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此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。世界银行行长金辰勇在华盛顿大学英语演讲稿President Knapp, Dean Brown, distinguished faculty, students, and guests,史蒂文纳普校长、布朗院长、尊敬的各位老师、同学们、各位来宾:Thank you for hosting me here today. It is a privilege to be with you to talk about the challenges before us in the world and how the World Bank Group is working to become as effective as possible in improving the lives of the poor and vulnerable.感谢各位今天的接待。我很荣幸来到这里,谈一谈我们在世界上面临的挑战,以及世界银行集团如何竭尽全力有效地改善贫困和弱势人群的生活。When we look across the world today and think about the most pressing issues, the ongoing fiscal uncertainty in the United States greatly concerns us. Our hope is that policymakers resolve these issues soon. This uncertainty, combined with other sources of volatility in the global economy, could do great damage to emerging markets and developing countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America that have lifted millions of people out of poverty in recent years.今天,当我们纵观世界、思考最重要的议题时,围绕美国财政形势的不确定性让我们非常关注。我们希望政策制订者们能够尽快解决这个问题。非洲、亚洲、拉丁美洲的新兴市场和发展中国家近年有千百万人摆脱了贫困,但美国财政形势的不确定性以及导致全球经济波动的其他一些因素可能给它们带来损害。We also cant help but focus on the upheaval that is taking place in the Middle East. Syria is now in its 30th month of war and the toll has been horrific. More than 100,000 people have been killed, 4 million people have been displaced and another 2 million Syrians have fled and become refugees in neighboring countries, adding great burdens to Jordan and Lebanon in particular. The fighting continues within Syria, and the impact of broken lives and broken economies only grows by the day.我们也无法不关注中东正在发生的动乱。叙利亚目前已进入战争的第30个月,造成的伤亡损失令人惊惧。在战乱中10多万人被杀,400万人流离失所,还有200万叙利亚人逃离家园,成为邻国的难民,尤其是给约旦和黎巴嫩带来了沉重的负担。叙利亚境内战乱还在继续,对生活和经济造成的破坏日甚一日。We should not avert our gaze from the Middle East. The World Bank Group has been playing several roles. At times, we are in the backrooms with diplomats and at others we are on the frontlines with humanitarian aid workers. Always, we are working with governments, or companies, or civil society groups to help build strong and sustainable foundations for development. This supports the livelihoods of millions of people in the Middle East, and billions more around the world, who aspire to good jobs, a good education, and access to quality health care.我们不应对中东局势视而不见。世界银行集团中东发挥着多种作用。有时候,我们同外交官和其他人商谈于密室,有时候我们同人道主义援助人员战斗在前线。我们总是在和政府、或者和企业、或者和民间团体协力合作,为发展事业建造牢固和可持续的基础。这些工作支持着中东千百万人民乃至全世界数十亿人的生计他们都希望有良好的工作、良好的教育和优质的医疗保健。A critical part of our work is in countries emerging from conflict, affected by conflict, or stuck in a persistent state of fragility. As we know all too well, when a country remains in a long state of fragility, conflict often erupts. The World Bank Group and the wider global community need to confront the complex institutional and social challenges in these fragile states, because the cost of inaction is high and the reward of well-designed interventions is great. When we have the opportunity to build institutions, infrastructure, and human capacity in fragile states, or when we can put together a deal that brings in desperately needed private sector investment, we must seize it. When we fail to help countries develop in a way that is inclusive or fail to help countries build strong governance, we are all affected by the result, which is often a country engulfed in flames, as is Syria today.我们工作中非常重要的一部分是在刚结束冲突、受冲突影响或者长期陷于脆弱状况的国家。众所周知,当一个国家长期处于脆弱状况时,冲突往往一触即发。世界银行集团乃至国际社会需要在这些脆弱国家直面复杂的制度和社会挑战,原因是无所事事的代价高昂,而设计周密的干预措施则收效巨大。当我们有机会在脆弱国家进行制度、基础设施和能力建设时,或者当我们能够达成一项协议引进急需的私营部门投资时,我们必须抓住机遇。当我们未能帮助国家实现包容性发展时,或者未能帮助国家建立强有力的治理结构时,其后果会影响所有人往往是一个国家陷入战火,就像今天的叙利亚。Drivers of conflict冲突的驱动因素In the Middle East, most of the countries experienced relatively strong growth of 4 to 5 percent a year in the decade before the Arab Spring. Yet serious problems were lurking below the surface. An increasingly educated young middle class was frustrated that the few available jobs were reserved for those with more connections than talent. The private sector operated by earning privileges from the state, leading to a form of crony capitalism that only helped a few, and undermined exports and jobs.