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横观各向同性岩体边坡与预应力锚索框架梁相互作用研究方理刚 ,段靓靓2,梁锴 3,曲广 1(1. %。,。 $475:2. $:!。$T$.,. $40075:3 A,fl. 000)摘要:。p.%A,。.I,%p,。p.o%fi。L,%p。A,%.%。,y,p%。%p.A。,$。%o.。.,.%f。o关键词:p:::$y:.中图分类号:TD82。7文献标识码:文章编号:000691(2008)0113509INTERACTON BETWENTANSVERSEIOTRY ROCKLOE ANDPRESTRESEDANCHOR CABLWIH FRM BAM SUPORTFG ian1,DUAN Lianglng2,LIG Ka3,QU Gugxiu1(. Scol o Civiland Arcittrl Enineerg,Central South University,Chnsa,Huna 410075,Chna:2Clege of CilEngnering,Architeture and Mcancs,Cetral Soth niveriyofoesry and Tchny,Changha,Hunn 1075,hina:3. The th Suvey nd Den nstitute f ChiaRaiwa,Beij 106,Cina)Abstct:he rok mss n aturl state isa discninuos ansotropy mass,therefe,if rocmas is illregrdd as isotop mass,it will notagre wh the actasituationn general analysi ofeninein ass,anisoopy material inludes orthotropyerial nd ransee isoropymatri。 norder to uy the interctin beween transerse iotropy rc mas nd suppin sctre ,nginerin geloy of te slopet anexprswy pojct i onsidered Ten,the labotory tes fo ock smes rm field were carrid ou:ad teniaialcompsi ss fr rock mle ithdifferet staifcation lane are pefd t detemne th ies describin easict carateriss f transes isotroc ock.Based onthe tryftress-straireatinshi oftrnsverse isotryoc mss,te anatalmde nteractionbetwenrk mastranveseisotoyf slope and psesed nhor cale i febms etabihed:n he ntionfteptimum收稿日期:000527:修回日期:2070820基金项目:$:!。$。作者简介:。(199),T,19!f。I$I!,K.,K。pTI.。IoEmail:9 / 9136 pI2008 anhorag angle in pretrssed anchor cable isprsented. inteaction btwe rock asrasvers sotrop ofslopand reste cho cbl wit frame bem wanalyzewthfiite elment nlysis。 he sm ime,the study parameterso te itacton btweenrok mass tansveseistrpy loe nd restessed achor cae wih frame bamn h otmm ancorage ag npretrssed anhorcale is prfore. Teue of thinflence n diectvityo traificonpan of sutintrutur detemined. Th rsultso thate reaonable adreliaeefenes ad actu enginern xpeiece onthe deignof prestessed anchor cabewith fra amsportig fo trnser istropy rock lpean e cpe。Kywords:ok echanis:ansverse sotrp:rstresdancor able:fne lmen analyis:nchoganglK.。p。p%,p。,$。:Q$y%, 3 .% R% o引言1p,。,,$pQ%;i.,fl,。%。%,。$%,$,K$f。(%。“)。$%.,p%p,1,2op ,。o%p,p.$,f。.R。o。,.,I$%。.I$ ,。f。,.%。 。,。Kfl:%fi,p。,。.%p,fl%p,。,f。,$,N.%。.,.R。,.。“”。oT ,.K。%,。i,$。%fi,fiN。%o岩体横观各向同性理论2p$ x C16 C1C2242C132333C4C4C24C4C44C1C25C35C45C65 C21C y z C31C3 = xy C4 x 4C CCy5152554 y xzC61C62C6C466 xz (1a)ij =Cjklsl(1)fi$:ik 。poI$,pp。o$。,y,z %。,$,。p。K 9 y。K,z%。K,%,%f$。 x y z x y z 27 1 。,.p。. 137 1 2E00 E112121 EE00 xE 11 2 21y 00 E02020x 0 Gyz 0 xz00G21 00G2 (2)fi$:E1 (x 。)。$。%: . z %.%: f:2 。l:1 。. ,% 1 E1/2(1+1): .L%。%p。fi。 GLkniski%$,pif$x,y,z fi, z ( 1)o . 。, $%p kl E, E2,1,G ofl,x,y,z 1 。Fig。1 ceatic diagra of traverse soropic mariG2 in 2 + 2(1 +)G2cos 12G2E1 cos2 +(1 + ) G2 sin (3)1E1岩石横观各向同性参数的确定3Kpfip,W20,。 o,% (。%。) 0,30,60,0, 4,5 ,8.p%p% 5 。p,$ 1 ofi,p7$E1 = E1EE 2cos4 + E1 sn 4 + E1 1 si2o2 G2 E 2E12 2 =3in 4 + E1 cos4 + E1 2 1 sin2 cs2 G 1 .。esults of uaxa comprssi tes1 E 12 2ae1 E co2 2 si 2 。fl ()。