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英语辩论 该不该过西方节日?正方一辩:Hello everyone! We are of the opinion should celebrate the western festival.With the development of society, the Chinese and western cultural exchange unstoppable, as an important part of culture festival culture communication fusion natural.The development of modern society is developing rapidly, and the high and new science and technology, especially the development of network communication technology more make the global village is becoming more and more small. With Chinas political, economic, diplomatic career development, such as Hong Kong, Shanghai in the eastern and western culture and the cozy international large city, western culture idea and Oriental traditional moral, in Peoples Daily life had slowly merge. As time goes on, the fusion will in the wider region spread. Thus, the Chinese more carefree to express feelings of the western festival have what not good? Are there not more and more young people in the near Christmas and valentines day at the same time, also learn in the mothers day and fathers day to old people offer a wish? Modern each national culture is the reference for each other, each other fusion.翻译:随着社会的发展,中西文化交流势不可挡,作为文化重要组成部分的节日文化的交流融合自然而然。 现代社会的发展日新月异,高新科学技术尤其是网络通讯技术的发展更使“地球村”变得越来越“小”了。随着中国政治、经济、外交事业的发展,在诸如香港、上海这些东西方文化水乳交融的国际大都市里,西方文化理念和东方传统道德,在人们日常生活中早已缓慢融合。随着时间的推移,这种融合会在更大范围的地域内扩展开来。由此可见,中国人多一些畅快抒发心情的洋节有什么不好呢?不是有越来越多的年轻人在走近圣诞节、情人节的同时,也学会了在母亲节、父亲节给老人献上一份祝福了吗?现代各个民族文化毕竟是互相借鉴,互相融合的。正方二、三辩: (问题及回答)1问We think we should celebrate the western festival, in the globalization today we need to understand western culture. We all know that the western economy, science and technology, and military power is very developed. We need to western study, dont you think so?我们认为应该庆祝西方节日,在全球化的今天我们需要了解西方文化。我们都知道西方的经济、科技、和军事势力都是很发达的。我们需要向西方学习,难道你们不这样认为吗?答:We dont think so. We never think so. We are Chinese! !We care about the western festival of no practical significance. If Mr. LuXun know, will not be happy! Introduce advanced technology, or sugar-coated cannonball! For todays Chinas case, to learn and master the western developed capitalist countries of advanced technology, improve and change our economic productivity is the key, but in the learning at the same time, we should pay attention to western sugar-coated cannonball, not off a watermelon, and picked up a sesame. This is very stupid!我们不这么认为。我们永远也不会这么认为。我们是中国人! ! !我们关心西方节日没有实际意义。如果鲁迅先生知道了,将不会快乐!引进先进的技术,还是要“糖衣炮弹”!对于今天的中国而言,学习并掌握西方发达资本主义国家的先进技术,改进和改变我们的经济生产力是关键,但在学习的同时,要注意西方国家的“糖衣炮弹”,不要“掉了个西瓜,而捡了个芝麻“。这是很愚蠢的事!2. 问:Chinese traditional festivals, form a single, mainly to visit, dinner is given priority to, to eat dumplings during the Spring Festival, the 15 th eat Yuanxiao, Dragon Boat Festival eat Zongzi, the Mid-Autumn festival eat moon cakes, and visiting need to spend a lot of money. For many young people, this is a kind of burden, lack of romantic colour. But western festival after entering China, itself does not have a lot of religious significance, is with friends play the happy moment, mostly with the colour of carnival, more relaxed romance and note the attraction, it accord with teenagers psychology, easy to be liked by young people. How do you feel about that?Dont tell me you a low-key person.