高中英语 Unit 8 Adventure 4 Lesson 4 Journey to the Antarctic课件 北师大必修3

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高中英语 Unit 8 Adventure 4 Lesson 4 Journey to the Antarctic课件 北师大必修3_第3页
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一二三四一、南极洲是地球上最遥远最孤独的大陆,它严酷的奇寒和常年不化的冰雪,长期以来拒人类于千里之外。数百年来,为征服南极洲,揭开它的神秘面纱,数以千计的探险家,前仆后继奔向南极洲,表现出不畏艰险和百折不挠的精神,创造了可歌可泣的业绩,为我们今天能够认识神秘的南极作出了巨大的贡献。我们在欣赏南极美丽景色的同时,不会忘记对他们表示我们崇高的敬意。一二三四你心目中的南极洲又是什么样的呢?请勾选出你对它的印象,并写下你对它的更多的认识。Its probably the coldest place on the Earth.It must be very beautiful.Its probably flat and boring.The silence must be amazing.Its an extremely dangerous place.There cant be much wildlife there.答案:略一二三四二、从右栏中找出与左栏单词对应的英文释义1.cheerfula.the ability to continue doing something for a long time without losing interest,especially something difficult2.distantb.something that you want to do very much,usually something that is difficult to achieve3.functionc.something that you hope to achieve4.patienced.behaving in a way that shows you are happy5.ambitione.far away from the place where you are6.goalf.to work or operate in the correct or normal way7.shockg.without hope8.hopelessh.to make someone feel very surprised and upset,and unable to believe what has happened答案:1.d2.e3.f4.a5.b6.c7.h8.g一二三四三、短语互译A.从文中找出下列短语并写出它们的汉语意思1.fail to do sth.2.spend.doing sth.3.try to do sth.4.meet the end with 5.go outside 6.have great difficulty doing sth.7.make rapid progress 8.get slower and slower 未能做某事 花费做某事 试图做某事 以结束 外出 做某事有很大困难 快速前进 变得越来越慢 一二三四B.从文中找出与下列汉语对应的短语9.继续做某事 10.在途中 11.用完,耗尽 12.损坏,不能运转 carry on on ones way run out of break down 一二三四四、阅读课文The RACE to the POLE,回答下列问题1.Who was the first to start the journey to Antarctic,Captain Scott or Roald Amundsen?And who was the first to leave?_2.What were the difficulties Captain Scotts team encountered(遭遇)?_ 3.Why did Captain Scotts team lose the goal of their ambition?_4.What made Captain Scott and his men into heroes?_Captain Scott was the first to start;Amundsen was the first to leave.His two sledges broke down,and then the horses began to have serious difficulties with the snow and the cold.Because Amundsen had arrived at the Pole before them.The extraordinary courage shown during the journey.1234567891.During the polar summer of 19101911,both teams organised food bases in preparation for their journeys the next year.在1910年到1911年的极地夏天,两队人马都在为来年的探险做食物储备。考点preparation n.准备,筹备In preparation for the Olympic Games,he trains hard every day.为准备奥运会,他每天都刻苦训练。123456789【高考典句】The family began making preparations immediately after one of the members saw the boat.在其中一名成员看到船只后,这个家庭就立刻开始做准备。The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.对明天最好的准备就是今天做到最好。归纳:preparation表示“准备”的抽象动作时用作不可数名词,可与介词for连用,in preparation意为“在准备中”,in preparation for意为“为做准备”;表示“准备/筹备”的具体工作时用作可数名词,且常用复数形式,常用搭配为make preparations for,意为“为做准备”。123456789活学活用语法填空(1)All the preparations the task have been completed,and were ready to start.完成句子(2)He is practising every day,the ice-skating championship.他每天训练,为夺取滑冰冠军做准备。(3)Plans for the new school are now.兴建新学校的计划正在准备中。for in preparation for in preparation 1234567892.First,his two sledges broke down,and then the horses began to have serious difficulties with the snow and the cold.