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全焊接锻钢管线球阀阀体焊缝免热处理说明我公司生产的全焊接锻钢管线球阀的焊接工艺均按ASME 第X卷进行工艺评定(QR),根据工艺评定制定详细的焊接作业工艺指导书(S)。残余应力是焊接结构不可避免的问题。在碳素结构钢接头中,残余应力可以达到焊缝材料的屈服强度水平。由于A10钢是含合金量低、屈服点低、塑性良好的锻钢,采用2O122焊接材料匹配,其接头的屈服点仍可能达4Pa以上.实测的残余应力峰值往往在35MPa以上。当接头厚度大于m以上时,一般要求采用热时效工艺。由于碳素结构钢在焊接时,特别采用埋弧焊,其氢脆问题和热脆性问题不敏感,故热时效的目标主要是降低残余应力.因此免热处理时效工艺设计的任务是建立一个能形成低残余应力接头的工序。阀体主焊缝采用两条平行对称的环形焊缝结构,焊接坡口采用窄间隙埋弧焊,大大减少焊接截面积,使焊缝的熔敷金属量减少,严格控制焊接热输入量,其热输入量远比普通埋弧焊明显减少,焊后应力及热影响区显著减少,严格控制焊前预热、焊中控制层间温度,焊接材料严格控制碳当量,使焊后阀体仍然有较好的冲击韧性和强度要求。为尽可能减小焊后应力,我公司参照CCE19液化天然气储罐消应力规范,把递增式水压去应力技术作为消应力的一道工序(伴随强度试验进行)。通过该工序可以明显减少焊接区域的应力。具体技术指标见下图:焊接阀门水压试验机械消应力的效果采用递增式水压去应力技术比其它公司采用的超声波去应力的优点在于超声波去应力的有效范围只有在阀体表面的4mm范围内有效,不能见减小焊接深部的应力,而递增式水压去应力技术可以通过水压对桶体的机械扩张作用,使整个桶体的全壁厚都能有效降低焊接应力。通过水压加载形成的工作应力与残余应力叠加,接头的高应力部位首先发生塑性变形,压力卸载后,残余应力分布重新调整,峰值残余拉应力下降;消应力效果与原始残余应力水平及水压试验的工作应力水平相当。缺口张开钝化的保护区效应:原缺口及缺陷是应力集中部位,加载时,其尖锐部位由于应力集中使实际应力倍增,缺口前方按应力集中场分布形成了一个呈叶芽状的塑性变形区,并使缺口张开;卸载后,缺口的张开量由于塑性变形而保留,缺口的钝化使应力集中系数下降,又由于其周围塑性变形区的拉应力松弛,形成一个低应力甚至压应力保护区。其保护区的大小及形态与原始缺口的形貌及加载的程序相关。为验证焊接工艺的正确性,我公司进行多次工艺试验,并按AME IX进行工艺评定,焊缝符合NAC 015要求的油田设备的抗硫化应力腐蚀金属材料的要求.通过焊接专家组进行了科学全面的工程评估,参考API 110管道与相关设施的焊接标准附录和挪威船级社的DNVOSC01标准Faiton and tesing o ofshre tructres对焊接接头免焊后热处理的验收标准,根据金属材料弹塑性断裂力学理论,按S48 Par2标准Fractu Mecncs Toughnes Tes进行焊接接头裂纹尖端张开位移试验(COD),准确评价焊接接头韧性,充分论证了在项目组制定的焊接规范下,阀体焊接可以免焊后热处理证明我公司的焊接工艺能满足焊后免热处理.因此,专家组一致同意,项目组所制定的阀体材料采购规范、焊接材料、焊接工艺规范可应用于阀体材料为A15锻件的全焊接阀体球阀的生产,可免焊后热处理。具体技术指标见下表:A15钢焊接接头的COD试验结果(单位:m)c0.0mHA.19702453WM0190.23。91其中HA的启裂点CTO值c直接测量获得,临界D值0.05用多试样T试验回归线与裂纹扩展量0。0m垂直线的交点确定,突进点的CTOD值由试验直接测量获得。焊缝的启裂点CTOD值c和临界CTOD值00用用多试样CD试验回归线与裂纹扩展量.0mm及0。mm垂直线的交点确定,突进点的TOD值m由试验直接测量获得.根据DN-OS-C41(挪威船级社)标准,CTOD值大于.15mm为合格.开发工艺接头的实测c皆大于0。15mm,表明接头可以在不进行热时效处理的情况下使用.另外, API1104管道与相关设施的焊接标准附录A给出了CTO值分别为0.005in(0.1225mm)和0.1n(0。25)时缺陷尺寸与许用应变的关系图,见图9。图中也给出接头实测的最低CTOD值0.97mm(约0.008in)的曲线。图7 不同CTD值的相关缺陷尺寸与最大许用应变的关系图图7-9给出了接头具体的安全判据,当缺陷尺寸小于01n(3.675m)时,接头的最大许用应变可达0。005(即000);按额定工作压强的15倍计算,最大主应力为153MPa,折算应变为728(即0.0028),按TD=0。008mm考虑,最大缺陷尺寸限为.43n,相当于1。5mm。由于阀门焊接按47094的级压力容器要求执行,缺陷尺寸远低于01in(。675mm),可以确认接头具有相当高的安全裕度,同时也进一步确认免热时效工艺的可靠性.免热处理安全评定报告虽然是针对A0材料的,但我公司由于焊后免热处理的需要,公司对其化学成分的控制要求完全相同,即碳当量:,ead to safeguar te solemit ad auhoriyofthe arty disiplin, enure hattheprty discpline and te as and reultions foimpementaion in pace。 Throgho theisciplie inte dailysupervisonandngemen, strenthen supervisio ndinpectin, from the throuh investiatonof vilains f dicple behaviorrengthn to keaes, key deprtent d key pjects a well th maes ectthecncentration of uits and eaments for uperiin. stregthesurvsion, dsciline inspetion and supervsin oars to set a exampe forcompliane th the an rule s a man must behexyl, bakmt neds i ow hardwar Disiplne iectinorgns as th xecutor ofte arty dsci,ndsuervisr o the defners, for t prvion mus osritl,disciplineinpcto andsupevison o cadrst firmly etablish he aaes o rty Cotitutn,sense of discin ad usconciousnes, polticsloyaly, ese bey cton spek Ji Ordinae toset anexample ofthereguatis of the le of lw,srengten prviio nd acceptte survisi o te frmness acocousness, d cmlyit and 。 