我国传统节日,形式单一,主要以探亲、聚餐为主,春节吃饺子,十五吃元宵,端午吃粽子,中秋吃月饼,而走探亲花费又很大,对于很多青年人来说过节反倒是一种负担,缺少浪漫色彩。而西方节日在进入中国后,其本身不具有很多的宗教意义,成为朋友相聚的美好日子,大多带有狂欢色彩,比较轻松浪漫,又注重情调,适合年轻人求新求变的心理,容易为年轻人所喜爱并接受。你对此有什么看法吗?不要告诉我你是个低调的人。答:Of course Im not a low-key person, but I am not a man without judgment. We should be wary of western culture tool ! Religion, diet, entertainment and so on, are all western forces developed countries to realize new colonialism and aggression powerful tool! If you dont want to be deeply the triumph of western culture, we have to do some things, maintain and carry forward Chinese traditional culture of good, like Chinese culture, love our own holiday! We only have their own immune raised, to reduce virus erosion! Country of confidence! Now we have a lot of people are willing to western festival, and analyzes its core, this is because our own national culture didnt have enough confidence. Our Chinese nation five thousand years of civilization, there should be enough confidence, is the confidence of the country! The young men of the present should be even more consciousness. This is our responsibility.当然我不是一个低调的人,但是我不是一个没有判断能力的人。我们应该警惕“西方文化”的工具!宗教、饮食、娱乐等等,都是西方军队发达国家实现新的“殖民主义”和“侵略”强大的工具啊!如果你不想被深深地西方文化的胜利,我们必须做一些事情,保持和发扬中国传统文化的好,喜欢中国文化,爱我们自己的节日!我们只有他们自己的“免疫”提高了,减少“病毒”侵蚀!国家的信心!现在我们有很多人都愿意的西方节日,并分析其核心,这是因为我们自己国家的文化没有足够的信心。我们中华民族五千年的文明,应该有足够的信心,是“国家的信心”!现在的年轻人更应该意识。这是我们的责任。3.问Around the world, there are many overseas Chinese, some of them even have joined the foreign nationality, but also still celebrate traditional Chinese festival. As Chinese, should not we carry forward traditional Chinese Culture Festival?在全世界各地,有许多华人华侨,他们有的甚至都加入了别国的国籍,但还依然过着中国传统节日.难道我们作为中国人不应该弘扬中国传统节日文化吗?3答:We recognize that should carry forward Chinese traditional culture, but now the whole world together, with their respective cultural influences, in carrying forward traditional Chinese culture at the same time, we also have the freedom of Western holidays.我们承认应该弘扬中国传统文化,但是现在整个世界都连到了一起,各自受着各自文化的影响,在弘扬中国传统文化的同时,我们也不限制西方节日。正方四辩:We should think of western holidays, so not only can promote the communication between Chinese culture and Western culture, more pressure to relax, relieve fatigue! However, we also believe that more attention should be paid to Chinese traditional culture, carry forward traditional Chinese culture, make western culture better integration, mutual progress! Thats all, thank you !我们认为应该过西方节日,那样既能促进中西方文化之间的交流,更能放松压力,缓解疲劳!不过,我们也认为更应该重视中国传统文化节日,弘扬中国传统文化,让中西方文化更好的交流融合,互相进步!反方一辩:Hello everyone! We are of the opinion should not celebrate the western festival.The Chinese nation is a country with a long history, the Chinese people are a civilization, smart people, Chinas culture is great and profound culture, especially many of the traditional festival culture, is the essence of national culture. From a point, these festival culture, is not only a display, traditional Chinese, more important is it indicated that the Chinese aged respected, hard-working kind, brave wisdoms traditional virtue, national culture broad and profound. These are indispensable! We should not celebrate western festival, dont forget to bring honor to the Chinese nation long, excellent traditional festival culture, never blind worship of lost self. We only celebrate good oneself of traditional holiday, to attract more foreigners, and for Chinese culture contributions!