在中东,大多数国家在阿拉伯之春之前的2020年都经历过4%或5%的相对强劲增长。然而,外表下隐藏着严重的问题。年轻的中间阶层受教育程度越来越高,令他们沮丧的是稀少的就业机会都留给了那些有关系而不是有才能的人。私营部门的运作要依靠政府提供的特权,形成一种只有利于少数人的裙带资本主义,对出口和就业造成破坏。The inequities and the anger filtered even to the very young. When a million people poured into Tahrir Square in Cairo in 2020 to protest their government, the children of the protesters held protests of their own in classrooms. They demanded better instruction. This is what happens when prosperity is reserved for a select few. All of those left out feel deeply, the burn of inequity.不平等和愤怒甚至渗透到少年儿童中。2020年当100万人涌入开罗的解放广场抗议政府的时候,抗议者的孩子们也在他们自己的教室举行抗议活动。他们要求改进教学。当繁荣有选择地保留给少数人,这就是结果。所有那些被遗漏的人都深感到不公平的伤害。The ongoing crises have left many Middle Eastern countries with a triple challenge. First is restoring macroeconomic stability; second is reforming their economies to meet the high expectations of the people who marched in the streets; and third is managing the transition to new constitutions and more open, contested, multiparty elections. These challenges would be daunting for any single country. But they have all come together in one region. That makes it all the more important for the international community to marshal its resources to support those brave women and men who risked their lives to demand the basic human dignity that is their due.目前的危机令众多中东国家面临三重挑战。第一是恢复宏观经济稳定;第二是改革经济以满足上街抗议的人民的期望;第三是管理好向新宪法和更公开的、有争议的、多党制的选举过渡。这些挑战对于任何一个国家都是巨大的,但三重挑战同时降临一个地区,就使得国际社会集结资源来援助这些冒着生命危险要求得到应得的基本人类尊严的勇敢男女们显得愈发重要。That also makes it important to come to the aid of Jordan and Lebanon today. The World Bank provided $150 million in emergency aid to Jordan just a few months ago, and we just completed a comprehensive economic and social impact assessment of Lebanon that found the country has lost billions of dollars due to the war in Syria.这也使得今天对约旦和黎巴嫩伸出援助之手十分重要。世界银行几个月前向约旦提供了1.5亿美元的紧急援助,我们也刚刚完成了对黎巴嫩的全面的经济和社会影响评估,发现叙利亚内战导致黎巴嫩损失了数十亿美元。Lebanon now hosts more than 760,000 Syrian refugees, which could be likened to 56 million refugees entering the United States, 45 million of which would have entered since this January alone. Think of the disruption. Last week, I attended the UN General Assembly meeting of the International Support Group for Lebanon. Donors pledged some funds for the country, but we need to do much more or we risk catastrophe in Lebanon.黎巴嫩目前接待了超过76万叙利亚难民,按人口比例来说,这相当于美国涌入5600万难民,而且仅仅从今年1月以后来到的就有 4500万人。想想这会带来什么样的混乱。上周,我们出席了联合国大会的黎巴嫩国际援助小组会议。各援助方承诺为黎巴嫩提供一些资金,但我们还需要做得更多,否则黎巴嫩可能会发生巨大的灾难。Our two goals我们的两大目标Just six months ago, our board endorsed the two goals of the World Bank Group: the first is to end extreme poverty by 2030; the second is to boost shared prosperity by promoting real income growth for the bottom 40 percent of the population.仅仅半年前,我们的董事会批准了世界银行集团的两大目标:第一个目标是到2030年终结极度贫困;第二个目标是促进收入最低的40%的人口实际收入的增长,推动共享繁荣。How does this relate to the situation on the ground in the Middle East and in other poor countries? The goal of ending extreme poverty stands on its own as the moral underpinning of all that we do. The fact that more than a billion people live on less than a dollar, 25 a day in 2020 is a stain on our moral conscience. We must help lift people out of poverty without delay, without prejudice, no matter the circumstance, no matter the locale.怎样把这两个目标与中东及其他贫困国家的现实情况联系起来?终结极度贫困的目标本身就是我们所做的一切工作的道德基础。在2020年的今天还有10多亿人每天生活费不到1.25美元,这是我们道德良心上的一个耻辱。我们必须帮助人民摆脱贫困,一刻不能耽搁,不带任何成见,不管是何种情况、什么地方。Our second goal of boosting shared prosperity is more complex, but relevant to the entire world. The protests during the Arab Spring, and the more recent ones in Turkey, Brazil, and South Africa were rooted in the universal desire to participate in the global middle class.我们促进共享繁荣的第二个目标更为复杂,但也与全世界都直接相关。