The Analysis of Gatsby’s Tragedy Reasons in The Grate Gatsby的开题报告

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拟选题目英文 The Analysis of Gatsbys Tragedy Reasons in The Grate Gatsby中文分析了不起的盖茨比中盖茨比人生悲剧的原因1选题依据及研究意义: 弗朗西斯.斯哥特.菲茨杰拉德是二十世纪初美国著名作家,他所代表的美国人起初对战后的世界抱有幻想,但到头来大失所望,陷入迷惘和悲观之中,显示了未经历战争的一代人对“美国梦”的幻灭。(1)在著作了不起的盖茨比中,菲茨杰拉德真实而生动的描述了这一时期的美国风貌,并结合自身经历揭示了隐藏在他内心深处的美国梦情节以及对美国梦的幻灭感。(2)“美国梦”深深根植于美国文化之中,是美国文化的一个重要组成部分。本文通过对了不起的盖茨比写作背景的分析,具体阐述了当时美国的社会状况,并对“美国梦”的产生、发展、破灭过程进行了详细的描写,为接下来盖茨比“美国梦”的描写作了铺垫。(3)本文通过分析了不起的盖茨比中的主人公盖茨比对“美国梦”的追求,其理想的破灭和最终的死亡来阐述“美国梦”的本质。(4)从盖茨比的性格以及社会因素具体分析他悲剧人生的原因,并通过阐述菲茨杰拉德的“美国梦”与盖茨比的“美国梦”之间的关系,使人们对造成盖茨比悲剧的原因有进一步的了解。2选题的研究现状(文献综述不少于800词):Fitzgerald is one important American writer. The great Gatsbys made him become well-known in American literatus. As the spokesman of the jazz age, Fitzgeralds extraordinary life experiences provided a rich source for his creation, made him understand the United States more objectively and deeply than other writers at that time. His silence to the society and the most subtle analysis method realistically describe the true American society in the jazz age. As the representative works of Fitzgerald,The great Gatsby perfectly expresses the disillusionment about the American dream .1.previous domestic studies on The Great Gatzby So far, the United States only has two hundred years history, but its writers have produced a large number of works. These works of art have a profound impact on the world. In these works, the American dream is one of hot spots. The great gatsby is a good works which reflects the American dream in the jazz age. According to the studies about The Great Gatsby, some scholars have only focused on the analysis of the characters personality and artistry (王晓慧, 2007: 4). Many scholars have done research on American social life or through the social background analysed the causes for Gatzbys tragedy. For example, some scholars have analyzed Gatsbys disillusionment about American dream to study the root reason for Gatzbys tragedy. And it also reveals the dark and empty aspects of American society (赵宏伟, 2005: 95). Some scholars have thought of Gatzbys tragic life to reveal the decline and deterioration of the American dream (王慧丽, 2008: 96). Some scholars regard The Great Gatsby as the fable story of American society in the 1920s. Gatsbys dream is the embodiment and representative of the American dream. Gatsbys death is the result of the serious opposition and clash between materialism and idealism, which symbolizes the bursting of the American dream (范登伟, 2006:1). Some scholars have analyzed the love triangle from three aspects, which are the American dream in the money society, the American dream in the symbolism, and the American dream in the contradiction between the ideal and the reality to discuss the inevitability of Gatsbys death (董永义, 2009:3). Some scholars have claimed that Gatsby is a dream chaser. He looked forward to finding a way back with his former lover Daisy. And he innocently believed that love is undying devotion.But he ignored that all the things that he believed are set up in a colorful balloon which is captivating and like floating in mid-air.It is doomed that Gatsbys life ended in tragedy (江虹, 2010: 185). 2. Previous studies on The Great Gatzby in abroadIn abroad, there are a lot of studies and description on American dream. By analyzing the causes of the disillusionment about the Gatsbys American dream in The Great Gatsby, Lehan Richard revealed that “Gatsbys dream is the dream for an era”(Richard, 1990). John f. Callahan has portrayed the American jazz age and showed the young generations disillusionment about American dream (Callahan, 1996). Analyzing the characteristics of the jazz age and the origin and essence of American dream , Marius Bewley discussed the bust of American dream and the tragic inevitability of the lost generation (Bewley, 1985). Gatsby is a representative of the jazz age. David f. Trask, from the perspective of culture, interpreted the reasons of the bust of “American dream”. Donaldson Scott revealed the true appearance of American society during the 1920s and the disillusionment about the heros American dream. And the real reasons for the Gatsbys tragedy are analyzed(Trask, 1960). 