人教版(PEP)小学英语六年级下册Unit 3 Where did you go_ 测试题

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人教版(PEP)小学英语六年级下册Unit 3 Where did you go_ 测试题_第1页
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2021-2022 学年人教版( PEP)小学英语六年级下册 Unit 3 Where did you go_ 测试题(含答案)一、单选题1. ( 2 分 ) Do you want to see my photos _ Childrens Day?A. with B. by C. from2. ( 2 分 ) 选出不同类的单词( )A. fell B. part C. ate3. ( 2 分 ) did you go?I went to Beijing with my parents.A. What B. Where C. How4. ( 2 分 ) 摔下来A. fell off B. pick up5. ( 2 分 ) He some gifts for me last week.A. buy B. bought C. buys6. ( 2 分 ) 选出不同类的单词( )A. licked B. laugh C. saw7. ( 2 分 ) What do you usually _ on your holiday?A. do B. doing C. did8. ( 2 分 ) Amy lots of pictures John yesterdayA. takes;with B. took;with C. took;and 9. ( 2 分 ) What happened to you?A. I hurt my foot. B. It was great. C. Thank you. 10. ( 2 分 ) 选出不同类的单词( )A. could B. camp C. went11. ( 2 分 ) I took lots of there.A. photo B. photoes C. pictures 12. ( 2 分 ) The leaves down from the trees in autumn.A. fall B. fell C. fails13. ( 2 分 ) 选出不同类的单词( )A. plane B. ship C. vacation14. ( 2 分 ) 选出不同类的单词( )A. playground B. computer C. library 15. ( 2 分 ) He _ the clothes yesterday.A. didnt washed B. didnt wash C. dont washed 16. ( 2 分 ) There lots of dinosaurs many years ago.A. was B. were C. is17. ( 2 分 ) _ it interesting?Yes, it was.A. Is B. was C. Was18. ( 2 分 ) 选出不同类的单词( )A. gifts B. plane C. spaceship 19. ( 2 分 ) 找出与其他三项不同类的单词A. laughed B. licked C. boughtD. beach20. ( 2 分 ) _ did you go to the bookstore?By bike.A. Where B. When C. How21. ( 2 分 ) - Where you go last Sunday?- I went to the nature park.( )A. do B. did C. does二、填空题22. ( 1 分 ) 书法展示。一 How did you go there?一 We went there by plane._23. ( 1 分 ) 一 Did you_(吃)any fresh food ?一 Yes. I did.24. ( 1 分 ) Look! The horse_(look) like a mule!25. ( 1 分 ) My father _ (buy) a nice bike for me on my birthday.26. ( 1 分 ) Yesterday he _ (play) football with his friends.27. ( 1 分 ) 书法展示。一 Did you go to Turpan?Yes, I did._28. ( 1 分 ) I _(hurt) my foot yesterday.29. ( 1 分 ) As the saying _ (go), Bad luck often brings good luck.30. ( 2 分 ) You didnt come to school yesterday. What happened? I _ _ my bike and hurt my leg.31. ( 2 分 ) 双胞胎昨天在小山上照了相。The twins _ _ on the hill yesterday. 32. ( 2 分 )一 What did you have for supper?一 I_a_.33. ( 2 分 ) My sister ate lots of _ _.34. ( 4 分 ) 选择与词组相符的图片A. B. C. D.(1)bought gifts _(2)took pictures _(3)went fishing _(4)ate ice cream _35. ( 6 分 ) 翻译下列短语或句子。从自行车上摔下来_弄伤了脚_ 看看我在劳动节假期拍的照片_骑马_它看起来像头骡子! _它们要到八月份才成熟。_36. ( 6 分 ) 英汉互译ate fresh food_ go swimming_ buy gifts_拍照片_呆在旅店_骑自行车_三、翻译37. ( 1 分 ) John_ yesterday.(去露营)38. ( 7 分 ) 根据汉语意思完成句子。(1)妈妈吃了一些坏水果,感觉不好。Mum ate some bad fruit and_ _ well.(2)你上周末坐飞机去海南了吗?_ you_ _Hainan_ _last weekend? 四、连词成句39. ( 1 分 ) Labour, how, your, Day, was, holiday (?)(连词成句) _40. ( 1 分 ) go, you, with, did, who (?) (连词成句)_五、情景交际41. ( 5 分 ) 选择正确答语。What did he do yesterday ? _ A. Yes, she did.Did she wash the clothes yesterday ? _ B. I went fishing. What did you do last weekend ? _ C. No, I didnt.Did you went to the park ? _ D. He read a book yesterday. What was the weather yesterday ? _ E. It was sunny.42. ( 5 分 ) 选择正确答语。What did he do yesterday ? _ A. Yes, she did.Did she wash the clothes yesterday ? _ B. I went fishing. What did you do last weekend ? _ C. No, I didnt.Did you went to the park ? _ D. He read a book yesterday. What was the weather yesterday ? _ E. It was sunny.六、阅读理解43. ( 6 分 ) 阅读理解.Dear Amy,Thanks for your letter. Its always nice to hear from you.Today is the last day of my exams. The maths exam is very difficult, but other exams are easy. Im waiting for the holidays now, and Im very anxious to see you and to be with you again. Im going to spend my Christmas and New Year holidays in New York with my sister. Im going down town. Im going to go shopping for Christmas gifts. Im excited about Christmas, and about seeing you again.Yours,Jack(1)Who is writing the letter?_ writing the letter.(2)Who will get the letter?_ will get the letter.(3)Is the maths exam easy or difficult?It is _.(4)Who will Jack spend Christmas and New Year holidays with? He will spend the holidays _ _ _.答案一、单选题1【答案】 C2【答案】 B3【答案】 B4【答案】 A5【答案】B6【答案】 B7【答案】 A8【答案】 B9【答案】 A10【答案】 B11【答案】 C12【答案】A13【答案】 C14【答案】 B15【答案】 B16【答案】B17【答案】 C18【答案】 A19【答案】 D20【答案】 C21【答案】 B二、填空题22【答案】一 How did you go there? 一 We went there by plane.23【答案】 eat24【答案】looks25【答案】bought26【答案】played27【答案】一 Did you go to Turpan? Yes, I did.28【答案】 hurt29【答案】goes30【答案】fell;off31【答案】took;pictures32【答案】atehad;hamburger33【答案】mutton;kebabs34【答案】 (1)B(2)A(3)C(4)D35【答案】fall off my bike;hurt my foot;look at my photos from the Labour Day holiday; ride a horse;It looks like a mule!;They wont be ready till August.36【答案】吃新鲜的食物;去游泳;买礼物;take pictures;stay in the hotel;ride bikes 三、翻译37【答案】 went camping38【答案】 (1)didnt;feel(2)Did;go;to;by;plane四、连词成句39【答案】 How was your Labour Day holiday?40【答案】 Who did you go with?五、情景交际41【答案】 D;A;B;C;E42【答案】 D;A;B;C;E六、阅读理解43【答案】 (1)Jack(2)Amy(3)difficult(4)with;his;sister


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