阿拉伯之春期间的抗议活动,以及最近在土耳其、巴西和南非发生的抗议活动,都植根于一种跻身全球中产阶级的普遍愿望。Today, leaders around the world realize that boosting shared prosperity for the bottom 40 percent is becoming more and more critical to ensure stability. It used to be that much of this discontent boiled under the surface. But social media has created an enormous “virtual middle class,” as Thomas Friedman has called it, who will continue to knock on, and then break down, the door of opportunity.今天,世界各国的领导人都意识到,促进底层40%的人口共享繁荣对于确保稳定变得日益重要。在过去,许多不满情绪在社会表层下沸腾。但社交媒体创造了一个巨大的、被托马斯弗里德曼称为“虚拟的中间阶层”的群体,这个阶层会继续叩响然后打破机遇之门。The lesson is that we should pay much more attention to whether growth reaches all the population, and not just the elite. One way to do so is by looking beyond the overall GDP growth; we need to directly monitor income gains among the bottom 40 percent. Economic progress must also be environmentally and financially sustainable over generations.一个教训是我们应当更多地关注增长是否惠及全体人民而不仅仅是特权阶层。要做到这一点,一个办法就是不能只看总体的GDP增长指标;我们需要直接监测底层40%的收入增长。经济进步还需要在环境上和财政上具有可持续性,延续到子孙后代。So how can incomes of the less fortunate increase in a sustained way? There is more than one path to shared prosperity. One path is through increased opportunities driven by greater economic growth. Another is through a stable social contract, which focuses on raising the living standards of the poor and the disadvantaged. Both paths can lead to improved opportunities for citizens if societies can become more dynamic and productive with greater room for social mobility.那么怎样才能以持续的方式增加贫困人口的收入呢?通向共同繁荣的路不止一条。一条路是通过经济增长创造更多机会。另一条路是通过稳定的社会契约,重点提高贫困弱势人群的生活水平。如果社会更有活力,有更高的生产力,为社会流动性提供更大空间,那么这两种道路就都能为公民带来更多更好的机会。Reaching our first goal of ending extreme poverty by 2030 will not only be historic. It will be extraordinarily difficult. Today, our economists estimate that the number of poor people hovers at just over one billion people, or 150 million fewer than in 2020.达到我们的第一项目标到2030年终结极度贫困不仅仅是具有历史意义的,而且是异常困难的。今天,我们的经济学家估计贫困人口的人数徘徊在略稍高于10亿,比2020年少1.5亿。We are making progress, but nothing is assured in this battle, and it will get much tougher the closer we get to the goal. Global growth could be slower than historic trends. Disasters driven by a changing climate could reverse years of development success. Investors could become even more skittish. Long-term financing for much needed infrastructure already scarce could dry up.我们正在取得进步,但在这场斗争中没有什么是确定无疑的,而且我们越是接近目标,困难也会越大。全球增长速度可能会低于历史趋势。气候变化造成的灾害可能扭转多年的发展成果。投资者有可能会变得胆小。基础设施建设急需的长期融资已很稀缺,还有可能枯竭。At the World Bank Group, our two goals require us to deliver results for people. As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, our goals must be “transformed from thin paper to thick action.” What will we doall of usto translate our plans into effective action to end poverty?在世界银行集团,这两大目标要求我们为人们取得切实成效。马丁路德金博士曾经说过,我们的目标必须“从一页薄纸变为脚踏实地的行动”。我们将如何将计划转化为终结贫困的有效行动呢?A World Bank Group strategy世界银行集团的战略Our answer is that for the first time, we have a strategy that will bring together the entire World Bank Group the Bank, which works with governments; the IFC, our private sector arm; and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, or MIGA, which provides political risk insurance. We just released it a few days ago. Never before have we defined a strategy that gives us a comprehensive roadmap to guide all parts of our institution around common goals and principles.我们的回答是,我们第一次有了一个将整个世界银行集团统一起来的战略,包括与各国政府合作的世行;包括我们的私营部门窗口国际金融公司(IFC);也包括提供政治风险担保的多边投资担保机构。我们几天前刚刚发布这一文件。我们过去从未制定过这样一个统一的战略,给予我们一个围绕共同目标和原则指导机构所有部门工作的全面路线图。Why is this important? Bureaucracies sometimes operate in ways that keep people away from each other. They tend to create self-enclosed areas of influence. These areas become well-guarded bunkers, or silos. I know something about silos. I grew up in Iowa, and we had lots of them. Those silos of corn stood starkly alone, especially during those long cold winters. Silos perform a critical function in the cornfields of Iowa but they have no place at the World Bank Group.