To ilesblsh the discpline ut frst e discipln, the suervior wll bubjct to the supervisiono cncet, and consciulysafeguard an iplementpartycpasses p,taehelead in prctcng threstrit relstrc,so loa, clean,pla。 Tobe go atlearn, th Costitutidt cde a mrality,olitic a bought o friion; to mment , o noant t, are not, no wh disciplinary ler o spevii; to scplinea rulr, ftenthe cotrl inecti, and cnscusly inte ideoogica redi to raw he rwMig ood accumlation s ided th tom ln, ta e heat hasfear, sad to hav qui, te lie hasnedttaed: indiffern to eart, calyto th tale i uife,thereamanyunpedicabl tins ill hapen,soegood, some bigs, e caot ntrol is perless to stop, ut wih ie,ouwill fndin lieometimes turnsouto b not go, sme ba thingsfalyturned t be a goodtng, but hn w uddyhower did not no, this isthe lacs tings。 1, life cane mpe,aalsbe smple. Wnt simp life of precipitaion,to venoughtime torelec, to mke ecoe mre pefect. Lifes he most mportant hin s nt to i, but thestruggle; not tohave conered,b toha ough wll。 2,h p iste bakrouno life Lieaplain ie, giv p telves isn acoward, bt h wise nswr; nodilusoned afr h er,sucas hes,t expeiece the trmaftr teenihenment; not unrewrdng efunctoly, butcal ttiue o lif uretrinedsef-onfidnc。 Pli ivng, ther i no noise nisy, early trobes, mord tfll in te iontent o deir, soe ust aclm, a clm 3, mmr of hert ill ntgood things o ras the, les a Wen omove,pin isa beginning, th stge is a kindf process, ath is a n ofedng。 iv up hsivng p ist elples,dnot giveup th abadned, do nt gie u ths gvi p i ignorne, do n giveup shult gie pis persistn。 4,a hng fgure i heaen,tink ipslty is ell。 Sin theliig, tolv bete。 Somtmes we because oftoo narowmned, oca aroud te chrs nd peny is and pndfooli,n wor te cadle。 Som thin o attract tbleand worry, completely dpendson how we lok at adeawih 。Dontalwasake rythg bac to tings, and do gt int a blid alley,dont wt toface, dnt be nrrwminded. Pok to care,i a kind f oenind, a re ad esy5, Iam not afaof rs behid m a nife, I araid toook b and e a me, my intetionto treat people; I ntfra of the truh tlth bt friend, I afraidhe tneto it as ajoketo telldot 6,when are i a postie frameof mind, ou willfinman god thigs;and wen we r in a egtivetat oind,yuwill ind mandepressed ngs;ife p ad worry, al is yoof eatttude, opimistic, good uc;los of sink,tra ompay。When y aeinadvsy, ay wis tche a poit o iew t thnk everythig oe to t o Thik,bcause go mentality died the te of ! 7, peoplartired, est; har tre,cl.Gow u, mar, ths soiety ead。 ired nd sad, suadwn, teia ug。Becase heword o one ca spathie itou,have mec onyou. o ry, teasisour on; yopain, o one cn unestandThenyou onlyes to ml 8, eachpepl have yuth,Each uth ar astr,elife o the word nevergts asie, I wantwhat, wish he wold al k, sbeen tesame; nowwant aning, fo fearthat ohesknow,or like o loe te sam9, the hermoe, verythin in the worl is followe bith, Rangrang,imrtan thin is fte h m diict to openone outh,becaue wods wilrue ts mportance;toe strangers people car abu yo life inthe ood hings, eoigialis nt esy10, do t bame, o no augh a who, loon envy whoLikea person is knd feelin,no ikeaersoni tru The truth i sy xpli, I feel s unspeakable. The est travellife i tatyou i a strane placeunda ng st tuched。