宁夏外国语学校小升初英语专项训练 完形填空11

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宁夏外国语学校小升初英语专项训练 完形填空11_第1页
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宁夏外国语学校小升初英语专项训练 完形填空11_第2页
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小学升外国语学校英语完形填空专项50-111This is my bedroom. You can see 1 pictures on the wall. A nice light is 2 the desk. A football is 3 the chair. 4 is the bed? Its near the window.My father and 5 bedroom is near my bedroom. 6 flowers and a nice big bed 7 in their room. Some windows are 8 the wall. A yellow door is in the wall, 9 .Do you like my bedroom and 10 ?( D )1.A. aB. anC. oneD. some( B )2.A. inB. onC. underD. behind( D )3.A. toB. inC. forD. under( D )4.A. WhoB. HowC. WhatD. Where( D )5.A. brotherB. motherC. brothersD. mothers( D )6.A. theB. someC. TheD. Some( C )7.A. amB. isC. areD. isnt( C )8.A. behindB. underC. in D. on( B )9.A. ofB. tooC. hereD. there( D )10.A. themB. theirC. theirsD. their room1. D a, an, one修饰单数名词,some修饰复数名词。2. B 灯应该在书桌上,用介词on, in表示在里面,under “在下面” ,behind“在后面”。3. D 足球在椅子下面,表示“在下面”用under.4. D 根据下句回答了地点,此空应填问地点的疑问词where ,who问谁,How问方式,What问什么。5. D 表示两者共有时,在后一个名词后加s6. D 此处不是特指不用the, B项没有大写。7. C and连接两个并列成份作主语时,谓语动词用复数。8. C 窗户、钉子在墙上要用介词in,地图在墙上应用on.9. B too表示“也”,用于肯定句句尾。10.D 此外应填名词性物主代词或形容词性物主代词+名词作宾语。2 1 name is Chen Gang. Im 2 Chinese boy. I 3 twelve. I 4 English. Im in 5 . Im in Class Seven, Grade One. My 6 name is Miss Gao. She is a good teacher. 7 school I have a friend. 8 name is Ma Qiang.This is a photo of my 9 .That man is my father. 10 is thirty-nine. The woman is my mother , she is thirty-seven. The girl is my sister .She is ten. That boy is me.( B )1.A. IB. MyC. MeD. His( A )2.A. aB. anC. theD. /( B )3.A. isB. amC. areD. /( A )4.A. likeB. likesC. look likeD. look for( D )5.A. No. 1 middle schoolB. No.1 Middle schoolC. No.1 middle SchoolD. No.1 Middle School( B )6.A. teachersB. teachersC. teachersD. teacher( C )7.A. atB. inC. AtD. In( B )8.A. HeB. HisC. HerD. she( C )9.A. homeB. schoolC. familyD. bedroom( B )10.A. heB. HeC. ItsD. It1. B 根据下文推测此处要用第一人称,排除D项。A项主格作主语,B项为形容词性物主代词在句中作定语。C项宾格在句中作宾语。2. A a Chinese boy一位中国男孩。a用在发辅音音素的开头的单词前。an用在发元音音素的开头的单词前。3. B I与系动词am搭配。4. A 主语为第一人称,谓语动词like要用原形,表示“喜欢”。Look like为“看起来像”,look for为“寻找”。5. D No.1 Middle School第一中学。No.为number 的缩略形式,表示专有名词,要大写。6. B 表示有生命名词的所有格,要用名词+s来表示。7. C 固定词组at school.8. B 根据马强为男名推测此空用His.9. C family指家庭成员。10.B 这里用He 指代my father.


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