为什么这一点很重要?官僚机构的运作方式有时让人们相互隔离。他们往往创造自我封闭的势力范围。这些势力范围成为戒备森严的碉堡或者筒仓。我对筒仓有所了解,我在爱荷华州长大,我们那里有很多筒仓。那些贮存玉米的筒仓孤零零地站在地里,特别是在漫长的冬季。筒仓在爱荷华的玉米田里发挥着重要作用,但在世界银行集团没有它们的位置。How can we or any other large organization meet our highest aspirations of serving the poor if we work in a collection of silos? We need to connect the brilliant minds in our institution so that their knowledge flows freely.如果人们各自在一堆筒仓里工作,我们或者任何其他大型组织怎么能够实现为穷人服务的的最高理想呢?我们需要让我们机构中的出类拔萃之辈对接,使他们的知识自由流动。The World Bank Group strategy is based on the conviction that the entire organization will work and together as a seamless whole to achieve our inspiring goals. And we know that if we are to have any chance to succeed, we must be selective first, we must choose our priorities and then, abandon those activities that dont make the cut.世界银行集团的战略是基于这样一种信念,即整个机构将齐心协力、团结一致地实现我们的目标。我们也知道,要想取得成功,我们必须具有选择性首先要选择我们的优先重点,然后是放弃那些非优先领域的活动。What will we stop doing? We wont continue working in areas in which others are better. We wont enter projects for the sole purpose of meeting volume targets for the year. We wont take on projects just to plant our flag on the ground. And we wont tolerate behavior that promotes individual interests over the common good.我们将要停止做哪些事呢?我们将不会继续从事那些别人更擅长的领域。我们不会仅仅出于要完成年度贷款额指标而开展项目。我们不会仅仅为了插上我们的旗子而开展项目。而且,我们绝不容忍将个人私利置于公共利益之上的行为。So what are our principles?那么我们的原则是什么?We will ensure that all our activities have a relentless focus on our two goals.我们将确保我们的一切活动都坚持不懈地专注于我们的两大目标。We will become better partners to others so that together we can achieve those goals.我们将更好地与其他方面合作来实现这两大目标。We will be bold.我们将勇往直前。We will take risks smart risks. And by that, I mean we will invest in projects that can help transform the development of a country or a region even if it means we might fail.我们将勇于冒险聪明地冒险。我的意思是,我们将投资于那些可能有助于改变一个国家或者一个地区的发展的项目即使我们有可能失败。We will excel at delivering local solutions by taking our global knowledge and making sure it is available to countries and companies that need it.我们将出色地利用全球知识来提供本地解决方案,并确保那些需要这些知识的国家和企业都可以获得这些知识。We will take advantage of our deep experience to lead cutting-edge global practices on issues such as finance, education, health, infrastructure, energy, and water.我们将利用我们的丰富经验,在诸如金融、教育、卫生、基础设施、能源和水资源等问题上领导最前沿的全球实践。We will always look for opportunities to help countries invest in their people. We must help countries become more competitive, and a powerful way for them to do so is by investing in the education, health, and job training of their citizens.我们将会不断寻找机会帮助各国投资于人民。我们必须帮助各国提升竞争力,而达此目的的一个有效途径是投资于公民的教育、卫生和就业培训。And we will look to create innovative financial tools that can open up new opportunities for long-term financing that countries desperately need.而且我们将寻求开发 创新型融资工具,开拓提供各国急需的长期资金的新渠道。Making the strategy a reality将战略变为现实Our strategy calls for us to become a Solutions Bank with results for the poor as our central benchmark. Three elements of the strategy are worth highlighting.我们的战略要求我们成为一个提供解决方案的银行,以对贫困人口产生的成效作为我们的主要基准。新战略有三项内容值得强调。First, we will partner with the private sector to use their expertise and capital to fight poverty. This is particularly important to create good jobs for the poor.首先,我们将与私营部门联手,利用他们的专业知识和资金来抗击贫困。这一点对于为贫困人口创造良好的就业尤为重要。Second, we will increase our commitment to fragile and conflict-affected states, which will require us to be bolder, take more risks, and commit more resources.第二,我们将加强对脆弱与受冲突影响国家的承诺,这将要求我们更加大胆,承担更多风险,投入更多资源。And third, we will be as ambitious as possible on issues that are of global importance, including investing in women and girls and combatting climate change. Our response to climate change, for instance, must be bold enough to match the scope of the problem.第三,我们在具有全球重要意义的议题上要尽可能雄心勃勃,包括投资于妇女和女童、抗击气候变化。例如,我们对气候变化作出反应的力度必须与问题的严重程度相匹配。