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Unit 4 Space Exploration课时素养检测十四Unit 4Period 2. 阅读理解AChinas first astronaut 38-year-old Yang Liwei returned safely to earth Thursday morning, when his craft Shenzhou 5 touched down as scheduled after more than 21 hours in the earths orbit. Chinese premier Wen Jiabao called the landmark debut flight a “complete success”. The descent capsule(返回舱) carrying Lt. Col. Yang Liwei touched down on the grasslands of the Gobi Desert, in central Inner Mongolia at 6: 23 am Thursday (Beijing Time), the Beijing-based Chinas Aerospace Command and Control Centre said. Minutes later, Yang grabbed the capsule hatch with his hand, pulled himself out, smiled and waved at recovery teams and reporters. “It is a splendid moment in the history of my motherland and also the greatest day of my life, ” Yang, a former fighter pilot from Northeast Chinas Liaoning Province, said immediately after emerging. In an interview with CCTV, Chinas state television, Yang said he was “feeling excellent”. Shenzhou 5 landed at dawn, 4. 8 kilometres (3 miles) from its designed landing target, the officials said. “The spaceship operated well, ” the astronaut Yang Liwei said in his first publicized comments. “I feel very good and I am proud of my motherland. ” After a physical exam on the spot, Yangs condition was found as “good”. Li Jinai, the commander of Chinas manned space program, called Yang a “space hero” and a “national hero”. Following Yangs touchdown, Chinas premier Wen Jiabao immediately spoke to Yang from Beijings command and control centre and offered his congratulations. Within hours, Chinese space officials announced that the countrys space dreams will continue with a “Shenzhou 6” mission, most possibly within a year. They said China also had worked out plans to conduct space walking by its astronauts, and eventually would build up a space station. However, Chinese scientists ruled out building a space shuttle, like the United States. Yangs flight came four decades after the former Soviet Union and the United States pioneered manned spaceflight. Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin orbited the Earth in April 1961. One month later, the United States launched Alan B. Shepard Jr. 【语篇概述】本文介绍了中国首次载人航天飞行的情况。1. What is true of the first Chinese astronaut Yang Liwei? A. He is now a fighter pilot. B. He was helped to get out of the descent capsule. C. He spent nearly a day in space. D. He was called a “space hero” and a “national hero” by Chinas premier Wen Jiabao. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第一段中的after more than 21 hours in the earths orbit可知, C项正确。2. China will carry out the following space programs in the near future except _. A. space walkingB. setting up a space stationC. building up a space shuttleD. sending up “Shenzhou 6”【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第二段中的Chinese scientists ruled out building a space shuttle可以知道, 中国在近期不打算建航天飞机。其中的 ruled out 意为“排除, 取消”。3. The underlined word “debut” means _. A. first public appearanceB. spaceC. carrying personD. spaceship【解析】选A。词义猜测题。从短文中我们知道, 这是中国第一次载人航天飞行, 由此可推测出, debut为“首次亮相” 之意。4. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was the first man in the world to travel in space. B. the United States launched Alan B. Shepard Jr. in 1961. C. China is the third country in the world to carry out the manned space flight successfully. D. “Shenzhou 6” will carry more than one astronaut in the mission. 【解析】选D。推理判断题。选项A、B、C在短文中均有提及。D没有提到。BAn exciting landing process of Change-4 lunar probe (月球探测器) was seen through the monitor at Beijing Aerospace Control Centre in Beijing, Jan. 3, 2019. It touched down on the far side of the moon at 10: 26 a. m. Beijing Time, becoming the first spacecraft soft-landing on the moons unknown side never visible from Earth. Chinas Change-4 probe has started the exploration on the far side of the moon thanks to the relay satellite that provides a communication link with ground control. The relay satellite, named Queqiao, meaning Magpie Bridge, after a Chinese legend (传说 ) , was launched on May 21, 2018, and became the first communication