牛津沈阳版英语八下Chapter 4 Some Days;Never a dull moment课件

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Reading 1、教材地位分析:(Analysis of teaching material)本课时的学习任务是牛津初中二年级第四单元的阅读部分,从整个初中牛津英语教材来看,它有代词的用法和it做形式宾语的用法。这两个知识点都是要求初中学生所应掌握的。而且从本单元来看,处于第一课时,为后面的写作任务打下伏笔;从学习内容来看,它属于一种诗歌形式,对于学生来说,诗歌是他们第一次接触到,会使他们感兴趣。但不见得当堂能写,要从本节课起培养他们的情感表达能力。2、学情分析:(Analysis of students)本学习任务的学习者是初中二年级的学生。随着课业的增多,任务的繁重,他们的心理处于极不稳定的时期,处于典型的少年转型期,渐渐开始理性的思考问题,同时又没有完全脱离孩时的童真,他们时而感觉无聊,一切都没有意思,他们乐于与同龄人交往,在真实语境中愿意表达自己的观点,多媒体的运用,会激发他们对英语学习的兴趣。知识目标:(The knowledge objective)Important words:speaker,racket,stone deaf,screamer,recite,Din bite,lively,uninteresting.Important patterns:I find it.Keep shouting.There be 名型 能力目标:(The ability objective)To improue the Ssreading skills.To train the Ssability of working with others.To develop the studentsability of showing their feelings.情感目标:(The moral objective)To enable the Ss to increase the interest of living.To let the Ss love themselves and improve themselves.Key points:To guide the Ss to get information.Some useful words and expressions Difficult points:How to use the new language points How to recite the whole article【教学方法】(Teaching methods)Task-based approach Student-centered approach 【教学过程】(Teaching procedures)一、复习题提问选择正确单词 1.-May I have a cup of tea?Yes,you _.A.must B.can C.need D.should2.-_ you pass me a pen?-Id like to write something.A.Need B.Could C.Must D.Should 3.-_ I come in?A.Must B.May C.Should D.Need 4.The children _ play football on the road.A.cant B.can C.mustnt D.must 5.He isnt at school.I think he _ be ill.A.can B.shall C.must D.has to 6.They _ do well in the exam.A.can be able to B.be able to C.can able to D.are able to 二、导入新课:通过观察图片,让学生描述图片中儿童的心情。Answer the questions:1.How many things did the boy do What are they?2.How far did the boy walk?3.Why did the boy do so many different things?4.Did the time pass slowly or quickly for the boy?5.Choose a line from the poem“Some Days”that would also be a good title.三、出示图片2找出两幅图片的不同之处 similarity difference Some Days Never a dull moment 四、课堂小结:通过本节课诗歌的学习,让学生自己总结本节课的重点知识。五、课后习题:一选择 1.The poem Never a dull moment is probably going to tell us that there is never a dull moment in the poets _.a house b school c life d town 2.A_ is probably speaking in the poem.a dog b baby c woman d child 3.The two poems are probably very _ _ each other.a similar to b different from 二根据句意用所给单词适当形式填空1Some girls think it is very interesting to chat with friends by phone;but some boys find it .(interesting)2.He is very busy.He takes an active part in all kinds of at school.(activity)3.Dont speak any longer.The is giving us a wonderful speech.(speak)4.I am sorry about the terrible mistake I made in the letter.(terrible)5.The patient is still alive.Hes a bit today.(life).六、课后作业 1、copy the words.2、recite the two poems.3、try to write a poem that shows ones feeling.【板书设计:】Chapter4 一、word 二、sentences 三、compare 1、I find it 2、There be


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