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Unit 1 Life on Mars一、根据句意和首写字母或中文提示写出单词。1. Now people are thinking about living on Mars in the f_.2. We can light the fire with these _.(火柴)3. He plays the g_ every night because he likes modern music.4. If we want to d_ our English, we should speak more and more.5. Its hard to _(呼吸)under water for a long time.6. Air p_ is a serious problem for us.7. Do you know how many _(行星)does the solar system have?8. Two thirds of the _(表面)of the earth is covered with water.9. Would you like to write down the name of your favourite _(宇航员)on the paper?10. She needs to take some _(药). 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。*1. Children should be prevented from _(smoke).*2. Its so late. Get your _(sleep)bags ready.*3. Boys are _(interest)in computer problems.*4. We must speak to old people _(polite).5. She devoted most of her time to _(help)other people.三、改错1. Look! Theres a girl playing guitar.2. I dont know the answer of the question.*3. Space travel will make people to feel very ill.*4. Can you make rooms for the old woman?5. I think the notebook computer is necessary. Are you agree?6. Hopeful, we will get to the show on time. *7. The speed of the car was frightened.四、选择1. - _ do you like the film?- Very interesting.A. WhatB. HowC. WhyD. Who*2. - How are you feeling today? - Im feeling even _. So I didnt go to school this morning.A. badB. worseC. wellD. better3. There will be no pollution on Mars, _ ?A. will itB. wont itC. will thereD. wont there4. Who can help me _ my English?A. inB. ofC. withD. on5. _ of the students in our class are boys.A. Three fourB. Third fourC. Three fourthsD. Third fourth*6. Now the air in our town is _ than it used to be. Some things must be done to stop it.A. very goodB. much betterC. rather badD. even worse7. The fish smells _. Please throw it away.A. goodB. wellC. badD. badly*8. The number of students in my class _ 48. And a large number of them _ to school by bike.A. is, goB. are, goC. is, goesD. are, goes9. I like playing_ football, but I dont like playing _ guitar.A. the, /B. the, theC. /, theD. /, /10.-How much is the shirt, Ted?-I ten dollars on it yesterday.A. costB. spentC. paidD. took*11.Maybe by the year 2100, people will be able to travel _and live on other planets A. in space B. in a space C. in the space D. in spaces 12. At present, the _ are too slow to carry large numbers of people to Mars - it takes months A. space shuttle B. spacecrafts C. spacecraft D. underground *13. There is not enough _ for every one on Earth by the 2100.A. rooms B. spaces C. room D. jobs14. _ of the students in the school are from England .A. Two thirds B. Two third C. Second three D. Second threes 15. I dont like the journey _ Beijing . It took me 10 hours by bus. A. in B. on C. to D. from 五、完成句子1. 你认为火星上的生活怎么样?_ do you _ _ life on Mars?2. 地球上的生活和火星上的生活不一样。 Life on Earth is not _ _ _ that on Mars.3. 在火星上我们将被机器人照顾。On Mars, we will _ _ _ by robots.4. 植物能生产出食物和氧气。Plants can _ food and _.5. 未来的飞机可以用光速飞行吗?Will the plane go _ _ _ _ light?*6. 老师阻止孩子们跑向森林的深处。The teacher _ the children _ further in the forest.六、选词组填空(begin with, worry about, be afraid of, get ill from, be different from)1. The gravity on Earth _ that on Mars.2. Lets _ the easiest one, OK?3. You can easily _ drinking polluted water.4. My parents never _ my lessons, for I work very hard. 5. Ann doesnt want to move to Mars. She _floating away into the space. 【试题答案】一、根据句意和首写字母或中文提示写出单词1. future 2. matches 3. guitar 4. develop 5. breathe6. pollution 7. planets 8. surface 9. spaceman 10. medicines二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. smoking 2. sleeping 3. interested 4. politely 5. helping三、改错1. Look! Theres a girl playing guitar. playing the guitar2. I dont know the answer of the question. to3. Space travel will make people to feel very ill. feel 4. Can you make rooms for the old woman? room5. I think the notebook computer is necessary. Are you agree? Do you agree6. Hopeful, we will get to the show on time. Hopefully7. The speed of the car was frightened. frightening四、选择BBCCC DCACB ACCAC五、完成句子1. How, like the2. the same as3. be cared for4. produce, oxygen5. at the speed of6. prevented, running六、选词组填空1. is different from2. begin with3. get ill from4. worry about来5. is afraid of


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