satellite operating in the halo orbit, nearly 500, 000 km from the earth. It can also provide communication for probes from other countries. The relay satellite will also be used for scientific and technological experiments. The maximum distance between the satellite and the Change-4 probe on the far side of the moon is 79, 000 km. The satellite processes data from the probe and sends it to Earth. The satellite can stay in its orbit for a long time due to its relatively low fuel consumption, as the earths and moons gravity balances its orbital moving. While in orbit, it can “see” both the earth and the far side of the moon. The concept of using a relay satellite in the halo orbit was first put forward by U. S. space experts in the 1960s, but was realized by Chinese space engineers. Researchers hope to use the cameras on the satellite to record asteroids (小行星) hitting the far side of the moon. To control the cost of the Change-4 probe, the relay satellite was designed to be relatively small, weighing about 400 kg. Researchers had just 30 months to develop the satellite, putting them under high pressure. To promote public interest in space exploration, the China National Space Administration invited people to write down their wishes for lunar and space exploration, and the relay satellite carries the names of tens of thousands of participants and their messages. 【语篇概述】这是一篇应用文。文章报道了北京时间2019年1月3日10时26分, 我国嫦娥四号探测器成功登陆月球背面, 并通过“鹊桥”中继卫星传回了世界第一张近距离拍摄的月背影像图。5. What do we learn from the second paragraph? A. The relay satellite was launched on Jan. 3, 2019. B. Change-4 probe was the first communication satellite. C. The relay satellite only explores the far side of the moon. D. The relay satellite can handle data from Change-4 probe. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第二段的“The satellite processes data from the probe and sends it to Earth. ”可知, 中继卫星可以处理来自嫦娥四号探测器的数据。故选D。6. Why was the size of the relay satellite relatively small? A. To reduce the cost as much as possible. B. To make it circle Moon for a longer time. C. To avoid being crashed by other satellites. D. To follow American space experts advice. 【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的“To control the cost of the Change-4 probe, the relay satellite was designed to be relatively small, weighing about 400 kg. ”可知, 中继卫星的尺寸相对较小是为了节约成本, 故选A。7. What made researchers suffer from great stress? A. Few people interested in the exploration on the moon. B. The relay satellite carrying too much equipment. C. Their lacking enough time to develop the relay satellite. D. Peoples never being optimistic about the relay satellite. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据最后一段的“Researchers had just 30 months to develop the satellite, putting them under high pressure. ”可知, 研究者们压力很大是因为他们只有30个月的时间开发这种卫星, 即缺乏时间, 故选C。8. What is the main idea of the text? A. China is a new space power after the USA. B. Change-4 probe lands on Moons far side. C. Chinese space engineers make much progress. D. Space exploration is a dangerous challenge. 【解析】选B。主旨大意题。文章主要报道了嫦娥四号探测器在月球背面着陆。故选B。. 完形填空As the plane circled over the airport, everyone sensed that something was wrong. The plane was moving unsteadily through the air, and 1 the passengers had fastened their seat belts, they were suddenly 2 forward. At that moment, the air-hostess 3. She looked very pale, but was quite 4. Speaking quickly but almost in a whisper, she 5 everyone that the pilot had 6 and asked if any of the passengers knew anything about machines or at 7 how to drive a car. After a moment of 8, a man got up and followed the hostess into the pilots cabin. Moving the pilot aside, the man took his seat and listened carefully to the 9 instructions that were being sent by radio from the airport below. The plane was now dangerously close 10 the ground, but to everyones 11, it soon began to climb. The man had to 12 the airport several times in order to become 13 with the controls of the plane. But the danger had not yet passed. The terrible moment came when he had to land. Following 14, the man guided the plane toward the airfield. It shook violently 15 it touched the ground and then moved rapidly along the runway and after a long run it stopped safely. 