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书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟! 住在富人区的她东北大学22春“公共课”大学英语(三)作业考核易错、难点汇编(带答案)一.综合考核(共45题)1.I was very _ to the librarian for helping me find the book I want.A.gratefulB.helpfulC.skillfulD.hopeful参考答案:A2.I doubt if it is _ for you to read that book.A.worthB.worthwhileC.worthyD.valuable参考答案:C3.The young man has developed another bad _.A.habitB.customC.useD.usefulness参考答案:A4.The Premier and the Foreign Minister _ present at the state banquet last night.A.areB.wasC.wereD.is参考答案:C5.He is always _ at the sound of fire alarms.A.scaresB.scaredC.scaringD.scare参考答案:B6.This terrible accident happened _ the cold evening of Oct. 5. 1989.A.inB.toC.atD.on参考答案:D7.Sorry, I must be leaving now, because theres a meeting. _.A.Oh, no, you cantB.Yes, you can leave if you likeC.Do you really have to go? Couldnt you at least stay for another cup of tea?D.Oh, no. I dont understand参考答案:C8.I was so sorry at all _ she was doing _ I walked out without saying a word.A.that, whichB.which, thatC.what, asD.that, that参考答案:D9.He named his new-born baby _ the great scholar in ancient China.A.forB.afterC.ofD.over参考答案:B10.Are you going on holiday for a long time _A.It was a long time.B.Two weeks ago.C.No. Only a couple of days.D.Not long time ago.参考答案:C11.Thank you for the wonderful meal, Mrs. Hanson. _A.I dont think you ate well.B.Im not a good cook in fact.C.Be careful next timeD.I am glad you enjoyed it.参考答案:D12._ , he had asked three persons before he got there.A.Not knowing where was the bookstoreB.Knowing not where the bookstore wasC.Not knowing where the bookstore wasD.Not to know where the bookstore was参考答案:C13.The train arrived _ as usual.A.lateB.laterC.latelyD.latest参考答案:A14.You _ failed the entrance exam if you had worked hard.A.hadntB.wouldnt haveC.shouldnt haveD.havent参考答案:B15.Many factories _ during the economic recession.A.closed downB.put downC.went downD.knocked down参考答案:A16._ I would like to help, I have other work to do.A.ThoughB.IfC.WhenD.Since参考答案:A17.This kind of cloth _ easily.A.was washedB.washesC.is washedD.washed参考答案:B18.Oxford university _ during the 1100s.A.establishedB.was establishedC.was establishingD.establishes参考答案:B19.Sorry, I kept you waiting. _.A.Im sadB.I dont careC.Thats all right. Theres no hurryD.No, not at all参考答案:C20.Walking in the garden in spring, _.A.the flowers were blooming beautifullyB.the flowers bloom beautifullyC.you will see flowers bloom beautifullyD.you saw flowers blooming beautifully参考答案:C21.It is generally considered unwise to give a child _ he or she wants.A.howeverB.whateverC.wheneverD.wherever参考答案:B22._ this way, the situation doesnt seem so disappointing.A.To look atB.Looking atC.Looked atD.Look at参考答案:C23.He spends two hours every day surfing the Internet to learn about the _ developments in the field.A.lateB.laterC.latterD.latest参考答案:D24.Ill have to _ your offer.A.turn upB.turn inC.turn downD.turn over参考答案:C25.Great party, isnt it? _A.Yeah, really.B.My friends are great.C.Have we met beforeD.Glad to meet you again.参考答案:A26._, the couple stayed up late reading.A.As they were tiredB.Although they are tiredC.Tired as they wereD.Tired as they are参考答案:C27.The meaning of time _ from country to country.A.differB.differsC.differentD.difference参考答案:B28._ the sweater is too small already, dont worry about its shrinking (缩水).A.SoB.SinceC.IfD.While参考答案:B29.The new evening dress _ her as much as 400 dollars.A.paidB.spentC.tookD.cost参考答案:D30.The engineer began to work the _ he arrived at the factory.A.momentB.wayC.timeD.manner参考答案:A31.They suggested that we _ at the station.A.metB.should meetC.had metD.should have met参考答案:B32.He has got used _ in the countryside.A.liveB.to liveC.to livingD.living参考答案:C33.Our English class is conducted _ a twice-a week basis.A.forB.withC.onD.to参考答案:C34.It was _ that he couldnt finish it alone.A.a so difficult jobB.such a difficult jobC.so a difficult jobD.such difficult a job参考答案:B35.Be quick! Time is _ out.A.runningB.comingC.workingD.giving参考答案:A36.That man alone over there-who is he _.A.He is a studentB.He is Doctor BrownC.A driver, I supposeD.Hes drunk参考答案:B37.Most of her friends are unknown _ me.A.forB.withC.asD.to参考答案:D38.A completely new situation is likely to _ when the school leaving age is raised to 16.A.riseB.raiseC.ariseD.happen参考答案:C39.Can you go out with us for dinner this evening _.A.No, I already have plansB.Thanks a lot, but Im busy tonightC.No, I really dont like being with youD.Im ill, so I shouldnt go out for dinner参考答案:B40.This dictionary will prove _ to you in your English study.A.be of some useB.being of some useC.to be of some useD.of some use参考答案:C41.We decorated our car _ ribbon (丝带).A.byB.withC.inD.for参考答案:B42.Several years went by _ she realized that her husband had lied to her.A.asB.beforeC.sinceD.when参考答案:A43.From my point of _, money doesnt mean happiness.A.viewB.lookC.sightD.thought参考答案:A44.The bicycle you referred to isnt _ . It belongs to _.A.me; youB.mine; hersC.hers; hisD.his; her参考答案:D45.Excuse me, when will the 15 10 train arrive _A.I dont tell you.B.It has been delayed one hour.C.You have to be patient.D.Dont ask me.参考答案:B


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