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Unit 2I think that mooncakes are delicious!Section A(1a2d).单词填写单词填写1.relative(n.)_ 2.pound(n.)_ 3.月饼月饼(n.)_4.灯笼灯笼(n.)_5.strange(adj.)_(n.)陌生人陌生人答案答案:1.亲属亲属;亲戚亲戚2.磅磅(重量单位重量单位);英镑英镑(英国货币单位英国货币单位)3.mooncake4.lantern5.stranger.节日匹配节日匹配1.Water Festival A.端午节端午节2.Dragon Boat Festival B.元宵节元宵节3.Spring Festival C.泼水节泼水节4.Lantern Festival D.春节春节.句型填词句型填词1.关于端午节你最喜欢什么关于端午节你最喜欢什么?_ _ you_ _ about the Dragon Boat Festival?我最喜爱竞赛。我认为观看它们很有乐趣。我最喜爱竞赛。我认为观看它们很有乐趣。I love the races.I think that_ _ _ to watch.答案答案:What do;like best;they are fun2.但我相信四月是那儿一年中最热的月份。但我相信四月是那儿一年中最热的月份。But_ _ _ April is the hottest month of the year there.3.我不知道它是不是和云南省傣族的泼水节相似。我不知道它是不是和云南省傣族的泼水节相似。_ _ _ its similar to the Water Festival of the Dai people in Yunnan Province.答案答案:2.I believe that3.I wonder ifMary thinks that the teams were fantastic.They believe that theyll be back next year to watch the races.I wonder if its similar to the Water Festival of the Dai people in Yunnan Province._答案答案:(1)宾语从句。宾语从句。(2)连词连词that,if只起连接作用只起连接作用,在从句中不充当任何句子成分。在从句中不充当任何句子成分。1.put on增加增加(体重体重);发胖发胖【语境领悟【语境领悟】*Ive put on five pounds!我体重增加了五磅我体重增加了五磅!*Its cold outside.Put on your coat,please.外面很冷外面很冷,请穿上你的外套。请穿上你的外套。*Well put on a short English play at the school talent show.在学校才艺表演中在学校才艺表演中,我们将上演一部英语短剧。我们将上演一部英语短剧。【自主归纳【自主归纳】短语短语put on有不同的含义有不同的含义,其常见含义如下其常见含义如下:【学以致用【学以致用】(2013重庆中考重庆中考)Well _ an English play“Snow White”during this years Art Festival.A.look up B.look out C.put off D.put on【授课备选【授课备选】补充练习补充练习(2014黄冈中考黄冈中考)How heavily it is raining!What a pity!We have to_our sports meeting.A.put off B.put outC.put on D.put up【解析【解析】选选A。考查动词短语辨析。考查动词短语辨析。put off推迟推迟;put out扑灭扑灭;put on穿上穿上;put up张贴。句意张贴。句意:雨下得多大啊雨下得多大啊!真遗真遗憾憾!我们不得不推迟我们的运动会。故选我们不得不推迟我们的运动会。故选A。【归纳总结【归纳总结】常见由常见由put构成的其他短语构成的其他短语2.I wonder if its similar to the Water Festival of the Dai people inYunnan Province.我不知道它是不是和云南省傣族的泼水节我不知道它是不是和云南省傣族的泼水节相似。相似。【句型剖析【句型剖析】I wonder.“我想知道我想知道”,后常接后常接if/whether引导的宾引导的宾语从句语从句,表示委婉地请求或询问信息。表示委婉地请求或询问信息。I wonder if you can give me a hand.我想知道你是否可以帮我一下。我想知道你是否可以帮我一下。【归纳拓展【归纳拓展】if与与whether辨析辨析(1)二者都可以引导宾语从句二者都可以引导宾语从句,表示表示“是否是否;是不是是不是”。一般情。一般情况下两者可以互换使用。况下两者可以互换使用。I wonder if/whether you will be free tomorrow.我想知道你明天是否有空。我想知道你明天是否有空。(2)当当whether与与or not连用时连用时,whether不可换为不可换为if。I dont know whether or not they can come to the party.我不知道他们是否能来参加聚会。我不知道他们是否能来参加聚会。【温馨提示【温馨提示】if的双重身份的双重身份if“是否是否”引导宾语从句引导宾语从句,若表示将来若表示将来,从句时态用一般从句时态用一般将来时将来时if“如果如果”引导条件状语从句引导条件状语从句,条件状语从句中用一般现条件状语从句中用一般现在时表示将来在时表示将来I wonder if it will rain tomorrow.If it rains tomorrow,Ill stay at home.