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Chapter 5 P62-65Reading (2课时)应掌握词汇1.dead adj 死的 The tiger is dead.2.create v 创造 ,创作;创建 God created the world3.die vi死 (died,dying) die of an illness,hunger; grie因疾病 ,饥饿,悲伤而死, die from a wound 受伤不治而死die by violence 横死来die by ones own hand 自杀die for ones country 为国捐躯eg 1 My dog died three years ago2 The blacksmith died of the rum bottle and a stroke 铁匠死于酗酒和中风3 Five men died from police gunfire 5名男子被警察击毙4.mail n邮件,信件,邮包 He got a lot of mail yesterday5prep 不像 Her latest novel is quite unlike her earlier work认知词汇1.dinosaur 恐龙 2.Greece n希腊 ( 欧洲巴尔干半岛南部国家 )3.Greek adj 希腊的,希腊人的,希腊语的n希腊人, 希腊语 4.Disneyland 迪斯尼乐园 5.exist v存在 Does life exist on Mars 火星上有生命吗6.harm n 有害 No harm came to him 他没受到伤害v Were the hostages harmed 人质受到伤害没有7.harmful adj有害的 Smoking is harmful to your health8.harmless adj无害的 The dog is harmless9.skeleton n骨骼 a human skeletona skeleton of a dinosaur10.amusement n 娱乐 I only do it for amusement 11.character n 人物,角色 Ah Q is the principal character in one of Lu Xuns novels 12.kneel v 下跪 (knelt) She knelt (down) to pray 她跪下祈祷13.belong(s) n 所有物,财产 He left all his belongs to his brother14.tame adj 不凶猛的15.disease n 疾病 Doctors hope that someday they can eradicate disease医生希望有朝一日能消灭疾病16.secret n 诀窍 ,秘诀 What is the secret of your success来重点词组1.on earth在地球上2.more than 多于 3.as as 与一样 4.know about from从了解关于5.be created by 由创作 6.be famous for 以 著名 7.see sb doing看见正在做 8.throw away扔掉第一课时教学设计导入新课 猜动物(用肢体语言或动物的叫声)eg bird ,cat ,dog, monkey, fish请学生说出他们所知道的动物的名字step1 show a video about a dinosaur eggAsk What is that, ? Teach the word “dinosaur”Write this word on the blackboardShow another video and ask Was it big ? How big was it ? What did it eat? Was it gentle?Were all dinosaurs gentle?Show another video What did it eat ? Use a word to describe it Ask Can we see them in the zoo ?Get the students to say noTell them They are dead They died suddenly . Write down the two sentences on the blackboardask what do we know about them from ? see a video and teach “ skeleton write down this word on the blackboardstep2 Get the students to listen and repeat itstep3 Explain some key pointsexit=live more than =over everywhere=here and there harmless=not causing hurt or harm harmful=causing hurt or harm step4 show some pictures and talk about them(get the students to use the sentences in the article)学生活动:给出十种动物让学生分组去描述:让其他组来猜这个动物(这个活动准备时,老师可以给每个小组一些帮助)eg shark chick mouse whale duck cat kangaroo dog elephant pigstep5 Do exercises p62 1 2 3 4 p64 b1 1 2 b2 1 2 p65 c 1d 1 2 3 4step6 Homework workbook板书设计exit vdinosaur n dead:adj They are dead.skeleton n die :v They died suddenly.


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