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英语(六年级下册)Project 1 Being a good student第1课时Teaching contents 教学内容Project 1 Part A.Revise Units 1-4.Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. Students can tell which habits are good and which are bad.2. Students can use “a few” “a little” “some” “a lot of” “many” and “much” very well.3. Students can talk about “My habits” or “My friends habits” and give suggestions.Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:Students can tell which habits are good and which are bad.教学难点:Students can talk about “My habits” or “My friends habits” and give suggestions.Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 RevisionT: Good morning, children. Do you remember what we learnt in the last four units.S1: In Unit 1, we learned a story “A lion and the mouse”. In Unit 2, we learnt about “Good habits”. Unit 3 A healthy diet. And Unit 4 Road safety.T: What did you learn from Unit 1?S1: We should never laugh at others. Sometimes the weak can help the strong.T: Great. And I think the story also told us we should help each other.T: What good habits do you have?S2: I get up early, S3: I S4: I S5: I have some good habits, but I have some bad habits too. I T: Im glad you have many good habits. You know what bad habits you have, and you can try your best to change them. T: What do you have for breakfast/lunch/dinner?S6: I have for T: Do you think its good for your health?S6: T: Do you know how we can cross the road safely?S7: T: Do you have any questions to ask me?S8: 【设计意图:让学生自主回顾1至4单元所学主题,选取要点进行问答,重点关注与习惯相关的问题,为下面的交流做好预热。除了教师问学生,也鼓励学生向老师提问,营造和谐融洽的氛围。】Step 2 BrainstormingT: Im very glad you remember so much. You study hard. Most of you are good students. When we talk about good students, what will you think of? You can discuss with your partners first. (教师在黑板上画一个气泡,中间写Good students)S9: Good students have many good habits. (板书have many good habits)S10: Good students usually listen to the teacher carefully, do their homework before dinner, (把学生说到有关学习上的好习惯总结为do well at school并板书)S11: Good students have a healthy diet. (板书have a healthy diet)S12: Good students always follow rules, traffic rules, library rules, (板书follow rules)S13: Good students help their parents do housework, help classmates with their homework, help the elder (总结为helpful并板书be helpful)S14: Good students say “good morning”, “goodbye” to teachers, parents and friends. (总结为polite并板书be polite)S15: Good students never tell lies. (总结为honest并板书be honest)(学生可能还会用中文说一些好学生的品质,如勇于尝试,关注环保等,教师可以用英语说一下,简单的可以让学生重复一下)T: Good job. You can tell a lot.【设计意图:头脑风暴有利于激发学生思维。学生想说但不会用英语表达的内容允许他们适当使用中文,教师再呈现英文,持之以恒能有效扩大学生的词汇量。】Step 3 Make a judgementT: Chao Yang Primary School will award ten good students. Look, Simon, Jack, May and Sue want to be one of them. Lets have a look at their information, and then decide who you will vote for.T: Read Simons self-introduction. (提示:阐述理由时请注意主语与动词的一致性)S16: Simon is a good boy. He has many good habits. He brushes his teeth in the morning and before bedtime. He often helps his classmates with their homework. He goes to bed early, so he never feels sleepy in class. He likes reading very much. T: Will you vote for Simon? S16: No. T: Why not?S16: Because Simon also has some bad habits. He often reads in bed at night. Its bad for his eyes. He drinks a little water every day, but he drinks a lot of cola. T: Look at the pictures about Jack. Will you vote for him? Why or Why not?S17: I will not vote for him. Jack gives his seat to the old woman. He keeps his bedroom clean and tidy. He waits for the green man before he crosses the road. But he spends too much time on computer games. He eats too much meat. Thats not good for health.T: Well done. Look at pictures about May. Will you vote for her?S18: T: Look at the key words. Please describe Sues habits. Will you vote for her?(提示学生把always, often等频率副词用到句中)S19: Sue has many good habits I think she is a good student. I will vote for her.