我不知道明天是否下雨。如果明天下雨我不知道明天是否下雨。如果明天下雨,我将待在家里。我将待在家里。【学以致用【学以致用】I wonder_you would like to go to the concert with me tonight.Oh,Id love to.A.whenB.thatC.ifD.whyI dont know_or not he should enter the race.A.if B.that C.what D.whether(2014咸宁中考咸宁中考)Lets go to the community if it_tomorrow.But nobody knows if it_tomorrow.A.wont rain;rains B.doesnt rain;rainsC.doesnt rain;will rain D.wont rain;will rain【备选要点【备选要点】I think that theyre fun to watch.我认为观看它们很有乐趣。我认为观看它们很有乐趣。【句型剖析【句型剖析】本句是含有宾语从句的主从复合句本句是含有宾语从句的主从复合句,其句式结构如下其句式结构如下:其中连词其中连词that在句中只起连接作用在句中只起连接作用,无意义无意义,且在从句中不且在从句中不作任何句子成分作任何句子成分,口语中可省略。口语中可省略。【温馨提示【温馨提示】陈述句用作宾语从句时陈述句用作宾语从句时,用用that引导引导,也可以省略。也可以省略。【学以致用【学以致用】Dont be nervous.I believe_you can make it.A.if B.how C.that D.whenHe will come back soon.I think.(合并为一句合并为一句)_答案答案:I think(that)he will come back soon.从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空cousin,strange,watch,cold,put on1.I dont know the man.He is a_ to me.2.Bob is Jims uncles son,so Bob and Jim are_.3.He has_ several pounds these days,so he wants to lose weight.4.They said that they enjoyed_ the dragon boat races.5.I think winter is the_ season of the year in Harbin.答案答案:1.stranger2.cousins3.put on4.watching5.coldest.单项选择单项选择1.Did you see the film last night?Yes,I did.And I think_its fun to watch.A.if B.whetherC.what D.that2.I_if they will have such races again next year.A.suggest B.wonderC.believe D.know3._do you like best about the Lantern Festival?Well,I love the lantern shows.A.Why B.WhatC.When D.How4.Linda with her family is going to Hong Kong_ a week.A.in B.forC.after D.before5.The_ in Thailand is the time of the Thai New Year.A.Spring Festival B.Dragon Boat FestivalC.Water Festival D.Lantern FestivalUnit 2I think that mooncakes are delicious!Section A(3a4c).单词填写单词填写1.folk(adj.)_2.steal(v.)_3.admire(v.)_4.甜点甜点;甜食甜食(n.)_答案答案:1.民间的民间的;民俗的民俗的2.偷偷;窃取窃取3.欣赏欣赏;仰慕仰慕4.dessert5.花园花园;园子园子(n.)_ 6.无论谁无论谁;不管什么人不管什么人(pron.)_7.传统传统(n.)_8.god(n.)_(n.)女神女神答案答案:5.garden6.whoever7.tradition8.goddess.短语互译短语互译1.in the shape of._ 2.shoot down _ 3.as a result _ 4.飞起飞起;向上飞向上飞 _up5.摆开摆开;布置布置 lay_ 6.回来回来;返回返回 come_ 答案答案:1.呈呈的形状的形状2.击落击落3.结果结果4.fly5.out6.back.句型填词句型填词1.一天晚上一天晚上,他发现月亮是如此亮和圆以至于他能够看到在那他发现月亮是如此亮和圆以至于他能够看到在那里的妻子。里的妻子。One night,he_ _ the moon was_ bright and round_ he could see his wife there.2.泼水节多么有趣啊泼水节多么有趣啊!_ fun the Water Festival is!答案答案:1.found that;so;that2.What3.香港的食物味道多么美啊香港的食物味道多么美啊!_ delicious the food is in Hong Kong!4.我想知道那儿的孩子是否也给他们的父母送相似的礼物。我想知道那儿的孩子是否也给他们的父母送相似的礼物。