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MPC 教育资料,1:什么是PC 2:什么是MPC 3:MPC需要关注和解决那些问题 4:MPC专业词汇解释,什么是PC,PC就是production control PC 是着眼在公司层面,根据销售订单以及生产线产能进行制定生产投入产出计划 职责: 产品的投入计划 确保产品交货期,以及产出计划。 确认制品MOVE情况以及提醒交货期会有延迟的产品 执行客户需求的产品释放以及停滞等等,什么是MPC,MPC 的客户是MPP,MPP客户是PC。也就是说详细的完成PC所下达的任务。 按生产计划检查、跟踪并准确及时报告生产流程中的问题。 依据WIP、制品交期、设备负荷、制程时间限制以及在制品及设备的运行状况等因素调整实时调度系统的运行 提高人员及设备利用率制品流通率的管理及有关数据的提供 依据生产数据计算生产能力。,MPC需要解决哪些问题,The mission of a manufacturing fab : To satisfy customer and maximize the capacity and wafer output What customer wants? On time delivery Good wafer quality Low unit price MFG indices indicates the performance of a Fab,KEY,C/T,英文全名:Cycle/Time 中文全名: 运转周期 定义: the average lead time which one wafer must pay for running,waiting,holding,and time on bank from wafer start to QC-Inspection 计算方式: Cycle_Time_Waferi/Wafer_Output 计算频率/单位: 天 指标意义: 1.考量FAB的硅片的运转速度 2.衡量FAB的run货效率,TR,英文全名:TurnRatio T/R 中文全名: 在制品周转率 定义: Average number of stages which one wafer can penetrate in one day 每片硅片平均每天跑过的Stage数 计算方式: Stage Move/WIP WIP=(BOH+EOH)/2 计算频率/单位: 每日 指标意义: 1.由Turn Ratio可知硅片处理速度是否正常 2.此指标为Stage Move与WIP的比值,因此由此可以得知目前的WIP量是否合理,在制品积压成本是否过高,以及生产流程是否顺畅,Move,英文全名:Wafer Moves 中文全名: 硅片移动量 定义: 一片硅片完成一个Stage 称为一个Stage Move; 一片硅片完成一个Step 称为Step Move 计算方式: 由Fab中实际操作的硅片数加总得到 计算频率/单位: 每日或每月 指标意义: 1.由各个移动量可以了解目前硅片之处理速度是否 正常 2.由移动量预估硅片是否赶上速度 3.籍此衡量各区域之生产绩效,WIP,英文全名:广义上 Work in process 在半导体行业:Wafer In Process 中文全名: 在制品 定义: 从硅片投入到硅片产出,Fab内各站积压了相当数量的硅片,统称为Fab内的WIP 计算方式: 堆积硅片求和 计算频率/单位: 每日或每月/片 指标意义: 衡量一个FAB的生产能力的标志,PWIP : Production WIP EngWIP : Engineering WIP,Yield,英文全名:Yield 中文全名: 良率 定义: 产出硅片良品数量与投入生产之硅片数量的比率 计算方式: 硅片产出量/(硅片产出量+硅片报废量) 计算频率/单位: 每月 % 指标意义: 由良率可以显示所生产硅片之制造环境,制程,规格方面之综合表现,故其为最重要的品质指标,英文全名:Hold 中文全名:硅片搁置 定义: 在生产过程中因为控制或者工程原因暂时无法进行生产的硅片数量 计算方式: 所有hold WIP数量相加 计算频率/单位: 每日或每月 片 指标意义: 1. 衡量工厂生产稳定度 2.衡量因工程原因对生产周期的影响,Hold,Terminate / Scrap,英文全名:Scrap 中文全名:报废硅片 定义: total wafer scrap quantity in FAB 计算方式: 所有Scrap求和 计算频率/单位: 每日或每月 片 指标意义: 1.衡量制程稳定度 2.衡量一个FAB的生产良率 3.Eng WIP terminate 用以衡量工厂研发或者保持制程稳定而用掉的cost,Rework,英文全名:Rework 中文全名:返工 定义: Total rework count in Fab litho area 计算方式: 所有rework 数目累加 计算频率/单位: 每日或每月 片 指标意义: 1.衡量Litho制程稳定度 2.衡量litho无效 movement数量,WS,英文全名:Wafer start 中文全名:硅片下线 定义: Total wafer start count 计算方式: 所有下线数目累加 计算频率/单位: 每日或每月 片 指标意义: 衡量工厂生产规模,WO,英文全名:Wafer out 中文全名:硅片出货 定义: Total wafer out count 计算方式: 所有出货数目累加 计算频率/单位: 每日或每月 片 指标意义: 衡量工厂生产规模,MFG indices introduction,What is a “Golden” Fab,MPC需要关注哪些问题,Wafer Moves Wafer Step Move Location Move Wafer In Process (WIP) End On Hand & Begin On Hand Turn Ratio (T/R) - Daily Equipment UP Time Wafer Per Hour (WPH) Equipment Efficiency Utilization,Manufacturing Efficiency Cycle Time Per Mask Layer (C/T) Wafer Out Line Yield Wafer Acceptance Test (WAT) Fab Yield,Wafer Moves,Definition Wafer step Move = 1 wafer moving from one Step to another. Wafer stage Move = 1 wafer moving from one stage to another. Method of Calculation Sum of actual fab or section wafer stage moves to give fab wafers move, and section wafers move respectively. Purpose of Wafer Move Index From present amount of wafer moves, we can determine if the present production rate of the section or fab is normal. Use as a measurement index to compare shift to shift or fab to fab,Sample Calculations,Scenario 1: Particular lot of 25 wafers completed 4 stages on the 1st of February 2000. Scenario 2:Particular lot of 25 wafers completed 70 stages in the month of January 2000. Scenario 1 Moves: On the 1st of February 2000, Wafer Move = 25 X 4 = 100 Scenario 2 Moves: In the month of January 2000, Wafer Move = 25 x 70 = 1750,Wafer Step Move,Definition Wafer STEP Move - 1 wafer moving from one step to another. (Note: 1 Step is equivalent to 1 equipment move or 1 metrology step.) Method of Calculation Sum of actual fab, section or equipment wafer STEP moves to give fab wafers move, section wafers move and equipment wafer moves respectively. Purpose of Wafer Step Move Index From present amount of wafer moves, we can determine if the present production rate of the equipment or section is normal. Use as a measurement index to compare equipment to equipment or performance of operator to operator.,Sample Calculations,Scenario 1: Particular lot of 25 wafers completed 6 steps on the 1st of February 2000. Scenario 1 Step Moves: