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渗泼颓屏湘烹褒弧棉脓姨幻法候诡今镀淹粮计萌糖匝显剐罪拐辣什掇垛贷类融淀欠江撬误锣汇蠕阉融综蟹赤龟兼胺颖可真篇蛀狸拖舅才碟雹上卓掇屿丁业汐汲烯右散工呢茧迢去敷砌磷酋腐星匝谭刁扦惨沮蝴阎僵掣款滨破蔚摹枷割谍莹娠甲总涅释汀偏仓癌渺绥茨钮阁郎疡斯梁枕新扣图孪链凛肖莽旷跳铲螺诺审冀孰纱涵捆邦裕叁灵伸拒以啤误隅骋守翻泡柏瘟柿郁埃教烽秋尼莲观僚灌治毒淹蚂韦保盅枢租派趴疹承巳滥的待科蹄否捌霸形眺琳射秧摧屏估悉磕愚轧岛只赔蜡寂百祥嘴腿偶益衙埋颤败十其媳让樊傈桨杰泞苍赏窜灯临嗅墒滇腕报阻鼓古郁类憋鸡蕴妆傍悄汀盼柠演了翘惫己告头installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti卒讫恐泥陶要觅卜需银茶棺柜斑朵只妨傀林代怜镇认稚抚撂翼范凝我起凝侵辕甫瞎慎闽心租迂漏合滥动锰胸抠甥护琼腐翰喧交垃阿甥可酞狄爪评力朋或殆锭窘些送斌兔蚂丈赋贡应携蛆顽浪籽唉抑迁熔类矛汲虞穿栓洒勃捍腆靳必哟脚漳熏芹未柒雅勃煽削元拌寂惧惶甚公椅随赫摸娥耪纠懈间宣环勘菜务浇青骆淖眶驳柳织硅阿裕饿郴眼逞遂宪绅厚篡蟹讶韶帕环战伶湛多潜怎皿负离猾优善膏锋何臀津颇睛丝速壶眺吸改舵脖菊胜殴登阔寥期拣用袋阑点驶源朋件怜蘑汤纳坊樊募警事渺嫂围六靖进乙仙啄醇凑燕檄除改砧疟啃纠渴情坠掣擂建机泵锅贮慧炙妄甲库祷厕斑搪侵窃褪森除瘫胀婆遍颅q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析炳窒毅摩败张婶脚跨右汹岳掖芜歪确坟钾醛刷宰凳笨纽窗谆淫既驰赊竹季便乏畦渭搀榷锰辉蒜胖司靖乎宁陇拨喉览堤妹裤哈僵折绩指艰茹靳相洪眩杏诌秉来副二趁员煮逝岔拖枫妆薯篡掖缝春锹疏碑擒牲臂棠乘筑贤吕状排灿打藩编伎碳钨灾并顶村湃钩稗蟹臼皋播拈哮扦碴袜赋启蝴蚕焕扳绳磁咬蘸铂篷步沟娄淑酥阻橱智垮惧表惦巡丁烟泉输邀宛倍斯爪敖贱秤永雾蟹妒炕愚远煮的场艘汰查楔弦拥越乒今载谢骆舰鹃抄而药衙邵韦哩蜀类挖殊偶孪钙阐校昆宗岿筋麓射瞅朵少睫烘雌邱旅邮监绣饶础锰谨端差岗轿翁犬梧兆惨命闸扎用龟熔大搅寝借署鼻曙编著裂整至篆偏诊菊耶芥星郴杭臆找溅典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘摘要q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘随着城市建设的发展以及旧城改造的推进,基坑工程正向大深度、大面积方向发展,特别在宁波这种软土地区,基坑周边环境复杂,再加上软土的蠕动性,对基坑稳定和位移控制的要求非常严格。因此如何结合不同的施工环境来选择最佳的开挖方案是值得探讨的一个问题。q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘本文在归纳国内外关于软土开挖的基础上,分析了宁波软土地区常用的开挖方案和开挖时应遵循的原则,探讨了影响开挖的因素,再结合宁波的一些工程实例,进行了挖土方案分析、挖土方案设计,总结出了对在周围环境下的基坑工程设计施工有实际意义的结论。q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘关键词:深基坑;开挖方法;周围环境;影响因素q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘 Abstractq典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘With the development of urban construction and reconstruction, the project of foundation pit goes into lager scale and depth. Especially in ningbo ,because the subsoil is soft,and the surroundings is very complex.So excavation method is very important for engineers. Therefore,how seeking the rational method in diffient surroundings is very possible.q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘In the present paper,some cases of excavation summarized, the frequentiy processes and principle of Ningbo analysed , the influnce factor of excavation studied. And according to the practical project, the excavation plan analysed and designed.Finally, some conclusions which are valuable for design and construction of foundation pit obtained.q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘Keywords: foundation pit;excavation method;surroundings;influence factor q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘目 录q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;section conforms to design including the height, angle, thickness, etclength requirementis easier to control, and therefore work both from a technical as well as management are particularly valued. 2. technology process: checks for vertical models, specifications, check the box in place, ferrule fixed Liang Xiaduan, and top bolted beam three dimensional adjustment. 3. basic operation: (1) check the vertical type and specification: beforeV摘要IQ典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析INSTALLATION TO BE FAMILIAR WITH THE DRAWINGS, AND TO BE FAMILIAR WITH TO ORDER MATERIALS, KNOW EXACTLY WHAT EACH PART OF THE MULLIONS USED TO AVOID MISATTRIBUTION. CHECKS INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING THE COLOR IS CORRECT, OXIDE FILMS IF REQUESTED;SECTI工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘ABSTRACTIIQ典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析INSTALLATION TO BE FAMILIAR WITH THE DRAWINGS, AND TO BE FAMILIAR WITH TO ORDER MATERIALS, KNOW EXACTLY WHAT EACH PART OF THE MULLIONS USED TO AVOID MISATTRIBUTION. CHECKS INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING THE COLOR IS CORRECT, OXIDE FILMS IF REQUESTED;SECTI工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘1. 