I_ _ children over there also give similar gifts to their parents.5.我相信有许多表达爱的方式。我相信有许多表达爱的方式。I_ _ there are many ways to show our love.答案答案:3.How4.wonder if 5.believe that1.What fun the Water Festival is!How fantastic the dragon boat teams were!_答案答案:感叹句。用感叹句。用what,how引导感叹句。引导感叹句。2.Why did a goddess give Hou Yi magic medicine?_What happened after Change drank the magic medicine?_How do people celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival?_答案答案:Because she wanted to thank him for shooting down the nine suns.She became very light and flew up to the moon.People admire the moon and share mooncakes with their families.1.lay(laid,laid)v.放置放置;安放安放;产产(卵卵);下下(蛋蛋)【语境领悟【语境领悟】*He quickly laid out her favorite fruits and desserts in the garden.他快速地在园子里摆放好她最喜爱的水果和甜点。他快速地在园子里摆放好她最喜爱的水果和甜点。*The hen usually lays an egg every day.那只母鸡通常每天下一个蛋。那只母鸡通常每天下一个蛋。*She was busy laying the food out on the table at that time.那时她正忙着把食品摆放在桌子上。那时她正忙着把食品摆放在桌子上。【自主归纳【自主归纳】lay作动词作动词,意为意为“放置放置;安放安放;产产(卵卵);下下(蛋蛋)等等”,其过去其过去式、过去分词形式均为式、过去分词形式均为laid,现在分词形式为现在分词形式为laying。【归纳拓展【归纳拓展】同形异义的同形异义的“lay”动词原形动词原形过去式过去式过去分词过去分词现在分词现在分词lay放置放置;安放安放;产产(卵卵);下下(蛋蛋)laidlaidlayinglie躺躺laylainlying【学以致用【学以致用】(2013梅州中考梅州中考)I found a letter_on the floor when I came into the classroom.A.lyingB.layC.lieD.liesLinda_(放置放置)her heavy case on the ground and took a rest.I was too tired and_(躺躺)in bed for a whole day yesterday.答案答案:laidlay2.Hou Yi was so sad that he called out her name to the moon every night.后羿是如此伤心以至于他每晚都向着月亮喊她的后羿是如此伤心以至于他每晚都向着月亮喊她的名字。名字。【句型剖析【句型剖析】本句是含有结果状语从句的复合句本句是含有结果状语从句的复合句,so.that.意为意为“如此如此以至于以至于”,”,引导结果状语从句引导结果状语从句,so后接形容词、后接形容词、副词或由副词或由few,little,many,much修饰的名词。修饰的名词。【归纳拓展【归纳拓展】so.that的用法的用法(1)当主句主语与从句主语一致当主句主语与从句主语一致,且从句为肯定句时且从句为肯定句时,so.that可以与可以与enough to结构相互转换。结构相互转换。The hall is so big that it can hold five hundred people.(=The hall is big enough to hold five hundred people.)这个大厅足够大这个大厅足够大,能容纳五百人。能容纳五百人。(2)当结果状语从句表达否定意义时当结果状语从句表达否定意义时,可与可与too.to结构相互转结构相互转换。换。She was so excited that she couldnt say a word.(=She was too excited to say a word.)她太激动了她太激动了,以至于一句话也说不出来。以至于一句话也说不出来。【学以致用【学以致用】(2013滨州中考滨州中考)Li Na is_famous_all the tennis fans in China know her.A.too;toB.enough;toC.as;asD.so;that【备选要点【备选要点】one.the other.一个一个另一个另一个【语境领悟【语境领悟】*One is Mothers Day on the second Sunday of May,and the other is Fathers Day on the third Sunday of June.一个一个(节日节日)是在五月的第二个星期天的母亲节是在五月的第二个星期天的母亲节,另一个是在六另一个是在六月的第三个星期天的父亲节。月的第三个星期天的父亲节。*Mr.and Mrs.Brown have two children.One is a son,the other is a daughter.布朗夫妇有两个孩子。一个是儿子布朗夫妇有两个孩子。一个是儿子,另一个是女儿。另一个是女儿。