先是他的两辆雪橇坏了,后来马匹开始应付不了大雪和严寒的天气。考点 break down 损坏,不能运转The bus I took broke down halfway,so I was late.我乘坐的公共汽车在半路上坏了,所以我迟到了。Whenever the machines have been put in working order,theyll keep on doing the jobs they have been“told”to do until they are turned off or break down.机器每当进入工作状态,就会一直做着它们被要求做的工作,直到电路断开或坏了为止。123456789考点延伸(1)阅读下面的句子,体会break down的含义。Negotiations broke down after only two days.仅仅过了两天谈判就破裂了。含义:失败;破裂Her health broke down under the pressure of work.她因工作压力(大)身体垮掉了。含义:(身体)垮掉Police had to break down the door to get into the flat.警察不得不破门进入公寓。含义:砸破123456789It takes a long time to break down prejudices.消除偏见需要很长时间。含义:消除The question can be broken down into two parts.这个问题可以分成两个部分。含义:划分Food is broken down in the stomach.食物在胃部得到分解。含义:分解123456789(2)与break相关的其他重要短语 123456789活学活用完成句子(1)If our car,we would have been here on time.如果我们的车没有抛锚的话,我们就会准时到这里了。(2)The firefighters had to to get into the burning house.为了能进入燃烧的房子,消防队员不得不破门而入。翻译下列句子(3)She broke down in tears when she heard the news._(4)The talks have broken down._had not broken down break down the door 听见那消息时她悲伤地流泪了。会谈已宣告失败。1234567893.They were shocked when they saw the Norwegian flag.当他们看到挪威国旗时,感到非常震惊。考点 shock vt.震惊,惊骇She knew how much the bad news would shock me.她知道那个坏消息会使我多么震惊。It shocked me to see how my neighbours treated their children.=I was shocked to see how my neighbours treated their children.看到我的邻居们这样对待他们的孩子让我感到震惊。123456789考点延伸(1)派生词:shocked adj.震惊的,感到震惊的shocking adj.令人震惊的,令人惊讶的They were shocked to hear of the bad news.他们听到这则坏消息很震惊。【高考典句】So scientists have come up with a shocking idea.所以科学家们提出了一个令人震惊的想法。(2)阅读下面的句子,体会shock的词性及含义。It was a shock to learn that hes badly ill.听说他得了重病,真令人震惊。词性 名词含义 震惊123456789活学活用用shock的适当形式填空(1)I was so at the performance that I didnt know how to describe it.(2)The house was left in a state.(3)Grandmother thought it for girls to wear jeans.shocked shocking shocking 1234567894.The men were soon exhausted and were running out of food.队员们很快就筋疲力尽了,食品也快吃完了。考点 run out of 用完,耗尽Do your homework before you run out of time.在你还有时间时,做你的家庭作业吧。Its a city where everything is very expensive.We ran out of all money within a week after our arrival.这是一个物价很高的城市。我们到这儿还不到一个星期,就花光了所有的钱。123456789考点延伸辨析run out of和run out:We ran out of petrol the other day.那天我们把汽油用光了。The petrol ran out the other day.那天汽油用光了。归纳:run out of用sb.作主语;run out用sth.作主语。run out of为及物动词短语,有被动语态;run out为不及物动词短语,没有被动语态。123456789活学活用语法填空(1)Weve run out sugar.Ask Mrs Jones to lend us some.翻译下列句子(2)Time is running out._(3)We have run out of fuel and food._of 时间快没有了。我们的燃料和食物已经用完了。1234567895.Scott started to realise their hopeless situation:“.we are very cheerful,but what each man feels in his heart I can only guess.”斯科特开始意识到他们所处的绝境:“我们看上去都很愉快,但我能猜出大家心里的想法。”剖析 不定式短语to realise.作started的宾语;直接引语是一个并列复合句,but后的分句是倒装句,其中的宾语从句what each man feels in his heart位于主句I can only guess之前。123456789考点一 hopeless adj.没有希望的If people feel hopeless,they dont bother to learn the skills they need to succeed.如果人们觉得没有什么希望就不会费心去学习他们要想成功所需要的技能。With such bad weather conditions,the search for the missing boat will prove hopeless.在这样恶劣的天气条件下,搜索那条失踪的小船肯定毫无希望。123456789考点延伸反义词:hopeful adj.充满希望的Everyones feeling pretty hopeful about the future.大家都对未来充满了希望。Im hopeful that we can find a solution.