1211E2 /GPazxzyR /MPa1057540。186167。30= E11 1 + E1 2E1 1sin2 os 23051。2700.10436972322E1 EEE22360521。415.20.2562669024.5500。450。25。47 sin2 + 2cs2 31 1E2p% 5 .l。$fi,.%9,l$= G4 1 + E +2 E1 E in 2 os2 + E1 G22G231 E2E2G2 G2 1 pI08 1,,G201 1(4)E2 (1 1 ) E2 ( 1 ) E12E1锚索锚固角与结构面的关系4p 1 。%,。fio。%。 ( 5),L$。 = + 1 cos(2 )Ex/GPa 2 .。Ex %Kariation o lasic modulus Ex in nxl ompsin es wih paraeerFig22(5)= 3 sin(2 )2 。.lzx KViation of Possnsratio z inuniaxacmpresiost with parameter F. yFig。5 Uni-cewith vaious strsssL$.。f%o%。lMohrCoulmb 。.,。i= cj+ tan (6)fi:cj, %。oP。 H. S. 。 Klaie 112 Mh-oulomb。f。%.%。,Qzy (c + tan ) “j 3 j 13(1+ tan j a ) in( ) 4 。%.flzy %KVaiation of Psns raio zy uixilcompressiontest wit parmer (7)Fi。4 j2E/Pazz7 1 ,. A。 139 cos( + ) tan j = i(+ )。ofl,K13 。Kf, 45+ 。 2,p。z。pQR。:1 “ “ 2%,p.。, , 2ff$:tn( + ) =tan (11) = j= j 。%p,。%$%$%,.I。,。%。,% pyfl。,.fi%KQ。$.。:。p.,.。%,%$%,$fi.L%。%13,4of,。$,。Lfi。%$ $,。 %o.。 $%,l。, 45+ j /o 。 %,$。= k(。.),。 = 45+ k /2o ccot j + (1 3 )/2= rcsisin +2(8)j 1j(1 + 3) / 2 2 = 80 + cj ct j + (1 + 3 ) / 2acsin sin (9) ( + 3 ) /2p,%。,。.ofl, 1 “ “ 2 ,.p.。 ,.。%。()边坡横观各向同性与预应力锚索框架梁相互作用的有限元分析$K。%。o。%.%IDL06 。,。%。 45 m, 49m, 1 m. 4 .,。%。oy。fi, 7%06 m, 36 mo。.$ %, 2 z , l ,L.,K, 50kNo6 Fi.6 Schema diagrm f presessedacho cabe%,. PP = Pn tan P =t sin( ) tan j +cos( )(0)fi$: :t:Pn Pt 。%:P Pt 。: 。o,。%fi(10)。,dP /d = 0 ,140 pI2008 $2 。%Physcmechnical pareers rcalcutinTble2.%/GPa。fl/(gm)fi/(kNm)1105300031.300.12 00 3p%Tab 3 Parameters choi of transerse iotroirck massE1/GPaE/12G2/Pa。5517.650。245.87。72单位:m 7 Elevaion view of prsresdanhr ce i rame ea spportFg.7%,%。,R: %,。,。K% %fio。$K%.,。.,。Tfl,$ ,.,4 L;yo,%。$;,fi。%fiL., 8 。Fg。8 Fnte elem analis odel ad grid enertinf。.f,I,fP%。,。 3 :(1) ,$f。.%K。$%o ,,4,60 90。.。y,%.%.,. 45,fR%,。.,.R%o(2) ,。20,。QRK,%K。%o$,。 150.R,f.%。R%o$y,$ 4 。L =TA L= =E (12)LN =EALN=AEfi,。%,%.ly,f$。,。fi.5,16o,$。 2,3:$.8o27 。,。 p。A。141 9 ,$ 1:1%。%f,。,。 0。,,。 :。.0,。$,。o 1 ,A.p。, ph%.Af. o 2KQR%$,A。,$o$ 4 Fo analysis ofme beam wihptesdancor ablsTbl p.%/()y $/N ykN。p/kPa025。905007.953022447。5003。9。4249125.803.5960246。11253。86296.8440243。31256.69293906202557254.39296。84434。3925。57294102。6246。3530390 9 f。%Kfi: 0 $f y $Kfio 9,10 5 ,。p。.,。poyx单位:Pa30 05-1945-1 99535 028 10532 570506 5008 583560310 11 0y;A。KMoh thd prncipasres in 0slops elemen noe05Fig。10295900306090120 /() 9 .p。Kfig。9 Ro stess chag n achor ositin withparatr dermid b bedding fceand levl框架梁纵梁60250452403090120101 0.y;。KM he hir prnciplstra in 0slops eemet node ()Fg 10 %KfiFi1 Large nterl forces changin diection ofrmecarlngataom ith pametrdetemind byeding surace anlevel(3) Qp。30,.%K.I$,。fif1530,fl. 15,2,25 30o%, 1: %fl岩体应力/ay 方向最大内力/N 框架梁横梁 14 pI08 ,。$ 5o结论6$ 。%K%$。IK,K.,p,fip% 5 .,Qp。,.K.:(1) f。,。%。,$。.,$. = j-,。 45+ /2- :p。%,Tal 5ffect o the chaeinprestressedcbes ahorgangle o th aho cabewith framebeamsoe.()。y /N.y Np/P1248.65。1.2020252.450302554。245.730。4130253。8240。84 1,14 ,。f, 25,。$, . 15%, ,o$。 = -,。=4+ /-ok(2) ,y,f。A %oQ.。K, 150%。R$,f .R%o.,。,.,。:。 %。,。,. 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