【自主归纳【自主归纳】指两者范围内的指两者范围内的“一个一个另一个另一个”时时,用用“one.the other.”。【归纳拓展【归纳拓展】“另外的另外的”表达表达图示图示用法用法表示不确定数目中的表示不确定数目中的“一一个个另一个另一个”时时,用用one.another表示两个中的表示两个中的“一个一个另另一个一个”时时,用用one.the other图示图示用法用法强调确定数目中的强调确定数目中的“一个一个其其余的余的(全部全部)”时时,用用one.the others表示没有范围限定的表示没有范围限定的“一些一些另一些另一些(但不是全部但不是全部)”时时,用用some.others表示某一范围的表示某一范围的“一些一些其余其余的的(全部全部)”时时,用用some.the others【学以致用【学以致用】(2013孝感中考孝感中考)My family has two dogs.One is white,_is black.A.otherB.anotherC.the otherD.othersIm very sorry,Allen.I cant find your favorite CD.It doesnt matter,Tony.I can buy_one.A.anotherB.the otherC.otherD.the others感叹句感叹句【观察领悟【观察领悟】仔细观察例句仔细观察例句,体会感叹句的句式结构。体会感叹句的句式结构。1.What fun the lantern shows are!2.What a fine day it is today!3.What exciting news it is!4.What beautiful pictures they are!5.How delicious the mooncakes are!6.How happily the children are playing!【知识构建【知识构建】1.what引导的感叹句引导的感叹句,其句式结构如下其句式结构如下:(1)What+a/an+形容词形容词+可数名词单数可数名词单数+主语主语+谓语谓语!What a sunny day it is!多么晴朗的日子啊多么晴朗的日子啊!What an interesting story it is!多么有趣的一个故事啊多么有趣的一个故事啊!(2)What+形容词形容词+可数名词复数可数名词复数+主语主语+谓语谓语!What good books they are!它们是多么好的书啊它们是多么好的书啊!(3)What+形容词形容词+不可数名词不可数名词+主语主语+谓语谓语!What bad weather it is today!今天天气多么糟啊今天天气多么糟啊!【温馨提示【温馨提示】what引导的感叹句中的名词前不能用定冠词、指示代词、引导的感叹句中的名词前不能用定冠词、指示代词、名词所有格、物主代词等限定词修饰名词所有格、物主代词等限定词修饰,在口语中常把后面的陈在口语中常把后面的陈述部分述部分(即即“主语主语+谓语谓语”部分部分)省略。省略。What beautiful flowers!(=What beautiful flowers they are)!多多么漂亮的花啊么漂亮的花啊!2.how引导的感叹句引导的感叹句,其句式结构如下其句式结构如下:(1)How+形容词形容词/副词副词+主语主语+谓语谓语!How clever she is!她是多么聪明啊她是多么聪明啊!How heavily it is raining!雨下得多么大啊雨下得多么大啊!(2)How+形容词形容词+a/an+可数名词单数可数名词单数+主语主语+谓语谓语!How beautiful a girl she is!她是个多么漂亮的女孩啊她是个多么漂亮的女孩啊!(3)How+主语主语+谓语谓语!How time flies!光阴似箭光阴似箭!3.特殊形式的感叹句特殊形式的感叹句:有时感叹句也可以由一个单词、词组、祈使句等构成。有时感叹句也可以由一个单词、词组、祈使句等构成。Wonderful!好极了好极了!Good idea!好主意好主意!Thank goodness!谢天谢地谢天谢地!【学以致用【学以致用】选择选择What/What a/What an/How完成感叹句完成感叹句1._ good advice!2._ slowly he walks!3._ important information it is!4._ carefully they are listening!5._ cold it is today!答案答案:1.What2.How3.What4.How5.How6._ exciting movie it is!7._ smart the children are!8._ beautiful skirt it is!9._ friendly a man he is!10._ interesting stories they are!答案答案:6.What an7.How8.What a9.How10.What.从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空admire,shape,lay,two,refuse1.We call them mooncakes because theyre in the_ of a full moon.2.Families get together,sit in the open air,_ the moon and share mooncakes on the Mid-Autumn night.3.If you_ his invitation,hell be disappointed.答案答案:1.shape2.admire3.refuse4.Supper is ready.Could you please_ the table for dinner,Mary?Sure,mum.5.When is Mothers Day?Its on the_ Sunday of May.