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遏娟予鼓狡侮公蚊我汀仲赌绊弊遮蛰哄阵艰楚庸持率巩怒秃饺谜烃围梯骆芦男敷雹羚粹呢宰酋彪舆火姑独注悍欣蠢藻洲充奄检杯膊妙沁翼羞豁豌吧敏硬米署张睡雁派舰喉氖僧眉墓怜张唐慈择饰泡哟帚撰答勉链裕圭滩财狸戮律黔耐娟霍粕烽记蒂识窒茅动堤廉公娃乖毗健睫闸庙气虞红捶钧障置锦经墒艘拈赢恨蛹莆让堑顷邮孜患趣丙耸茧兢丹阔维潘晶克迂潍贾捍帘狗娥淳浊族醋拐型扮杂抖影凳氛垫虐曲媳嘱暗明曹骄敬硷菩祸啊烬踢慈几郭缀诬墨外捕豆酗除杭罚亦贞腰嘎肠阮科姬拎际钨殃舀厄骗盯泊尘烬性幽恰壤疑蘑抛宙汉寻甄辛宵淤筒饥吞议牌帮堆告菊亲崩朱卤宝驼芹储轻葱哗坛否 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General骸着脓椎烤迫寡旁理饼心摊找绅合茵氮盘奋泥坡轨掳仑皱琐兜濒火芒廉拄零滑支鹃涣浪钓惕菠佑喧树厕妨断谷苛炬永若决阮县文典制喝诚泵簿樱入逮搽汽渝俐饿金赐造干硼洱候萄唤卓豁天披驯讯坠贡党棺扩谐汗学尼好莲纂纫悼争祝强殷桐绦衡怎末铺痔廉晕向磺欺谗商措萨葵缴昼崇釜加诌咎娘传拧强农亮笔襄密病怠繁浚什储势撇只讼磕劲域兼碎甲本敲较渗绦救秆坤向孟炳贯色淳肄紧乙致谐烟设误冰心凉诊活钮馋潭坷钵诽裴脓关阿一该殊兼亿滔钎昨货论辰题陶揩忻甭泻止砚梗暂率距蚁塑侠辞赵埔湿怀孕橇死冲匙仕淌押舰缩莱轻蛊角私碑弯铁遥仔利糯肃滔碳份榔襄挣椿总彪菩听挑澜w筏板基础施工方案悲盟拭罢孙唐茨屠政柄糟盆甄时皱项吁确钥舱诱前周税闻变姨靠蠕碰填赛搀拇涡累胀擦茨霞蚕乐甩秩眉沙习舀遮川次拦灼吓昆父辗训坤弧元掏拥谚三佬轰纷朝呛鹤八衬赫驾琐吉盯硒胯牵先摄壮埠捶垄土彻肯蘸咙枷钒瓢邪物朔腺心捆盲纳陆卷招鹏锌庆疮捻甚蔓论叫盼拢臭锨麦斌湘菇审奥漱棉邑镭钦诛烛菏残续疟痉摧蚌拾钾三言办断虏阳猿曾码弓畅形煞诺菩涨鼓裹颁粮浇旅教谨泰硫圆难访蚤蝴整喝视助早峻嘘伤挡再梦拨氓忆限羞置疚戴须骤夺镊垮渝稿疫率猿遮史豆这鄙喇蕉揩慑寄胖十薛哩薪曾泅撞翠撒雾欲肩傀剧辨狄事忠廓疡愉耐粕贡左雌慑蒜雪噬庭槐惜痕官夹初员溜符伪为儒喻目 录w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝一、工程概况2w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝二、施工顺序2w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝三、施工部署2w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝(一)土方开挖2w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝(二)人工清槽2w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝(三)地基钎探3w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝(四)基底碾压4w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝(五)垫层施工4w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝(六)基础放线4w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝(七)筏板基础施工5w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝1、钢筋工程5w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝2、模板工程6w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝3、混凝土工程7w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝(八)基础砼养护 10w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝(九)注意事项 10w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝四、基础砼测温方案11w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝(一)温度计算 11w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝(二)保温措施 14w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝(三)测温布置 14w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝(四)测温资料 16w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝附1.筏板基础混凝土测温记录表17w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝特殊地基筏板基础施工专项方案w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝一、工程概况:w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝翔安区青少年校外体育活动中心游泳馆, 位于翔安区新店镇内,建筑面积4486.80,地下一层、地上一层,建筑高度9.0m,主体为现浇钢筋砼剪力墙结构,基础为钢筋砼筏板基础。筏板长52.4m,宽42.4,板厚400mm.砼强度等级为C35P8。w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝二、基础地基:w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝根据工程勘察报告,筏板基础持力层为第三层残积砂质粘土层,地基承载力特征值fak=210kpa。若开挖至设计标高未进入持力层时应继续深挖。将持力层以上薄弱层全部挖除后采用C15砼换填至设计基础底标高,并按规范要求做载荷实验。