我相信我们能找到解决办法。123456789考点二 cheerful adj.愉快的,高兴的Grandparents life was hard,but Dick was always cheerful.祖父母的生活虽然艰苦,但迪克始终很快乐。Sarah pretended to be cheerful,saying nothing about the argument.萨拉假装很快乐,对争论什么都没说。考点延伸阅读下面的句子,体会cheerfully的词性和含义。She greeted him cheerfully.她愉快地跟他打招呼。词性:副词含义:愉快地123456789活学活用语法填空(1)The police were(hope)that they would find the lost boy and so they did.(2)Your(cheer)appearance has relieved me of all my worry.根据句意及首字母提示完成句子(3)Dont get too h.We may not be able to go.(4)We tried to stop the flames,but we knew it was h.(5)Im making a real effort to be c despite everything.hopeful cheerful opeful opeless heerful 1234567896.Later,these rocks proved that at one time in the distant past the Antarctic was covered by plants.后来,这些石块证实,在遥远的过去,南极洲曾经被植被覆盖。考点 distant adj.久远的,远处的It happened in the distant past.此事发生在遥远的过去。The airport is ten miles distant.机场离此地有十英里远。The village is rather distant from here.那个村子离这里还相当远。归纳:distant既可以表示时间的“久远”,也可以表示空间的“远”。它可以与介词from搭配,表示“离远”。123456789考点延伸阅读下面的句子,体会distance的含义。(1)They watched the train until it disappeared in the distance.他们注视着火车,直到它消失在远方。含义:远处,远方(2)In ancient times,people rarely travelled long distances.在古时候,人们很少远行。含义:距离123456789活学活用用适当的介词填空(1)The airport is about ten miles distant the city.(2)We suddenly saw her the distance.完成句子(3)The post office is from here.邮局离这里有五英里远。from in five miles distant 1234567897.function vi.运转,起作用This machine has stopped functioning.这部机器坏了。If a poorly functioning but important oil-producing state were to fall apart,the economic effect would be global.如果一个重要的产油国因运营不良面临瓦解,其经济上的影响将是全球性的。归纳:function是不及物动词,可与介词as连用,表示“起作用,具有的功能”。123456789考点延伸阅读下面的句子,体会function的词性和含义。(1)Long term exercise can improve the function of the heart,blood,and muscles.长期的锻炼能改善心脏、血液及肌肉的功能。词性:名词含义:功能(2)The brain plays an important function:it controls the nervous system of the body.大脑起非常重要的作用:它控制着全身的神经系统。词性:名词含义:作用123456789活学活用根据句意及首字母提示完成句子(1)The phone doesnt f at all.No wonder you couldnt get through.(2)This engine can f as a generator(发电机).unction unction 1234567898.patience n.耐心She listened to his excuses with great patience.她极有耐心地听着他的借口。It will take time and patience to get these changes accepted.要使这些改变得到认可需要时间和耐心。People have run out of patience with the slow pace of reform.人们对改革的缓慢速度已失去耐心。Im beginning to lose patience with you.我对你已渐渐失去耐心了。归纳:patience是不可数名词。常用搭配有:with patience,表示“耐心地”;run out of/lose patience with sb./sth.,表示“对某人/某物失去耐心”。123456789 考点延伸阅读下面的句子,体会patient的词性和含义。He was endlessly patient with the children.他对孩子们非常有耐心。词性:形容词含义:有耐心的活学活用语法填空(1)In the end I lost my(patient)and shouted at her.(2)I have run out of patience her.完成句子(3)Ill look into the matter as soon as possible;just.我将尽快调查此事;有耐心点。patience with have a little patience 1234567899.Aims of exploration 探险的目的考点 aim n.目标,目的It is very important to have a clear aim in view.有明确的目标是十分重要的。The main aim of the course is to improve your writing.这门课程的主要目的是提高你们的写作能力。She started the organisation with the aim of helping the local people.她创立这一组织的目的是帮助当地人。归纳:与aim相关的常用搭配aim of.的目的with the aim of doing sth.带着/带有的目的123456789活学活用单句改错I started to learn English with the aim to become a teacher._to becomeof becoming


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