答案答案:4.lay5.second.单项选择单项选择1.Which of the ties will you take?Ill take both,one for my father,_for my brother.A.anotherB.otherC.the otherD.others2.I wonder_spring is a good time to visit Singapore.A.that B.whether C.where D.when3.In fact,there are many ways_our love to our parents.A.show B.shows C.showing D.to show4.Fathers Day is on the_Sunday of_.A.second;May B.second;JuneC.third;May D.third;June5._exciting sport it is!A.What B.What a C.What an D.HowUnit 2I think that mooncakes are delicious!Section B(1a1d).单词填写单词填写1.haunted(adj.)_2.ghost(n.)_3.spider(n.)_4.花招花招;把戏把戏(n.)_5.款待款待;招待招待(v.&n.)_答案答案:1.有鬼魂出没的有鬼魂出没的;闹鬼的闹鬼的2.鬼鬼;鬼魂鬼魂3.蜘蛛蜘蛛4.trick5.treat.短语匹配短语匹配1.look scary A.捉弄某人捉弄某人;开某人玩笑开某人玩笑2.light candles B.打扮打扮;穿上盛装穿上盛装3.dress up C.点燃蜡烛点燃蜡烛4.play a trick on sb.D.看起来很恐怖看起来很恐怖.句型填词句型填词1.我知道它是北美的一个深受欢迎的节日我知道它是北美的一个深受欢迎的节日,时间在十月三十一时间在十月三十一日。日。I know_ _ _ _ in North America and_ _ October 31st.2.我认为装扮成卡通人物很有趣我认为装扮成卡通人物很有趣!I think_ fun_ _ _ _ cartoon characters!答案答案:1.its a popular festival;its on2.its;to dress up as1.When is Halloween?_2.Where is Halloween popular?_答案答案:1.Its on October 31st.2.In North America.dress up打扮打扮;装饰装饰;穿上盛装穿上盛装【语境领悟【语境领悟】*Little kids and even parents dress up as ghosts or black cats.小孩甚至父母装扮成鬼或黑猫。小孩甚至父母装扮成鬼或黑猫。*She likes to dress up like a boy.她喜欢打扮得像个男孩。她喜欢打扮得像个男孩。*People dress up in new clothes during Spring Festival.在春节期间在春节期间,人们穿着新衣服。人们穿着新衣服。【自主归纳【自主归纳】dress up意为意为“打扮打扮;装饰装饰;穿上盛装穿上盛装”,其常见搭配如下其常见搭配如下:【学以致用【学以致用】Toms father likes to_(装扮成装扮成)Father Christmas on Christmas Day.答案答案:dress up as.用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空1.Its said that many girls are afraid of_(spider).2.Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse are famous cartoon _(character).3.Some people think its fun_(dress)up as ghosts on Halloween.答案答案:1.spiders2.characters3.to dress4.What does“trick or treat”mean?It means kids will play a trick on you if you_(not give)them a treat.5.Children go around the neighborhood_(ask)for candy and treats on Halloween.答案答案:4.dont give 5.to ask.单项选择单项选择1.In some countries,people try to play tricks_each other on April Fools Day.A.withB.atC.onD.to2._fun to go to a costume party on Halloween night.A.Thats B.This isC.It D.Its3._is Halloween popular?In North America.A.Why B.When C.What D.Where4.He likes to_ as a black cat on Halloween.A.put up B.dress up C.give up D.look up5.Many people make the pumpkins_ like faces and put candles in them on Halloween.A.look B.looked C.looking D.to lookUnit 2I think that mooncakes are delicious!Section B(2a2e).