11,happy lieot the butlin in,and in the peace of n;no aer how many grievncs,hw uncmforta, nd ulmaly to heal tmselves orthir own, others ayg you to coort, but neverknow rheart is how wanjianchuanxin. 2, maam, lk a mov, learnto apprciae, lrnto be graful, la tolee, nd godnss,heig oters。 Insed cusig he ocie,asnt one; anan excetion is better oie tha ha 1,dont ev m A o, dotlosyour iand the life, resetiely is:thefrmeis a we xperiece anot esapin a da final will last mnue, wiethltr s our pesiste, w ant t cheris he meoy ohopeope ad tis。 14, lear o se,learn o stng, t rl you know s many peole, so man peope ad you are,you canthng also ant lteveronelikeyou, so also dont nt o do. Lie sto shor g cazy to lvet g t wast, t ase te dreamtrgrt. 15, en temper, blessig to g. A oundng elean eope, he ey is t ontr teir w emotins Withthe outh is he ost stuid behavir. Anlngatie motns thana cnt ity morpowerfulr low sow, languag s eenveepe pen two yea oftime earn to peak, ut o spend a ew eas time toshu u Tha isaidof abiity, at is a kind of wisdom 1,lifs nt efec, smeimes, growthis not a cry, no an eful of tea, thre i o tace of emtion, threis no glem of hope,o desir,no ation, o static,here s oly one kindof downrsiing feeling, ink Amurky? 6?7?6? 7 sink? ? ?6? 7towa th btof the sik。17, in som a, dnot,yu wi not knwe thr d sceney is bautiful。To ou is nt oo, you o t mid to much, noone s anbligatintoyu; yo learn knowdge,is ou he wapon, youcn s frosratc, but nt unarmd;ow do you treatople, de no repeset wother treat you, ifcnnote trug tis oint, oy inviigworr 8, tis like a spng in tter, aslong s yo are wiligto sue,th total water is still there.verylife, fer the p nddowh best test of live, to lfe, surviaand contnation, do ot sop hesrggin te jo nd sorws oflf n t road, s hat diferent soul to ear lf eat, acceptae of sffig。 19,ndifferent o hart, calmly n able, elegat an cforable life, donot tae hat is oimportant。 h uuit will e disappointed; o blie,you wil have trob. ifeis thmost araid fhtallwant to ca abu, but also wht algrsp s ntfim, ithout seery, epaatdpoatins, suchs nt o desie, all dked in hefat the end. Whs to gid, he atra,too stay not to liv, let go of obesion, s 20, if he fate ofthe bro opesf aili,plese dont dspi,the cast is still,i the ae o h wthrdpels of thebatiful, plese do notsink, thesprg is sill, ife wil always ndls toube, leasednthelple, bcause they astill ai, i sti dream, the sun stil, wetll.ost,kp memoe; to gt, mus wrk to; ut the motimportatis ood to chersh heir o。 1, if,selec the ompe, itochoosethe pai; hoose a simple, ischse t be hpp.Th cmplex word lie Sigificaof pride. pe the ornate plae, ouside peopl adirigthe magnfent,livinnthe dee noedg o livingi t pahe price. Siplewordaa sipg cabn otside riiculed sabby,th heat is willng togo iveo kw the joy. Sffering and joyis eir own choe. 22, earn w t u a sg owerfu heart, let he past e thpat, let t urecme。 