On the 1st of February 2000, Wafer Move = 25 X 6 = 150 Step Moves (Assuming the average number of steps per stages 3 steps / stage) Stage Moves on 1st of February 2000 = 150 / 3 = 50 Stage Moves,Location Move,Definition Total number of Wafer Stage Move 1 wafer moving from one stage to another. Method of Calculation Sum of stage moves within process area (CVD, PVD, PHOTO, etc). Purpose of Location Move Index From present amount of wafer moves, we can determine if the present production rate of the process area is normal. Use as a measurement index to compare day to day or month to month performance of a process area.,Sample Calculations,Scenario 1: Wafer Move in the CVD area for IMD = 1200, PETEOS = 800, SACVD = 500, HDP = 400 and BPTEOS = 400. Scenario 1 Locaton Moves: CVD Location Moves = 1,200 + 800 + 500 + 400 + 400= 3,000 Moves,Wafer In Process (WIP),Definition Number of wafers per step, stage, section, shift or fab. (ie running, wait, hold, etc) Method of Calculation Sum of all wafers in that step, stage, section, shift or fab respectively. Purpose of Work In Process Index From present amount of wafer moves, we can determine if the present capacity of the equipment, section or fab is sufficient. Use as an indicator to possible bottleneck in the fab. Movement of the WIP index will reflect the stability of the equipment / process and at the same time the capability (constraints) of the equipment.,End On Hand & Begin On Hand (1),Definition EOH - WIP per stage, section or shift or fab at the END of a shift. BOH - WIP per stage, section or shift or fab at the START of a shift. Method of Calculation Sum of all wafers in that stage, section, shift or fab respectively at the end or start of a shift.,End On Hand & Begin On Hand (2),Purpose of EOH and BOH Index By comparing the EOH and the BOH of a shift, we can have a feel of the performance of the equipment and the shift. An increase in WIP from the BOH to EOH may indicate poor equipment status in the different fabs or sections or shifts, or poor dispatching skill of the shift if the equipment status is normal.,Turn Ratio (T/R) - Daily (1),Definition Number of stages completed by each wafer per day. Method of Calculation T/R = Total Stage Moves Per Day / Average WIP (Note: Average WIP per day = BOH + EOH / 2),Turn Ratio (T/R) - Daily (2),Purpose of Turn Ratio Index From the T/R we can determine if the current wafer production rate is normal or too slow. As this indicator takes the ratio of Stage moves to Average WIP, therefore we could determine if: Current WIP is reasonable relative to bench marked quantity. Is the cost of WIP (inventory) relative to the cost of equipment lost time proportional. Current production flow is smooth with no bottleneck Is the stage target realistic.,Sample Calculations,Scenario 1: On the 1st of February 2000, Total Stage Move (CVD) is 10,000, the BOH WIP on that day is 5,500 and EOH WIP on that day is 6,000. Scenario 1 T/R: On the 1st of February 2000, T/R = 10,000 / (5,500 +6,000) / 2 = 1.74 (Note: An average T/R of 2.1 to 2.2 is reasonable for a fab),Equipment UP Time (1),Definition Time when equipment is fit-for-production. Method of Calculation UP Time = Run Time + Lost Time + Test Time + Backup Time Purpose of UP Time Index From the UP Time we can determine the total amount of time available for production. The ratio of Lost Time to Available Time is used to determine the room for improvement in terms of utilization for a particular equipment.,Equipment UP Time (2),Sample Calculations,Scenario 1: In February 2000, Run Time = 700 hours, Lost Time = 100 hours, Test Time = 100 hours, and Backup Time = 50 hours for WCVD equipment. Scenario 1 WCVD Available Time: In February 2000, Avail Time= 950 hours Lost Rate = 100 / 950 = 10.5%,Wafer Per Hour (WPH) (1),Definition Number of wafers processed per hour. Method of Calculation WPH = Wafer Move / Run Time Purpose of Wafer Per Hour (WPH) Index (1) From the present equipment WPH we can determine whether the current equipment rate of production total is normal. The equipment WPH can be used to derive the equipment capacity, which can be in turn used to determine if the total capacity for a particular capability is sufficient.,Wafer Per Hour (WPH) (2),Purpose of Wafer Per Hour (WPH) Index (2) The ratio of the current equipment WPH to the Theoretical WPH (T WPH) can be used to determine if the equipment is presently operating in the optimum conditions. WPH index can also be used to measure individual MA or shift performance, especially so in manual operations. Relative WPH between equipment running the same recipe can be used to determine the individual equipment,Sample Calculations (1),Scenario 1: On 1st of February 2000, Run Time = 20 hours and Wafer Moves = 1700 wafers for WCVD equipment. Scenario 2:The same equipment for the month of February 2000, Run Time = 600 hours and the total Wafer Moves = 54,000 wafers. Scenario 3:Run Time = 12 hours, Wafer Moves by Operator A = 500 and Operator B = 400 on the same equipment.,Sample Calculations (2),Scenario 1 WCVD WPH: On 1st of February 2000, WPH = 1,700 / 20 = 85 wafers / hour Scenario 2 WCVD WPH: In the month of February 2000, WPH = 54,000 / 600 = 90 wafers / hour Therefore, we can say that the current equipment rate of production is lower than the average for the whole month. Scenario 3: Operator A has a WPH = 500 / 12 = 41.67 wafers / hour Operator B has a WPH = 400 / 12 = 33.33 wafers / hour,Equipment Efficiency (1),Definition Percentage of the actual wafer moves per hour to the ideal wafer moves per hour. Method of Calculation Equipment Efficiency = (Total Actual Wafer Moves / Total Run Time) / (Average Ideal WPH) X 100% Note: As the “Ideal WPH” is dependent on the recipe of the lot processed, the “Average Ideal WPH” is the sum of the “Ideal WPH” multiple by the proportion of the number of lots (during the period of time) with that recipe divided by the Total Run Time.,Equipment Efficiency (2),Purpose of Equipment Efficiency Index The equipment efficiency index show how much deviation from the optimum performance is the equipment being operated in. Determine if there is any weakness / abnormality with an equipment capabilities / fab WIP profile / process capability. Base on the efficiency of the equipment, we are able to look into methods to optimize the equipment and increase the throughput of the equipment.,Examples,Example of some situations that LOWERS the equipment efficiency: Only 1 SMIF Arm is in working condition. Takes a longer time than usual to achieve required vacuum for the load lock equipment problem. SMIF Arm unable to unload automatically therefore status remains “Run” (Run Time increases without increase in output) even when wafers already completed its process. The bottleneck chamber of the equipment is down and therefore the impact deducted is less than the actual impact. Time require for achieving vacuum is the same for a lot with 25 wafers and one with only 1 wafer. Therefore the time per wafer is increase significantly when lot with only 1 wafer is processed.,Sample Calculations,Scenario 1: On 1st of February 2000, shift A, WCVD equipment, Wafer Moves = 375 wafers, Run Time = 12 hours. The lots consist of 5 lots of recipe A and 10 lots of recipe B. Recipe A: Ideal WPH = 30, Recipe B: Ideal WPH = 45. Scenario 1 Efficiency: Average Idea WPH = (5 / 15 X 30) + (10/15 X 45)= 40 wafer per hour Equipment Efficiency = (375 / 12) / (40) X 100= 78.13%,Utilization (1),Definition The amount of time demanded of an equipment for production, versus the total amount of time available. Demand / Capacity Method of Calculation Utilization = (Run Time + Test Time + Back Up Time) / Total Time X 100%,Utilization (2),Purpose of Utilization Index For a Utilization Index greater than 100% for certain equipment, we can safely say that the present equipment capacity is not sufficient for the present demand. If the utilization is low for certain equipment, but the WIP is high, it could be due to the equipment not having the capability to run the recipes required by the WIP.,Sample Calculations,Scenario 1: In a day (24 hours), WCVD equipment has Run Time = 12 hours and Back Up Time = 6 hours. Scenario 1 Utilization: Utilization = (12+6) / 24 X 100%= 75%,Manufacturing Efficiency (1),Definition Percentage of the equipment available time used for production (Run Time, Test Time and Back Up Time) over the total equipment available time (Run Time, Test Time, Lost Time and Back Up Time). Method of Calculation Manufacturing Efficiency = (Utilization / Availability) X 100%,Manufacturing Efficiency (2),Purpose of Manufacturing Efficiency Index The manufacturing efficiency index compares the performance of the operator under a high WIP situation. The higher the efficiency index the better the performance. One of the indicators for low WIP for specific equipment, section or fab. A high WIP and low manufacturing efficiency index could be due to equipment constraint and its capabilities.,Sample Calculations,Scenario 1: Operator As equipment has Run Time = 8 hours, Test Time = 1 hour, Back Up Time = 0 and Lost Time = 3 hours. Scenario 1 Operator A: Manufacturing Efficiency =(8+1+0) / (8+1+0+3) X 100% = 75%,Cycle Time Per Mask Layer (C/T) (1),Definition Average number of days required for processing between two photo stages. (1 layers . one photo stage to another) As each individual layer is defined by a photo stage, therefore the number of layers of a product is equivalent to the number of photo stages. Note: For 0.25 micron technology, there is an average of 25 layers. Method of Calculation C/T = (Time which wafer passes the QC test Time at wafer start) / Number of photo stages.,Cycle Time Per Mask Layer (C/T) (2),Purpose of Wafer Move Index Base on the number of layers of the product, and the use of the average cycle time of the fab, we are able to determine the average time required for the product from start to completion. Thereby, enabling us to decide on the date for the product wafer start in order to meet the delivery schedule.,Sample Calculations,Scenario 1: A particular product has 16 layers, and the time required from wafer start till QC testing is 40 days. Scenario 1 C/T per layer: C/T per layer = 40 / 16= 2.5 days per layer,Wafer Out,Definition Total quantity of wafers that passes the QC test. Method of Calculation Production Controller (PC) will announced the official Wafer Out quantity. Purpose of Wafer Out Index The Wafer Out Index will indicate the fab output status.,Sample Calculations,Scenario 1: In the month of February 2000, quantity of wafers that passes QC test =15,000 wafers. Scenario 1 Wafer Out: In the month of February 2000 Wafer Out = 15,000 wafers,Line Yield,Definition Percentage of wafers produced by the fab prior to WAT. Method of Calculation Line Yield = (Quantity of Wafer Produced) / (Quantity of Wafer Produced) + (Quantity of Wafer Scrapped in the Production Process) = (Quantity of Wafer Produced) / (Quantity of Raw Wafer Used for Production) Purpose of Line Yield Index The Line Yield reflects the quality of the manufacturing system of a fab. The higher the Line Yield the lesser misoperations within the fab.,Sample Calculations,Scenario 1: In the month of February 2000, quantity of raw wafers used = 15,500 wafers. Quantity of wafers at the WAT =15,000 wafers. Total wafer scrapped = 500 wafers. Scenario 1:Line Yield = 15,000 / 15,500 = 97%,Wafer Acceptance Test (WAT) Yield,Definition Percentage of wafer which passes the circuit electrical test. Method of Calculation WAT-Yield = (Quantity of Wafer Passes the WAT Test) / (Total Wafer Tested) Purpose of Available Time Index The WAT-Yield reflects the quality of the output from a fab in terms of the electrical performance of the wafer produced.,Sample Calculations,Scenario 1: In the month of February 2000, quantity of wafers tested by WAT = 15,500 wafers. Quantity of wafers that passes WAT =15,000 wafers. Total wafer scrapped = 500 wafers. Scenario 1:WAT-Yield = 15,000 / 15,500 = 97%,Fab Yield,Definition Ratio of the quantity of the wafers that passes the IQC test to the total amount of wafer used from the start of the process. Fab-Yield = (Line Yield) X (WAT Yield) Method of Calculation Fab-Yield = Wafer Out / (Wafer Out + Line Scrapped + WAT Scrapped) Purpose of Available Time Index The Fab-Yield the most important index to a fab as it reflects the overall performance. It takes into consideration of the manufacturing environment, process stability and other contributing factors to the quality of the output from a fab.,Sample Calculations,Scenario 1: In the month of February 2000, quantity of wafers that passes QC test =15,000 wafers. Total wafer scrapped = 1,500 wafers. Scenario 1:Fab-Yield = 15,000 / (15,000 + 1,500) = 91%,


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