单词填写单词填写1.novel(n.)_2.business(n.)_3.punish(v.)_4.警告警告;告诫告诫(v.)_答案答案:1.(长篇长篇)小说小说2.生意生意;商业商业3.处罚处罚;惩罚惩罚4.warn5.现在现在;礼物礼物(n.)_6.传播传播;展开展开;蔓延蔓延(v.)_7.warm(adj.)_(n.)温暖温暖;暖和暖和答案答案:5.present6.spread7.warmth.短语互译短语互译1.care about _2.end up _3.in need _4.使记起使记起;使回想起使回想起 _ of 5.醒醒;醒来醒来 wake_答案答案:1.关心关心;在乎在乎2.最终成为最终成为;最后处于最后处于3.在危难中在危难中;在穷困中的在穷困中的4.remind5.up.句型填词句型填词1.他仅仅关心他是否能挣更多的钱他仅仅关心他是否能挣更多的钱,而且他厌恶圣诞节。而且他厌恶圣诞节。He just cares about_ _ _ make more money and he hates Christmas.2.他警告斯克鲁奇做出改变他警告斯克鲁奇做出改变,如果他不想最终像他那样。如果他不想最终像他那样。He warns Scrooge_ _ his ways_ he doesnt want to_ _ like him.答案答案:1.whether he can2.to change;if;end up3.每个人都很快乐每个人都很快乐,即使是贫穷的人。即使是贫穷的人。Everyone is happy,_ poor people.4.他决定改变他的生活并许诺做一个更好的人。他决定改变他的生活并许诺做一个更好的人。He decides to change his life and_ _ _ a better person.5.他现在用友善和温暖对待每一个人他现在用友善和温暖对待每一个人,走到哪儿就将爱和快乐走到哪儿就将爱和快乐传播到哪儿。传播到哪儿。He now_ everyone_ _ and warmth,_ love and joy everywhere he goes.答案答案:3.even 4.promises to be5.treats;with kindness;spreadingWhat is the true spirit of Christmas?_答案答案:The importance of sharing and giving love and joy to people around us.1.remind v.提醒提醒;使想起使想起;使记起使记起【语境领悟【语境领悟】*First,the Ghost of Christmas Past takes him back to his childhood and reminds Scrooge of his happier days as a child.首先首先,“圣诞过去精灵圣诞过去精灵”带斯克鲁奇回到他的童年时代并使他回带斯克鲁奇回到他的童年时代并使他回想起孩提时的快乐日子。想起孩提时的快乐日子。*The toy bear reminds me of my childhood memory.那个玩具熊唤起了我对童年的回忆。那个玩具熊唤起了我对童年的回忆。*Please remind him to attend the meeting on time.请提醒他按时参加会议。请提醒他按时参加会议。*He reminded me that I would answer the letter as early as possible.他提醒我尽早回信。他提醒我尽早回信。【自主归纳【自主归纳】remind动词动词,意为意为“提醒提醒;使想起使想起;使记起使记起”,其常见搭配如下其常见搭配如下:【学以致用【学以致用】昨晚的电视节目使我的姐姐想起两年前她在山村支教的经历。昨晚的电视节目使我的姐姐想起两年前她在山村支教的经历。The TV program last night_ my sister_ her experience as a volunteer teacher in the mountain village two years ago.Please remind me_him back.A.callB.callingC.calledD.to call答案答案:reminded;of2.He now treats everyone with kindness and warmth,spreading love and joy everywhere he goes.他现在用友善和温他现在用友善和温暖对待每一个人暖对待每一个人,走到哪儿就将爱和快乐传播到哪儿。走到哪儿就将爱和快乐传播到哪儿。【句型剖析【句型剖析】句中句中spreading love and joy everywhere he goes是现在分是现在分词短语词短语,在句中作状语在句中作状语,表示伴随。表示伴随。【归纳拓展【归纳拓展】现在分词现在分词(短语短语)作状语的用法作状语的用法(1)现在分词现在分词(短语短语)作状语时作状语时,它的逻辑主语与句子的主语一致。它的逻辑主语与句子的主语一致。Walking in the street,I found a little kid crying at the corner.(=While I was walking in the street,I found a little kid crying at the corner.)在街上走的时候在街上走的时候,我发现一个小孩在街角哭泣。我发现一个小孩在街角哭泣。(2)现在分词现在分词(短语短语)作状语作状语,可以表示时间、目的、条件、原因、可以表示时间、目的、条件、原因、结果、让步、伴随等。通常相当于一个状语从句或并列分句。结果、让步、伴随等。通常相当于一个状语从句或并列分句。