Life is rally the endte end fagle i flyng wins, lif is cnsantly ursuit。nt mitoegret, dotwait frol jus miss。 Time to eturn, zeeverymont, again pinstakgyagan red also Thoe uggli ly。 23, i culdnt Yimapinghuan, ev fa pavemnt, initbly thre ibe a ew pieces of oadlock Soe o the rcksaroundthe past,wil oths av to movei ut us oeotrs put he ston s very easy, becasehe tonefomte aprace we ca scen; dfficut t myself o mve awy the hartsoeead。 Leave time spend wit er, ofteneflect yheart, so s to rmoveyur ear of stone. 2, everythingdoes not ato b demading, coe to,everytig dsnt hae to caebot,over thepat; failg to do o fon, aughit lugh.Reults Dontdemand, do t; life is aime,calm andeaceful. Alysnot tcos thei own ath and regret, lieis like a rain,te sery an the the Une Stes will etea, the pasage of timed encounter il enullyriftinguhead fute ay, before is always iself. 2, everyon has weakne, ekes true unit Ta has no wekss,a halw peron. Tat peple tink ter is o weakness, otly fase。fe ha ortcogs, there areshotcoing ish real lie Tat no onere,or cdsh or nubess or Self deepton。 I i in oleranceowakes an s onto e, pople li happily.Hllo, evrne! am a party memb The itle of m ech : stdy nd mplement the prtys wo lws,din pratica ply higy。 015 ctobr 18,theCentral Committe of the Communist Patyof Chna prolgate the mpementatn h robty o the CommnistPartyof hna sefislneciterio d Chineemmunist Pat disiline nd punishent regulationsHeyuan ale pssr-b torespnd postvet the al of the Central Comittee of the party,arety anze he ty part two reulas,try rspthe esene nd it,and ithir rspecive ostions, o ldtheottom ne of te dicipine,build a strongdelgical lin of defense, with th couage to pla,thecourge to fight toughnd feless spirt, at the crucial momet lltooleete tas, wth pratical atio o tes the stdy ad implementffetBecueof dscipln in te * * * * * * sor ee, et me t cas brck toatat jde,spea a our higwa.Highwalne section of herdsufa trasormion rjet,lasteowads the country eized il be eized on ofthe items To coplte ts aduou task,asapojet managemnt oficediecr Comrade, keep in mid fom thCommust ary mmbershp, eognze and ideify th boto line, srict manaemnt, ndsrictadernc o e qual of th projctHe not ony set an exale, oesy ndseldiine,bt alsorquiresth management oal the members ofteO。K., do not at he constrctinui n ea, do notaccepe costrcto unta crmny。In this wa, they dntrealy dare toadhee t the prncle. No cmrde, onstanly puororknanemrecy eeting t omrade Zhen oseaklouer, mneent tetosrct eember in Donguan Street,4 eers ongcement cncte sufac laye, bcase o arious reasos, tesohness the poo ith bottomcavity,covering film rcs anar imprntig quatypoles, inqri, imdaelyushd t t sce to desta and verythsituaton, he onvening te mangement ffe,h constction ts, suerisionnits, cnstrcon unis,construction nits ostcton ti istight, th enomic loss d oher reasons o nerced *unmve He sid, ”o ppuar wod,to thedicplie nd rue quit in ront,ter are no ules Rais, you construction tem not crne it he tenial pecificatins, qality probems, itmst e o carry ot rectifiation Engineeig alityreponibiity be weighier tha Mounti, if w manae t thatterPavement qualituantit lac the mtter, istieto learntwo egulatioshav whtuse?ilwht ithe Communst Part? Finally, i his iited, theroa afterrework, ove tesroblem.Itheconstuction f the ne comrades ndtheprject aleoleagues effrs,aterfor mof fighin, the pojecthe in potws finally complet and pssed nspcti。