Creating good jobs创造良好就业On the first element, one of the highest priorities at the World Bank Group will be to help create jobs. How can we most effectively help regions and individual countries position themselves for private-sector-led job growth? The scope of the challenge is daunting the world needs to create 600 million new jobs over the next decade.围绕第一个目标,世界银行集团的最高优先事项之一将是帮助创造就业机会。我们如何才能最有效地帮助有关地区和国家创造最佳条件来促进私营部门主导的就业增长?这是一项十分艰巨的挑战 全球需要在未来十年内创造6亿个新的就业机会。A critical pathway out of poverty for the poor is through providing an open and transparent connection to local and global markets. This access can unlock entrepreneurial potential for millions.帮助穷人摆脱贫困的一条重要途径是以公开透明的方式将他们与本地市场和全球市场联系起来。这种对市场的参与可以释放亿万民众的创业潜力。For example, one of IFCs clients, Ecom, connects cocoa, coffee and cotton farmers in over 30 countries to global markets. Last year, Ecom helped more than 134,000 farmers and thousands more through farmer organizations.例如,国际金融公司的客户Ecom将30多个国家里种植可可、咖啡和棉花的农户与全球市场连接起来。去年,Ecom向13.4万农民提供了帮助,并通过农民组织帮助了更多人。We also are expanding our group of partners to include those which are pioneering new business models. Just two weeks ago, I met Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba, a Chinese firm that, among other things, accounted for 60 percent of the 8.8 billion packages mailed inside China last year. He showed me his black canvas shoes, which were made by a woman in a small village in China. Alibaba was able to drive logistics prices so low that this woman could market her shoes and ship them anywhere in China at a better price than the local shoe store. In just a few years, Alibaba has fostered the creation or growth of over 6 million small and medium enterprises in China.我们也在扩大合作伙伴的范围,吸纳那些开拓新商业模式的企业。就在两周前,我会晤了中国阿里巴巴公司的创始人马云,这家企业在去年中国境内邮寄的88亿个快件中占60%。他给我看他穿的黑色帆布鞋,这是中国一个小村里的妇女做的。阿里巴巴能够使物流价格降到如此之低,使这名妇女有可能把她做的鞋销售到中国任何地方,价格还低于本地的鞋店。在短短几年中,阿里巴巴扶持了中国600多万个中小企业的创业和成长。That is an example of a transformational business model. But there are many environments that Alibaba and other companies stay away from. We at the World Bank Group serve as a trusted advisor to the private sector, and that often means we will be the first to venture into a risky environment in order to make others feel more comfortable to invest. We know that there are several trillion dollars managed by sovereign wealth funds and institutional investors; much of it is sitting on the sidelines in low-performing funds. So we will actively work to find new ways to attract these private funds to developing country projects. One recent example was our launch of the Managed Co-lending Portfolio Program in China. The Chinese government agreed to invest $3 billion, alongside IFC; other countries are expressing interest in joining the program.这是一个具有变革意义的商业模式的例子。但也有很多环境是阿里巴巴和其他企业避之不及的。我们世界银行集团是私营部门可信赖的顾问,这往往意味着我们会率先冒险进入一个有风险的环境,目的是让他人更放心地投资。我们知道主权财富基金和机构投资者管理着数万亿美元,其中很大一部分闲置在表现不佳的基金里。因此,我们将积极努力寻找新的方式来吸引这些私募基金投资发展中国家的项目。最近的一个例子是我们在中国启动了管理联合贷款组合计划。政府同意投资30亿美元,与国际金融公司联手合作;其他国家也表示有兴趣加入该计划。A priority on fragile states重点关注脆弱国家The second example of our strategy involves our commitment to taking risks in some of the most troubled places in the world: fragile and conflict-affected states.关于我们战略的第二个例子涉及到我们承诺在世界上问题最多的地区脆弱和受冲突影响的国家承担风险。Earlier this year, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and I traveled to the Great Lakes region of Africa to support the Peace, Security, and Cooperation Framework, signed by 11 countries. The region has been in a state of war for more than two decades, and rebel groups in the eastern Congo started a new battle a few days before we arrived. Just a couple of hours before we arrived in Goma, the groups called a cease-fire. Despite the tension, crowds of people, most of them women, lined the roads from the UN base to a local hospital. They cheered our convoy. But they also held high signs that spoke of the deep trauma they have experienced. Ill never forget one womans sign. It said simply: Stop the rape. Indeed.今年早些时候,联合国秘书长潘基文和我访问了非洲大湖地区,以表示对11个国家签署的和平、安全和合作框架的支持。该地区20多年来长期处于战争状态,就在


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