3. Deficiencies of Previous Studies Scholars have studied American dream from many aspects and revealed the bust of Gatsbys American dream and its inevitability. But nobody discusses the development of American dream and the relationship between American dream of Fitzgerald and American dream of Gatsby. Although some scholars have studied the characteristic of Gatsby, nobody discusses the root reason of the collapse of his American dream by analyzing the characteristics of the protagonist in the novel. Fitzgeralds works are mostly half autobiography novels, and The Great Gatsby is such a novel. In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgeralds own life experience is reflected everywhere. This paper studies the tragedy of Gatsby from a new angle. It starts from the background of The Great Gatsby to reveal the development of American dream and further explains the relationship between the American dream of Fitzgerald and Gatsbys American dream. It reveals the cause of the bust of Gatsbys American dream, too. At the same time, this paper discusses the reasons of Gatsbys tragic life. Most of works only analyzes the reasons of Gatsbys tragedy with the base of the background. This paper analyzes the reasons of tragedy not only from the aspect of Gatsbys background, but also through the Gatsbys own factors to further reveal the causes of the tragedy.3研究的主要内容:了不起的盖茨比以一个爱情悲剧为主线,是对美国梦的实质的批评。本文通过深入了解“美国梦”形成的社会因素以及发展历程,结合分析盖茨比悲剧的必然性。从盖茨比的美国梦形成及破灭的过程中,我们不难看出有作者菲茨杰拉德的影子,本文通过了解菲茨杰拉德的生活背景以及人生经历,从而分析菲茨杰拉德与盖茨比的联系。对于社会背景的研究我们可以看出盖茨比美国梦的破灭的必然性。盖茨比美国梦破灭的必然性不仅有其深刻的历史原因,而且与盖茨比性格中的天真单纯等原因有关,文章从社会因素以及盖茨比的性格因素两方面分析盖茨比人生悲剧的原因。4研究步骤和研究方法:研究步骤 第一步:资料查阅、收集、分析、整理;第二步:与指导教师就论文选题及提纲进行多次沟通、交流;第三步: 撰写论文初稿;第四步: 完成论文修改;第五步: 完成论文定稿。研究方法(1)文献查阅法(2)分析法(3)归纳法(4)总结法 (5)比较研究法5研究、写作进程计划:12月6日1月4日 收集、阅读资料,选题、定题,准备开题,制作、填写开题报告表格1月5日1月9 日 开题1月10日 3月3日 撰写、修改第一稿3月4日 3月19日 撰写、修改第二稿3月20日4月15日 撰写、修改第三稿4月30日5月9日 修改论文第四稿,完成定稿5月10日5月16日 准备答辩5月17日5月20日 答辩(第一次)6月6日6月10日 答辩(第二次)6参考文献(15种以上):1 David F. Trask. The end of the American Dream in Henry Dan Piper(ed) Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby M Scribner Research Anthologies. 1960.213.2 Donaldson Scott. Critical Essays on F. Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby M. Boston: G.K. Hall Co. 1984.3 Fitzgerald. Scott. F. The Great Gatsby M. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 20004 John F. Callahan. F. Scott Fitzgeralds evolving American dream: The pursuit of happiness in Gatsby, Tender is the Night, and the Last Tycoon J. Twenties Century Literature,1996, 35 Kirk Curnutt. The Cambridge Introduction to F.Scott Fitzgerald M Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2008.6 Lehan Richard. The Great Gatsby The Limits of Wonder J Boston Massachusetts: Twayne Publishers, 1990.7 Marius Bewley. Fitzgerald and the Collapse of the American Dream in Harold Bloom(ed). Modern Critical Views; F. Scott Fitzgeralds M Yale University Press, 1985, 28.8 董永义.三角恋与幻灭的“美国梦” 评菲茨杰拉德的了不起的盖茨比J中国矿业大学外国语言文化学院, 2009, 3.9 范登伟. 美国梦的破灭论了不起的盖茨比中的物质主义和理想主义 J. 郑州大学外语学院, 2006 , 1.10 江虹.浅析了不起的盖茨比中主人公盖茨比的悲剧人生 J. 太原城市职业技术学院学报,2010, 185-186. 11 王晓慧. 人性的扭曲梦想的破灭了不起的盖茨比人物性格及艺术特色评析 J. 哈尔滨师范大学阿城学院外语系, 2007 , 4.12 王慧丽. 对了不起的盖茨比之悲剧性的思考 J. 中北大学学报,2008,96-9713 吴建国. 菲茨杰拉德研究 M 上海:上海外语教育出版. 2002.14 张晓棠.评了不起的盖茨比的人物性格及艺术特点 J. 中南民族学院学报, 1995, 4.15 赵宏伟.社会透视下美国梦的幻灭剖析了不起的盖茨比的深刻内涵 J. 哈尔滨学院学报, 2005, 95-96.7其他说明:8指导教师意见: 指导教师签名:年 月 日 9院系负责人审核意见: 1通过; 2.完善后通过; 3.未通过负责人:年 月 日


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