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第六章 林业企业管理基础Chapter FourThe Basic Theory of Forestry Enterprise Management,Same conditions different management system Different result! But Same conditions and management system Result still could be different!,1.The concept of enterprise: Enterprise is an economical entity(实体), which is engaged in(从事) the economic activities like commodity production, circulation(流通) and service objective is profit making (营利为目的) be managed independently(自主经营) practice independent accounting (独立核算) responsible for its own profits and losses(自负盈亏) enjoy civil right (民事权利) bear civil duty (民事义务) Represent certain kind of production relation (体现一定的生产关系),2. The characteristics of enterprise A, Seek profit B, Manage independently C, Manage under risk D, Manage under market regulation Forestry Enterprise,3. The management principles(原理) of enterprise 3.1 Manage the enterprise as a system(系统原理) System: organic entirety, consist of different parts (factors) which related to, condition and affect to each other. Three important points: Clear objective (目的性) Entirety(整体性), the interest of the whole.全局观点, 整体利益 Administrative levels (层次性) , 各层有自己的功能,任务,职责和权利. 同层之间的关系的处理. 上层任务: (1)发出指令, 考察结果; (2) 协调下层关系.,3.2 Feedback (反馈原理),控制系统,受控系统,指令信息,反馈信息,及时, 灵敏, 准确, 有力,3.3 Restriction (封闭原理) Condition each other (相互制约): 管理机构之间; 管理者之间; 管理制度之间, 有相互制约的关系, 构成一个连续封闭的回路, 形成有效管理.,3.4 Ability classification (能级原理) Classify the units and individuals according to their ability (arrange them in the order of ability) (1) Organization form, different levels of units: decision level; management level; executive level; operation level. (2) Different level of units has different power, material benefits and spirit honor (3) Right person in the right position Dynamic !,3.5 Elasticity (or flexibility)(弹性原理) The management object and target are under development and variation Decision should be adaptive to the newest situation. 3.6 Driving force (动力原理) Driving force is essential to achieve the target of management. Material driving force (物质动力) Spirit driving force (精神动力) Information driving force(信息动力) (见下页),人们在信息交流过程中产生的动力. 及时准确的信息 企业耳聪目明,目标准确 信息动力表现在两个方面: (1)使人开阔视野, 获得知识, 获得力量, 认清形势,找出差距, 明确方向, 催人上进. (2)新知识,新成果进入企业,丰富职工知识, 提高职工素质,提高企业生产效率,产品质量.,3.7 Human being first (人本原理) Most important resource, but most difficult to manage. Purpose: arouse peoples enthusiasm, creativeness handle the relation among people. Method: understand the need of people(认识人的需要) satisfy the need of people(满足人的需要) arouse the need of people(唤起人的需要),4 The concept of enterprise management (企业管理的概念) 企业管理属于微观管理(micro-management)范畴, 是指在一定的生产方式下,由企业经营者依照一定的规律,原则,程序和方法, 对企业所从事的各项生产经营活动进行计划(plan),组织(organize),指挥(direct),协调(coordinate)和控制(control); 通过充分开发和利用企业所拥有的各种资源(包括人力资源和信息资源)来增加生产, 满足社会需要, 从而达到提高企业的经济效益和社会效益的目的的一系列综合(comprehensive)活动.,5 The function of enterprise management (企业管理的职能) 5.1 Plan (计划) 为实现已定的决策(decision)目标而对各项具体管理活动极其所需人,财, 物做出的设计和具体安排. Plan is the concretion(具体化) and implementation (落实) of decision Plan should be: goal clear(目标明确), general(普遍性), adaptive(适应性) and economical(经济性),5.2 Organization (组织) 是根据一定目的, 按一定的计划, 对一些事物进行安排(arrange)和处理(manage)的活动, 它把人们的个体力量整合(integrate)成整体(entirety)力量, 把企业的各要素(factors)从时间和空间上合理组织起来, 形成朝着同一目标奋斗(strive)的有机整体, 从而有效地进行生产经营活动, 实现预定(predetermined)目标.,5.3 Direction (指挥) 是指为确保既定决策与计划的有效实现,管理者凭借自身的权利(rely on his own right)和影响力(influence)对下属机构和人员进行合理调度(scheduling),指导他们为实现企业目标而展开的活动. The direction must be: Authoritative (有权威的); (2) 垂直性(from the higher level to lower level); (3)Unified (统一性); (4) Clear and definite (明确性); (5) Mandatory (强制性).,5.4 Coordination (协调) 是解决各组织之间, 人员之间的矛盾(contradiction)与冲突(conflict), 建立相互合作和主动配合(initiative coordination) 的良好关系, 有效利用各种资源, 以实现企业共同预期目标的活动 5.5 Encouragement (激励) 是激发(stimulate)人的动机(motivation), 诱导(induce)人的行为, 使其发挥内在潜力(potentiality), 为追求欲实现的目标而努力的过程. Using different methods in different situation Taking different measures to different people.,5.6 Control (控制) 是指由管理人员对当前的实际工作是否符合(accord with)计划进行测定(assess), 并促使企业目标实现的过程. The basis(依据) for control is plan. If the actual work is found deviated(偏离) from plan, it must be corrected: Adjust the work to accord with plan (如果计划没问题) Modify the plan according to actual situation(否则),5.7 Innovation (创新) 是事物内部新的进步(progressive)因素通过矛盾斗争战胜旧的落后(backward)因素, 从而推动(push forward)事物向前发展的过程. 创: 创造, 新构想(idea), 新观念(sense)的产生 新: 革新, 新观念, 新构想的运用(put to use) 必要性: 科技发展; 市场需求瞬息万变, 产品更新加快, 环境不断变化. 因此要随时做出创新性调整(无先 例可寻). 包括: 目标创新; 机制创新; 制度创新; 管理方法创新; 技术创新; 产品创新.,6 林业企业管理的特点 6.1 企业要树立长远观点(资源的有限性和生产长期性) 6.2 注意整个生产过程的经济效益(林业生产的综合性) 6.3 合理安排企业内的产业结构, 注意企业总体经济效益(林区资源的多样性) 6.4 林业企业与其他相邻部门和企业保持协调, 共同发展(森林功能效益多样性) 6.6 合理组织生产过程(林业生产的分散性和季节性),


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