaporeans now want to work in offices. They are less interested in working in small restaurants. The COVID-19 health crisis also hurt sales, preventing foreign visitors and locals from eating out.32. What do we know about hawkers from paragraph 2?A. They sell goods in the open-air area.B. They are famous chefs.C. They are Singapore natives.D. They are popular all over the world.33. Why is hawker culture added to UNESCOs list?A. For the efforts Singapore has made.B. For its importance in showing Singapores culture.C. For the report Singapore provided.D. For the recommendation by UNESCO.34. Why is the film Crazy Rich Asians mentioned?A. To advertise the film.B. To introduce the stars.C. To show the popularity of hawker centers.D. To help the sellers receive Michelin stars.35. What is the last paragraph mainly about?A. The difficulties hawker culture are facing.B. The average age of hawkers.C. The effect caused by COVID-19.D. The future of the hawker culture.第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余 选项。Have you ever found yourself waiting at the stop for your bus to arrive and have a stranger ask a commonplace question? Perhaps youve stood in line waiting for a coffee and feel the need to just look over to the person next to you and ask about the weather. 36Small talk may seem like a waste of time. 37 Big relationships are built on small talk,“ Lindy Pegler, who has a masters degree in psychology, wrote on Medium. In fact, we spend a lot of our time making small talk. 38 Coming up with small conversations is the foundation (基础)of these relationships.The benefits of such conversations can actually contribute to our happiness and benefit our lives as a whole. Researchers found that having a healthy amount of acquaintances (熟人) and maintaining these relationships contribute to ones sense of belonging to a community.39 It can be as simple as asking about their day or commenting on the traffic. “First and foremost, small talk is an act of politeness,” Pegler noted.Who knows where this can lead? 40 You might find someone who has a common interest, or maybe even someone who turns out to be a close friend. There is one thing for sure. Making small talk can brighten our day.A. Some people dont like small talk.B. So how does one start making small talk?C. Small talk is a natural way for people to connect.D. But it serves an important role in our social interactions.E. In fact, the small connections we make can lead to big results.F. This is small talk, and despite the name, its actually a big part of daily life.G. Often, we find ourselves making small talk with the same people from time to time.第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。A photograph of a 14-year-old from Louisville, Kentucky, giving away his shoes to a homeless man has spread quickly. This has been 41 thousands of people on social media.The act of kindness 42 thousands of reactions and 43 on Facebook in less than a week. It took place when the teen, Ron Ron, went out to do 44 work with fellow members of PurpMe, a local nonprofit (非盈利)group 45 on teaching our community how to uplift one another”, according to its website.“We went out with food to 46 love in our neighborhood. When we saw a homeless man without shoes, Ron Ron took his shoes off and gave them away. Then we 47 with the homeless man, and he explained that he had gone through a lot of 48 and hurt in his PurpMe founder Jason Reynolds said.“Like the homeless man, the 14-year-old was no 49 to struggle. Reynolds added. “Ron Ron grew up in an area where people often get shot. At one point, he often 50 being rude Three years ago, I 51 him and served as his guider. With that effort, Ron Ron experienced a 52 of heart. Now, hes the one 53 other kids. Its amazing. Hes just so 54 to make a change in the world and 55 other people.”41. A. movingB. frighteningC. disappointingD. surprising42. A. madeB. acquiredC. answeredD. requested43. A. sharesB. challengesC. impressionsD. opportunities44. A. specialB. hardC. formalD. volunteer45. A. focusedB. basedC. reflectedD. depended46. A. spreadB. findC. getD. recognize47. A. ateB. playedC. talkedD. lived48. A. beautyB. wonderC. lossD. freedom49. A. longerB. strangerC. masterD. power50. A. criedB. quitC. learnedD. fought51. A. respondedB. picked upC. attractedD. reached out to52. A. changeB. solutionC. pressureD. beat53. A. punishingB. guidingC. preventingD. praising54. A. anxiousB. seriousC. curiousD. passionate55. A. followB. attackC. inspireD. warn第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Games dont come with built-in rulebooks and uniforms. They develop over time from 56 (activity) that people play for fun. For example, basketball 57 (invent) to help American football players have fun and stay in shape in the cold winter months. Here is the story.James Naismith had a problem. It was cold and snowy outside the Young Mens Christian Association (YMCA), in the USA, 58 he worked. Athletes on the football team were sitting around getting 59 (bore) and out of shape. Naismith was asked to think up an indoor game 60 (get) them in shape.What would Naismith do? He went to the storeroom 61 brought up a soccer ball. Then he asked the doorman to find two boxes to fix on the walls at opposite ends of 62 (they) small gym. The doorman 63 (can) not find any boxes, so he brought up two old peach baskets. They worked just fine. The first two points in the first basketball game ever were scored by 64 overweight football player. He received a bounce pass (反弹传球) 65 (perfect) from a friend and did a jump shot with a soccer ball into a peach basket.第四部分写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节 完成句子(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)66. Human activity is the number of monarch butterflies is falling.人类活动是造成黑脉金斑蝶数量下降的主要原因。67. When I , I looked at my camera.当我从震惊中恢复过来,我查看了相机。68. These terraces were built by the local Zhuang and Yao people, Guangxi is home. 龙脊梯田的建造者是壮族和瑶族人民,广西是他们的家园。69. The flat terraces catch the rainwater and prevent the soil from .扁平的梯田能够储存雨水,防止土壤被冲走。70. The children as they opened the envelope with a North Pole stamp.当孩子们打开贴有北极邮票的信封时,他们一定很兴奋。71. Eating too much roast food may make us suffer from heat inside our bodies, according to 根据传统中医(的说法),吃太多烧烤食物会引起上火。72. , the letters did not contain the usual warnings to children that they might not receive their presents if they were not good.有趣的是,信里没有那些常见的对孩子的警告,比如表现不好就得不到礼物之类的话。73.I to take a bite and was amazed to find it wasnt so bad.我鼓起所有的勇气咬了一口,结果惊奇地发现味道还不错。74. All over the world, you can see kids playing with a ball made of plastic bags.在世界各地,你都可以看到孩子们用塑料袋团成的球尽兴地玩耍。75. It and brings people together on and off the field.它打破了隔阂,将赛场内外的人们凝聚在一起。第二节书面表达(满分25分)假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Tom对中国传统运动太极(Tai Chi)很感兴趣。请你给他写 一封信,介绍此项运动,并鼓励他业余时间练习。注意:词数80左右。


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