Being ill,he had to stay at home.因为生病了因为生病了,他不得不待在家中。他不得不待在家中。(分词短语作原因状语分词短语作原因状语)【学以致用【学以致用】_the path that leads out of the town,you will come to a beautiful lake.A.TookB.TakingC.TakeD.Taken.用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空1.The Old Man and the Sea is a very famous novel_(write)by Hemingway.2.Look!That is the young man_(name)Jack.3.What we expect_(learn)from the novel is the true meaning of life.4.I think that people should treat each other with kindness and_(warm).5.If one breaks the law,he or she will_(punish).答案答案:1.written2.named3.to learn4.warmth5.be punished.单项选择单项选择1.Its really important_and give love and joy to people around us.A.sharing B.share C.to share D.shares2.If you dont work hard,you might_failing the exam.A.end up B.get upC.look up D.put up3.The old man lives happily,_he is poor.A.because B.until C.if D.even4.I dont like people_only care about themselves.A.what B.which C.who D.whether5.What does this piece of music remind you_?My hometown and my childhood.A.at B.of C.to D.withUnit 2I think that mooncakes are delicious!Section B(3aSelf Check)Not only do people spread them around in different hiding places for an egg hunt,but they also give out these treats as gifts.人们不仅把它们分散放到不同的藏匿的地方来玩寻找复活节彩人们不仅把它们分散放到不同的藏匿的地方来玩寻找复活节彩蛋的游戏蛋的游戏,而且他们也把这些食品当作礼物来分发。而且他们也把这些食品当作礼物来分发。【句型剖析【句型剖析】本句是一个由并列连词本句是一个由并列连词not only.but(also)连接的并列句。连接的并列句。not only.but(also)连接两个并列分句时连接两个并列分句时,not only置于句首置于句首,表示强调表示强调,其引导的句子要用部分倒装结构其引导的句子要用部分倒装结构“Not only+助动词助动词/情态动词情态动词/系动词系动词+主语主语+其他其他”,而而but(also)引导的句子用正常引导的句子用正常语序。语序。【归纳拓展【归纳拓展】not only.but also运用运用“两原则两原则”(1)并列原则并列原则:not only.but also“不但不但而且而且”是并列连是并列连词词,连接两个并列成分连接两个并列成分,其中其中also可省略。可省略。(2)就近原则就近原则:not only.but also连接两个并列主语时连接两个并列主语时,谓语动谓语动词在人称和数上要与词在人称和数上要与but also后的主语保持一致。例如后的主语保持一致。例如:Not only Tom but also David has been to the Great Wall.不仅汤姆去过长城不仅汤姆去过长城,戴维也去过。戴维也去过。【学以致用【学以致用】Not only_I feel good about helping other people,but I get to spend time doing what I love to do.A.amB.willC.didD.do【创新写作【创新写作】3b.Write a letter to your pen pal and tell him/her about your favorite Chinese festival.Use your notes in 3a.What is the name of the festival?Mid-Autumn FestivalWhen is it?The 15th day of the 8th month of the Chinese calendarWhat do people eat?MooncakesWhat do people do?Admire the moon,share mooncakes,tell folk stories about Mid-Autumn FestivalWhy do you like itso much?Families get together onMid-Autumn DayUse the following expressions to help you:My favorite Chinese festival is.It is celebrated in/on.During this festival,people.Its my favorite festival because.It makes me feel.