六年级下册英语课件Unit3 PartA Let39;s talk 3人教PEP

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Reviewgoseeeatwentsawatefallfelldo didran runcamecomesaid sayboughtbuywere arewin wonworewearwent to a forest parkwent fishingrode a horsewent swimmingrode a bikewent campingread a bookrode a bikewent fishingrode a horsewatched TV saw a filmslepthurt footDid you read books?-Yes,I did/No,I didnt.fell off从上跌落fell over摔倒fell on掉落在上PracticeWhat happened?what happened?(怎么了)(怎么了)Fell off,fell off,I fell off my bike.Practicewhat happened?what happened?Fell over,fell over,I fell over.Practicewhat happened?what happened?Fell on,fell on,I fell on watermelons.Whats the date?Its May.1st.Its the Labour Day.Where did you go over your holiday?I went to Mt.Tianshan,Xinjiang.Mt.TianshanTurpan grapesphotos of grapeshorsemuleletlets trys tryThe second class is beginning.John is at home.John hurt his foot.Listen and aListen and answernswer1.Where did John go over his holiday?2.What did he do?Mt.Tianshan.XinJiangHe rode a horse and saw lots of grapes there.Listen and judge1.John is not Ok now.()2.John road a big horse on the Labour Day.()3.John went to the Turpan.()4.They ate many grapes in Turpan.()Lets talkWhat happened?I fell off my bike last Saturday and hurt my foot.Thats too bad!Are you all right?Im OK now.Come and look at my photosfrom the Labour Day holiday.Where did you go?Mt.Tianshan,Xinjian.I rode a horseLook,its very small.Oh,yes.It looks like a mule!Did you go to the Turpan?Yes,we did.We saw lots of grapes there,but we couldnt eat them.They wont be ready till August.Role playingWhat happened?I fell off my bike last Saturday and hurt my foot.Thats too bad!Are you all right?Im OK now.Come and look at my photosfrom the Labour Day holiday.Where did you go?Mt.Tianshan,Xinjian.I rode a horseLook,its very small.Oh,yes.It looks like a mule!Did you go to the Turpan?Yes,we did.We saw lots of grapes there,but we couldnt eat them.They wont be ready till August.Make a new Make a new dialoguedialogue


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