Thousands of mils ofice,thousands o miles Pa, tisis aspleni androanc sene. Butnfor h hiha, itis a disaster, ious treat to he trffic safy. Thi year, amnt, cntryof owve swept rm Northo soth, adte swblwngto Ggdong, but also to ber the blow o te hihwyIn Jaury onthe evnin of , Lianpin cunycy tepratues droped to mius2degres, a idrange ofsuden rainleet, beforand afer the provna S341lne in Jiliaha Mounai l ectio of the radappae in th snow, lad to thepssig vhiclekid,traffi isbcd。I the faeof he udde nural disaser, city an contyhghway eptntmdately lancedhe emrgenc pn or disastr pventin. Astefrot lne thmain foce, ianping ghway Breau of alPaty ebrs an aes oremebr tarty mmbr reosbility, baving te bing cold ind, he firt ime rushd to the scene, n thicypavemn of saltdioaleu th prtue is oo ow,jusmeltwate imdiatel freezs,adiion t the ceo icraethe difculty. To esure I adii ote re ranizaon of the depts o the trfic safet, roa pepl brve t cy put reflecie cnes nd wangsigns, endrecoldat i 2,3ofJiulanshan aols util on n e mornig。 Jutberedaw, Liapin Hihy Buraupersonelon the c roadslt ice eltng prcssig untiten ococ,icmelig icesus, h rad gradualyretund o normatraffic。 n tecldwint igh,hich peopl don mss the warm be,whc pop do not mis he warome。 Howeer, our higy the radto e own of th asses can ome ear, the night fightngo seue e avoidnc of theoadsety nd smothnss, flil heir espniilty.Xi enel crearyEvery Partmeme ar cuto aainst ad: bacsmih needsef hrd ”。 t regulatons , is ouownhard stanard tes, more exerise evey artyemersand ares of the ire We shoul continu to strengthn hprtywreulatis,consientioslyinpatical ork, prccl ly road,the roafo the developmnt of e cusef Hyan ad struggle.In the ndusry doainrprt situatio of rd tfc in recenyears, in te province hghwa deparmetso the coner a suport, o reamanagement eptment basdon t job, loyaltduty, best rvice, to furter promoee ighwa maaemen stadardizaion, lea, scific and nformatin ehnlogtoimprove te manaeme evand srvic ualiyThiswill my srk is asfollow: frst, round tcenter,go all outt reetth sezur i 201, met natonalexamiion is buu work。 Asthe ighway maagement depatmnt, we fcusn the wok o the center t trenthen ad revton andmanagementa the flpoit, furth optiize h serice nvie, improve service levels。 Inpection,th ineion gouan thMinistry o ansot, the Burea under th leadersip ofthemnisre n genciehily ealuated and fully affirmed. (a) icreseroadaearmedanefforts. he pgamme work, strengthen organizaion an leadersip. he ime deelopmen ofthe it f *om tunkighway aea evinm eeition lan, alng te rod signd mrig, traffic satyfaiies,n boh sid f the gn, avertisngsgn, conrol area laconstrtion ad iplemttioof


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