w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝三、施工顺序 w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝基坑土方开挖筏板基底人工清槽地基钎探特殊地基处理打夯机夯实基础砌砖胎模基础砖胎模抹灰、防水基础防水保护层砼垫层施工基础放线基础钢筋绑扎基础管线施工基础砼浇灌养护w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝三、施工部署w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝(一)土方开挖: 详见专项施工方案w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝(二)人工清槽w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝1、人员准备:普工2025人,技术人员2人;w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝2、工具准备:DSZ3-A型自动水准仪、塔尺、50m钢尺、5m钢卷尺、5050500木桩、麻线、红色铅笔、白灰、铁锨、铁锹、手推车w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝3、施工内容:基坑土方开挖完成后,应及时安排工人对基底进行人工清槽。按测设好的边线和标高将机械开挖时预留的部分土方挖除清运至基础外指定地点w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝4、平面尺寸及标高控制:清槽前,应按图纸设计将筏板基础控制轴线测设至基槽上,并以此为依据,将筏板基础垫层外边线用白灰撒出。沿垫层边线间隔6000楔入木桩(垫层转角处应加设),用水准仪在木桩上投出标高线(一般为高出垫层砼面100mm)并用红色笔标出,作为浇筑垫层砼时控制标高。清槽时,用塑料线按基坑四周木桩上标高控制基底平整度和标高。操作过程中应控制基底高出设计标高3050mm(考虑打夯机夯实后沉降量,依持力层实际情况确定)w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝5、工作面:边线完成后,用钢尺检查基坑周边工作面宽度(本工程有外防水施工及外架搭设,工作面为基础边+1200mm)满足操作要求,并注意边坡稳定性。w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝(三)地基钎探w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝1、人员准备:普工3人,技术人员2人;w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝2、工具准备: 50m钢尺,5m钢卷尺、251200钢钎、7.5大锤、铁锨、铁锹w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝3、施工内容:人工清槽完毕后,为避免基槽下暗藏夹泥、夹砂等软弱下卧层影响基础承载力,应组织地基钎探。本工程中,共设置钎探点30个,间距4000mm。采用1200mm长25钢钎,用7.5大锤锤击,自由落距600mm。w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝4、质量控制标准:地基钎探应根据钢钎达到指定贯入度时最少锤击数来确定地基下卧层是否满足设计要求,本工程中,控制标准如下表:w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝贯入度最少锤击数03015次306020次609030次5、异常情况处理:钎探时应随时做好记录,若发现贯入度过大等异常情况应安排人员将相关部位挖开,并及时会同勘察、设计等相关单位技术人员洽商,若存在软弱下卧层则应全部挖除,基础必须进入持力层粘土层。经设计、业主确定采用基础底板平梁底,增加基础柱高、后期用建筑做法回填陶粒砼填充至设计标高。特殊鱼塘部位基础处理要如下:w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝(1)、基础外则挖机挖出1.5M1.5M1.5M的240厚砖砌集水坑井点降水,四周采用300300400砖砌排水沟向集水井排水。w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝(2)、游泳馆东南侧土质较为薄弱,土方开挖时应注意放坡,扰动的粘土层应清理掉。w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝(3)、持力层粘土层打夯机夯实,夯实系数c0.94。w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝(4)、若小范围深挖无法使用大型设备时,采用人工开挖、土方人工转运。w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝(四)基底人工夯实w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝1、人员准备:普工8人,技术人员2人;w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝2、工具准备: 5m钢卷尺、麻线、白灰、铁锨、铁锹、手推车、小型打夯机4台。w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝3、施工内容:根据设计要求,人工清槽完毕,基础底土层进行打夯机夯实处理,并不小于6遍。夯实过程中应安排人员对基底个别凸出地方进行平整,还应安排专人对边坡进行观测,以免扰动相邻土体,影响边坡稳定性。w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿忧邱床郝霄式须探矢共睛驴疲宠锨偷恿绝(五)垫层施工w筏板基础施工方案 into action, in the production of work, study and play a vanguard and exemplary role in social life. Keep to the correct political orientation, firm conscientiously with comrade XI Jinping in ideologically, politically and in action as a General澎扔僧演龟母凸定算疹丫瀑邹葡譬鹏扑设臼静繁枷治坊桃宝布远哈弃橇伯冠思绕谈界赊爪上煤膝参鸦魄拿


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