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六年级上册英语同步练习必看小学六年级上册英语汉译英练习题1、要睡觉了,可灯还开着,妈妈会对你说:2、想别人照看好你的妹妹,可以说:3、想告诉别人电影院在邮局附近,可以说:4、有人向你问路,但你不知道,你要他去问警察,可以说:5、想知道如何去公园,会说:6、要告诉别人自己将去踢球,会说:7、假设你迟到了,你会说:8、别人想把书包放在你的课桌上,会说:9、要告诉别人自己是六年级三班的学生,可以说:10、想夸奖别人的英语说得好,可以说:11、想让别人知道你早上上四节课,下午上两节课,可以说:12、想告诉别人你喜欢画画,可以说:13、天冷了,妈妈拿着毛衣对你说:14、老师让学生们把图画里的飞机途成红色,回说:15、李雷生日了,你会对他说:小学六年级上册英语练习题一、找出下面单词中意思不同类的一个,把序号写到前面的括号里。( )1. A. scientist B. worker C. coach D. count( )2. A. next week B. tomorrow C. tonight D. taxi( )3. A. cinema B. bookstore C. dictionary D. post office( )4. A. shop B. subway C. train D. plane( )5. A. wear B. when C. where D. what二、补全单词 。( )1. c_ nem _ A. o, e B. i, a C. u,k( )2.p_ stc _d A. o, ar B.a, ur C.o,or( )3.f _ ct _ry A. u, w B. a, o C.e, a( )4.p _l _ t A. o, i B. i , o C. a, o( )5. c _m _c book A. a,i B.u,o C.o,i三、选词填空。a, afraid, do, does, works, see , by, to, riding, next to1.Her father is a fisherman. He _ at sea.2. Im going to _ a doctor.3.The bookstore is _ the hospital.4.Does Amy go to school _ bus? Yes, she does.5.My brother likes _ a bike.6.Is he _ postman? No, he isnt.7. _ he like doing word puzzles? Yes, he does.8.The mice is _ of the cat.9.They are going to _ their homework this afternoon.10.Sarahs mother goes _ the park by bike.四、单项选择。( )1. _can we get there?A. What B. How C. Which( )2. What does Miss White do? _A. She likes English. B. Shes a teacher. C. At a school.( )3. Does he teach English? _A. No , he doesnt. B. Yes, she doesnt. C. Yes, he is.( )4. Im going to the _. I want to buy some books.A. postman B. bookstore C. museum( )5. She _ to work by subway every day.A. go B. goes C. going( )6. _ are you going? Next week.A. What B. When C. How( )7. Whats Amys hobby?A. He likes dancing. B. She likes danceing. C. She likes dancing.( )8. Stop and wait at a _ light.A. red B. yellow C. green( )9. Sarah cant go to the park. She is _.A. happy B. sad C. afraidA. police officer B. businessman C. factory worker五、用单词的正确形式填空。1. Mr Black usually _ (play) football at school.2. I _ (take) a trip next week.3. The children like _ (swim).4. Amy and I _ (be) going to the cinema.5. -What _ Mikes father _ (do)?-He is a scientist.小学六年级上册英语练习题I. Listen and choose(听音,选择你所听到的单词。)( )1. A. stop B. slow C. ship D. subway( )2. A. bike B. bus C. by D. train( )3. A. red B. green C. light D. traffic( )4. A. get B. go C. park D. bus( )5. A. far B. fast C. from D. forII. Listen and choose(听音,选择你所听到的句子。)( )1. A. Dont go at the red light. B. Go at the green light.C. Wait at the red light.( )2. A. How does your father go to work?B. How do you go to the bookstore?C. How do you e to school?( )3. A. Sometimes I e to school by bus.B. Sometimes I e to school on foot.C. Sometimes I e to school by train.( )4. A. Do you go to school on foot? B. Does she go to school on foot?C. Do you go to school by bike?( )5. A. Mrs. Smith sometimes goes to work by car, but she usually on foot.B. Mrs. Smith sometimes goes to work on foot, but she usually by car.C. Mrs. Smith sometimes goes to work by car, but she usually walks.III. Listen and choose(听问句,选择恰当的答语。)( )1. A. I usually walk. B. Sometimes I go home.C. She usually go on foot.( )2. A. She will stop and wait. B. Hell stop and wait.C. She will go .( )3. A. Take the No.57 bus. B. Its beside the post officeC. The bus is ing.( )4. A. Here you are B. Thank you.C. Of course you can.( )5. A. She goes by bike. B. She go on foot.C. He goes on foot.第 6 页 共 6 页


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