中华民族是一个历史悠久的国家,中国人民是一个文明,聪明的人,中国的文化是巨大和深远的文化,尤其是许多传统的节日文化,是民族文化的精髓。从一个点,这些节日文化,不仅是一种显示,中国传统,更重要的是它显示了中国尊老爱幼,勤劳善良、勇敢的智慧的传统美德,民族文化博大精深。这些都是不可或缺的!我们不应该庆祝的西方节日,别忘了弘扬中华民族长,优秀的传统节日文化,从不盲目崇拜失去了自我。我们只庆祝好自己的传统节日,以吸引更多的外国人,和为中国文化做贡献!正方问题 1.随着西方节日引入中国,中国学生越来越倾向于过西方节日而不是中国传统节日。这不是一个好的现象,不利于继承和发扬中国传统文化。请问怎么解释? E:With the introduction of western festivals ,Chinese students are more and more inclined to western festivals rather than traditional Chinese holidays .This is not a good phenomenon ,which is not conductive to inherit and carry forward the Chinese traditional culture .How to explain it?反方回答 1.允许我纠正一下,并不是所有的人都喜欢过西方节日。像老人更倾向于过中国节日,再例如像清明节,中秋节以及春节等其他节日,我们都是非常重视的。最后重要的庆祝西方节日有利于中西文化交流。 E: Allow me correct, and not all people tend to like western festival .For example, old people tend to celebrate Chinese festivals. Such as Qing Ming Festival, Mid-Autumn festival and other holidays, we all attach great importance to them. Celebrating the western festival is conducive to the West cultural exchange.正方问题 2.外国节日造成浪费的消费主义。根据美国环境保护署,美国人多生产1000000000吨垃圾每年节日期间。更重要的是,根据英国广播公司,英国扔掉1000000000圣诞卡和83平方公里的纸包装,每一年。根据很多杂志,以便为美国人送1900000000张圣诞卡每年300000,树木被砍伐。既然西方节日产生这么多垃圾,为什么还要过西方节日? E: Foreign holidays result in wasteful consumerism. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection agency, Americans produce an extra 1 billion tons of trash each year during the holiday season. Whats more, according to the BBC, the British throw away 1 billion Christmas cards and 83 square kilometers of wrapping paper each year .And according to plenty Magazine, in order for Americans to send 1.9 billion Christmas cards each year, 300,000 trees are cut down. Since the western festivals have so much rubbish, why we celebrate western festivals? 反方回答 2.这可能是对的。但是什么节日又不危害环境呢?像六一儿童节,清明节,在节日期间也会产生许多垃圾,浪费很多东西。 E: That may well be true .But what holidays do not harm to the environment. Like the six one childrens festival, Qing Ming Festival, during the festival, also can produce a lot of waste, waste a lot of things.正方问题 3.在全世界各地,有许多华人华侨,他们有的甚至都加入了别国的国籍,但还依然过着中国传统节日.难道我们作为中国人不应该弘扬中国传统节日文化吗? E: Around the world, there are many overseas Chinese, some of them even have joined the foreign nationality, but also still celebrate traditional Chinese festival. As Chinese, should not we carry forward traditional Chinese Culture Festival?反方回答 3.我们承认应该弘扬中国传统文化,但是现在整个世界都连到了一起,各自受着各自文化的影响,在弘扬中国传统文化的同时,我们也有自由过西方节日。 E: We recognize that should carry forward Chinese traditional culture, but now the whole world together, with their respective cultural influences, in carrying forward traditional Chinese culture at the same time, we also have the freedom of Western holidays.反方四辩:我们还是认为中国传统节日更加重要,但是可以过西方节日,那样可以促进中西方文化的交流!不过中国传统节日对我们的意义更加重大,我们不应该大肆的宣扬西方节日,使中国传统节日的淡化,应该弘扬中国传统节日,让中国传统文化发扬光大!E:We still believe that Chinese traditional festival is more important, but the western festival, it can promote the Chinese and Western cultural exchange! But the Chinese traditional festival of our sense is more great, we should not be trumpeting the western festival, the traditional festival in China desalination, should carry forward the traditional Chinese festivals, to carry forward Chinese traditional culture! Thats all, thank you !


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