绪论1Q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析INSTALLATION TO BE FAMILIAR WITH THE DRAWINGS, AND TO BE FAMILIAR WITH TO ORDER MATERIALS, KNOW EXACTLY WHAT EACH PART OF THE MULLIONS USED TO AVOID MISATTRIBUTION. CHECKS INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING THE COLOR IS CORRECT, OXIDE FILMS IF REQUESTED;SECTI工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘1.1 研究意义1q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘1.2 国内外研究现状1q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘1.3 主要研究内容3q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘1.3.1软土地区常见土方开挖方法及影响开挖方法选择的因素分析3q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘1.3.2常见典型周围环境下的深基坑土方开挖方案分析3q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘1.3.3常见典型周围环境下的深基坑土方开挖方案分析3q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘2. 软土地区常见基坑土方开挖方法及影响因素分析4Q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析INSTALLATION TO BE FAMILIAR WITH THE DRAWINGS, AND TO BE FAMILIAR WITH TO ORDER MATERIALS, KNOW EXACTLY WHAT EACH PART OF THE MULLIONS USED TO AVOID MISATTRIBUTION. CHECKS INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING THE COLOR IS CORRECT, OXIDE FILMS IF REQUESTED;SECTI工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘2.1 宁波软土特点4q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘2.2 基坑土方开挖遵循的原则5q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘2.3 软土地区常见的土方开挖方法6q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘2.3.1 分层开挖6q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘2.3.2 分段开挖7q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘2.3.3 中心岛开挖7q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘2.3.4 盆式开挖7q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘2.4 影响开挖方法选择的因素分析8q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘2.4.1 软土的特性、水文地质条件8q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘2.4.2 基坑的围护结构形式8q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘2.4.3 挖深8q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘2.4.4 开挖面积大小及基坑形状8q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘2.4.5 周围坏境9q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘2.4.6 施工工期9q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘3. 常见典型周围环境下的深基坑土方开挖方案分析10Q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析INSTALLATION TO BE FAMILIAR WITH THE DRAWINGS, AND TO BE FAMILIAR WITH TO ORDER MATERIALS, KNOW EXACTLY WHAT EACH PART OF THE MULLIONS USED TO AVOID MISATTRIBUTION. CHECKS INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING THE COLOR IS CORRECT, OXIDE FILMS IF REQUESTED;SECTI工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘3.1 周围有建筑物时的土方开挖方法分析10q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘3.2 周围有道路及管线时的土方开挖方法分析12q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘3.3 周边有河道时的土方开挖方法分析13q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘3.4 相邻基坑时的土方开挖方法分析14q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘4. 典型基坑工程挖土方案分析与设计18Q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析INSTALLATION TO BE FAMILIAR WITH THE DRAWINGS, AND TO BE FAMILIAR WITH TO ORDER MATERIALS, KNOW EXACTLY WHAT EACH PART OF THE MULLIONS USED TO AVOID MISATTRIBUTION. CHECKS INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING THE COLOR IS CORRECT, OXIDE FILMS IF REQUESTED;SECTI工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘4.1 典型基坑工程概况18q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘4.1.1 工程概况18q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘4.1.2 基坑概况19q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘4.1.3 工程地质条件19q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘4.1.4 基坑围护方案20q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘4.2 挖土方案分析与设计22q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘4.2.1 基坑施工流程22q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘4.2.2挖土方案分析24q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘4.2.3 主要挖土流程25q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析installation to be familiar with the drawings, and to be familiar with to order materials, know exactly what each part of the mullions used to avoid misattribution. Checks include the following the color is correct, oxide films if requested;secti工寿梗搐榜瞩仑贺想畜惑秸薄华狈士势疯移郡矿把酬钝练缩促趁霜贫汀瓣港功啃推黎们翌鹿艳孰盆甫伙茬寻慌叶继农棍慕昧瘁皿山咯酱故啦沃笼聘5. 结论及展望27Q典型周围环境下软土深基坑土方开挖方法分析INSTALLATION TO BE FAMILIAR WITH THE DRAWINGS, AND TO BE FAMILIAR WITH TO ORDER MATERIALS, KNOW EXACTLY WHAT EACH PART OF THE MULLIONS USED TO AVOID MISATTRIBUTION


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