(以上环节中的发言可以由不同的学生互相补充完成,同样的意思也鼓励学生运用多种不同的表达,由于篇幅原因不一一列举)T: Lets say “Congratulation” to Sue. What does Sue want to say to the others?S20: Come on. I think you can be good students too.T: I also think they will be good students.【设计意图:此环节运用学生自己完整阐述、图片显示、出示关键词等多种方法呈现学生习惯,旨在培养学生的阅读能力、观察能力以及运用语言大胆表达的能力。】Step 4 Read and writeT: They have many good habits and three of them have some bad habits. What about Amy and John. Please read and find what habits they have. Are they good habits or bad habits?S: Read the short passages and write in their book.(Check the answer.)T: What are Amys good habits? S21: T: Whats her bad habit?S22: T: What do you want to say to Amy?S23: Youre great! You have many good habits. But do not eat too many sweets because they are bad for you teeth.T: Good! What about Jack?S24: T: Do you want to say something to Jack?S25: Jack, you are a polite boy. You follow traffic rules. But you have some bad habits. We should do homework first after school. We mustnt run on the road because its too dangerous. We shouldnt watch too much TV. We should go to bed early, so that we will not be late for school. Eating too much meat is not good for us. We should eat more vegetables.T: Wonderful. I think Jack will listen to your suggestions and change a lot. Thank you.【设计意图:在前面环节中口头表达之后再做教材的阅读书写已是水到渠成,本环节的亮点在于分清好习惯、坏习惯之后你想对Amy和John说什么。这里可以鼓励学生答案多样化。】Step 5 Work in groupsT: What habits do you have? Are they good habits or bad habits? Please tell your group members first. S: . (提示学生小组交流时善于发现组员的优点,组员没有谈到的好习惯可以相互补充)Step 6 Show timeT: Its time to show your good habits now. Listen carefully to hear who has more good habits. You can take notes if necessary. If your classmates have some bad habits, would you please give some suggestions?S: (学生聆听、记录、提建议)(板书建议时运用的主要句型:You should You shouldnt You must You mustnt ) 【设计意图:由教材中的人物到谈论自己的习惯,学生能说的已经很多,此环节关注学生细心聆听、记录的习惯培养。】Step 7 ExercixesT: Just now, when you reported or gave suggestions, some of you made a few mistakes. But dont worry. Here are some exercises for you.Ex. 1 Tick the right answerMy dietI have a healthy diet. I usually have (some, a few) bread for breakfast. I have (a little, a few) eggs every week. For lunch, I often have (a lot of, a little) vegetables, (some, a few) meat and (many, much) rice. For dinner, I usually eat (some, a few) fish and vegetables. My brother often eats (a lot of, a few) meat. But I think its bad for our health. I often drink (some, a few) juice, too. I think fruit is good for us. We should eat (a little, some) every day.Healthy diet, healthy life. Check the answer and Ss tell why they choose the words.Show “a few, a little, some” etc. Can you tell the meanings? How to use them?S: (总结这些单词或短语的用法)Ex.2 Fill in the blanks (根据上下文或首字母提示填空)S: (学生做练习)(Check the answer.)【设计意图:适当的练习能有效巩固学生所学语言知识,提升概括、归纳的能力,最终提高对所学语言的运用能力。】Step 8 Ticking timeT: Franks friends have many good habits. I think you also have. You did a great job today. Its ticking time now. Can you tell which habits are good and which are bad? If you do, you can get 3 stars. T: My children, its very important to form good habits. Because good habit makes a big future! (显示中文:好习惯成就大未来!)【设计意图:每节课让学生知道自己的学习成果能激励他们不断努力!】Homework 家庭作业1. Write a short passage “My habits” with some pictures. Use Exercise C. “Look and say” in the workbook as a model. 仿照补充习题练习C写短文My habits,配上生动的图片。2. Think about “What makes a good student? ” Prepare for the poster.思考一个好学生应该具有的品质,准备好制作海报的工具。【设计意图:鼓励学生课后做图片配短文这类个性化的作业并适时展示,能增强学生的学习热情。】Teaching aids 教学准备教学PPT板书设计:Project 1 Being a good studentYou should You shouldnt You must You mustnt 说课本课是期中复习单元的第一课时,要把前面各个单元所学重点有机地融合,做到活动多样却有条不紊,巩固所学但不显得重复、枯燥。因此本课一开始,安排学生自主回顾1至4单元所学主题,选取与本单元紧密相关的内容进行师生互动问答,为下一环节热身。第二环节的头脑风暴激活了学生的发散性思维,学生在相互的启发下运用多种方式表达同样的意思,语言输出丰富且有质量,教师对学生的发言适当总结、拓展,体现了复习课的提升作用。第三环节为四位学生投票的过程需要学生发挥阅读、造句、辨析并陈述理由,是一个运用语言的过程。 接着回归教材,谈论Amy和John的习惯,反思自身,进行一系列口头和书面表达。预设到学生可能出现的问题,辅以练习加以巩固并总结规律。最后的Ticking time 和情感渗透意在让学生感受到复习课的学习成果,明确努力方向。


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