【语篇概述】本文为记叙文, 讲述了飞机在飞行中飞行员突然晕倒, 危急时刻一位乘客帮助人们化险为夷的故事。1. A. although B. while C. therefore D. then【解析】选A。句意: 尽管乘客们都已经系好安全带, 他们还是被突然向前抛去。although “尽管”, 引导让步状语从句, 符合句意。 2. A. shiftedB. thrownC. putD. moved【解析】选B。根据上题解析, throw“扔、抛”符合句意。shift“转移”; put“安置”; move“移动”。3. A. showedB. presentedC. exposedD. appeared【解析】选D。此处表示出现这种情况后, 女乘务员出现了。show“展示、表明”; present“呈现、陈述”, 及物动词; expose“暴露”。appear“出现”, 符合句意。4. A. wellB. stillC. calmD. quiet【解析】选C。出现飞机不平稳的情况, 乘务员表现出的是镇静, 所以calm符合句意。5. A. inquiredB. insuredC. informedD. instructed 【解析】选C。根据上文出现飞机不平稳的情况, 乘务员出来是告知每个人发生了什么情况。inform“通知、告诉”; inquire“询问”; insure“投保”, 常与against连用; instruct“指示, 命令”。6. A. fallenB. failed C. faded D. fainted【解析】选D。根据下文可知此处是说飞行员出现了状况, 需要找人替他驾驶飞机。faint“昏迷、晕倒”, 符合句意。7. A. bestB. leastC. lengthD. first【解析】选B。根据前文可知询问乘客是否了解机器, 至少知道如何开车。at best“最多、至多”; at least“至少”; at length“详细地”; at first“开始、最先”。at least符合句意。8. A. hesitationB. surpriseC. doubtD. delay【解析】选A。根据上下文可知这个人犹豫了片刻才跟着乘务员进了驾驶舱。所以选hesitation“犹豫”。9. A. patientB. anxiousC. urgentD. nervous【解析】选C。这个人坐到飞行员的座位上, 认真听着下面机场通过无线电发出的紧急指令。patient“耐心的”; anxious“焦急的”; nervous“紧张的”。urgent“紧急的”, 符合句意。 10. A. toB. byC. nearD. on【解析】选A。close与介词to连用, 意为“接近、靠近”。11. A. horrorB. trustC. pleasureD. relief【解析】选D。根据it soon began to climb可知情况好转, 大家松了一口气。to ones relief意为“让某人松了一口气”, 符合句意。12. A. surroundB. circleC. observeD. view【解析】选B。此处表示飞机在空中盘旋了几次。surround“包围”; circle“盘旋”; observe“观察”; view“认为”。所以选B。13. A. intimateB. familiarC. understoodD. close【解析】选B。此处表示为了熟练操控飞机, 这个人驾驶飞机在空中盘旋了几次。be familiar with为固定搭配, 意为“熟悉”。所以选B。14. A. impressionB. information C. inspectionsD. instructions【解析】选D。following. . . 的逻辑主语应为the man, 本句意思是这个人遵照指令, 驾驶飞机朝飞机场飞去。impression“印象”; information“消息”; inspection“视察”; instruction“指令”。15. A. asB. unlessC. whileD. so【解析】选A。本句意为当飞机接触地面的时候, 机身剧烈地摇晃。as“当的时候”, 符合句意。 while 引导时间状语从句, 谓语动词应用进行时。【技法导练】阅读理解中主旨大意题的解题技巧一、主旨大意题有两种题型, 归纳标题题和概括大意题, 在设题时常会用到title, subject, main idea, topic, theme等词。1. 归纳标题题常见命题形式有: Whats the best title for the text? Which of the following can be the best title for the passage? 2. 概括大意题常见命题形式有: Whats the main idea of the passage? What does the author mainly talk about in the text? 二、对于这类题型, 抓主题句是快速掌握文章大意的主要方法。一般而言, 以演绎法撰写的文章, 主题句往往在文章的开头, 即先点出主题, 然后围绕这一主题作具体的陈述。语法填空阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。For some US college students, a break from school is a time to volunteer 1. _ (help) communities in need. They take part in activities 2. _ (organize) by school to do voluntary work. This spring break, I had the opportunity to go on one of these trips, and it was the 3. _ (good) week of my entire life. I went with twelve other students and two adults down to Rocky Mount, North Carolina in the US. We worked on three houses, 4. (build) roofs, painting, and decorating. It was very rewarding to see how much we 5. (appreciate) by the people living in that town. Every time we went out somewhere for dinner, people came up to us to express 6. (they) appreciation. This made us feel really good and 7. (encourage) us to get more done each day. The trip wasnt all about work, however. We had 8. amazing group of people who enjoyed one anothers company. We created our own fun, 9. _ helped us get to know each other well. At the end of the trip, I came home 10. not only a great sense of success but also fourteen really good new friends. 1. 【解析】to help。考查不定式。volunteer to do sth. 意为“自愿做某事”, 故应用动词不定式。2. 【解析】organized。考查非谓语动词。organize与activities是逻辑上的动宾关系, 故应用动词-ed形式。3. 【解析】best。考查形容词的最高级。根据句中的of my entire life可知有比较范围, 要用good的最高级。4. 【解析】building。考查非谓语动词。根据下文的painting, and decorating可知这三个词是并列的, 故用动词-ing形式。5. 【解析】were appreciated。考查时态和语态。根据语境以及句中的by可知, we与appreciate之间是被动关系, 故用被动语态; 且描述的是过去发生的事情, 故用一般过去时。6. 【解析】their。考查代词。空处作定语, 修饰后面的名词appreciation, 故用形容词性物主代词their。7. 【解析】encouraged。考查动词的时态。此处与上文中的made并列, 用一般过去时。8. 【解析】an。考查冠词。a group of表示“一群人”, 用不定冠词, 又因为amazing的发音以元音音素开头, 故填an。9. 【解析】which。考查定语从句。空处引导非限制性定语从句, 指代主句We created our own fun, 在定语从句中作主语, 故用which。10. 【解析】with。考查介词。根据语境可知, 此处表示带着成就感和十四个非常好的新朋友回家, 故填with, 意为“带有”。


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