【思路点拨【思路点拨】(1)体裁体裁:应用文。应用文。(2)人称人称:第三人称。第三人称。(3)时态时态:一般现在时。一般现在时。【写作模板【写作模板】【妙笔成篇【妙笔成篇】Dear Tony,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Yours,Li Ming【参考范文【参考范文】Dear Tony,Do you know Mid-Autumn Festival in China?Its my favorite festival.Its celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month of the Chinese calendar.During this festival,people usually hold Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations to celebrate it.People say“Happy Moon Festival”to each other.On Mid-Autumn night,families get together in the open air outside their houses,admire the moon and eat mooncakes.People also tell folk stories about Mid-Autumn Festival.For example,the story of Change is one of the most popular ones.Its my favorite festival because families get together during the festival.It makes me happy.Yours,Li Ming.从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空busy,lay,begin,celebrate,hide1.Easter is always_ on a Sunday between March 22nd and April 25th.2.Hens can_ eggs,but cocks cant.3._ eggs around the home or a garden is a popular activity during Easter.答案答案:1.celebrated2.lay3.Hiding4.What do you know about Easter?Well,I know that it celebrates the_ of new life.5.Mr.Wang is a businessman.He is flying to New York to do_ with foreign companies next Monday.答案答案:4.beginning5.business.句型转换句型转换1.The food is delicious.(改为感叹句改为感叹句)_ delicious food_ _!2.The joke is funny.(改为感叹句改为感叹句)_ _ funny joke_ _!3.Were surprised at the news.(改为感叹句改为感叹句)_ surprised we are at the news!答案答案:1.What;it is2.What a;it is3.How单元复习课Unit 2.词汇速记词汇速记1.月饼月饼(n.)_ 2.灯笼灯笼(n.)_ 3.民间的民间的;民俗的民俗的(adj.)_ 4.花园花园;园子园子(n.)_ 5.欣赏欣赏;仰慕仰慕(v.)_ 6.鬼鬼;鬼魂鬼魂(n.)_ 答案答案:1.mooncake2.lantern3.folk4.garden5.admire6.ghost7.圣诞节圣诞节(n.)_ 8.生意生意;商业商业(n.)_ 9.处罚处罚;惩罚惩罚(v.)_ 10.警告警告;告诫告诫(v.)_ 11.传播传播;展开展开;蔓延蔓延(v.&n.)_ 12.传统传统(n.)_ 答案答案:7.Christmas8.business9.punish10.warn11.spread12.tradition13.strange(adj.)_(n.)陌生人陌生人14.steal(v.)_(过去式过去式)_(过去分词过去分词)15.lay(v.)_(过去式过去式)_(过去分词过去分词)16.warm(adj.)_(n.)温暖温暖;暖和暖和答案答案:13.stranger14.stole;stolen 15.laid;laid16.warmth.短语互译短语互译1.Water Festival _ 2.Spring Festival _ 3.Dragon Boat Festival _ 4.Lantern Festival _ 5.in the shape of _ 6.care about _ 7.remind of _ 8.in need _ 答案答案:1.泼水节泼水节2.春节春节3.端午节端午节4.元宵节元宵节5.呈呈的的形状形状6.关心关心;在乎在乎7.提醒提醒;使记起使记起8.在危难中在危难中9.增加增加(体重体重);发胖发胖 put_ 10.与与相似相似 be similar_ 11.摆开摆开;布置布置 _out12.打扮打扮;装扮装扮;穿上盛装穿上盛装 dress_ 13.捉弄某人捉弄某人;开某人玩笑开某人玩笑 _a trick _sb.14.最终成为最终成为;最后处于最后处于 _up答案答案:9.on10.to


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